Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 414 Private Airstrip

Chapter 414 Private Airstrip
"Su, here is the list of items in the ranch." Since Lawrence didn't leave, he started to work.

He called Su Wei to the office, and then reported to him what was still in the ranch.

After all, Su Wei is the boss now, and he wants him to have an idea of ​​his ranch.

"Wow, it's not bad, the Koch family actually kept all the tools." Su Wei looked at it, and the tools were quite complete.

There are all kinds of lawn mowers, milking machines, harvesters, balers and so on.

It seems that when the Koch family planned to sell the ranch, they just sold the cattle and sheep in the ranch.

These things normally buy a ranch, and the previous ranch owner would sell them all.

After all, there are so many things, but they can be sold for a lot of money.

"The Koch family sold the ranch this time, but they just sold all the cattle and sheep in the ranch, and even kept the most valuable helicopters." This time, the Koch family left a lot for Su Wei. good stuff.

After all, there are a total of five helicopters in the four areas of Beaver Manor.

Plus as many as 20 mountain bikes, more than ten pickups and more than ten tractors.

Lawrence actually calculated the price of these things at the beginning, and it was no less than 2000 million US dollars.

Of course, compared with the 3.8 million US dollars for selling the ranch, this money is not a lot.

"Lawrence, the pasture is empty now. How many cows do you think we should raise?" Su Wei must use such a large pasture.

After all, there are still so many mouths waiting to be fed in the ranch.

He didn't expect the ranch to make much money, at least he had to offset all the ranch's expenses.

"We now have 32 cowboys in the ranch, and it is no problem to put 8 cows at the limit." Although the Beaver Manor has 34 acres, the pasture is only 26 acres.

In fact, if you really want to release it, it is no problem to put more than 15 cattle.

But if you put 15 cows, the cowboys will not be enough.

And if you really raise so many cattle, it is not easy to sell beef cattle every year.

Because of the previous partners, they couldn't eat so much meat.

Unless the meat can be sold outside the United States.

"How was the arrangement in the ranch before?" Su Wei bought this ranch for hunting.

No matter how large the ranch farming was before, he just planned to keep it.

After all, the Koch family has been a hands-off shopkeeper for decades.

Believe their words, they must be very experienced.

"You have also seen the Koch family. They bought this ranch without intending to make a lot of money from it, and your mentality is similar to that of Su.

In the previous ranch, there were more than 6 Angus cattle and more than 2000 sheep.” The Koch family is similar to Su Wei, they only need this ranch to make ends meet.

But I didn't expect that the Angus cattle raised, I don't know if it is all due to grain feeding, the quality of the meat is very good.

Every year, after deducting all expenses, you can still earn 200 million US dollars.

But the Koch family earns billions of dollars a year.

The little money earned by the ranch is small money in his eyes.

It is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it, so I plan to sell it when I see the current market of the ranch is good.

"More than 6 Angus cattle? Then buy 1.5 cattle in a while, [-] for each region, and then buy me some Chinese cattle. I prefer to eat this kind of cattle. Meat.

The number of sheep is a bit too much. If you raise 1000 sheep and then 100 pigs, if you don’t have enough manpower, you can recruit some cowboys to raise them.” Su Wei plans to become his breeding base here at Beaver Manor.

From now on, all the meat eaten at home will come from here.

After all, only the meat from our own ranch can guarantee that no hormones and technology are used.

If the cowboy is too busy, he intends to hire some people to take care of his cattle, sheep and pigs.

"At that time, I will directly set aside an area to raise the livestock requested by Su Ni." Lawrence knew that the super rich families had their own food channels.

It's just that the Koch family is too rich, and their family is in Kansas.

Now that Lawrence sees that Su Wei is going to support his family's rations in the beaver manor, he is very anxious.

After all, the previous beaver manor was sold because it had never been involved in providing food for the Koch family.

Beaver Manor has a grassland of 26 acres, and it is not easy to raise 6 cattle.

At least half of the area still cannot be fully utilized.

"What kind of crops are grown on the farm?" Su Wei did not forget that there are more than 3 acres of farms in the ranch.

With such a big farm, he must also make use of it.

"The farm at Beaver Manor is mainly planted with barley, oats and sugar beets", these three things are the main crops in Montana.

Moreover, these crops are relatively cold-resistant.

Because of the weather here in Montana, it snows a lot in winter.

"Give me 1000 acres of land on the farm, and I will grow other crops." Such a large area must be used to provide food for my family.

Su Wei plans to arrange wheat, rice, corn, soybeans and other crops here.

