Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 421 Who Is The Number 1 Female?

Chapter 421 Who Is The Number One Female?
"It's too annoying to buy a gun in California. I just bought a gun, and I have to wait 10 days to give it to me. After 10 days, everyone will go back to China." After Li Ziwei came out of the gun club, he was still cursing. of.

In fact, the cause of the matter is actually very simple, it was caused by the failure to buy a gun.

At that time, the three of them practiced guns inside, trying out pistols, rifles and semi-automatic rifles.

The three of them played for an afternoon, and everyone was having fun.

Since playing with guns is so interesting, of course I plan to buy a few guns to take home.

As a result, after Li Ziwei picked out a rifle and a pistol, the clerk checked his driver's license and criminal record.

After finding that everything was fine, I told him that he could come to pick up the gun in 10 days.

Hearing that it would take 10 days to get it, how could Li Ziwei be willing to do it? After all, he was going home before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

At that time, it is very likely that he will have left home in the United States without getting his gun.

When something like this happened, he certainly didn't buy it.

"We will go to Montana in two days. If you go there to buy guns, there will definitely not be so much trouble." The gun control in California is the strictest in the United States.

To buy a gun in Montana, all you need is a driver's license and a hunting license.

Basically, if you buy a gun, no one will take care of you.

Because Li Ziwei did not have a green card, he applied for a hunting license in advance.

But because he was buying a gun for the first time, he was told he would have to wait 10 days for the gun to be given to him.

"The main reason for Weiwei is that we all bought guns, and he was empty-handed alone, so he was upset." This time, Li Renfeng and Su Wei each ordered several guns.

Su Wei bought a police pistol, a Desert Eagle, a rifle and a shotgun.

Li Renfeng already had a gun, so he bought a shotgun and a sniper rifle this time.

In fact, they also bought a lot of bullets, but they put them in the club.

Next time you come here, you can use your own gun to practice your skills.

"That can't be helped. If Weiwei buys a house in California, even if he has to wait ten days this time, he will have a place to store his guns when he returns to China." Su Wei was really having fun in the shooting range today.

But playing with guns is really expensive. In such a short few hours, the three of them destroyed tens of thousands of dollars worth of bullets.

The main ones were Su Wei and Li Ziwei, who hadn't touched a gun much before.

Now that you have a gun, why not play around with it?

"Brother Su, you've been ganging up on me every day, and you really succeeded in ganging up. You can contact George and ask him to help me find a house in the past two days." Before Li Ziwei came to the United States, he actually had a mediocre impression of the United States.

But after really staying here for such a period of time, he felt that it would be nice to have a house here.

After all, this place is different from the country, where you can legally own guns.

And most importantly, he can go hunting with Su Wei in Montana when he is free.

"Oh, Weiwei, you are amazing, you really plan to buy it." Su Wei really didn't expect that he just Q'd Li Ziwei in a normal way.

He actually planned to buy a house, and he was looking for George, and he planned to buy it in the Platinum Triangle.

After all, if he planned to buy somewhere else, he would definitely not be able to find George to buy a house.

"I really plan to buy it. Even my dad knew about your news this time. He talked to me this morning and said that he actually had this idea a long time ago. After reading your news, it can be regarded as helping him. I have made a decision" Li Ziwei bought a house, it is definitely impossible to pay for it by himself.

After all, at his age, he was only a few million younger at most.

The money is still because of the brokerage company, which is profitable.

Su Wei spent so much money in the United States this time, and the online response was huge.

Many people said, don't let Su Wei run away.

Li Ziwei's father read the news because he knew Su Wei.

It was discovered that people as rich as Su Wei have bought houses in the United States.

Then he called Li Ziwei and found out that although Su Wei didn't immigrate, he also got a green card.

He made up his mind and planned to leave a way out in the United States.

"Uncle, it's fine. It's much bigger than yours. What's your budget for buying a house?" Li Renfeng then knew that it was Li Ziwei's father who agreed.

He wondered just now why Li Ziwei was so bold this time.

After all, he couldn't understand how much money he had on him.

"If I can use the money at home, then I am bigger than him. The budget for buying a house this time should be controlled within 1000 million." Li Ziwei's father plans to pay 1000 million for the house purchase this time.

It is also very annoying to take out the money.

After all, there are only a few people in China who can get half a billion in cash but can't get it out.

"Okay, okay, then we just happened to look at the house together this time. My senior sister told me that someone has already taken a fancy to my house." Li Renfeng's current house was listed on the day Su Wei signed the contract for buying a house.

