Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 425 Whose Room Did Boss Su Sleep In Last Night?

The next day.

"dong dong dong"

"Who is it?" Bai Yiyi was soundly asleep when she heard someone knocking on the door.

She opened her eyes only to realize that she was held in Su Wei's arms.

Seeing that Su Wei was sleeping, Bai Yiyi replied in a low voice for fear of waking him up.

"Open the door, it's me." Shen Manyin didn't sleep well last night because she suffered from insomnia.

I lingered on the bed until after eight o'clock, got up and tidied up, and planned to find something to eat.

When passing by Bai Yiyi's room, he thought about asking her to go find something to eat together.

"Sister Manyin, don't come in, ah, I, I don't have any clothes on.

President Su, I beg you, Sister Manyin is outside, don't do this." Bai Yiyi realized that Su Wei was on the bed, and was afraid that Shen Manyin would come in.

When he was thinking about how to trick Shen Manyin away, he felt that there were hands playing tricks below.

It turned out that Su Wei woke up and knew that someone outside was teasing her on purpose.

This frightened Bai Yiyi so much that she hurriedly begged for mercy.

"It doesn't matter if you don't wear clothes, you are too shy, I plan to drive out for a stroll, do you want to go?" Although Shen Manyin has a good relationship with Bai Yiyi, she did not open the door without authorization.

After all, Bai Yiyi is her colleague, not her best friend.

The relationship between colleagues still has some boundaries.

"Sister Manyin, I won't go. I drank some wine yesterday and I feel uncomfortable now, so I plan to sleep for a while." Bai Yiyi's wine that she drank yesterday has all been excreted by the night's exercise.

She didn't dare to go out, one reason was because Su Wei was by her side.

Another reason is because she walks awkwardly.

If he went shopping with Shen Manyin, he would be making trouble for himself.

"Okay, then I'll bring you breakfast when I come back." Seeing that Bai Yiyi refused to go, Shen Manyin didn't say anything.

After all, it can be seen from her drinking yesterday that Bai Yiyi should really rarely drink alcohol.

If she feels uncomfortable the next day, she will definitely not wake her up forcibly.

"It's dangerous, if Sister Manyin came in just now, then I would be finished." Bai Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Shen Manyin walking away.

If Shen Manyin had come in just now, she would have seen her and President Su lying together naked.

At that time, everyone will probably know about it, and she will be ashamed to face others.

"So what if she comes in? I slept with you, why are you afraid that she will know?" Of course Su Wei didn't care about this matter.

After all, if Shen Manyin knew, she could still pull her over together.

When the time comes, the three of them can have a good time on this bed.

"Because, because what happened to us yesterday was an accident." Thinking of what happened yesterday, Bai Yiyi felt a headache.

At that time, Su Wei should have said that he had entered the wrong room the first time he came in.

If so, what happened yesterday would not have happened.

Well now, her first time was so muddled and gone.

"You won't be here now, and you still think I admitted the wrong person yesterday?" Seeing Bai Yiyi's annoyed look, Su Wei planned to tell her the truth.

That is, he came to this room yesterday, and he didn't recognize the wrong person at all.

He just knew that this was Bai Yiyi's room, so he came here specially.

"What do you mean? Mr. Su, did you come to me on purpose yesterday?" Bai Yiyi was dumbfounded when she heard Su Wei's words.

Because until just now, she really thought that Su Wei had admitted the wrong person.

Only after hearing what Su Wei said, did he know that he came here specifically to find her.

If she had known this was the case, how could it have been so easy for him to succeed at that time.

"Of course I came here specifically to find you. After all, the lights in the yard are so bright, and you haven't closed the curtains. Unless I'm blind, how can I not see?" The lights outside the villa are all turned off at night.

If you want the light not to be glare, then draw the curtains.

In the situation last night, how could Su Wei recognize the wrong person?

"Well, that's Sister Manyin, did she tell you that I'm in this room?" When Su Wei came in yesterday, he called Shen Manyin's name.

Of course Bai Yiyi thought that it was Shen Manyin who told Su Wei about her room.

At this time, she also realized that Shen Manyin and Su Wei had known each other before.

