Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 412 Chapter 408 An Unexpected Future Neighbor

"Brother Su, I have good news. The landlord of the house in Xingang called me just now, saying that the house has dropped to 400 million." When going down the mountain, Chen Yihua told Su Wei the good news.

That is the house he plans to give to Wang Xiaoyuan's parents, and the landlord's current price is only 1400 million US dollars.

"Didn't he bite 1470 million before, why did it drop by 70 now?" Su Wei was curious, and Wang Xiaoyuan told him yesterday that the landlord wanted 1470 million.

At that time, he was still thinking that he would buy the house in Xingang after seeing the house today.

After all, there is no uniform price for a house, the price is about the same.

And if this house is bought, he can move there to live at that time.

Unexpectedly, in just one night, the landlord took the initiative to drop 70 US dollars.

"Because today he heard that I brought you to Beverly Hills to view the house, he might have panicked." The landlord in Xingang knew his house, and a Chinese wanted to buy it very much.

At the beginning, he bit the price to death.

After all, his house was really nice. It was on the mountainside of Crystal Bay, and he could directly see the beach and the Pacific Ocean from the backyard.

But he knew that when Chen Yihua took her client to Beverly Hills today, he panicked.

Because Xingang has never been the first choice among the rich Chinese, but Irvine and Beverly Hills.

In the case of wrong information, he directly lowered 70 by himself.

"Awei, 400 million, the price of that house has been reduced by 200 million, should we take it?" Wang Xiaoyuan unexpectedly dragged on for a day, and the house lost 70.

If the 70 yuan is saved, the property tax for this house can be paid for several years.

The real estate tax of houses in California is relatively cheap, basically around [-]%.

If it is an ordinary house, it may be less than one percent.

But this 1000 million house must be more than one percent.

"It's almost there, sister, if you ask the landlord less, Yuanyuan will be able to sign the contract tomorrow." Su Wei was not very satisfied with the price.

He is a Chinese, and he doesn't like numbers with four in them.

So if you ask the landlord to do less, you can sign the contract.

"Okay, this should be fine. I'll talk to the landlord tonight." Chen Yihua is also from Huaxia, and of course she knows the Chinese people's taboo on the number four.

This time, what Su Wei meant was that the price needs to be lowered a bit.

If it was before, Chen Yihua would be so happy to open such a big order.

But now that she has seen the houses in Beverly Hills and Bel-Air, she is now preoccupied with selling them.

After all, the words between George and her belonged to a cooperative relationship, and she also got a commission after selling the house.

"Senior sister, you said that Awei gave George 1.4 million US dollars, can he take these two houses?" The quotations of these two houses are almost 2.1 million US dollars.

Now Su Wei counter-offered them to 1.4 million US dollars, which was a full 7000 million US dollars short.

Wang Xiaoyuan was a little uncertain about whether she could win the house.

As an insider, Chen Yihua wanted to ask her opinion.

"Vivienne, don't worry, the price of this kind of luxury house in the United States is relatively high. As long as you don't encounter bullying to raise the price, this house is very likely to be sold." The listing price of the luxury house in the United States is Lie a fool. …

Often the actual transaction price will be broken.

For example, the No. 924 house, which initially quoted 2.5 million yuan, is now hard to sell for 1.5 million yuan.

If you want to make a deal, the only way is to continue to lower the price.

"Ah, that's right. I thought the houses here were clearly priced. It seems that Americans are not honest." There is a kind of thinking in China that Europeans and Americans are all straightforward.

Only Chinese people have so many twists and turns.

But after contacting Wang Xiaoyuan, she felt that these people were not careless.

It seems that only those who have really come out and contacted will know how outrageous those public knowledge in China are.

"If the old Americans want to be honest, they will only be ordinary people. If the high-level officials are honest, how can it be the most powerful country?" America's number one in the world did not call itself.

Its first place is entirely due to cheap and Hollywood publicity.

If the top executives of Laomei were honest people, their propaganda would be so powerful.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Who's calling? Let's see if you don't answer it." When Wang Xiaoyuan saw Su Wei's phone rang, he immediately hung up.

This made Wang Xiaoyuan full of curiosity about the caller.

After all, you could tell from Su Wei's expression that he was impatient.

"I don't know either. This number called me dozens of times last night. I think it's a nuisance call." The reason why Su Wei didn't want to answer this call is actually very simple.

That is, he felt that the number was probably from Yangyang.

After all, Yangyang called him yesterday and made hundreds of calls.

It would still be bad if he answered in front of Wang Xiaoyuan. He planned to wait until he got back to answer the call.

"Why don't you pick it up, or he may keep calling, look, it's coming again." Wang Xiaoyuan understood at this time that this number should belong to a girl.