After all, the current living environment is really too bad.

Unscrupulous businessmen and imperfect mechanisms will be recruited even if they spend a lot of money.

"There is no problem with these, Su, why don't you go and see where the Koch family lived before, there are surprises waiting for you there." Lawrence was eager for Su Wei to plant more things in the ranch.

After all, only the more he needs it, the Beaver Manor will not be sold again.

It was sold without hesitation because it was of no use to the Koch family.

"Yes, then I must go and see.

Afeng, Weiwei, stop playing, we are going to look at the houses in the villa area now." Su Wei has coveted this villa on the top of the mountain for a long time.

Because he did not have his own home during the time he came to the United States.

Although it didn't feel like being dependent on others, it must be more comfortable in your own home.

Now that he bought the Beaver Manor, he finally has his own property in the United States.

The United States is different from Europe. He didn't buy a house in Europe because he didn't like Europe.

In the time to come, he will definitely run around the country and the United States.

The most important thing is that he can live in tonight.

"Brother Su, it's so cool to ride a horse here, why don't you drive, let's go on a horse." When Su Wei was chatting with Lawrence just now, Li Ziwei and the others borrowed two horses from the ranch for a ride.

After all, Su Wei and the others are talking about business, so they don't want to disturb them.

Most of the grassland on Laomei's side is relatively flat land.

Rich second generations like Li Ziwei and the others have all taken formal equestrian lessons.

"Horse riding, this..." Su Wei had never ridden a horse before meeting the aliens.

After all, the place where he lives is a small city in the south.

If you are in the north, you may have access to horses with average family conditions.

But the family conditions in the south are average, and it is likely that it is good to have access to mules.

"Su, don't you know how to ride a horse?" Lawrence saw that Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng could run on horseback, and thought that the three of them should know how to ride.

But I didn't expect that Su Wei, the richest of the three, could not ride a horse.

"Our country is very big, and there are very few horses in the south." Su Wei didn't know how to explain it to Lawrence.

After all, the south of the country is basically dominated by mountainous areas.

Unlike the north, there are relatively open plains.

Most cities in the south are built among several mountains.

Such things as horses are rarely seen in the south.

"Then let's drive, your friends and the others can come on horseback." Although Lawrence didn't understand, he still tried to understand.

In fact, in the ranch, riding a horse is more comfortable than driving.

But Li Ziwei and the others didn't plan to get off the horse, so he could only drive up with Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei is the new boss, and he still needs to introduce him to the situation of the ranch.

"President Su, can I also ride a horse?" Liu Qiang just saw Li Ziwei and the others riding a horse, he was so envious.

Because when he was young, he was exposed to horse riding.

Now that he has the opportunity, he also wants to try riding a horse.

"Old Liu, you can also ride a horse? Then you can choose one yourself, Xiao Guo, do you ride a horse?" There are not many other horses in the ranch, but there are really many horses.

Regardless of the fact that there are more than 30 employees, there are more than 80 horses.

When the Koch family sold it, they only sold cattle and sheep, and did not move a batch of horses.

"President Su, you know my family conditions, I have never been in contact with horses." Xiao Guo was the bodyguard who drove directly into Yang Jiale's McLaren P1 last time.

Because after that incident, he personally protected Su Wei.

This time when he came to Montana, Su Wei brought two bodyguards, one of whom was him.

"That's right, I thought everyone could ride a horse."

. . . . . .

"From here is the place where the Koch family used to live, but they seldom come to live here.

There should have been guards here at the iron gate, but now they have also left with the Koch family, so this place is empty." The car drove to the foot of the mountain, and Lawrence stopped the car.

Because there is a big iron gate here, he needs to go to open the gate.

There were security guards here before, but now the security guards have gone with the Koch family.

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that the open space next to this place is a pity." Su Wei looked here and found that the trees on both sides of the road were very old.

And many trees require at least two people to hold them.

It can be seen that there should be people taking care of it frequently.

It's just that outside the iron fence, there is a large flat open space, and there is nothing planted, just empty there.

"This place was originally planned by the Koch family to repair the airport runway, but it was never repaired because they rarely came here." The Koch family specially opened up a large open space at the foot of the mountain.

It was originally planned to build a private airport so that it would be convenient for them to come over.

After all, they come here once, and it takes more than an hour to drive halfway.

But after counting the cost, and counting the cost, their family can't come twice a year, so they just left it alone and never repaired it.

"The airstrip is being built here? Lawrence, please stop and let me take a look at this land.

