Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 413 White Tiger

"Su, congratulations on becoming the owner of the Beaver Manor. Starting today, everything in the Beaver Manor belongs to you." Seeing that Su Wei signed the contract, Alan stood up and congratulated Su Wei.

Before him, he was always very proud because he was a member of the Koch family.

But now that he met Su Wei, he felt that he was nothing for the first time.

Because Su Wei was about the same age as him, he was already able to make this $[-] million deal.

"Thank you, Alan, are you really not staying in the manor for a day? I plan to have some drinks with you at night." Before coming to Montana this time, Su Wei had already contacted the best law firm here.

After they confirmed that there was no problem with the contract, they signed it directly.

Originally, he planned to entertain Allen well in the evening.

Because he felt that Alan didn't have the problem of a big family aloof, so he could try to make friends.

"You know, I haven't become independent yet. After signing the contract this time, I have to go home immediately." A child from a big family like Alan has far less freedom than Su Wei.

If Alan and his family had made their fortune in his father's generation, they wouldn't be so restrained.

It is because their family made a fortune too early, so there are many rules.

Although he wanted to stay, he also knew that his grandfather wanted to hear his report as soon as possible.

"That's such a pity" Su Wei has now become the owner of the ranch, so he plans to have a bonfire party tonight.

Everyone bragging and drinking together can also deepen their relationship.

Most importantly, he could feel that Allen was also an old pervert.

And he is not familiar with the place where he was born in the United States, so the resources can't keep up.

People like him and Li Ziwei can sleep with different women every day in China.

But here, the resources are really pitiful.

"It's okay, when you go back to California, I'll give you a surprise then." Allen talked, and he didn't know what kind of person he was.

As far as women are concerned, his resources should not be too rich.

Moreover, the women he came into contact with were not ordinary women, they were all famous ones.

"I can't wait to hear what you said." After hearing what Allen said, Su Wei just wanted to go back to California.

But he just thought about this kind of thing. After all, he just took over the ranch, and there are still a lot of things waiting for him.

This time when he came to Montana, he brought Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng with him.

Neither his father nor Zhang Ruoyu came over this time.

"By the way, I came here this time and heard that you like hunting, so I brought you a special gift." After Alan learned that Su Wei likes hunting yesterday, he specially sent a private plane to bring a gift from Kansas.

He believed that this gift would definitely satisfy Su Wei.

After all, there should be very few Asians who don't like this gift.

"Gift? What is it?" Su Wei heard that Alan was going to give him a gift, and thought he was going to give him a gun.

After all, he himself said that the gift he gave had something to do with hunting.

After Su Wei bought the ranch this time, he planned to get his green card.


If he buys a gun by then, there won't be so many restrictions.

"You can see it after reading it. I believe you will be satisfied. Let's go, the gift is outside." Alan's gift has just been delivered.

He is going to greet him now, and he specially gave this gift to Su Wei this time.

There is no way, although the plane has already departed very early, but it still takes more than an hour to drive to the airport.

"Ah Wei, you're out, how's the talk going?" Su Wei was surrounded by groups just as he came out.

After all, Li Ziwei and the others couldn't get in when he just went in to negotiate the contract.

Now that Su Wei came out, of course Li Renfeng and the others wanted to know the result.

"The contract has been signed, and now the Beaver Manor is mine." Su Wei said this, but there is actually a little problem.

Because although he signed the contract, the money has not yet been transferred.

Only after the money is transferred and the transfer of ownership is completed, the ranch will be considered his.

But he doesn't need to do these things, the lawyers will help him get everything done, and they are the ones who will get Su Wei a green card.

After all, he was charged hundreds of thousands of dollars this time, and it was impossible to get so much money just by helping him read the contract.

"Holy shit, Niubi, this 34-acre ranch is really your territory, Brother Su." Li Ziwei was super excited when he saw Su Wei nodding.

Although this ranch has nothing to do with him.

But this ranch belongs to Su Wei, he must have no problem with hunting here every year.

After all, Su Wei is his good friend, and he is also generous.

"Su, congratulations, you are now a super rancher, the kind that can be ranked in the entire United States." Seeing that the contract was signed, Jennifer let go of a big stone in her heart.

