Chapter 418 Lace News
"Mr. Fan, the results have come out. I can say with certainty that you are indeed pregnant." Dr. Zhong was woken up by a phone call after six o'clock this morning.

The person who called her was the director of their hospital.

After the call was made, he didn't say anything, but just told her to come to the hospital immediately.

At that time, she thought that something serious happened in the hospital.

I hurriedly washed my face, and then drove to the hospital.

It wasn't until the hospital that she found out that she was asked to check with the general manager of their head office to see if she was pregnant.

After Dr. Zhong knew it was such a trivial matter, although he didn't say anything, he must have complained in his heart.

After all, this kind of thing doesn't need her to deal with it at all, just a random doctor is enough.

But when the big shots came, she still took it seriously.

After the inspection, it was found that the general manager was indeed pregnant.

And she was afraid that it would not be safe, so she re-examined it halfway.

"Are you sure if I'm carrying a boy or a girl?" Fan Wenqi touched her belly unconsciously when she spoke.

This time her aunt postponed it for more than ten days, and she knew that she might have been tricked.

So last night, I contacted the hospital opened by Huxing in Kyoto.

Let them find the best doctor in obstetrics and gynecology to come to the hospital early the next morning.

After all, it's not time to expose her pregnancy.

So this time she was looking for the hospital of her own company, instead of going to Xiehe to find that kind of national player.

"This can't be confirmed yet, but after another two months, we will basically be sure." If you want to know the gender of the child, you can basically know it in three months.

Generally, rich people go to the harbor for inspections, because it is not allowed in the country.

But this hospital is not a public hospital in the first place, but belongs to Fosun Pharma.

If the general manager wants to know the result, of course he can check it.

It's just that Fan Wenqi has only been pregnant for a month or so now, so it must be impossible to find out.

"Two more months? It's too long. Since we can't find out now, let's forget it.

I don't want to hear gossip about my pregnancy, you understand." Fan Wenqi came to the hospital at six o'clock in the morning just to keep it secret.

After all, this is Kyoto, and their family has many eyes and ears here.

And if her relatives found out about her matter, she was afraid that things would cause trouble.

Only when the month is old, it doesn't matter if you say it at that time.

"President Fan, don't worry, I will definitely not spread any news here." Before Dr. Zhong entered this hospital, he also worked in a public hospital.

For these big shots coming so early, of course they knew that they had to keep it secret.

And she is from Kyoto, and she has heard of the Fan family in Kyoto.

Unless she plans to get out, she can't tell this secret at all.

"Today, I would like to trouble you to come here so early. I will give you a few days off this time. You can go and have a good rest. As for the travel expenses, the company will reimburse all of them." Fan Wenqi also rewarded the following people. punished.

Dr. Zhong rushed over from home so early in the morning, and checked her as soon as he arrived.

And if I got such good news, I must be rewarded.

In addition, I just threatened her, so now after slapping her, I gave a bigger sweet date.

"Thank you Mr. Fan, it just so happens that my husband has always wanted to go to Sanya, so I'll buy a plane ticket to Sanya in the afternoon later." Dr. Zhong knew that this was the sweet date given to her by the leader.

Even if she didn't give it, she didn't dare to say anything.

But now that the leader gave this sweet date, it still made her feel a lot better.

After all, as long as you are a normal person, you don't like to be threatened.

"President Fan, are you alright?" Zhou Xiaoyu, who was waiting outside, saw Fan Wenqi coming out, and hurried up to meet her.

As Fan Wenqi's secretary, she must know what's going on with her boss.

This time I came to the hospital to check if she was pregnant.

"It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, let's go back to the company"

. . . . . .

"I'm moving to a new house today, and it happened that you were here, so I called you over, everyone, take it easy and don't be too rigid." After Su Wei and Xu Liyang finished chatting, they brought them all back to Bel-Air.

Because he just entered his new home tonight.

He brought them all here because he wanted more people to warm his house.

After all, his house is a new house, so the more people warming the house, the better.

"Boss Su, this is the first time for them to come to such a luxurious place, so they may not be used to it." Xu Liyang actually has a clear understanding of these four little secretaries.

Knowing their goal, they all want to become the company's proprietress.

Now Bel Air is here, knowing that the real proprietress is here, they should all be beaten.

"You are my secretary. It would be nice to see more scenes like this in the future." Su Wei didn't take their reactions very seriously.

After all, it is not certain whether these secretaries will be able to stay in the end.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" the four secretaries were already shocked by the house in Beverly Hills.

Now when I come to this Bel-Air house, I find that it is more luxurious.

Unlike the one in Beverly Hills, this one is modern.

The walls are all large glass curtain walls, which have a very good sense of transparency.

And because it is built on the top of the mountain, the night view of Los Angeles is more comprehensive.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"The downstairs here is the entertainment area. If you think this place is too formal, you can go downstairs to play." After Su Wei brought the people here, he didn't plan to bother with them.

Just at this time when the call came, I sent them to play in the house by themselves.

Anyway, my place is super big, and the negative floor is all entertainment room, so they will definitely not be bored.

