Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 417 Boeing 787-10

Chapter 417 Boeing 787-10
"Wow, sister Xu, are we staying here tonight?" Yun Mengxi and the others got into Liu Qiang's car after they got off the plane.

At that time, she thought it was a car sent by the hotel.

After Xu Liyang introduced her, she realized that the driver was Mr. Su's bodyguard.

After Liu Qiang sent them to this villa, he left straight away.

Leaving her intoxicated in the beauty of the mansion and the balcony.

"Yes, we lived in this villa during our stay in California this time." Because Xu Liyang didn't know Liu Qiang very well, he didn't chat much along the way.

She knew they were going to live here, and it was the result of talking to Su Wei before getting in the car.

As for who owns the house, she guessed it should belong to her boss.

"Sister Xu, does this house belong to Mr. Su? It's too luxurious, isn't it?" The conditions in Yang Lele's house, as mentioned before, are relatively ordinary.

This house in Beverly Hills is really luxurious.

After she entered the house, everyone looked at her.

Especially the swimming pool in the backyard, where you can lie in it and see downtown Los Angeles.

"Boss Su is so rich, this house is just a trivial matter to Boss Su." Xu Liyang has been by Su Wei's side for so long, and has a little understanding of his wealth.

She guessed that Su Wei's net worth should be at least 500 billion or more.

Because if he didn't have this worth, he wouldn't be able to buy a big plane.

Compared with the price of this villa and the plane, it must be more expensive than a big plane.

"This house doesn't belong to Mr. Su, it belongs to Mr. Su's parents. Mr. Su's house is in Bel-Air, which is the top community next to Beverly Hills." The person who spoke was Shen Manyin. Xiao Xiao showed off the information she knew.

She would tear down Xu Liyang's platform because she regarded Xu Liyang as a competitor.

After all, Bai Yiyi's beauty crushed her, and she had already voluntarily given up being an opponent with Bai Yiyi.

And Bai Yiyi has always been low on material things according to her words.

Yang Lele and Yunmengxi, two green teas, she had never paid much attention to.

In this case, Xu Liyang threatened her a little in the office.

If she had the chance, she would give Xu Liyang a little bit of a slap.

But she would control the speed well every time, otherwise Xu Liyang would be really angry, and it would be difficult for her to end.

"Yes, this house belongs to Mr. Su's parents. When we first came here, we chatted with Brother Guo. I heard that Mr. Su's house in Bel-Air is even more luxurious." Shen Manyin knew these things, but it was actually because of them When I first came here, I asked Xiao Guo about it.

The car was allocated just now, and Bai Yiyi and Shen Manyin were in Xiao Guo's car.

As for Xu Liyang, Yang Lele, and Yun Mengxi, they were in Liu Qiang's car.

"More luxurious than here? I can't imagine it anymore. If I can live in such a house all my life, it will be worth it all my life." Yang Lele really likes this house very much.

Because in her eyes, this house is that kind of manor-level mansion.

And this place is on the hillside of Beverly Hills.

Although she doesn't know the house price here, she also knows that it is definitely not cheap.

"It's not easy to live here, as long as you become the proprietress." Yun Mengxi is in the office and has the best relationship with Yang Lele.

Both of them knew in their hearts that the other had the same goal as their own, and both wanted to be the boss's wife.

Not only did Yang Lele fall in love with this house, Yun Mengxi also fell in love with it.

She seemed to be joking when she said this, but she was actually telling the truth.

With their ability, if they want to live in such a house, they can only find a chance to marry a rich man.

If you rely on yourself, it will be impossible in your next life.

"I'm afraid it's because you want to be the proprietress, and you're still teasing me here, ah, Mr. Su, you're here." Yang Lele's careful thinking, although everyone knows it.

But she was still too shy to be exposed in front of so many people.

While fighting, I saw someone coming.

She looked back and found that it was her boss Su Wei who came.

Although Yang Lele has never met Su Wei, she has seen Su Wei's photos. After all, Su Wei is her boss, so how could she not pay attention.

"Everyone here, don't be restrained. By the way, have you all chosen rooms yet?" Su Wei was just outside when he heard that a girl wanted to be the proprietress.

When he walked into the living room, he saw a pile of luggage. As for the people, they were all on the reclining chairs in the backyard.

Walking in front of these girls, he found that they all looked like the long-legged type he liked.

When they saw him coming, they all stood up quickly.

"Not yet, we're just a little earlier than you, Mr. Su." Xu Liyang didn't expect that Su Wei would come so soon.

Someone suggested swimming in the water just now, but luckily she didn't agree.

Otherwise, when Su Wei came and saw them swimming, his impression of them would be much lower.

