Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 420 Allen's Invitation

Chapter 420 Allen's Invitation

"dong dong dong"

"Elder Sister, what's the matter with you? You woke me up at this hour. Is something wrong? I can see something wrong with your face." Duoduo was sleeping soundly, but was suddenly woken up by someone.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was Wu Xiaoxuan who was calling her.

She looked at the time on the wall and found that it was only past eight o'clock in the morning.

Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan's face at this time, she was a little frowning.

"Duo Duo, it's over, my mother just called and said that they will come over during the Mid-Autumn Festival." Wu Xiaoxuan put down the phone, feeling dumbfounded.

Because if her parents come to Shanghai this time, all her secrets will be exposed.

So whatever she said, she couldn't let her parents come over.

"Uncle and aunt want to come over? Then just come." Duoduo didn't understand what it had to do with Wu Xiaoxuan's parents coming over.

Before her parents came to Shanghai for medical treatment, they lived here for more than a month.

"Why don't you understand, where I live now, and the injury on my foot, I can't let them know about it, and most importantly, they still want to see Ah Wei." Wu Xiaoxuan didn't understand her troubles after watching a lot , the whole person is dying of anxiety.

The house she lives in now is Cuihu Tiandi near Xintiandi.

If her parents came here, how could she believe that she lived in such a place.

At that time, I will definitely ask her, where did she get the money to buy this house, or where did she get the money to rent such an expensive house.

Could it be that she should confess to them that she was raised as a canary by Su Wei.

"Ah, they still want to see Brother Su, so what should you do?" For a rich man like Su Wei, time is very precious.

He raised Wu Xiaoxuan here, and he hasn't visited her for almost a month.

So Su Wei may not be willing to meet Wu Xiaoxuan's parents.

After all, as Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend, she knew that it would be impossible for her to enter the room.

"I just don't know, so I'm here to ask you." Before Wu Xiaoxuan called her parents, she was drowsy all the time.

After the phone call, she was refreshed.

After all, after hearing such horrifying news, how could she still sleep.

"Why don't you wait for your parents to come and move back to the previous rented house. Anyway, the house has not expired. As for your legs, just say that you were accidentally hit by a car, and if you are at Brother Su's place, you will To be honest, he has gone abroad?" Wu Xiaoxuan rented a house before, but now she lives in Duoduo.

Duoduo shared the rent with Xiaoliu before, but now Wu Xiaoxuan has moved into Cuihu Tiandi, and her house still needs half a year's rent.

The landlord refused to refund the money, so of course he couldn't be cheap, so Duoduo moved in.

What Duoduo thought about was, if it really didn't work, Wu Xiaoxuan would move there to act for a few days.

Anyway, it's impossible for Wu Xiaoxuan's parents to stay in Shanghai all the time.

"You can't do this, because I think my mother's coming here should be related to these news. It was sent to my mobile phone by someone else. You can find out after looking at it." If Wu Xiaoxuan didn't see the message sent to her by others, then this method Still useful.

But after reading the news, she felt that her parents' coming must have something to do with these news.

Otherwise, how could her parents have such a coincidence that they said they would come to see her at this time.

"Brother Su went to the United States to buy a house and a ranch and was exposed? These marketing accounts are too immoral, they even directly exposed your face." Duoduo looked at Wu Xiaoxuan's phone, it turned out to be news on UC.

And from the looks of it, the news turned out to be a hit.

It said that Su Wei bought a ranch and a house in the United States, and said that he spent almost [-] million US dollars this time.

Then the following news is the introduction of Su Wei's lace news.

As the protagonist of the only Bugatti Chiron crash in China, Wu Xiaoxuan was of course on the news, and her photo was directly posted on it.

"I think they want to come here because they read the news, what do you think I should do?" There are too many domestic users who use UC browser.

Just when it was revealed that Su Wei bought a ranch and a house, her mother called her and said that she would come to Shanghai.

If there was no connection between them, Wu Xiaoxuan would not believe her ten thousand times.

"If this is the case, then tell the truth, anyway, your house and car were not stolen." If this is the case, Duoduo suggests that Wu Xiaoxuan should confess to her parents directly.

Anyway, she has this car because her boyfriend is Su Wei.

As for having this house, it was a gift from him because he protected Su Wei from a danger.

Anyway, if she had these things, her parents would definitely not make irresponsible remarks to her.

"But Ah Wei's place is difficult. I'm afraid my mother and the others will misunderstand." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan knew that she got these things through legitimate channels.

But her mother is a teacher and her father is a civil servant.

If you tell them that she got the house and the car because of these two things, they will definitely think that their daughter has been adopted.