After Su Wei finished speaking, he took the phone and went to the room.

"Sister Shen, let's go down and play." Xiaobai was quite nervous on the first floor.

Now that I know that the downstairs is the entertainment room, I plan to go down and see it.

This house is so luxurious, how could she have seen this kind of house before.

Now that I have the opportunity, I definitely want to get to know him better.

"Okay, then let's go down, do you want to go down?" Shen Manyin started to come to Bel-Air, wondering if something would happen tonight.

Unexpectedly, when he came here, he discovered that Su Wei and his family were also here.

And most importantly, that real girlfriend is also there.

Now Xiaobai asked her to go to the negative floor, and she immediately agreed.

It's just that when I went down, I asked the other two dumbfounded colleagues if they wanted to go down together.

"Of course, let's go together." Yang Lele only found out today that the company already has a lady boss.

And the appearance of this proprietress is even more beautiful than her.

Most importantly, the temperament of the proprietress killed them even more.

Hearing Shen Manyin asking them if they want to go downstairs, of course they want to, otherwise it would be a torment on the first floor.

"Hey, why did Mr. Fan remember to call me today? What's the matter?" The person who called this time was Fan Wenqi.

Su Wei was actually a little annoyed when Fan Wenqi called.

Because as long as she calls, basically nothing good will happen.

"Mr. Su, you are going to America after going to Europe. When do you plan to return to China?" Fan Wenqi is pregnant this time, of course she wants to tell Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei is also the father of the child.

It's just that after Su Wei went to Europe, he immediately went to the United States.

It has been almost a month now and she hasn't seen Su Weiren.

"I still have something to do here. I may not return to China until next month. Is there anything wrong with Mr. Fan?" Su Wei has been shopping in the United States, just to save himself a way out.

Because in China, it is really easy for Fan Wenqi to handle him.

In particular, most of his money is stored in domestic banks.

If the money is really frozen, who knows whether the aliens will count him as having no money.

"Call you, there must be something wrong, I went to the hospital for an examination today, and I'm pregnant." Fan Wenqi was still thinking that if Su Wei came back soon, she would tell him about it in person.

She didn't expect that he wouldn't come back soon, so she said it directly on the phone.

"That's right, congratulations." Su Wei didn't feel much about having another child.

After all, after having more children, how could it be possible to be surprised every time.

Especially Fan Wenqi's child, he didn't know what the relationship would develop in the future.

"Su Wei, if you stay in the United States this time and don't come back, don't think that I don't know what you think, I'll just say it straight, I'm not interested in your assets, you can rest assured about that," Fan Wenqi saw Su Wei's tone was so flat that he was angry.

After all, she is not blind, how could she not notice that Su Wei was throwing money like crazy recently.

She knew that Su Wei was afraid that after the child was born, she would take away all his assets.

But she, Fan Wenqi, swear to God, she really didn't have such an idea.

"What do you think of me? I'll be back this Mid-Autumn Festival. Let's meet after the festival." After hearing what Fan Wenqi said, Su Wei planned to tell the truth.

After all, his more than 1000 billion yuan is still in the bank.

The relationship between him and Fan Wenqi couldn't be made too rigid, after all, Lao Huang, the president of the Bank of Shanghai, was her uncle.

"That's what you said. If you come back after the Mid-Autumn Festival, then I'll be waiting for you in Kyoto." Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei say that he came back after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Looking at the calendar, there are only ten days left.

"When did I lie to you? We don't even have this little bit of trust between us?" Su Wei really didn't have much affection for Fan Wenqi's child.

Because there will be this child, he is completely forced.

He doesn't have the dog-licking mentality, thinking that if he has a child, he will become a child slave.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come over, and let's talk about the Xu Group by the way." The main purpose of Fan Wenqi's call this time was to talk to Su Wei about the Xu Group.

Because after such a long tug-of-war, the Xu family agreed to take a sum of money and leave.

The rest is time for them to share the profits.

"I don't want the profits of the Xu Group. The money I earn will be my gift to this child." Su Wei didn't think much of the profits this time.

Because the profit he can share will not exceed 30 billion.

He gave Fan Wenqi this amount of money, so he was worthy of this child.

"Then I will thank you, father, for my son.

By the way, the fact that you spent a lot of money in the United States this time has already spread in China.”

. . . . . .

"Mr. Zhang, what are you looking at? There are so many people around here." Teacher Wang walked into the teacher's office and saw a group of teachers gathered together in the office.

She leaned over to see what they were looking at.

"Ms. Wang, you are here. You want to know. Here you go, you can see for yourself." The place surrounded by everyone happened to be Mr. Ma's next door to Mr. Wang.

He saw Teacher Wang coming and handed her the phone.

Because they teach a class and he is a math teacher.

And Mr. Wang is the language head teacher of this class, so the relationship between the two is pretty good.

"Isn't it just a rich man in China who went to the United States to spend a lot of money? What does this have to do with us? It's worth your excitement." Teacher Wang took a look at the phone and found that it was a rich man named Su Wei who lived in the United States. Buying houses and land cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

She is not interested in such rich news.