"Then Xiaozhang, you arrange a room for them, and I'll go talk to Xiaoxu about something.

You should dress more formally at night, I will be entering a new house today, and you all go to dinner then." Su Wei looked at a few girls, and then planned to talk to Xu Liyang about business.

Anyway, they are all in their own company, so they have a lot of time if they really have ideas.

Compared with these women, he wanted to know more about the big plane.

"Then take your luggage and follow me to choose a room." Zhang Ruoyu became vigilant when she saw so many women.

After all, she has been with Su Wei for so long, and she still hasn't been eaten by him.

Sometimes she wonders if she is not attractive enough.

It was a good opportunity to go to Montana last time.

But being hindered by Wang Xiaoyuan, she can only stay in California.

Otherwise, she must have been slept by Su Wei that time. After all, Su Wei stayed in Montana for a whole week.

"What are you girls doing with so much luggage? Let's help you if you have any extra luggage." Li Ziwei and the others were a little unable to walk when they saw Su Wei's secretaries.

Because all of them are so beautiful.

Compared with those female anchors in his trade union, those female anchors are nothing.

"Miss Zhang, how much did Mr. Su's family pay for this house? It should be very expensive." After Yang Lele joined the company, he knew that Su Wei had two assistants.

The work assistant is Xu Liyang. She doesn't pay much attention to her because she wants to be more beautiful.

Who knew that Zhang Ruoyu, the life assistant, was similar to Bai Yiyi, even more handsome than her.

She planned to dress up in the evening and overwhelm Zhang Ruoyu at dinner.

"This house only costs 5000 million, which is considered a luxury house in Beverly Hills." The final price of this house was 5000 million.

The house in Bel Air was sold for 9000 million.

This 5000 million house is considered a mansion, but it is not a top mansion.

"5000 million? US dollars?" Yun Mengxi also took a breath when he heard the price.

After all, the US dollar is now exchanged for RMB, but one US dollar can be exchanged for 6.5 RMB.

If the price is 5000 million US dollars, this house will cost 3.25 million RMB.

"This is the United States, of course we are talking about dollars"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Xu, what's the result of your research this time?" Su Wei took Xu Liyang to the study on the first floor.

When he came to this house before, he just took a quick look at it.

Even on the day of the transaction, he didn't look at it very carefully.

Sitting in the study now, I feel that although this style is not the modern kind of large glass curtain wall lighting, it also has a special flavor.

"President Su, you can take a look. These planes should all meet your requirements." Xu Liyang took out her tablet and handed it to Su Wei.

These are all her notes. There are two companies, Airbus and Boeing, which can make models with more than two rooms.

"I'm too lazy to read, just tell me, what are the latest and largest models of Boeing and Airbus?" Su Wei took a look and found that there are more than ten types of aircraft.

For so many models, he has a big head.

In this case, it is better to buy the largest plane directly.

Because if you buy a smaller aircraft in the later stage, what is the difference between it and the Gulfstream G650.

"Boeing's largest model is the 787 passenger plane, but this model is divided into three series, namely 787-08, its length is 57 meters, as for 787-09, its length is 63 meters, the largest is 787 -10, its length is 68 meters, their wingspan and height are the same, the wingspan is 60 meters, and the height is 17 meters.

As for Airbus, the largest model is the A380, with a length of 72 meters, a wingspan of 79 meters, and a height of 24 meters." Seeing Su Wei asking her about the largest aircraft, Xu Liyang approached Su Wei and gave him Look at the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A380.

These two aircraft are the trump cards of Boeing and Airbus.

If you want to buy the top plane, you can only choose between these two planes.

"Fuck, the A380 is so big, it can accommodate several rooms." Su Wei took a look at the two aircrafts, and at first glance took a fancy to the Airbus A380.

Because this aircraft can be said to be the largest among the current passenger aircraft.

Moreover, the length is more than 70 meters, and several rooms can be designed.

This isn't even an airplane, it's a palace in the sky.

"I heard from people at Airbus that Saudi Arabia converted an A380 and divided it into three floors. The bottom floor is the garage, the middle floor is the fitness room and meeting room, and the top floor is five floors. "Suite" The richest people in the world are none other than those Middle Eastern guys.

And if they have money, they have money, and they especially like to show off.

For example, the A380, the only private jet in the world, was refitted by them.

"It seems that I require two or three rooms for private jets. I really underestimate these private jets. What is the price of this plane now?" Su Wei bought a big plane because he wanted two to three rooms.

Because of the Gulfstream G650, there is no personal space at all.

And if the family travels, there will be one less room, such as this time.

