Chapter 415 Wing
6 month 6 number.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Jiawen? Why are you calling me at this hour?" Su Wei was woken up by Li Jiawen's call in the morning.

I checked the time, it was only nine o'clock in the morning.

He found it very strange, after all, she only called him at night before.

After all, there is a time difference between his side and China.

Li Jiawen knew that he was in the United States, so why did he call him at this point.

"It's not Jiawei, she's going to take the college entrance examination tomorrow, but she still can't sleep, so I want to chat with you." Originally, Li Jiawen was going to stay in Qiantang during this time.

But Li Jiawei was about to take the college entrance examination, so she could only come back and stare at her.

As a result, when she came back, she knew that she was right to come back this time.

Because Li Jiawei herself was too nervous.

Originally, Li Jiawei had been resting these two days, but she couldn't sleep well at night.

Li Jiawen had no choice but to call Su Wei and ask him what he could do.

"Didn't you say last time that her make-up teachers said that her grades improved very quickly?" Su Wei has no experience in dealing with this kind of nervousness before the exam.

After all, he has a big heart and slept like a pig before the exam.

But he had learned before that Li Jiawei's grades had been improving steadily.

If that's the case, then there's nothing to be nervous about.

"The teacher praised me so much, but I'm afraid I won't pass the 985 exam in Shanghai." In the last one or two months, Li Jiawei has been attending classes with the make-up teacher.

Because those teachers taught one-on-one, they gave her very detailed lectures.

Although her grades have improved, she still can't help being nervous when the college entrance examination is about to come.

Because she was going to take the college entrance examination, her mobile phone was confiscated by her family.

Seeing that the eldest sister was calling Su Wei to talk about her affairs, she hurried over.

After all, it's been a long time since she had chatted with Su Wei.

"Jiawei, you're here, it's okay, you relax this time, after you finish the exam, brother-in-law will take you out for summer vacation." In fact, Su Wei has been paying attention to Li Jiawei's matter.

In fact, even if she failed the exam this time, she only scored 300-400 points.

He still has a way to get her into the top universities in the country.

When Su Wei had no money before, he felt that there should not be many insiders about the college entrance examination.

But now he has understood that as long as he has money and power, those universities can lie there and let him go.

But Su Wei didn't plan to tell Li Jiawei about this, because if he told her, he was afraid that she would lose the motivation to move forward.

"Brother-in-law, we passed the exam this time, can you take us to Disneyland in Shanghai?" Li Jiaxin, who was silent at the side, couldn't help it now.

After all, the last time Li Jiawei followed her elder sister to Shanghai, she was envious of that.

It's summer vacation soon, so of course she wants to have a good time.

And what attracts her most in Shanghai is Disneyland.

Several students in their class have been there, and every time they hear them talking about Disney, she listens quietly.

Now that her brother-in-law said she wanted to take them to play, she immediately brought up Disney.

"I want to go to Disney, no problem, but there are too many Disney people in Shanghai, and I will take you abroad to play in Disney in other countries." Su Wei heard that Li Jiaxin wanted to go to Disney, it was too simple.

The only downside is that there are too many people in Shanghai.

At that time, you can go to Disney in Little Japan, or Disney in Los Angeles.

He has been greedy for Li Jiawei and Li Jiaxin's bodies for a long time, and he will definitely take them down when the time comes.

"Really? That's great. I haven't been out of the mountain city yet. I didn't expect to be able to go abroad." When Li Jiaxin heard her brother-in-law say that she wanted to take them abroad, she almost jumped up for joy.

Because when I was in a country school, everyone's conditions were average.

For those students with slightly better conditions, traveling means going around the country.

Now after transferring to a high school in the urban area, she discovered that everyone's conditions are very different.

Those families with good conditions have already taken them to several countries when they were only in high school.

Now that Su Wei said that he would take her abroad, how could she be unhappy.

"Your brother-in-law has promised you, but if your grades are not good this time, then you will go to Disneyland in China and not abroad." Li Jiawen was deeply moved when he heard what Su Wei said.

After all, their family was a poor household in the village a few months ago.

Ever since she joined Su Wei, she started talking about which country her sister was going to visit during the summer vacation.

Moreover, the life of my own family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because their home was burned down, Su Wei directly bought their family a 2000 million villa in the urban area of ​​Shancheng.

And her younger brothers and sisters have all entered the best high school and junior high school in the mountain city.

The younger brothers and sisters in their family no longer have the only way to study.

It's just that she didn't tell her younger siblings about this, for fear that they would slack off in their studies.

"Small, big sister, let's go to bed." Li Jiaxin is not afraid of studying.

In the schools in the countryside before, her grades were so good.

Now she came to the school in the city. After a month of catching up, she has fully caught up with the progress.

To put it bluntly, she will definitely be able to hit a high position in the college entrance examination next year.