Otherwise, Su Wei wouldn't have been unanswered.

It must be because he is here that he hesitates so much.

But as long as she is Su Wei's real girlfriend, no woman outside can ever step into this house, that's enough.

"Then don't talk, I'll see who it is.

Hey, who are you?" Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't care, Su Wei picked up the phone.

In fact, he himself was quite puzzled about the phone call.

After all, I made dozens of calls yesterday, and I can continue to make them now.

"Thank God, I finally got through. Su Wei, I'm Zhou Xiaohui." After Zhou Xiaohui woke up today, she started calling Su Wei early when she saw the time.

She kept calling until the afternoon yesterday, and she didn't stop until her cell phone ran out of battery.

But today is better than yesterday, because yesterday afternoon, the phone did not respond.

But today's first call, the opposite party hung up immediately.

Although the other party hung up, at least it proved that the other party saw it.

In this case, then Zhou Xiaohui must continue to call Su Wei immediately.

Unexpectedly, after the phone rang a few times this time, the other person answered her call.

She hurriedly reported her family name, for fear that she would hang up the phone on the other side if she spoke too slowly.

"Zhou Xiaohui? I don't know you. You keep calling, are you looking for something?" Su Wei will never forget the name Zhou Xiaohui. …

Because it was this girl who taunted him in the game in high school.

And in reality, she had warned Su Wei to stay away from Shen Manyin.

If it wasn't for her, Shen Manyin wouldn't have stopped playing games with him.

"Why don't you know me anymore? I'm your high school alumni." Zhou Xiaohui originally thought that Su Wei should yell at her.

She was already planning to bear the anger from Su Wei.

Who knew that Su Wei said something here, he didn't know her.

The most shocking thing in the world is being ignored.

"Okay, you are my high school alumni, so what are you planning to do when you call? Are you borrowing money? Or inviting me to the wedding?" Su Wei of course pretended not to know Zhou Xiaohui on purpose.

But every word is humiliating her.

Su Wei is stingy, but his temper will not change just because he is rich.

After all, if his personality changed, would he still be him?

"I don't ask you to borrow money, and I don't intend to invite you to my wedding. What, my boyfriend is not married at all. I called you because I want you to let my master go." Zhou Xiaohui listened Seeing Su Wei, he recognized her as Da Qiufeng's classmate.

She is so angry, but she can't attack yet.

After all, when she called Su Wei this time, she was asking for something.

Even if she is angry, she has to endure it.

"Your master? Who is your master? Do I know him? How did he offend me?" Su Wei smiled slightly, and only then did he know why Zhou Xiaohui came to him.

No, he was a little curious about how her master offended him.

After all, Su Wei and her should be in two worlds now.

"My master is Zhao Yongqiang. He is the Huangpu police station who dealt with your old bungalow this time. Hey, why did he hang up?" Zhou Xiaohui didn't say anything, but the other person hung up.

When I called again, I found that I had been blacklisted.

At this moment, she had a feeling in her heart that things might not be easy to handle this time.

"Who is it? You just hung up the phone." Wang Xiaoyuan was worried for a long time just now, thinking it was a call from a woman outside.

When Su Wei connected, she was really a woman, and she was aroused at that time.

Who knew later that this woman was only from a school in Su Wei High School, and she belonged to the kind of people who couldn't get together.

"A yellow-haired girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth"

The next day.

"Brother Su, we come here this time, and we feel that the treatment is different." After Li Ziwei waited for the plane to stabilize, he saw that Jennifer had brought someone over to pick him up.

However, the pick-up team this time is far better than last time.

Because the two cars that Jennifer drove to pick up the airport last time were driven by Su Wei and the others.

"It's really different, this time Jennifer sent you a convoy directly." Last time there were only two pickup trucks, but this time it was a Mercedes-Benz convoy that came to pick you up.

A total of eight Mercedes-Benz, three sedans and five SUVs.

And the three cars in front are Mercedes-Benz Maybachs.

"Su, welcome to Montana again." Jennifer hugged Su Wei directly after seeing Su Wei coming down. …

After all, after the sale of Beaver Manor this time, she immediately became a little rich woman.

At that time, she will buy the house to a high-end iron-gated community in California.

With her current money, she can completely buy a house in full.

"Jennifer, when I came last time, you came to meet me in a pickup truck, but this time I came here, you even drove a Mercedes-Benz convoy to pick me up." When she got in the car and came to Montana, Jennifer drove two Pickup trucks.

It turned out that the two cars were still driven by themselves.

Now that the ranch was about to be sold, she even arranged for a Mercedes-Benz team.

