Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 422 Victoria Garrity

Chapter 422 Victoria Garrity

"Because the female number one is a big star." This time Jeff made this movie to wash away his shame.

After all, the previous movie was really badly shot, which caused his reputation to completely collapse.

If he doesn't save him, he can only be a TV editor for the rest of his life.

The last time the movie failed, he felt that it was because of the actors that he couldn't make the decision.

So this movie, he must decide for himself.

"The big star? Who is it?" Su Wei instantly became interested in the big star Jeff was talking about.

After all, big Hollywood stars are indeed world-class.

Regardless of the remuneration paid by domestic stars, it is already comparable to Hollywood.

But when those people went abroad, few knew them.

They can also entertain themselves on the three-acre land of internal entertainment.

"You think you must have heard her name, Miss Emma Watson" Jeff wanted Emma Watson to be a pig's foot for a simple reason.

That is Emma Watson's global popularity, which is relatively large.

And her current price is not very expensive.

This time for this movie, if Jeff can't find a bad guy to invest in, then he plans to pay most of the money himself.

In this case, of course he was looking for a big-name actor with high cost performance.

"Holy shit, Brother Su, it's Emma Watson, she was my idol when I was a child." Children who grew up in China, who doesn't know Emma Watson.

Or to be more precise, who doesn't know Hermione in Harry Potter.

When the Harry Potter movie was released in China, it was truly a phenomenon.

Especially those children who are watching this movie now, they are all grown up now.

When Li Ziwei was a child, he also dreamed of becoming Harry Potter and defeating villains with magic.

"Ah Wei, if she really plays the leading role, I can join in some." Not to mention Li Ziwei, even Li Renfeng couldn't bear the memories.

After all, Harry Potter back then was really a memory of the two generations born in the 80s and 90s.

To be able to participate in this movie now, spending some money is nothing to Li Renfeng.

Fortunately, he did not lose his mind, and he used Chinese when speaking.

"Don't worry, later people will see that you have a lot of money.

The leading lady turned out to be Miss Emma, ​​has she already agreed to act? "Su Wei is speechless, Emma Watson has such a big childhood filter.

Now that Li Renfeng is like this, it is difficult for him to talk about this project.

And he knows that this Emma Watson is still a female boxing fighter.

Su Wei didn't intend to provoke such a person.

After all, if she made troubles on the set, it would be easy to make this movie full of twists and turns.

"Not yet, because we are still talking, you know, to make a successful movie, there is a lot of preparatory work, Sue, you are interested now, have you read my script?" Emma Watson said to This movie, is not very rejecting.

The reason is simple, that is, her current market is not very good.

She has made several movies in recent years, basically all of which have no splashes.

There are also a few movies in it, and the investment is relatively large, but they also rushed.

So now that Jeff came to the door with this script, of course she was willing.

But the only condition is to let him get the funds together first.

"The cost of this script should not be low." Su Wei watched the movie and found that it was about the doomsday.

It is in Doomsday, the story of the male and female protagonists and a group of friends resisting aliens.

If it's just about the doomsday, then the shooting price is very cheap.

But if aliens are added, the price cannot be cheap.

After all, the aliens inside must have a lot of special effects, and every frame of special effects is worth a lot of money.

"Yes, I expected the cost of this movie to be 8000 million US dollars." Jeff made this movie this time, and he went all out.

After all, he has basically made low-budget movies all his life.

The only movie I made went to my grandma's house again.

He has bet on his future this time to shoot this movie.

If he loses, he will basically rely on TV editing to make money in his life.

"Hi, Sue, so you're here. I've been looking for you for a long time. Director Jeff is also here. Are you talking about something?" Allen saw that the time was almost up, so he stopped at the door.

After all, several important guests have already arrived at the scene.

At this time, he remembered that Su Wei wanted to buy a car, so he planned to introduce him to a few friends whose families were related to cars.

After looking around, I found that he was being dragged by Jeff to chat.

"Yes, Sue is very interested in my movie." Jeff came to this party, of course he wanted to recommend this movie to Allen.

After all, with the strength of their family, it is definitely not short of money to invest.

But after Allen read the script, he didn't like the movie.

So Jeff had no choice but to sell one of his properties.

"So that's the case. Can you talk to him later? I'm going to take him to meet a friend." Alan didn't like Jeff very much.

After all, Jeff and his levels are really far behind.

