Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 416 The Secretary Is Here

Chapter 416 The Secretary Is Here
The next day.

"Sister Xu, will we be able to meet Mr. Su when we go to California this time?" While Su Wei was busy at the ranch, Xu Liyang had already visited Airbus and Boeing with a few secretaries.

These four female secretaries have never met Su Wei himself since they joined the company.

After watching Boeing in Seattle, they thought they were going back to China.

Unexpectedly, Xu Liyang told them that he had to go to California before returning to China, because the boss happened to be in California, USA.

"Yes, this time we went to California to report the situation of the plane. When you meet Mr. Su, be smart." Xu Liyang called Su Wei after investigating Boeing yesterday.

When Su Wei heard that she had finished her research, she immediately asked them to come here in California.

As for these secretaries, although he didn't say anything, Xu Liyang still took them with him.

"Sister Xu, is President Su fierce or not?" Yang Lele was full of expectations for Su Wei.

Because after she became Su Wei's secretary, she specially investigated Su Wei.

I know that he is only 25 years old this year, and he is not married yet.

When she heard the news, she immediately made plans.

If she becomes the proprietress of the company, then she won't have to do anything for the rest of her life, all she needs is to be beautiful and beautiful.

"Boss Su has a good temper, after all, you are so beautiful." The reason why Xu Liyang brought four secretaries this time is that they are all very good-looking.

When she was talking, she even took a special look at Bai Yiyi.

This girl is the type she thinks Su Wei will definitely like very much after seeing it.

Xu Liyang knew that Su Wei didn't like her.

If she didn't know this, how could she give them this opportunity.

"Sister Xu, if we dress like this today, it won't be a problem." Yang Lele bought a new set of clothes yesterday for this trip to California.

She wore a trench coat on the outside while wearing a shirt inside.

Because she overheard Xu Liyang say before that the boss likes the more sassy style.

"The weather in California is almost [-] degrees, are you sure you want to wear so much?" Boeing's headquarters is in Seattle, USA.

Seattle is in Washington State, USA, and further north is Vancouver, Canada.

So the weather here is always cloudy and rainy.

Even though it is already June, you still need to wear a coat in the morning and evening.

"Then what should we do? It's so cold in Seattle now, we can't possibly wear short skirts." Yun Mengxi also had an idea when she came to be the secretary.

Maybe among so many people here, Xiaobai has no idea about Su Wei.

After all, Xiaobai's family conditions are not bad, but other people's family conditions are relatively average.

After coming in, I knew that Su Wei was a super rich man, who wouldn't want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

"Stupid, you guys don't know that after getting off the plane, you have to go to the bathroom to change clothes." Seeing these people, Xu Liyang was also speechless.

But she didn't talk about them face to face, after all, most of them just graduated.

Except for Shen Manyin who is 25 years old, the others are generally between 21 and 22 years old.

Shen Manyin's words were recruited by Su Wei himself, and she knew that she must know Su Wei.

So normally, she never provokes Shen Manyin.

"Sister Shen, I'm so nervous when I think that I'm going to meet Mr. Su today." Xiaobai is very nervous when he thinks that he's going to see Su Wei tomorrow.

After all, it's been half a month since she came to work, and she hasn't even met the boss yet.

What she is most afraid of is that the boss will dislike her for being stupid, and then fire her.

Xiaobai has this worry, mainly because she is always teased by Xu Liyang as a vase.

"Don't be nervous, he won't eat you up, but it's not necessarily true, who wants you to be so beautiful, Xiaobai?" Xiaobai was recruited because of his beauty.

Otherwise, with her two grades, it would be impossible to become Su Wei's secretary.

Even Shen Manyin, the special recruit, graduated from ordinary 211 schools.

"Sister Shen, stop teasing me. I haven't talked about my boyfriend yet. If you say anything else, I won't dare to continue working here." Xiaobai came to be this secretary, and I can often hear gossip about her.

She also knew that, as a second student, she got into the secretariat because of her good looks, squeezing other people's seats.

But she really wanted to say something to those who gossiped about her, you look so ugly.

Even if you get kicked out, it's not your turn to be the secretary.

She came to be the secretary simply because of the high salary.

As for Su Wei, she had never seen him before, so how could she like him.

"Boss Su is not an old man. He is only 25 years old this year. He is quite handsome. If he really likes you, you can laugh secretly." When Su Wei had no money, he was indeed average-looking.

But after getting rich, the whole temperament is different.

Shen Manyin sometimes blush when she sees Su Wei now.