"The current price of the Airbus A380 is 4.4 million US dollars, including additional technical services, but Airbus is not responsible for the private jet modification business. Of course, this price can still be negotiated." The price of the aircraft has never been fixed.

Now in 2018, it is the most expensive time for the Airbus A380.

Because Airbus found that if the price is less than 4 million US dollars, there is basically no money to make.

"What do you mean? If I buy this plane, I have to find a place to modify it myself, right?" Although Su Wei is rich, he was still a little stunned when he heard the price.

Before, he thought that this kind of large aircraft should be about [-] million US dollars.

Unexpectedly, the Airbus A380 would cost 4.4 million US dollars, which does not include the cost of modification.

"Yes, because no one has modified the Airbus A380. The only modified Saudi prince, his plane was also refurbished by someone outside." The meaning of the Airbus A380 is to be able to accommodate more people .

Except for the Saudi prince, no one thought of modifying the A380.

Because if there are many people who have this idea, Airbus will not take the initiative to send the business outside, and no one has modified it like this.

"What about the Boeing 787-10? How much does it cost? Does it provide modification?" Although Su Wei likes the Airbus A380 very much, he is numb if Airbus does not provide modification.

Because after all, it is a modified aircraft, where can the external modification be done directly in the Airbus factory?

If something goes wrong, the plane is at an altitude of [-] meters.

So Su Wei decided to listen to the Boeing 787 and see how it performs.

"For Boeing, there is a special modification factory. The starting price of 787-10 is 3 million U.S. dollars. If it is modified, the price should go to about 3.5 million U.S. dollars." manufactured by the A787.

And this 787-10 was only delivered last year.

Since the birth of the Boeing 787, the days of the Airbus A380 are getting more and more difficult.

"What does this flight roll mean? Why is the Airbus so far away?" Su Wei saw a flight roll at this time and didn't know what it meant.

He also didn't know whether the flight run should be longer or shorter.

"Take an analogy to Mr. Su and you will understand the meaning of taxiing. The take-off distance of the A380 needs to be 2700 meters, and the length of its landing needs to be 1800 meters.

The take-off distance of Boeing is 2000 meters, and it takes 1300 meters to land. The difference between the two planes is quite a long distance. Of course, the shorter the better.

The Airbus A380, as the largest aircraft, has the farthest taxiing distance requirement.

"Then I can't buy this A380. If I buy it, except for those large airports that can take off and land, other airports don't even have the ability to take off and land it." The Airbus A380's taxiing take-off capability requires a minimum runway of 2700 meters.

After hearing this, Su Wei silently eliminated it in his heart.

Because of this plane, he intends to use it for long-distance flying.

If the other party is a smaller airport, then the plane can't even stop, so they can only find a big airport to stop.

If so, what is the point of him buying this plane.

"President Su, I don't think it's really necessary for you to buy an Airbus A380, because the Airbus A380 private jet in Saudi Arabia has never flown once since it was bought. I think they probably don't think it's necessary, after all This plane is too big.” The Airbus A380 is much bigger than the Boeing 787-10.

The Airbus A380 private jet in Saudi Arabia has never appeared.

Many people doubt whether Saudi Arabia has this private jet.

But Xu Liyang was on the side of Airbus, and he was sure that Saudi Arabia had this plane, but it was kept in the aircraft warehouse and did not fly.

"Then buy a Boeing 787-10. Boeing, when can it be refitted and delivered?" Su Wei decided to buy the Boeing 787-10 after comprehensive consideration.

Although this plane is a little smaller than the Airbus A380, it is more suitable for him.

Anyway, his requirement is that the plane can have three rooms.

As for this point, it can be done on the Boeing 787-10, even if an extra room is made, it is not a problem.

"If you order a brand new 787-10 now, it may take more than a year.

Mr. Su, the Turkish airline, now has two Boeing 787-10s that are almost ready for sale. In fact, we can buy them, and the price can be lower.” Boeing 787 aircraft, many airlines pay the final payment Sometimes it is very difficult.

After all, a plane worth [-] million U.S. dollars, small airlines will run out of money when they encounter some setbacks.

This is the case with Turkish Airlines this time. He ordered 5 planes at a time, but now he has [-] planes in order.

"Already almost ready for production? Then you go and ask me how much this plane sells for, and how much will it cost if it is sent for refitting?" Su Wei has no cleanliness, and he will not want to buy a brand new plane. .

One is that we can’t wait for time, and it’s already fast enough to deliver it to our hands within a year.

The second is that this aircraft is not considered second-hand, it is just a transfer order, and it is going to be modified anyway.

When the time comes to refit, he can add his own ideas into it.

When this plane rolls off the assembly line, it will be unique in the world.

"Okay, I'll contact them later"

(End of this chapter)

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