Unexpectedly, on the day his house was listed, there were bids immediately.

He set his own house at 850 million.

But judging from Chen Yihua's feedback, the house is likely to be sold at a premium.

Because the prices of houses in Irvine have been rising.

"Then let's go to the room together next time"

. . . . . .

"Hi, Sue, welcome to my party, you're so handsome in what you're wearing today." Today's party is Alan Koch's team.

So as the protagonist, he must be greeted at the door.

In fact, there are really not many of his main guests today.

Su Wei, who parked his car and came over, was one of them.

After all, he can be so rich at such a young age.

If there is a chance, he would like to cooperate with Su Wei.

"You're also very well dressed today." Su Wei and the others came home to Ellen's party after they finished shopping for clothes.

Originally, they thought that for the party at nine o'clock, it should be very late for them to come at nine o'clock.

But when I came, I realized that there were not many cars parked outside.

"If the girls inside see you, they will definitely be fascinated by you." Allen's words are basically farting.

Because Asians are not the mainstream population in the United States.

So this leads to the looks of Asian men and women, which will not be mainstream in the United States.

"As long as you look good, I'm sure I'll welcome anyone." Su Wei's Asian looks are not mainstream in Europe and America.

But if his money is here, it must be more popular than his appearance.

After all, in this kind of capitalist country, if you have money, you are a cow, and if you have money, you can be arrogant.

"Brother Su, this manor is so big, it's much bigger than your house in Beverly Hills." After Li Ziwei came in, he realized how big the house was.

Su Wei's house is already very big, but the area of ​​Alan's party place is even more exaggerated.

The garden in this front yard has at least 5 acres of land.

He hasn't visited the backyard yet, but the size of the backyard must be huge.

"It's really big here. If my little tiger lives here, it feels like it can be raised directly." Seeing how big this place is, Su Wei felt that his tiger could be raised here.

Wing is only a little over a month old now, and he can still be raised in a house in California.

But wait another two months, the area here will definitely be smaller.

So Su Wei planned to wait until they went to Montana, and bring Wing there.

Anyway, the breeder has arrived now, and the wing can be handed over to her in the future.

"Awei, now that you see this house, do you regret that you bought it too hastily? If you choose slowly, you will definitely come across a house like this." The Platinum Triangle is actually super big.

In particular, there are tens of thousands of houses here.

Not to mention the foot of the mountain, there are also super luxury houses on the mountain.

With Su Wei's character of not short of money, such a house will definitely be won if it happens.

"To be honest, I don't regret buying a house in a hurry, because the house is big, but it doesn't have a view, and my house can see Los Angeles," Su Wei said in Beverly Hills. That house is indeed not as big as this one.

But the view of that house is not comparable to this house.

After all, the location of this house is on the other side of the mountain. The privacy is good, but the view is not good.

And what kind of house is the most expensive here in Beverly Hills, that is, the house with city view is the most expensive.

So don't look at the size of this house, but it's really hard to say compared to the price, or the difference between them is not that big.

"Hi Sue, hello, we meet again" Jeff Franklin, a small producer in Los Angeles.

This time I came to Allen's party because I wanted to attract investment.

But at this point, the big shots haven't even appeared yet.

So while chatting with people everywhere, he wanted to see if there were any good-looking beauties he could meet.

At this moment, several people caught his attention.

"Jeff? I didn't expect to see you here." When Su Wei was looking at the beauty, he heard a passionate voice.

Looking back, I realized it was Jeff Franklin.

This is the man who sold him his house in Beverly Hills.

Su Wei remembered that when this person signed the contract last time, he didn't seem to be enthusiastic about him at all.

"Alan is a super rich second generation in California. I come to his parties every time. By the way, do you know Alan very well?" Because Alan is a super rich second generation, there are often rich people at his parties Come with big stars.

Jeff comes every time, it's actually very simple.

That is, he wants to find someone among these rich people who is willing to spend money to make movies for him.

"It's okay, he's my neighbor in Bel Air." Su Wei couldn't stand Jeff's enthusiasm.

When he just shook hands, he kept holding Su Wei's hand.

If it wasn't for Alan's party here, Su Wei would really beat someone up.

Although Jeff is very tall, looking at 180+, his body has already been hollowed out by wine and sex.

Although Su Wei didn't have bodyguards around him, it was no problem to deal with him.