"I don't want to be attracted by him, I heard he is a super pervert..." Xiaobai had no interest in Su Wei at all.

Because she is in the company, she has heard a lot of gossip about her boss.

How many women did she sleep with? She was jealous of who she was and bought up other people's properties.

The man Xiaobai wants to find is the kind who is handsome and dedicated.

So no matter how rich Su Wei was, she didn't think she would have anything to do with him.

"Don't listen to the hearsay from outsiders, Mr. Su is a very nice person." This time, Su Wei helped Shen Manyin and paid back all the money from her family.

She is actually very grateful to Su Wei.

After getting in touch with Xiaobai during this period, she thinks she is a very good girl.

Among the girls in the secretariat, Su Wei, she thought that Xiao Bai was the best among them.

"Sister Shen, you don't know Mr. Su, how do you know these things?" Xiaobai felt very strange, that is how Shen Manyin knew so many things.

After all, she said it herself, she didn't know Su Wei.

But when chatting, she could clearly feel that Shen Manyin seemed to know Su Wei.

"Because, because I have a friend who works at Gemini Company, so I know." Shen Manyin knew that she had slipped up, and felt that she was making amends.

She didn't want people to know that she knew Su Wei.

That's because in this way, she can hide in the dark.

"So that's how it is. Let's not talk about things that can't be done. This time we are going to Los Angeles. If we have time, Sister Shen, let's go to Hollywood and play Disney." The most famous place in Los Angeles must be Hollywood. .

Basically everyone who comes to Los Angeles will go for a walk.

It's just that many people who have been there will feel disappointed.

After all, Hollywood is only there because there are many film companies, and even the signboard of Hollywood is only there because the real estate agent sells the land.


. . . . . .

"Old Liu, after you send us to the place, you and Xiao Guo will drive two cars to the airport to pick up Xiao Xu." Su Wei got up early today, because Li Ziwei and the others were having trouble in the house early in the morning. It's turned upside down.

He had already transferred the ownership of the house in Bel-Air yesterday, so the others planned to move to Bel-Air early this morning.

It just so happened that Su Wei himself had long wanted to move.

After all, the houses here are made of wood.

Although the house cost more than 700 million yuan at the time, the sound insulation is really poor.

"President Su, why don't Xiao Guo stay here, and I'll just take Xiao Wang there." Liu Qiang felt that Xiao Guo could stay here.

After all, Xiao Guo can see that there is no problem with loyalty.

If it's really dangerous, it's really hard for others to say.

"No, the place we are going to next is Bel-Air. This kind of iron-gated community is basically not in danger, so don't worry." If you can encounter danger in Bel-Air, then Xiao Guo will Doesn't work here either.

After all, the dangers on Laomei's side are all shot.

So Su Wei plans to set up a security company on the US side.

With a security company, he can get a gun license in the United States.

Although the United States can buy guns freely, it cannot take guns into public places.

But if you have a gun license, you can legally carry a gun out of your home.

"Okay, then after I send you, Mr. Su, I will drive two Range Rovers with Xiao Guo to pick you up." Old Liu thinks about it too, if this place is not safe.

There is no safe place here in America.

"Husband, who do you ask Master Liu to pick up? Two more cars are needed." Wang Xiaoyuan heard the name Xiao Xu, and she searched for it, but there was no such name in her memory.

So she wanted to ask Su Wei, who is this little Xu.

"Boss lady, sister Xu is the assistant of President Su just like me, but the difference between her and me is that I am in charge of life, and she is in charge of work." Zhang Ruoyu briefly introduced to Wang Xiaoyuan Let's talk about Xu Liyang.

During this time, Su Wei went to Montana, and the relationship between her and Wang Xiaoyuan improved a lot.

Now Wang Xiaoyuan's attitude towards her is no longer the cold and polite way before.

"So that's how it is. I haven't seen her before, it's a pity." Only then did Wang Xiaoyuan know that Su Wei also had a work assistant.

Before, she thought that Zhang Ruoyu was the only assistant.

Now she is much friendlier to Zhang Ruoyu.

After all, she already knew that Su Wei had never eaten Zhang Ruoyu.

"It's okay, this time she came to California to report to me about the plane, and you will see her then." Su Wei called Xu Liyang here this time because he was very concerned about the plane.

After all, if he goes abroad in the future, a large plane will definitely be his first choice.

As for the Gulfstream aircraft, it is enough to fly a short distance in the country.