Her previous self-consciousness was indeed not wrong.

"Of course not. If I went to her, would she still let me go out?" Su Wei certainly didn't ask Shen Manyin last night.

After all, if he asked her, Shen Manyin would definitely do everything possible to keep him.

She sent Su Wei messages every day, and she was so greedy for him, how could she let him out.

"Boss Su, don't be like this. I'm not that kind of person. Yesterday I thought you were mistaken, and that's why you ended up like this. If you don't let me go, they will all know later." Looking at Su Wei more and more The more something went wrong, Bai Yiyi thought about leaving quickly.

If she doesn't leave, it will definitely become like last night.

After all, she has just experienced it, and she is still not feeling well, so it really didn't work like that last night.

"It wasn't like this when you were in the middle of the night last night, come here for me"

"Xiao Shen, then I'll send you here, and I'll go back first." Xu Liyang sent Shen Manyin and the others to the airport, and planned to go back.

After all, she should not be needed for things like their boarding.

If she needs help with this matter, then they are basically not suitable for the job of secretary.

"Sister Xu, you can just send it here for us, and we can see the signs inside." Yang Lele and the others are not familiar with this Los Angeles airport, but boarding is still no problem.

After all, there are signs everywhere in the airport.

If you don't know this yet, you can ask the staff directly.

"Sister Chen, what's going on today? Why are they both so dark?" Bai Yi leaned close to Shen Manyin and asked her what happened.

Why are Yunmengxi and Yang Lele acting weird today.

She greeted them, but no one paid her any attention.

This made her think that they knew something.

"Leave them alone, they seemed to have had a fight in the morning." Shen Manyin drove out this morning and made a special trip to Rodeo Avenue.

Because she wanted to buy some luxury goods when she went back.

After all, in the American city they went to before, there is no such top luxury street.

If you buy something worth 10 yuan here, it will be worth [-] yuan when you return home.

When she came back, she saw Yun Mengxi and Yun Mengxi arguing.

"Why, isn't the relationship between the two of them very good?" Bai Yiyi let go of the stone in her heart when she heard that it had nothing to do with her.

She was afraid that the fact that she and Su Wei were in the room would be made public.

In that case, she really doesn't know how to face everyone.

"Because Boss Su didn't sleep in his own room yesterday, so tell me, whose room did he go to last night?" Shen Manyin originally wanted to go to Su Wei's room secretly at night.

When he knocked on the door, he found no answer.

She wondered if she had fallen asleep, so she opened the door and went in, but Su Wei was not in the room at all.

It was for this reason that Shen Manyin did not sleep well at night.

"Didn't Boss Su sleep in his own room? Sister Shen, how do you know? Could it be that you went to Boss Su's room in the middle of the night?" Bai Yiyi's nervous heartbeat slowed down a beat when she heard this.

Because at that time, Su Wei went to her room.

If they check it out, they'll know what's going on.

"Why did you drag me here? Of course I didn't go. I heard them say it when they were arguing." Seeing Bai Yiyi's expression, Shen Manyin knew that she must know something.

But now her relationship with Bai Yiyi is getting better and better, and her relationship with Su Wei is not as strict as before.

Because she already knew that Bai Yiyi didn't like the type of Su Wei.

"Then whose room do you think Su always slept in last night?" Bai Yiyi wanted to see who Shen Manyin suspected.

She didn't want to spread the news about her sleeping with Su Wei.

At least she didn't want this matter to spread before she succeeded in assuming the position.

"Me, I think Mr. Su was probably in Xu Liyang's room yesterday. Think about it, she looks so happy today, and you can tell that she was passed by Zilan last night." Yun Mengxi and Yang Lele quarreled , proving that neither of them slept with Su Wei.

As for Bai Yiyi, it is even more impossible for her to have any intersection with Su Wei.

Thinking of how happy Xu Liyang is today, if Shen Manyin can't guess that Su Wei slept in Xu Liyang's room, then she will have watched hundreds of episodes of Detective Conan for nothing.

"Sister Xu seems really happy today."

It was already noon when Su Wei woke up in Bai Yiyi's room.

After going to sleep in the morning after exercising, he felt refreshed.

