Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 423 Los Angeles Chinese Supercar Club

"Brother Su, you are still watching, everyone has already left." Li Ziwei and the others were sitting in their seats, and they had already seen Su Wei chatting with a tall girl.

When Li Ziwei came to look for Su Wei, it was already after the girl left.

He saw that all the girls had left, but Su Wei still looked over there, like a husband-watching stone.

"You say such a supermodel, how can I win her?" Su Wei has confirmed that she is a supermodel from the chat with Victoria.

Such a girl, then he must not let it go.

Seeing Li Ziwei coming, I want him to think for himself, is there any way to win this supermodel.

"How do you take her down and throw money at her? Don't you always do this?" Li Ziwei can do anything, and he has never chased a girl seriously.

After all, most of the time he doesn't need to deliberately pursue anyone, those women know that he drives a sports car and his family is a rich second generation.

Will intentionally or unintentionally let go of your reserve.

He took the girls out for a few high-end meals, and soon they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Although Li Ziwei didn't know how Su Wei chased girls, he should be similar to him.

The difference may be that Su Wei is a little more taken advantage of than him.

"It's useless to ask you. By the way, what did you come to see me for? The matter is over?" Su Wei despised Li Ziwei's suggestion, but in fact he decided to use it secretly in his heart.

After all, he didn't intend to play with this girl for a long time.

If the celebrity models in Europe and the United States are serious, they will basically wear the hundred hats.

So Su Wei only cares about owning, not forever.

Girls who can be settled with money, don't use feelings.

"No, it's not that Jeff saw you finished talking, so he wanted to ask you to continue talking about the script." Li Ziwei and the others chatted with Jeff, but they didn't expect that the other party didn't tease them very much.

After all, people can see that the two of them can't afford the money to invest in the movie.

As for Su Wei, the two of them couldn't make a decision.

So during that period of time, they kept gossiping, but they didn't even talk about the movie.

"His book is too bad, and Emma Watson's current box office appeal is not good, unless more money is spent on special effects, otherwise the investment this time will definitely be bloody." This book is not impossible to vote for, after all, the old Beauty here really likes this kind of setting.

But if you want not to lose money, you must at least have a reliable female pig's feet.

For Emma Watson, she must not be able to come in, after all, there are basically no blockbuster movies after her.

With her salary, it is entirely possible to hire a reliable female pig's feet.

"Then talk to him yourself, he has great expectations for you." Although Li Ziwei likes Emma Watson very much, he will not influence Su Wei's judgment.

After all, for this 8000 million notebook, the initial investment is at least 1000 million.

If so much money is lost, even though Su Wei has money, it is unnecessary.

"When did you have a girl here, why didn't you say anything?" When Su Wei and Li Ziwei walked back, they saw that his previous seat was now being sat by a girl.

And that woman happened to be his type. …

He thought that this girl had come early, but Li Ziwei deliberately didn't tell him, and planned to surprise him.

"I don't know, I didn't have her when I came here." When Li Ziwei first came, there was no such woman.

When Su Wei asked him, he also looked confused.

After all, he really didn't know this woman.

"Su, let me introduce you. This is Jessica Rhodes. We used to work together when I was filming a TV series, but she is now a big star." Although Jeff is now soliciting investment everywhere, he is here after all. Been messing around for decades.

The people I know in Hollywood, if not ten thousand, there are eight thousand.

This Jessica is the young actor he has worked with before.

When her movie was released this year, it exploded a little.

"Hi, I'm Jessica Rhodes, I'm not a big star." Jessica Rhodes came to find Jeff this time because he heard that he was planning to make a movie with a big investment.

Her movie this year was a little hit, and she finally got mixed up with a starlet followed by reporters from a little transparency in Hollywood.

It's just that if she wants to really become popular, she still needs a big production.

And Jeff here happened to have the opportunity she needed.

"Hi, I'm Su. Wei, I think I've seen your movie, um, killing roommates, right?" Su Wei looked at the person in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he looked.

The main reason is that many of these Hollywood stars are face blind.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that this woman was in a movie and seemed to have killed her roommate.

"-_-||, what you said should be happy death day, but I did kill my roommate in it." Jessica was speechless when she heard Su Wei's words.

She didn't make a movie about killing her roommate, she made a movie called Happy Death Day.