"Then you go back to sleep, Second Sister, don't read books tonight, go back to your room and get a good sleep, otherwise you will not be refreshed in the examination room tomorrow.

Husband, you went to America this time, why haven’t you come back after so long, I miss you so much.” Li Jiawen checked the time, it was already 09:30.

Hurry up to catch up with the two younger sisters and go back to your room to sleep.

After all, wait a minute, she still has something to whisper to Su Wei.

This time Su Wei went to the United States after going to Europe, and she hadn't seen Su Wei for more than 20 days.

"I bought a ranch here in the United States this time, and I have to apply for a green card, so the time is delayed. By the way, how is your coffee chain doing?" Su Wei is now in Montana and has been there for a week.

During this week, he had transferred the money to the Koch family, and the ranch was successfully transferred.

And he also got the green card, and passed the driver's license test by the way.

It's just that he definitely can't tell Li Jiawen about these things.

After all, he is in the United States this time, and he will not return home until ten days later.

"The coffee chain is not bad. We have already selected more than 30 stores, and they will be able to open on the 15th. By the end of this month, it is estimated that there will be [-] stores." Li Jiawen said about opening coffee Shop, that has no experience at all.

It's just that Su Wei wanted to get shares, so she was put in.

Because of Chen Lu's pregnancy, she won't be busy going to the company for a long time.

Now the main person in charge of the company is Jiang Xuan.

Fortunately, she is rich now, and Su Wei is standing behind her.

So under her spending money, some of Ruixing's employees were recruited with high salaries.

Thanks to the efforts of these people, coffee shops are blooming in more places across the country.

Presumably the goal of 200 stores will be completed soon.

"Not bad, it seems that Jiang Xuan understands that time waits for no one. By the way, has the name of the coffee shop been chosen?" Su Wei did not expect that this Jiang Xuan is really talented.

After what he mentioned last time, she really let go.

And judging by their appearance, he will start injecting capital next month.

"The name of the coffee shop has already been chosen. It is called Baihe Coffee, and it was chosen by Sister Chen." Chen Lu chose the name Baihe mainly because he knew that Su Wei's nickname was Yun Zhonghe.

Another reason is that she hopes that Baihe Coffee can soar into the sky.

At that time, let's not talk about defeating Starbucks, but at least be on an equal footing with it.

"White Crane? Drink for nothing? It's okay, come on, I'll wait for you to ring the bell in Rasdaq." Su Wei didn't expect Chen Lu to take such a name.

If Baihe's pinyin is typed out, isn't that just drinking in vain?

However, thinking that in the early stage, it was really tantamount to free people to drink, and this name might bring a wave of homophonic dividends.


. . . . . .

"After staying in Montana for so long, I found that California is more suitable for me." Su Wei watched the plane land at Los Angeles International Airport, and he felt as if he came from the countryside to a big city.

During this period of time in Beaver Manor, he was really bored.

The main reason is that he has to drive around every day and has no time to hunt.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make him feel so boring.

After finishing the work with difficulty, Chen Yihua called again and told him that the price of the two houses in California had been negotiated.

"Forget it. You don't have any girls around. If Jennifer was still on the ranch, you would look like this." Li Renfeng and Su Wei have known each other for so long, how could they not know who he is.

Jennifer stayed in the ranch for three days, and Su Wei never said he was bored.

After Jennifer left, Su Wei was there every night and hated the monotony of life on the ranch.

"You're better than me. You drove alone the day before yesterday. Where did you go?" Su Wei became a little annoyed when he heard Li Renfeng's words.

Because he finally had a good time with Jennifer some time ago, but he didn't expect her to run away after staying for three days, saying that she couldn't bear it.

In the following period of time, it was enough for Su Wei to hold back.

In fact, it's not that there are no girls, there are a few maids who are not bad.

But Su Wei didn't know them well, so he didn't dare to provoke them.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went to Helena to buy a gun, but it was too late, so I stayed in the state capital for one night before going back." Hearing Su Wei mention this matter, Li Renfeng fell silent.

Because he went to Helena that day, it was not as simple as buying a gun.

After all, he was not familiar with the place where he was born, and it wasn't because he had something important to do, so how could he stay there for one night.

"Brother Feng, stop pretending. After you drove away that day, the lawyer informed Su Ge to apply for a green card. We saw you when we were in Helena, but we were afraid of embarrassing you, so we didn't tell you." Seeing that Li Renfeng was still pretending, Li Ziwei directly pointed it out to him.

Not long after Li Renfeng left that day, Su Wei received a call saying that his green card was settled and he was asked to go to Helena.

Although Helena is the state capital, it is just like a small county in China. After all, there are more than 3 people living there.

In such a small city, it is not too easy to find someone.

It took them less than half an hour in the city to find Li Renfeng's car parked in front of a Chinese restaurant.