So this is what Wu Xiaoxuan struggles with the most.

"In this case, you just need to call Brother Su and see what he has to say." Actually, if you want to solve this matter, it depends on Su Wei's attitude.

After all, these houses and cars were all given to her by Su Wei.

If he admitted that it was a relationship, Wu Xiaoxuan's parents would only suspect that Su Wei doted on their daughter.

"Then I'll call him at night. At this point, he must be with Wang Xiaoyuan."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Brother Su, get up quickly, your car has arrived." Li Ziwei would come to call Su Wei because the car he booked was already outside.

Now the few trailers outside are all Su Weiding's cars.

"What time is it now? The car arrived so early." Su Wei had already ordered the car before buying the house.

After all, in a country on wheels like the United States, if there is no car.

You can directly give your own thighs and walk directly into elephant legs.

"It's past 10 o'clock. They won't unload the goods until you sign. Hurry up." The tow truck outside has actually arrived for a while.

It's just that they refused to unload the goods before they saw Su Wei.

After all, the cars on the trailer this time are not cheap.

The cheapest car is probably the Range Rover.

"It's really troublesome. You go out first, and I'll come out as soon as I get dressed." Su Wei still ordered a lot of cars this time.

Like two Rolls-Royce Phantoms, plus two Ghosts, and two Yaoyings.

And Ferrari currently has a full range except California, and finally there are two Land Rover and four Escalades.

"Then hurry up"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su" Xu Liyang has been busy since she got up this morning.

After finishing the work, I immediately rushed to Bel Air.

Fortunately, Su Wei left her a Land Rover in Beverly Hills yesterday.

Without this car, she wouldn't be able to come to Bel Air today.

"Xiao Xu is here, are you all right yesterday? I saw that you were staggering when you left." Su Wei put on a short-sleeved silk pajamas and planned to go downstairs.

When I came to the first floor, I found Xu Liyang coming.

When the house was warming up last night, everyone opened a few bottles of wine.

At that time, he remembered that Xu Liyang and several female secretaries all drank and staggered back.

"Boss Su, we were actually alright yesterday, and the alcohol was almost over when we went back." Xu Liyang and the others are not fools, how could they get drunk in front of Su Wei.

Yesterday they were just pretending, what should they do if they really drank too much and played like crazy.

"That's good. I was afraid that you all drank too much yesterday. By the way, what's the matter with you coming so early in the morning?" Su Wei knew that Xu Liyang must come to the door for everything.

Now that she came here so early, it should be the result of the plane.

"I was in contact with Turkish Airlines through Boeing in the morning. After they heard that we wanted to buy their plane as a private jet, they said they could sell us their second plane and let us You can go directly to modify it." Turkey knew that Su Wei was going to buy their house this time, so it was overjoyed.

After all, because their aircraft was ordered as a 787-10, few people took it over.

But the delivery date is getting closer and closer, and they are still short of the final payment.

"That is to say, if we buy their second plane, we can send it to the modification department immediately, right?" Su Wei bought the plane this time, thinking that the plane would be in his hands as soon as possible.

After all, when the seeds of disgust begin to be planted, he will not like the Gulfstream G650 at all.

"Yes, there are no seats in that plane. If you send it to the refitting department now, Boeing said that the refitting fee can be cheaper." Now the inside of that plane can be said to be empty.

At this time, send it to the modification department, which can save a lot of money.

"What price is Turkish Airlines going to sell, and what is the cost of Boeing's modification?" Su Wei already planned to take the plane when he heard that it could be modified immediately.

After all, he can enter the refitting factory now, so it shouldn't be too long before he wants to get on a new plane.

"The price of this aircraft of Turkish Airlines was 2.8 million, and they sold it at a loss of 2000 million.

As for Boeing, after I reported your request to Mr. Su, the original budget was 8 million yuan, but now 7 million yuan can help us complete the modification, and they told me that this plane is the first in the world Modified 787-10 private jet "Su Wei's requirement for aircraft modification is that there must be three bedrooms.

Then there must be a dedicated restaurant and a meeting room, and the rest is the seating area.

In fact, these requirements of Su Wei are really very simple.

Except for the special requirements of materials, there are basically not many requirements.

"The world's first, it's a good name. You make an appointment with them, and then sign the contract." Su Wei calculated that it would cost about 3.5 million US dollars.

Such a lot of money can be exchanged for being number one in the world, which is also very good.

As long as the Airbus A380 does not come out, his aircraft is truly the number one in the world.

"Good Mr. Su"

. . . . . .

"Hi, Su, how are you?" While Alan was sleeping, he was woken up by the trailer that Su Wei's family delivered the car to.