The movie was released at the beginning of the year, and it was a little hit at the time.

But even though Su Wei didn't say the right name, he was able to watch her movie, which still made her very happy.

After all, there were many big-name celebrities at this party.

Being recognized here and being recognized outside are two different levels.

"Su, you've seen Jessica's movies, which means that Jessica is really popular." Jeff didn't expect that Su Wei had watched Jessica's movies.

A young actor who had to beg him before has now become a Hollywood star.

This made Jeff more determined to successfully make this movie.

"My friend is looking for me over there, Jeff, Su, then I'll go there first." After chatting with Su Wei and the others, Jessica said goodbye and left first.

After all, when she came here this time, she was just trying to see if the preparations for the movie had started.

"Jessica probably knew that I sold the house this time, so she planned to come and ask me for a role." Jeff came to the party before, and basically no one paid attention to him.

After all, everyone was afraid of being targeted by him, and then forced to invest.

If his previous movie had been a success, he would be surrounded by people now.

The problem is that his previous movie was really bad.

Now that Jessica can come here, she must know that his house has been sold and he has a lot of money with him. …

"Who is that woman?" Su Wei's eyes were attracted by the girl next to Jessica.

Su Wei really didn't expect that there were so many good-looking girls in today's party.

"The one next to Jessica, her name is Blake Lively, and she is married." Who is Jeff, he has been in Hollywood for decades.

He followed Su Wei's gaze and found that this woman was Blake Lively.

Although Hollywood is messy, he doesn't want to introduce Su Wei to a wife.

"Jeff, what do you think of me? I just have a little impression of her. I should have seen her movie." Su Wei became interested in this woman because he had seen her movie.

As for whether this person is a wife, it has nothing to do with him, he is just a movie fan.

"Well, that was my mistake." After hearing Su Wei's words, Jeff thought he was thinking too much.

But think about it, there are so many beauties in Hollywood, who would stare at wives exclusively.

"That woman seems to be a female pig's foot from the shark beach. She was trapped on the reef alone, and then a shark kept turning around her, and finally the heroine managed to escape." Don't say that Su Wei looks familiar, even Li Renfeng and the others are familiar.

After hearing Jeff's introduction, they took a look online.

Soon saw the details of this Blake Lively and found that she had photographed the beach.

This movie was very popular in China. At that time, everyone watched it for the beauty of the heroine.

"So it's her." Hearing Li Renfeng's introduction, Su Wei remembered that movie.

Su Wei has seen this movie, but it was only in his previous life.

That movie is boring, only know that the heroine is beautiful.

Su Wei looked at the information, but he didn't expect that she got married a long time ago.

"Su, let's continue talking about movies." Jeff was very depressed today because he was interrupted all the time because he planned to talk about business.

All he wants to do now is to get the investment right and make a movie successfully.

"Jeff, are you going to be the director or the producer of this movie?" Su Wei saw Jessica Rhodes and Blake Lively.

He planned to formally enter Hollywood. After all, if he wanted to sleep with these female stars, he could only rely on money if he didn't have the resources.

If the other party is not short of money, it may not be easy to spend money when there are tens of millions.

After all, it's impossible for him to spend tens of millions of dollars for a woman.

And if he has resources in Hollywood, then there will be as many supermodels as there are.

"I plan to be the producer and supervisor of this movie, and I plan to find someone else to direct." This time, Jeff is going to turn around for this movie.

After the lessons of the last movie, he already knows that he doesn't have the ability to direct this movie.

So he planned to be the producer this time, but the director didn't care.

"Today's occasion is not suitable for talking about things, you call me tomorrow, we will make an appointment then"

"Awei, you are here today, you are so popular." Li Renfeng didn't know what was going on today, and the three of them stood together.

The people who came to strike up a conversation were all Su Wei. …

"I don't know what's going on, why do I feel like so many people know me?" Su Wei was really curious about all this.

After all, there are men and women among the people who came here.

Su Wei didn't know that he was so popular because of Alan's attitude towards him.

"The two of us can't stay here any longer. If we continue here, we'll have to hang out and go back tonight." The parties in America are just like bars in China.

It's easy to go back to sleep together at night if you see each other in the same eye.

Although today's party was very high-standard, Li Ziwei and the others still wanted to see if they could have an affair.