Through the glass, they saw that the person who was dating Li Renfeng turned out to be Chen Yihua, a senior student.

"Fuck, you two guys are still pretending to be in front of me these two days, which makes me very nervous, for fear that I will be discovered by you, but you actually already know." Li Renfeng didn't expect that Su Wei and the others really knew.

After the incident in Beverly Hills, he and Chen Yihua chatted more and more speculatively on the Internet.

Finally, the day before yesterday, Chen Yihua flew to Montana.

He didn't go back to the ranch that day because he and Chen Yihua stayed in the hotel all night.

"As brothers, we will definitely keep this matter a secret for you, but don't reveal it yourself, or you will know Xiaoya's temper." Su Wei will definitely not say anything about Li Renfeng.

After all, he is his brother, even if he does something wrong, he is still a brother.

Moreover, compared with Li Renfeng, he is the same thing.

"Don't worry, I know, hey, they're here." Of course Li Renfeng knew, Su Wei and the others wouldn't say it.

But the reason why he didn't want to disclose this matter was because he didn't want Chen Yihua's reputation to be ruined.

"Yuanyuan, why did you come here with two Range Rover?" When Su Wei got off the plane, he found that it was two Range Rover and one Bentayga.

And the two Range Rovers were driven by bodyguards, and Chen Yihua didn't come.

"This car is newly bought by Dad, what do you think?" Su Xiaoming originally planned to buy a Range Rover when he was in China.

But later thinking that this car was too high-profile, I bought a Mercedes-Benz GLS.

This time, I sat in Li Renfeng's Range Rover a few times and felt comfortable, so I specially bought a Genesis Extended.

Anyway, when buying a car in the United States, it is more cost-effective to buy a car with a larger displacement.

"Dad bought it, and he got his driver's license?" Su Wei heard that his dad bought it, so he didn't know that he got his driver's license.

This time Su Xiaoming didn't go to Montana with him because he planned to test his driver's license in California.

After all, the driver's license test here is relatively friendly to Chinese Americans.

"The test here can test Chinese. For an old driver like me, it is not a simple matter to get a driver's license." California and New York can choose Chinese for the driver's license test.

And after the written test, you can take the road test immediately, and you can get your driver's license in one day at the earliest.

However, Su Xiaoming passed the written test once, and he passed the road test three times in a row.

The main reason is that during the road test here, the movements have to be exaggerated.

"Honey, what is this in your arms, a kitten? Give me a hug." Actually, Wang Xiaoyuan had already noticed that there was a small animal in Su Wei's arms.

Looking at the little tiger, she thought it was a kitten.

Girls have no resistance to such a cute animal.

"Brother Su, what breed is this little cat? It's so cute, and I really want one." Not to mention Wang Xiaoyuan, even Xiaoya and Zhang Ruoyu couldn't help petting the little tiger.

The main reason is that when the tiger was young, it looked like a bigger cat.

Xiaoya saw how cute this kitten was, and planned to raise one at home in the United States.

When the time comes when she returns to China, she will entrust the kittens to Su Wei. Anyway, he must have someone to take care of these little guys.

"This can't be raised, our house is too small." Li Renfeng saw that Xiaoya wanted to raise her, so he hurriedly stopped her.

After all, this is not a cat, this is a real tiger.

Su Wei has hundreds of thousands of acres to play with it in Montana, and the [-] acres of his house is not enough for it to have fun.

"This is not a cat, why does it look like a little tiger, Weiwei, what kind of animal is this?" Zhang Guihua stood aside, also observing the little cat.

It's just that she looked at it for a while and felt that cats didn't look like this.

"This is the Northeast White Tiger. The last farmer gave me a special gift." Su Wei brought the tiger here this time, intending to let it get in touch with his family.

I plan to have a good relationship with it when it was young.

These things were told to him by the breeder who hadn't come yet.

"This is a tiger? Brother Su, how dare you raise this animal?" Xiaoya was shocked when she heard that it was a Siberian tiger.

After all, she had seen tigers in the tiger courtyard of the zoo.

When people stand in front of them, there is a kind of fear that comes from their genes.

She didn't understand how Su Wei dared to raise a tiger.

"Aren't tigers just big cats? Don't worry if there's anything you can't keep. I've already found a breeder. Their family has raised tigers in their family." The breeder introduced by Alan this time, although Su Wei has never met , but called to know that she was a woman.

I heard from her that her family has been raising tigers since her grandfather.

For so many years now, the tiger that has passed through their family has never seen one that hurt its owner.

"Husband, what's the name of this little tiger?" Wang Xiaoyuan was a little scared at first, thinking whether to give the little tiger away.

Hearing that Su Wei had found a special breeder, and that this little tiger was so cute, she was a little bit reluctant.

I plan to raise it for a while, and wait until the wildness is difficult to tame.


(End of this chapter)

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