When signing the contract this time, she was not allowed to go in, and she was always in fear outside.

Now that the contract is signed, she can already start looking at houses and cars.

"I also want to congratulate you. After this business deal is finished, you will become a little rich woman." When Su Wei came to Montana before, he was always thinking about the contract.

So even though Jennifer kept leaning on him, he remained indifferent.

But now that the contract was signed, he realized that today's Jennifer was wearing very individual clothes.

Inside is a white shirt and outside is a linen trench coat.

Her outfit, against the backdrop of a group of cowgirls, looks so outstanding.

"I bought a good bottle of wine this time, would you like to come to my room tonight?" Although a few days had passed, Jennifer still missed that night very much.

Knowing that Su Wei was coming this time, she deliberately went to Helena and spent thousands of dollars on clothes and wine.

Seeing Su Wei's eyes now, she knew that the money was spent correctly.

But she believed that Su Wei would be even more excited when he saw the clothes inside her.

"Su, look, this is the gift I prepared for you." Just as Su Wei was about to answer Jennifer, Allen picked up a little guy from the Cadillac that came in.

Allen knew the tiger at home this time, and gave birth to a white cub.

He saw that Su Wei liked hunting very much, so he planned to give it to Su Wei.


But after actually getting in touch with the little tiger, I was a little reluctant to give it away.

"What is this? It doesn't seem to be a cat, but a little white tiger?" Li Ziwei looked at the small animal in Alan's arms, and at first he thought it was a cat.

But when he saw the stripes on its body, he knew that this creature was definitely not simple.

Take a closer look, isn't this the little white tiger.

"Yes, this is a little tiger, and it's also a Siberian white tiger" The Siberian tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger.

It is the largest known tiger species.

In fact, tigers are not uncommon now, and white tigers are not uncommon either.

But the white Siberian tiger is more rare, because most of the white tigers are Bengal tigers.

"Siberian white tiger? This little guy is so cute, how old is it?" Su Wei fell in love with this white tiger the first time he saw it.

After all, it is so small now, it is too cute.

It is unimaginable that this little guy can shatter the glass of a car with a slap when he grows up.

"It's only over a month old now. I know you like hunting, so I brought it to you specially." People who like hunting like to raise beasts.

After Alan knew that Su Wei liked to hunt, he asked someone to hug the white tiger just born in his family.

Moreover, he saw that it was very cold in Montana in winter, and he specially bought a Siberian tiger.

Because the Siberian tiger is more cold-tolerant, while the Bengal tiger likes places with hotter weather.

"It's really cute, but will it be dangerous when it grows up?" Although Su Wei likes this white tiger very much, he is a little scared.

After all, tigers are beasts, who knows if they are wild.

If you grow up and give someone a bite suddenly, it will be terrible.

"It doesn't matter. I have a lot of tigers at home. They are not dangerous at all. I will introduce you to a tiger breeder. With her here, I can help you raise them better." When Alan saw Su Wei talking , has already hugged the white tiger.

I knew that he must have been moved, but he was still a little scared.

In Allen's family, there are more than ten tigers.

There are both Siberian tigers and Bengal tigers, and there are basically no injuries.

But seeing that Su Wei was worried, he planned to introduce him to a breeder.

"Brother Su, why don't you take care of it, if it's still wild and unruly when you get older, let's talk about it later." Li Ziwei thought, of course it was raising.

If the tiger is really not familiar with it, wait until it is older and then find a way to lock it up.

Anyway, Su Wei is rich and feeds it every day, so he doesn't believe that he is not familiar with it.

"Su, in fact, it is very common to raise such large animals in the United States. If you like it, you can raise them. They are not much different from kittens and puppies." In Jennifer's eyes, it is normal to raise a tiger But that's all.

Because when she was young, her grandfather raised leopards all the time.

There are no less than [-] tigers kept in American households, which is more than all wild tigers combined.

"Then let me try"

"Brother Su, I was outside with Brother Feng just now, and I saw Lawrence packed up his luggage, and it seemed that he was about to leave." Li Ziwei quickly told Su Wei that Lawrence was leaving after seeing Alan leave.