"It doesn't affect you, I'll go have a drink by myself." Su Wei took a glass of wine and planned to drink it slowly.

He has just passed three top-quality girls, and he doesn't even like the other girls.

Even if it is the kind of popular female star, he is not interested at all.

"Hi Sue, my name is Blake and this is Angelina" Blake and Angelina, have been coming to the party for a long time.

I had always wanted to come over and strike up a conversation with Su Wei, but there was always someone around him.

When they saw that his side was empty, the two hurried over, otherwise they would have to wait again if it was too late.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Su Wei saw the two people in front of him, but he didn't know which country they were from.

Because although the two of them have Asian looks, they speak English.

He didn't know what these two people were looking for him for.

"I am the president of the HRCP club in Los Angeles. I came to see you this time to know if you are interested in joining our club." HRCP means the Chinese supercar club.

Blair and Angelina are authentic Chinese people.

However, the two of them tried their best to integrate into the American culture.

So if they can not speak Chinese, try not to use Chinese.

"You guys want to invite me to join this club, but I don't even know what HRCP is for." When Su Wei spoke, he was a little careless.

Because he has no interest in joining this kind of club.

And if they were sticks and little devils, it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to join this club.

"HRPC is a Chinese supercar club in Los Angeles. I think Su has bought a lot of supercars. You must be a person who likes sports cars. It just so happens that in our club, there are all like-minded partners." Angelina said All the time, he kept leaning on Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei was in the United States this time, but he spent [-] million at a time.

If she can curry favor with him, then she will not be too arrogant in the United States in the future.

After all, this is a capitalist country, and rich people are the best.

"Just talk as you say, don't get too close to me, let me tell you first, I have no interest in this supercar club of yours, and I don't plan to join either." When Su Wei spoke, he directly blocked the woman .

Because this woman has a tattoo of the Ace of Spades on her ankle.

She thought Su Wei didn't see it, but Su Wei saw it very clearly.

For such a black girl, Su Wei felt a little sick when he saw her approaching.

A TV series he liked very much before, because one of the actresses in it was a black woman, he never watched that TV series again. …

"Why? In our club, many people's family conditions are not worse than yours. If you join in, we will help you when you have difficulties." Blair's words are not deceptive.

Because in this group, there are indeed people who are more powerful.

But those people are basically the bastards of the family, the kind who don't have any real power.

Really good second generation, who is bored to join this club.

"Are you insane, help me, who are you, are you worthy?" Su Wei really wanted to laugh when he heard this.

The awesome people in this group, his father's generation, may still be useful to him.

But for these kids, forget it.

"Su Wei, if you don't join us, there's no need to mock us. You are rich, but you have to know that there are people out there who are richer than you." Blair came to Su Wei to join this time, in fact, he wanted to pass He contacts Allen.

After all, the Koch family is considered a top wealthy family in the entire United States.

If he can make friends with him, then he can basically embrace the mainstream American circle.

But Su Wei didn't give him face at all, which made him lose face.

"Hurry up, don't be an eyesore in front of me." Su Wei really didn't like such a person at all.

People who don't know think that these two people can't speak Chinese.

These two people reported their English names in front of him, without communicating in Chinese, and the woman had an ace of spades on her ankle.

With these three points, what's the point of exchanging.

"Su Wei, if you don't join us, you will regret it." Angelina's family also has some money.

Especially after joining the HRCP club, she was praised as a princess by the people inside.

I didn't expect to be so disgusted in front of Su Wei today.

"Don't leave, right? Believe it or not, it's really bad luck for me to have you kicked out." Su Wei thought of touching her hand just now.

It really made him feel like his hands were covered with Xiang.

I wiped it off with a tissue and found it was still disgusting.

"Hello, Mr. Su, do you need tissues? I happen to have wet tissues here." Kazuo Yamamoto is a Japanese who specializes in running bars.

The bar industry under his name spans North America and Japan.

Kazuo Yamamoto knew Su Wei because a friend introduced him just now.

After he knew that this person was a super rich man, he wanted to make friends.

After all, the consumption of bars is basically supported by big bosses.

"Who are you?" Su Wei took the wet tissue from the Asian man in front of him, and wiped every part of his hand aside.

After wiping it off, I feel that the feeling of diaphragm is gone.

"My name is Kazuo Yamamoto and I'm a bar owner"

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