"I buy it, so it was you that was mentioned in the news. You really spent 9000 million US dollars to buy a house in Bel-Air?" Jeff knew that Su Wei spent a total of [-] million US dollars during this period. .

He regretted it all over, thinking that his house was sold cheaply.

But he didn't think about it, if his house didn't drop in price, it wouldn't be sold at all.

"If there is only one transaction record for that 9000 million house, it should be mine." Su Wei was reminded by Wu Xiaoxuan today and has already checked the news.

It turned out that he bought 34 acres of land at once this time, and some people on Twitter said that the Chinese were going to buy the United States.

And this business is likely to be the biggest real estate transaction in 2018.

However, there are many people who are sour, and there are many people who speak for him, and most of these people are women.

Saying that the United States is a free country, this transaction is completely legal.

Before, it was just a lot of domestic girls licking him, but now a bunch of girls in the United States are licking him.

"I probably didn't tell you the last time I met you, but I'm actually a Hollywood producer" Here in America, it's easy to be a producer.

But being a producer at a major studio is hard.

As for Jeff, he is a small producer who specializes in independent films.

An independent film is a film that does not involve a studio.

If Jeff, the producer, wants to start the project smoothly, he needs to attract investment.

"Oh yes, I also often watch Hollywood movies." At this moment, Su Wei already knew that the person in front of him should not be gay.

After all, whenever a sexy girl walked by, he would stare at them.

If such a person were gay, then Su Wei would not understand.

"It's such a coincidence. I happen to have a very good project in my hand right now. Why don't we go over and have a chat, and I can introduce you to a very popular star later." Jeff is in Hollywood, already It's been decades.

Among them, he worked as an actor, as an editor, as a director, and as a producer.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be so bad.

Of course, there is a reason why it is mixed like this.

That was when he was a director and a producer before, causing a film to lose more than 6000 million yuan.

So for him now, no one in Hollywood believes him, and no one invests money in him.

Now he can only earn money as a TV editor in Hollywood.

But he was not reconciled, so he kept coming to the reception to try his luck.

"You go over first, I'll come over with a glass of wine." Su Wei understood at this moment that the other party wanted him to invest.

But Su Wei didn't know anything about Jeff.

It can only be said that Jeff is really stupid and naive, thinking that selling him a house will allow him to invest, how is this possible.

"Brother Su, his name is Jeff Franklin, right? I checked, but I didn't expect him to be a producer. It's just that we haven't watched these movies and TV series." Jeff Franklin hasn't left yet, and Li Ziwei is already in Googled his info.

After all, if you can't find his information here, then there's no need to chat after that.

Li Ziwei found dozens of movies and TV series related to him on Google.

But these films are basically not popular, and they are basically released in the US market.

"I didn't expect this old boy to be a producer, so we can go over and have a chat with him." Su Wei must be interested in Hollywood.

After all, he said before that he has several stars he likes.

"I wrote this movie script myself, Su, you can read it." Seeing Su Wei coming, Jeff planned to show Su Wei the script.

He would show Su Wei the script directly because he had already filed the script.

Even if Su Wei thinks it's good, and then goes to the magic reform to be screened, if he sues Su Wei, it's a sure thing.

"Wait Jeff, there are so many people here, how did you come to us?" Su Wei refused to accept the script that Jeff was about to hand over.

He was very puzzled, with so many people here, how did this Jeff find him.

"Of course it's because we are very destined. After all, you only saw my house once before you bought it." Most of the people who came to the party this time were Jeff's acquaintances.

As for Su Wei, he just spent 5000 million to buy his house.

The most important thing is that Su Wei bought the house in full.

"Brother Su, this person treats you like a fool!" Li Ziwei laughed beside Su Wei.

Because what this person said was simply treating people like a fool.

"I'm not very interested in Hollywood, because I'm in China and have my own film company." Although Su Wei is really interested in Hollywood.

But he was not very interested in Jeff.

Because even if he wanted to invest in movies, he would not invest in such a lesser-known producer.

"But Hollywood movies are the number one in the world, and if you are an investor, I can let you recommend a female number two." Jeff's script this time is different from his previous scripts.

Because he couldn't get investment this time, he sold his house in Beverly Hills.

Now he has a big pocket, so he plans to make a big movie this time.

"The second female? Why not the first female?" Although Su Wei didn't intend to invest in him, he was curious why only the second female would be able to enter after investing money.

Could it be the female number one, Jeff's wife or girlfriend?
"Because the female number one is a big star"

(End of this chapter)

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