Because they were outside and saw Lawrence packing his luggage.

They got acquainted with Lawrence because they had been flying and hunting before.

Just asked him why he was packing, and Lawrence told them he was going to quit.

"He's leaving? That's not okay. If he leaves, what will happen to my ranch?" Su Wei was startled when he heard that Lawrence was leaving.

After all, he knows nothing about running a ranch.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to take care of the ranch by himself in the future. After Lawrence left, he still needs to find a manager.

But the new manager, who knows if Lawrence is so worry-free.

"Hurry up, Ah Wei, he's about to get into the car." At this time, Li Renfeng's sharp eyes saw that Lawrence was about to get into the car.

He hurriedly asked Su Wei to act, and don't let Lawrence just go away.

After all, after leaving such a worry-free manager, it is not easy to find the same one.

"Hey, Lawrence, where are you going?" Su Wei hurried to the parking lot with the little tiger in his arms.

When Lawrence was about to get into the Raptor car, he was stopped.

Because if Lawrence left, it would not be so easy to recruit someone to take over.

And he couldn't stay in Montana all the time, after all, he wasn't interested in ranching, he just liked hunting.

"Now that the Koch family has sold the ranch to you, I think I should go too." Lawrence was of course very reluctant to leave this time.

After all, he has been here for more than 30 years.

It is rare for a person to have three 30 years in a lifetime.

In other words, he has been on the ranch for half his life.

And he knows everything about the manor.

But now that the Kochs are gone, he should too.

"Why? Didn't you do a good job in the ranch?" Su Weineng could feel that Lawrence was very reluctant to be here.

And he didn't intend to make a substitution, so why should Lawrence leave?

"My son is now in Great Rapids, running a small ranch, and I plan to go there to enjoy retirement," Lawrence said, but it was just an excuse.

Because his son works in an office in Great Rapids.

He loved being a cowboy all his life, but his son and daughter left the ranch when they grew up.

The son went to Great Rapids instead of the older Helena, fearing that Lawrence would come and force him to become a cowboy.

"I know you are planning to resign alone because the contract stipulates that I cannot fire the ranch employees, but I think you are a good ranch manager, so I still hope you can stay." Su Wei last time When I came here, I could feel Lawrence's thoughts.

Unexpectedly, now that his contract was signed, Lawrence really planned to leave.

This time, although Lawrence stated in the contract, he cannot be fired without reason within five years.

But when he bought this ranch, he planned to run it, and never thought of firing people.

After all, he has to rely on these people to earn the land tax for the ranch every year.

"But I'm a stubborn person. If I continue to be here, it may make it difficult for you to manage the ranch." Lawrence also wanted to leave for another reason, that is, he was afraid of disagreements with Su Wei later.


After all, since he became the ranch manager, the Koch family has never cared about specific affairs.

He was afraid that Su Wei would be an outsider instructing an insider in the future, so he might as well just buy a small ranch and retire early.

Anyway, he has been managing the ranch for more than 15 years, and he still has some savings in his hands.

"You have been at the ranch for more than 30 years. I believe that having you here will definitely make the ranch run better, so I will not interfere with the matter of the ranch. Just like the Koch family, you have the final say here." Su When Wei bought this ranch, he must be a shopkeeper.

Only if you want to hunt, you will come here.

And as long as there is no major disturbance in the ranch, then he has no intention of firing Lawrence.

"Is this true? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Lawrence didn't expect that Su Wei would also plan to be the shopkeeper.

If that's the case, he really has no reason to leave.

After all, being a small rancher is not as comfortable as being the manager of a beaver farm.

Helicopters are used to drive cattle and sheep here, how could there be such a thing in the small ranch.

"Of course it's true, because I said that the main purpose of buying this ranch is to be able to hunt here." Su Wei is so rich now, he only intends to enjoy life.

Taking care of the ranch, even if he can earn [-] million US dollars a year, he has no interest at all.

The life Su Wei yearns for is feasting and feasting, not seeing cattle and sheep in the breeze.

"Su, I won't let you down"

Do whatever you want from today

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