This made Su Wei feel a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't call these cars, they were arranged by the Koch family." Jennifer can't handle these cars.

Because a Mercedes-Benz Maybach is not practical in Montana at all, rental car companies don't buy it very often.

This time it was the Koch family who arranged the convoy.

After all, their family is in Montana, with oil and mines, and it is really easy to arrange a Mercedes-Benz team.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am the butler of the Koch family. You can call me Ferrum." In the big families in the United States, there have always been butlers.

It seems that it is already a modern society, but these big families in the United States are still the same as the old society.

No matter how the outside world changes, their insides are always the same as they were dozens or hundreds of years ago.

"Hello Ferrum." Su Wei looked at the butler in front of him, and knew that although he was rich, he was still a bit too rich.

Because in his heart, he still pursues equality for everyone.

Although I have so much money, I never thought about finding a housekeeper.

"Please get in the car, Master Allen is already waiting for you at the farm." There is not only one butler in the Koch family.

After all, the wealth of the Koch family exceeds 1000 billion US dollars.

Ferrum, the housekeeper, is the fifth-generation heir of the Koch family, Alan Koch.

"Then let's get in the car"

"Hi, hello, you must be Su, and I'm Alan Koch." The Koch family has been passed down for five generations.

When their family first started, they did a small business in the Northern Federation.

Later, it transported materials during the Civil War, and slowly began to rise.

By the time of Allen Koch, he had already made a fortune for the fifth generation.

This time, because the ranch is only a few hundred million, it was used to train Allen.

"Hello, I'm Su Wei." Su Wei looked at the young man in front of him, and let him understand what a proud man is.

Although Su Wei has been rich for a while, but in front of Allen, he can still feel that his temperament is much worse.

This kind of thing can't be helped, it can't be cultivated in a short time.

However, compared to Allen's introvertedness, Su Wei is much more bold and unrestrained.

After all, one is rich in the family, while the other is rich in himself.

"I heard that the person who bought the ranch was a young man in his 20s. I thought Lawrence was lying to me. After all, there are very few people your age who like to be a ranch owner." Know that the buyer is young. …

But when they actually met, he realized that Su Wei was too young.

If Allen was outside, he might have thought that Su Wei was in college.

"Because I like hunting, but in my country, hunting is illegal." Su Wei didn't understand why hunting was so strictly controlled in China.

Protect that kind of endangered wild animals, there is nothing wrong with this.

But the wild boars and hares that are flooded, why are they fined and detained if they are beaten.

Here in the United States, white leftists are rampant, while in China, they like to save trouble and make one size fits all.

"Then you bought the beaver manor and bought it right. This place is simply a hunting paradise, especially the Grizzly Bear Mountain inside. I killed a black bear on it." The children in the United States have basically gone hunting in the mountains.

Especially for wealthy families like the Koch family, hunting is carried out every year.

Will sell the beaver farm, mainly because they do not intend to continue to operate the ranch.

In their family, there are several ranches dedicated to hunting.

"Is there a brown bear here? That's the absolute king." Su Wei was envious when he heard that Alan had killed a black bear.

So far, he hasn't even killed a hare.

But compared to the black bear, he wanted to fight the brown bear more.

Because in the forest, the brown bear is the absolute king. If he kills the brown bear, he may brag for a lifetime.

"I heard that some people have seen brown bears on Grizzly Mountain, but I haven't seen them. After all, I still prefer to stay in California." Although the Koch family bought Beaver Manor, it has been 38 years.

But they didn't pay much attention to this ranch.

It is mainly the income from the Beaver Manor, which is too little for their family.

Allen is 25 years old this year, but he hasn't been here a few times.

"Are you in California? I'm in California too. Which community in California are you in?" Su Wei didn't expect that this Allen was also in California.

For this Alan, he thinks he is quite talkative.

Anyway, the lawyer was looking at the documents now, and he was bored, so he happened to have a chat with Allen.

"I buy it, it's such a coincidence, I'm in Bel-Air in Los Angeles, are you also there?" When Allen said Bel-Air, he saw Su Wei's expression.

Knowing that he is very likely, living in the same place as him.

After all, there are too many rich people living in the Platinum Triangle in Los Angeles.

Especially next door is West Hollywood, which is the entertainment district of Los Angeles, full of bars and nightclubs on the street.

"I have taken a fancy to the house at 1200 Bel-Air, maybe I will be your neighbor for a while." Su Wei really didn't expect that Alan also lived in Bel-Air.

Sure enough, it is the top community in the United States, and the Koch family also lives here.

"No. 1200? Do you know the number of my house? No. 1199, I am the neighbor of the house next to you"

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