Hey, it's really good, if the runway can be repaired, then I will go directly to the ranch when I get off the plane." Su Wei has a lot of opinions about driving for an hour or two after getting off the plane.

If a runway can be built here, then there is no need to waste time on the road.

When you get off the plane, you can go straight home and sleep.

"Ah Wei, why did you stop? What are you looking at?" Li Renfeng and the others were riding on horses, and saw Su Wei and the others standing beside the barbed wire fence from a distance.

Looking in their direction, there was nothing ahead but a clearing.

"Do you think this place is very good if you build an airstrip?" The more Su Wei looked at this place, the more he thought it was good, and he planned to build an airport here.

It will be much more convenient when his family comes to hunt.

And there is an airport at home, so I don't know how many people will be scared to death when I say this.

"Airplane runway? Here? It seems really good. The ground here is so flat that the runway was supposed to be repaired before, otherwise it wouldn't be so smooth." Li Renfeng took a look and found that this place should have been repaired before the runway.

Otherwise, how could the ground be so flat.

In the later stage, as long as the concrete is done well, then the plane can really take off and land here.

This kind of thing is not allowed in China, but in the United States, this kind of thing can basically be passed as long as you apply.

After all, the private airports in the United States have more than 3 seats.

Although most of these airports can only take off and land ultra-small aircraft.

"After the procedures are completed, I will find someone to fix the runway, otherwise every time I come here, I will waste time on the road."

. . . . . .

"The last time I saw this place from a plane, I could already feel that the houses here are very big, but now I get closer and realize that this place is simply a manor." The last time Su Wei and the others were on a plane, they flew over to see this place.

But at that time, they were at a height of tens of meters, and they only saw it from a distance.

Now that I look closely, I realize that the house is so big.

"The Koch family has a large number of people, so when building houses, the area is relatively large.

I seldom come here, and it's all managed by Ms. Laura, who has been here for more than ten years.

Hi, Ms. Laura, this gentleman is the new owner of the ranch." This place is where the Koch family lives.

Although it is in the ranch, cowboys cannot come here.

Although Lawrence is the manager, he only comes here occasionally.

"Hi, Ms. Laura, I'm Su Wei." Su Wei looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman in front of him and knew that she should be the housekeeper of the manor.

After looking at this beautiful woman, there are more than 10 girls standing.

Some of these people are older, over 40 years old.

There are also younger ones, probably in their 20s.

"Hi Mr. Su, you can call me Laura directly.

Let me show you around the house, after all, no one here is more familiar than me." Laura knew in advance that the Beaver Manor was going to be sold than Lawrence.

Originally, she wanted to go with the Koch family, but she didn't expect Lawrence to specify in the contract that they could not be fired without reason.

Since this is the case, Laura chose to stay.

After all, this house has been built for 15 years, and she has worked here for 14 years, so she already has feelings.

"Is there any milk? This little guy in my arms is a little hungry." Su Wei couldn't put it down for the little tiger that Allen gave him.

Whether it's talking about things or riding in the car, he holds it in his arms all the time.

When the little guy started, he was still struggling.

After staying with Su Wei for a long time, he gave up struggling. I don't know if he knows that it is not Su Wei's opponent now.

Just when he was about to get off the car, Su Wei saw that it had been licking his hand, and suspected that it must be hungry.

"Of course, Mickey, bring me some warm milk.

This little tiger should be a descendant of Maiti raised by Mr. David." Laura knows that David Koch has raised several tigers.

And the bravest tiger among them is called Maiti, which means mighty in English.

"I don't know about this, Alan didn't tell me." When Alan sent it, he didn't say anything.

So Su Wei didn't know who the parents of this little guy were.

Anyway, Allen lives in Bel-Air, so ask him when you see him.

"Mr. Su, this little guy is so cute. When he grows up, I think he must be a good helper for hunting." Laura took the milk, which was intended to be fed to the little tiger.

But Su Wei refused, and then she handed the milk to Su Wei and let him feed it himself.

"Of course, this is the king in the forest." Su Wei brought the milk closer to the little tiger.

I saw this little white tiger licking the milk as fast as a kitten.

It seems that it is really hungry, because it eats too fast, and bubbles come out of it.

"There are two villas in the Beaver Manor, the one on the left is 31000 feet, and it is where you will live, Sue.

The building on the right is 22000 feet, which is dedicated to parties.

There are two swimming pools, two tennis courts, two basketball courts and a formal football field at the back, let me take you to the room first to have a look.”

(End of this chapter)

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