When Allen came out, he planned to get angry.

After all, whoever is woken up in the morning will have a bad temper.

But unexpectedly, when he came out, he found out that it was Su's friend outside.

"Hello Alan, we are really neighbors now." Su Wei walked out of the door when he heard someone greet him.

He looked at it, and it turned out to be Allen.

"Su, you are so rich, the cars you bought are too low-key." Allen just chatted with Li Ziwei and the others, and then looked at Su Wei's car.

I found that his cars are a bit too low-key.

The price of none of these cars exceeds $100 million.

The most expensive sports car should be the Ferrari pista.

But here is the Platinum Triangle, this car is a bit too ordinary.

"Do you have any good recommendations? You know, I haven't settled down in the United States for a long time." Su Wei really has no resources in the United States.

Not only the resources of beauties, but also the resources of cars are not many.

"It's simple. I'll have a party at Beverly Hills tonight, and I'll introduce a few people to you." There are too many resources that Su Wei doesn't have here.

He had a good impression of Su Wei. Seeing that he had no channels, he planned to help him.

Anyway, these things are easy for him, and he can get Su Wei's friendship, so why not do it.

"Party? Are there any good-looking beauties?" Su Wei thought that Alan was going to introduce him to that kind of channel business.

Although he doesn't know that kind of person now, he will naturally know him if he buys more cars.

So he doesn't care much about these people.

"This request is simply too trivial for me. There will be many celebrities coming by then." When Alan heard Su Wei talking about women with him, he became interested.

I plan to let Su Wei see what the American upper class is like in the evening.

"That's right, then I won't be late at night." Su Wei became interested when he heard that there was a celebrity.

After all, there are several female stars on Laomei's side who want to sleep.

"Well, bye, I'm going to go to sleep." It's only 10 am, but it's not time for Allen to wake up.

Although he is now slowly taking over the work of the family, he basically doesn't get up until noon.

After all, he is a rich second generation, how could he get up early.

"Brother Su, Allen is going to hold a party tonight, should we dress up properly?" Li Ziwei and the others had checked the Koch family a long time ago.

We know that this family is a super family in the United States.

So when Su Wei and Alan were chatting, they didn't come together.

After all, if the difference in wealth is too far, it means that the circle is different.

"Now the car is here. When we come back from playing with guns in the afternoon, we can stop by Rodeo." Su Wei now has a green card and can buy guns freely.

Before buying a gun, he must have practiced.

Otherwise, if he can't even open the safety of the gun, it may be very embarrassing at that time.

"Don't compete with me, I'm going to drive Pista in the afternoon"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"What's the matter with Xiaoxuan?" Su Wei drove alone at noon, following behind Li Renfeng.

The place they are going now is a gun club in West Hollywood.

There are more guns that can be experienced there than in large gun stores.

"Honey, when are you going back to China?" Wu Xiaoxuan waited until the early morning before calling Su Wei.

After all, if the call is too early, Su Wei is probably still asleep.

She asked Su Wei for something this time, so she definitely couldn't make him angry.

"Didn't I tell you before, I'm probably coming back during the Mid-Autumn Festival, just tell me if you have anything." Su Wei remembered that he told Wu Xiaoxuan that he would go back for the Mid-Autumn Festival two days ago.

Now she came to ask again, there should be something wrong.

"It's like this, my parents plan to come and meet me during the Mid-Autumn Festival this time." Wu Xiaoxuan hesitated for a long time, but still planned to tell Su Wei directly.

After all, if her parents are coming over this time, she may not be the main character, but Su Wei will be.

"Then you can see, is it because you don't have enough money?" Su Wei was speechless, what is Wu Xiaoxuan doing.

Her parents are coming to Shanghai, so she just needs to entertain them well.

Could it be that they encountered some difficulties in their family?

"It's not about the money, it's about this. My mother must have seen the news and wanted to see you." Su Wei has given her 200 million for a month now.

With so much money, it is still very difficult to spend it in a month.

She was afraid that Su Wei would hang up the phone, so she quickly told Su Wei's latest news.

By the way, her parents want to see him.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to make news when I bought a house.

How about this, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I’m sure I can’t do it here, at noon, you can find a better restaurant, and I’ll come over.” Su Wei didn’t know that he was already in the United States because he didn’t read foreign news. With a little bit of popularity.

Many people in foreign countries speculate that Su Wei's house and ranch should be the king of real estate in 2018.

And because his English is Su Wei, it is easy for people in China to guess it is him.

This time, almost everyone except the official media reported this matter.

Even his official accounts under Baihe Media are also pushing this news.

"Really? Husband, you are too kind to me"

(End of this chapter)

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