After all, no matter how rich he is, it's impossible to share the money with them.

"Mr. Wang, I didn't ask you to read this, you scroll down." Teacher Ma saw that Teacher Wang returned the phone, knowing that she had misunderstood.

Pass the phone back to Mr. Wang, and then pull down the news, all the way to Regal's lace news.

Then I turned to a video of a car crash, clicked on it and let Mr. Wang watch it.

"This person, isn't this person Wu Xiaoxuan, Teacher Lin's daughter?" Teacher Wang saw a man running down from the co-pilot of the hit sports car, and then went to the driver's seat to pick up a girl.

Because the pixels of mobile phones are now improved, even if they are zoomed out, they can still be photographed more clearly.

When she saw the girl's face, Teacher Wang subconsciously covered her mouth, because she knew the girl who was hit.

"Right, when I saw the photo just now, I said it was her, but these people didn't believe it." This news was watched by the teachers. Of course, it wasn't that everyone was envious of the rich and generous spending money.

It was because the girl who was hit was the daughter of their colleague Teacher Lin.

"Ms. Wang, are you sure it's Mrs. Lin's daughter? Her daughter was thrown into the hospital. Mrs. Lin has been working normally recently, and occasionally leads training classes on weekends. Could it be that you misread it?" Mrs. Sun Compared with other teachers, my age is relatively young.

When he just entered the school, he saw Teacher Lin's daughter at a teacher's party, and he fell in love with her immediately.

It's just that he is relatively timid.

In addition, Wu Xiaoxuan at that time was still studying in university and had not graduated.

Later, after Wu Xiaoxuan graduated, she went directly to Shanghai, that is, she came back after the Chinese New Year.

So Mr. Sun and Mr. Lin have been colleagues for three years, but they still haven't expressed their feelings.

Seeing his goddess now becoming the protagonist of a rich man's lace news, he definitely couldn't believe it.

"I shouldn't be wrong. After all, I have known Teacher Lin for more than ten years. I have seen her daughter since she was a child." Teacher Wang read this again after hearing this.

I felt that I should have read it correctly, after all, Wu Xiaoxuan was quite familiar with her.

After all, when she was in high school, Teacher Lin asked her to help Wu Xiaoxuan with Chinese tutoring.

"What's wrong? Show me." As soon as Teacher Lin entered the office, he saw the teacher forming a group.

And Mr. Wang was there saying that she was right.

She has a good relationship with Teacher Wang, so she wants to see what's on the phone.

"Don't, don't, don't, Mr. Lin, don't look at it, oops." Mrs. Wang didn't care when she saw someone holding a mobile phone.

I just looked back and found that it was Teacher Lin, the mother of the protagonist Wu Xiaoxuan.

How could she let Teacher Lin see the contents of the phone, she hurried to grab it.

And it's not just her, several teachers are robbing the phone, and everyone feels that Teacher Lin must not see the content of the phone.

As a result, the mobile phone fell from a height of more than one meter because of the many people robbing it.

"Sorry, the phone didn't break, is this Xiaoxuan?

Teacher Wang, I'm going to make a call, if the director comes, please explain to me." The phone fell to the ground, and several teachers who snatched the phone panicked.

After all, this matter was originally gossip, and it would not be worthwhile to pay for my mobile phone because of this matter.

Teacher Lin saw that everyone stopped grabbing it, so she picked it up to see if the phone was broken.

As a result, the phone was intact, and the screen was still on.

And the most important thing, the phone screen happened to be the scene where Wu Xiaoxuan was carried out of the car by Su Wei.

It should be Mr. Wang. She planned to see if this person was Wu Xiaoxuan, so she waited until the face was clearest and clicked the pause button.

"I just said, you can't show this news to Mr. Lin, you see what happened." Seeing that his phone was fine, Mr. Ma let go of his worries.

After all, if this phone is really broken, it will be very troublesome later if my colleagues ask for compensation.

And if he doesn't want his colleagues to pay, then he has to spend a lot of money to bear the loss, and he is not happy in his heart.

"Shut up, if you didn't come up with this news, how would everyone know?" This time, everyone is holding the mentality of eating melons.

After all, we are just colleagues, not relatives.

And from the looks of it, Teacher Lin's daughter should be fine.

Otherwise, she would not be able to attend classes normally recently.

But everyone eats melons, but Mr. Sun is not.

Because he has liked Wu Xiaoxuan for three years, now his dream is broken, he hates Teacher Ma who broke the news in the office.

"You mean, it's all my responsibility now, right? If you didn't like Teacher Lin's daughter, I wouldn't tell you the news." Teacher Ma would say this news because he knew that Teacher Sun had always liked Teacher Lin. daughter.

He told Mr. Sun that he had better be more realistic when she is so beautiful.

After seeing the news this time, it immediately confirmed his thoughts.

A beautiful girl like Teacher Lin's daughter is not something ordinary people like them can get their hands on.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, you are all teachers, what if you are seen by the leaders, fortunately today is the college entrance examination day, and the students for the exam have not yet entered the classroom, otherwise you will really lose your adults."

(End of this chapter)

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