"Of course it's okay, then it doesn't matter if I wait here for a while." Seeing Su Wei's attitude just now, Jeff knew that he must be a little tempted.

Jeff at this time, of course knew that Su Wei could not be let go.

After all, after he calmed down, he might not be impulsive anymore.

But Allen has spoken, what can Jeff do.

After all, Allen belongs to the Koch family, and the strength of this family is not something he can afford.

"Awei, you and Alan go over there, and Weiwei and I will chat with Director Jeff here." Alan said clearly just now, and brought Su Wei over to meet some people.

It didn't say that they should be brought along.

So Li Renfeng directly stated that they would not go there.

After all, their circle isn't strong enough, and they won't feel comfortable entering it.

"That's fine, then I'll be right over." Seeing Li Renfeng say this, Su Wei indicated that he would be back right away.

This time he came to Alan's party, and he really didn't come to make friends.

After all, it is impossible for these rich second-generation Americans to really regard him as a good friend.

"Su, this Jeff is just a small role in Hollywood. He comes to my party every time recently and wants to find someone to invest in his movie." After Jeff took Su Wei away from Jeff, he reminded Su Wei not to Too much about this Jeff.

After all, such a small role gives them too much face, and they will keep climbing.

Moreover, he had seen the script of that movie, and it was nothing new, similar to Hollywood's assembly line script.

He received a bunch of scripts like this every time he held a party.

"Just to chat, if he has a good project, I can indeed invest in it, because I also have a film company in Huaxia." Su Wei invested in films, not for making money.

Because investing in movies can quickly make him famous in the United States.

When he becomes famous, he can let his film company go overseas.

At that time, if he wants to play a Hollywood female star, it will not be too convenient.

"Then it seems that you are also a professional, so I don't worry about it for nothing.

Hi Jay, Lucas, I'd like to introduce you to a friend, this is Sue, my neighbor.

Su, this is Jay, this is Lucas" Allen heard Su Wei say that he has a film company in China.

Then he knew that what he just said was a bit redundant.

After all, it is already 2018, and foreign film industry colleagues have long known the way Hollywood cheats money.

If Su Wei dared to rush inside at this time, he must have been prepared.

"Hello, my name is Su. Wei." Su Wei saw that the person Alan introduced to him seemed different from what he had imagined.

Before, he thought that Allen would introduce him to some distributors.

Looking at the appearance of these people now, he found that they seemed to be a group of rich second generations.

"I've heard of you. Alan's ranch is sold to you." Jay's father-in-law is the chairman of European F1.

But he himself is an American and grew up in America.

Although his wife is British, he didn't like the weather in London, so he stayed in California after marriage.

After all, I am used to the dry environment of California, how could I adapt to the rainy weather in London.

"Yes, I bought it because I like hunting." Only then did Su Wei realize that he seemed to be famous for buying a house and ranch this time.

Because he is in the United States, there is no conversion amount.

I feel that houses with hundreds of millions of dollars in Shanghai are very common, but in the richer America, there should be many houses with hundreds of millions of dollars.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

"I like hunting so I bought it. I like your character very much. Do you like hunting?" Lucas himself represents Pagani throughout North America.

As long as you want to buy a new Pagani in North America, it is basically out of his hands.

He originally saw Su Wei coming, but he didn't really care.

After all, he knows many super rich second generations in Asia.

And this person in front of him, he had never seen before.

Hearing Jay's chat, he realized that he actually bought a beaver manor worth [-] million yuan.

"Hunting is illegal in my country, but I like the feeling of killing prey, so I came to the United States." The most important reason for Su Wei to come to the United States is to leave a way out for himself.

As for hunting, that is by the way.

"Su, it seems that you really love hunting. I should go hunting in Africa after a while. Do I need to call you?" Lucas would go hunting in Africa every year.

Moreover, the prey in Africa are much more ferocious than those in the United States.

After all, there are beasts like lions and elephants there, and American bear hunting is already a ceiling.

His family has nearly 100 million hectares of land in Africa.

"Go hunting in Africa? Then you can call me then"

. . . . . .

"Damn it!" Su Wei chatted with those second generations, and then planned to go back.

After all, Su Wei was not very interested in many things they talked about.

The most important thing is that many people came behind, and he didn't know them well.

It's just that when walking back, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry, are you alright?" Victoria didn't see her manager as soon as she got a drink.

Seeing that the manager didn't see it, she quickly grabbed a snack.

After eating two pieces of snacks, he was content to leave, when he accidentally bumped into someone else.