After taking a shower, I went downstairs and found that Nuo Da's villa was empty except for him.

Knowing that the four little secretaries had left, he called Lao Liu, then drove to the place he had made an appointment with Jeff Franklin.

"Hi, Su, you're really here." Jeff Franklin let go of a big stone in his heart when he saw Su Wei coming.

He opened a small film company on the street of Hollywood.

After all, if you want to attract film investment, you still need at least a good face.

"We Chinese people keep our promises. I said we will come, so we will definitely come." Su Wei parked the car, and then shook hands with Jeff Franklin.

Don't take what Su Wei said too seriously.

Because he is really interested in movies, otherwise even if he reluctantly agreed yesterday, he would not come today.

"This way, my office is on the thirteenth floor." Although Jeff's company is in Hollywood.

But because it is a small company, the area is very small.

In the entire company, there are only eight people working at work.

"The budget of your film is 8000 million US dollars, how much money has been raised so far?" Su Wei looked at the company and found that it was a bit old.

Before, he thought that Jeff was fighting alone, but now it seems that he is indeed a Hollywood veteran.

Then there should be no need for him to worry about the subsequent promotion and distribution.

"Now this movie, I have raised more than 6000 million U.S. dollars. You only need to invest 2000 million in this movie, and then this project will be successfully launched." Jeff's current movie has indeed raised 6000 million U.S. dollars.

But this money is all his own money.

He was thinking of fooling Su Wei into investing 2000 million first, and then to solicit investment.

All 6000 million will be voted by him, which is the last situation where there is no other way.

"It's okay to cast 2000 million, but you have to replace the female lead." Su Wei heard that there was still a shortfall of 2000 million, and that wasn't a lot of money.

But this money can be invested, and the heroine must be replaced.

After all, there is one thing that is in the crew, who knows that this movie will be released smoothly.

"Su, do you want to replace Emma Watson? Don't you and your friends like her very much? Could it be that someone else came to you?" Jeff Franklin was a little confused when he heard this.

Because according to Su Wei's friends, the three of them like Emma Watson very much.

Why, after only one night, Su Wei was about to replace the heroine.

So he wondered if any Hollywood female star had already approached Su Wei.

"It's true that I like Emma Watson very much, but I'm a businessman and I still want to make money. Her reputation is too bad. I don't think she will be able to sell well." Su Wei came here a few years later, and knows How bad is Emma Watson's reputation?

If she knew that she would act, the movie would not be a hit.

Then how could he want her to act? It's no different from throwing 2000 million into the water.

"But I'm already talking to her about the contract, and she's very happy to play" Jeff's movie, which was agreed with Emma Watson at the beginning.

Now let him replace the leading actress, of course he won't.

Telling Su Wei like this is to let him know that the actors of this movie will be discussed soon.

"I have made so much money in my life because my instincts are right. My instincts in this movie tell me that Emma Watson will definitely lose money. If you must play her, then I will not invest. Already" If Jeff must have Emma Watson in the role, then he will change to another project.

Anyway, it can be said that there are a lot of projects in Hollywood that lack money.

As long as the news gets out, a bunch of people can find his contact information and try to get him to take a look at the project.

"Su, this movie of mine has many people looking forward to it. You can't tell the lead actress just because you invested 2000 million." This movie can be regarded as Jeff Franklin's turnaround.

The last movie failed because it was influenced by investors.

This time, he won't compromise like capital for the sake of word of mouth.

"2000 million may not be enough, so what if I invest 5000 million US dollars?" Of course Su Wei knew that the 6000 million that Jeff Franklin said was bragging.

After all, if he had so much money, he could start organizing games directly.

It is still attracting investment everywhere, it must be that there is not enough money.

"You invested 5000 million US dollars? Just because you don't want Emma Watson to star in this movie?" If Su Wei really invested 5000 million US dollars, Jeff Franklin planned to back down.

Because of the 5000 million US dollars, he can already start to organize the game.

And if Emma Watson is not used and another heroine is found, the price may be cheaper.

At that time, there will be more money to spend on stunts.


"What? Mr. Su, you want me to drive the company to Hollywood?"

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