"Then after she comes here, she can live with us directly, anyway, we have enough rooms." The room in Bel Air has twelve rooms.

And these twelve rooms are all suites.

"This time she didn't come alone, she brought other people with her, so I want them to live in my parents' Beverly Hills, anyway, my parents live with us during this period of time" Su Wei knew , Xu Liyang came here with four secretaries.

There are so many of them, he can't live there now.

It happened that his parents' house in Beverly Hills was unoccupied, so they could live there.

"But the servants in that house haven't arrived yet, so what about the sanitation?" Everyone lived in Bel-Air this time because the servants were not available.

After all, the household registration was completed only yesterday, so it is not easy to find a servant.

Fortunately, when Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Guihua came to the United States, they each brought an aunt over.

Otherwise, in the first few days of living in Bel-Air, they might have to clean up by themselves.

"Then what else can I do, of course they did it themselves." The house in Beverly Hills was cleaned when it was handed over to him.

They stayed there for two days. If they didn't pay attention to hygiene, then Su Wei planned to expel them directly.

After all, although he doesn't have a cleanliness habit, he can't stand girls who don't pay attention to hygiene.

"President Su, that person outside seems to be Teacher Ma, should we go say hello?" Zhang Ruoyu, who was in the car at this time, saw Teacher Ma drinking coffee on the side of the road.

She asked Su Wei if he wanted to go up and say hello.

After all, Mr. Ma is very popular in China now.

"We don't know him well, so there's no need to say hello.

I’ve always heard that he bought a piece of land in Beverly Hills and built a house himself, but I didn’t expect it to be true.” After becoming the richest man, Mr. Ma liked buying houses very much.

And the houses he bought were all super luxury houses.

For example, Jiujiantang in Shanghai, and the Taipingshan mansion in Harbor.

"Husband, is Mr. Ma really the richest man in Chinese?" Of course Wang Xiaoyuan knows that there are many invisible rich people in the world.

But with her family's conditions, she couldn't reach that level.

Just seeing Mr. Ma today, she planned to ask Su Wei if he knew if Mr. Ma was really the richest Chinese.

"Of course not, the Li family in Hong Kong is the one"

. . . . . .

"Awei, you said I sold the house in Irvine and bought a house here in the Platinum Triangle, do you think it's okay?" Li Renfeng lay on the chair, looking at the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles in front of the swimming pool.

I feel that living here is a kind of enjoyment.

And the house he lived in Irvine was far worse than here.

"Of course. After all, Irvine is only a rich area. This is the top rich area. The people you come into contact with are different, and not only you, Weiwei can also buy a house here." As for Li Renfeng's plan to buy a house here Come, Su Wei supports it.

After all, with the conditions of Li Renfeng's family, buying in Irvine is too low-key.

Only places like Beverly Hills and Bel Air fit his status.

"The houses here are too expensive. If I want to buy, I can only buy those houses at the foot of the mountain." Although Li Ziwei's family has a little money, they can spend at most 2000 million US dollars.

Don't look at many people who boast that housing prices in the United States are cheap, but those are basically ordinary communities or places with remote locations.

Really good community, housing prices are not cheap at all.

It's not that Li Ziwei never thought about buying a house in the United States, but the houses he was looking at were all too expensive.

"After I return to China this time, I will tell my dad to sell the house in Irvine while the house price is rising. Living here is called life." This kind of hilltop villa is the best The location is directly overlooking the city.

Although Li Renfeng's house in Irvine can overlook the urban area of ​​Irvine.

But how can a small place like Irvine compare with downtown Los Angeles.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"You guys talk first, I'll answer the phone." Su Wei was planning to express his opinion on the house.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and after looking at it, it was Xu Liyang calling.

He knew that they should have arrived, so he talked to Li Ziwei and the others, and then went to the side to make a phone call.

"What's the matter, Brother Su? Who called you? Could it be some sister-in-law? We all heard the voice." Li Ziwei looked around when he was speaking.

Finding that Wang Xiaoyuan and the others were not there, he began to tease Su Wei.

After all, as Su Wei's brothers, they knew that he had several girlfriends.

"My assistant called me and said that they have arrived in Beverly Hills, and I want to go there now." This time Xu Liyang called to tell him that they had arrived.

When Su Wei heard that Xu Liyang had arrived, he immediately planned to go to find her.

After all, he is already impatient for big planes.

"Brother Su, are your secretaries here? We are going too, please take us with you."

 Queuing up to poke throats today, plus grabbing supplies, so it's a bit late
(End of this chapter)

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