"I'm fine, it's just that my clothes are dirty." Su Wei was bumped, but nothing happened.

It's just a pity for his clothes today, because all the wine was spilled on the clothes.

Although it looked inconspicuous, the clothes must have been ruined.

"Your dress is Armani's haute couture, I'm really sorry, I will compensate you for this dress." Victoria felt herself, how unlucky she was.

The person I bumped into was actually wearing such expensive clothes.

She recognized it at a glance, this dress is Armani's haute couture.

If the wine was spilled on the clothes, the other party would definitely not want the clothes.

"You know my dress, are you a model?" Su Wei's dress today is Armani's haute couture.

His clothes had already been ordered when he first came to the United States.

It's just that I'm afraid of meeting this kind of reception, and I'm afraid that there will be no clothes to wear.

When I went shopping for clothes today, Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng picked out a few dresses.

Su Wei is attending occasions now, and he no longer wears ordinary dresses.

Su Wei looked at the other party and found that she was not only beautiful, but also tall.

So guess the other party, it should be a model.

After all, after his models slept too much, he found that they had a special temperament, which was easier to recognize.

"Yes, my name is Victoria Garrity." At this time, Victoria thought Su Wei had recognized her.

After all, she is very famous in the modeling circle now.

And in Italy, it can be said that it is the most famous model now.

"My name is Su. Wei, did you come here alone?" Su Wei is more interested in models.

Because of him, he likes tall girls.

He has found so many girlfriends, none of them are short.

Seeing this Victoria now, his heart is a little ready to move.

"No, I came here with my manager Britney, but she was too busy, so I was left alone." If the manager hadn't left to socialize, she wouldn't have been left alone.

She wouldn't sneak a snack at the table without leaving her alone.

If he didn't steal snacks, he wouldn't run into Su Wei in a panic because he was afraid that his manager would find out.

Then she wouldn't have to pay for the dress.

I also know that this dress will not be less than [-] US dollars. Bye-bye, losing so much money, no matter how rich she is, her heart aches.

"You can recognize my clothes at a glance. You should be very famous in the model circle." When Su Wei was in Europe before, his biggest regret was not being a supermodel.

None of the more than ten models who played at that time could go up to Victoria's Secret.

And now that Victoria can come to Ellen's party, Su Wei believes that she must be very famous.

If not, she might well be a supermodel.

"That's right, but this is Hollywood, and there are too many people more famous than me." Only then did Victoria realize that the person in front of her really didn't know her.

This made her feel a lot of emotion, because she must be the focus of everyone at the party in Europe.

But here, only big stars like Emma Roberts are the focus.

"You yearn for Hollywood?" Su Wei followed her gaze and saw a familiar Hollywood female star.

Compared with her, Victoria is indeed a bit unknown.

At least Su Wei didn't know who this female celebrity was, but he could at least know that she was a celebrity.

"Of course, who doesn't want to make Hollywood movies to make themselves more famous?" Victoria's Secret's supermodel is indeed the end of the model.

But supermodels also get old, they eat young food.

If you can transform into filmmaking and become a movie star, it will be a long-term career.

"Victoria, what's the matter?" Britney just left Victoria because she ran into a high-level executive from Universal.

Victoria wanted to get in touch with movies, how could she not know.

And she was in favor of Victoria going to make a movie.

After all, not everyone can become Gisele Bundchen, who can walk on the runway to get a sky-high price endorsement at the age of 40.

Most of the supermodels are over the age of 30, and basically gradually retired.

They didn't want to retire, but at that time there was basically no chance to give them, so it was impossible not to refund.

"I accidentally bumped into Su just now, causing him to spill wine on him." After chatting just now, Victoria knew that Su Wei was quite friendly.

It doesn't have the aggressive attitude of the average wealthy American.

Recently, she was going to be pissed off by these rich people in the United States.

"I'm really sorry, I'm Victoria's agent Britney, we will take care of your clothes." After hearing what happened from Victoria, Britney quickly apologized.

After all, the people who can come to this party this time are basically big shots.

Those who wanted to party were stopped outside the big iron gate.

And she just looked at it with her eyes and knew that this dress should be Armani's haute couture.

Such a person, if offended, will be very troublesome.

After all, they came to the United States this time to look for opportunities.

"No, it's just a piece of clothing, and Victoria and I exchanged contact information, I think this contact information is more valuable than my clothes"

(End of this chapter)

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