The next day.

"I'm finally back. It's better to be in China. I haven't seen so many people in a long time." The moment Li Ziwei got off the plane, he felt as if he had passed away.

After all, when they came back, they were in Montana.

There are only a few people in Helena Airport.

To put it bluntly, there are more people at Hongqiao Airport than in the entire city of Helena.

From a place with few people to a place full of people suddenly, the feeling is too obvious.

"Go away, if I hadn't seen how happy you were in America, I would have believed your nonsense." Li Renfeng saw Li Ziwei pretending to be aggressive, and stepped forward to interrupt him.

After all, he was with Li Ziwei every day, but knowing him was not so sentimental.

When I was in the United States, I was a little bit reluctant to leave.

"I'm serious, no matter how fun the United States is, it's not my hometown after all, and it's not a place I can look forward to for a long time." Li Ziwei enjoyed his time in the United States.

And together with Li Renfeng, they bought a house in Beverly Hills.

But when he was there, he felt that he was still separated from the mainstream American circle.

And the entertainment in the United States, to be honest, is not as fun as in China.

"This is true. The United States seems to be able to play with guns and hunt, but in fact it is not as fun as in China. There can only be occasional fun there, and it is not suitable for long-term living. Otherwise, people will feel lonely." The United States looks very free and can hunt. Playing with guns, but there are actually many restrictions.

Especially the entertainment venues over there are really incomparable with those in China.

Li Renfeng and the others also went to West Hollywood, but it only made them feel a little curious, and the other feelings were really not good.

The most important thing is that Li Renfeng and the others have too few resources in the United States, so they don't have so much fun playing.

If you are in China, you have friends from all over the world, and if you want to call a girl out, it's just a phone call away.

"Don't be emotional, isn't it the United States, there are not so many young ladies in China to accompany you?" Xiaoya sneered at what Li Ziwei and the others said.

They feel bored because there are not so many girls.

After all, when these people were in China, they were singing every night.

Now they are only allowed to go to the United States for half a month, and they have so many emotions.

"Sister Xiaoya, it's meaningless if you say it out, I, Brother Su and Brother Feng, don't want to lose face." Li Ziwei picked himself out immediately after hearing Xiaoya's words.

And it doesn't count if you take it out, and you have to step on Su Wei and the others by the way.

"Weiwei, don't try to pick it out for yourself. You are included in the people I mentioned." Su Wei and Li Renfeng are such people, and Li Ziwei will definitely not be able to escape.

After all, the three of them are basically together.

When the other two went to play, did he go there to play with his mobile phone?


"Husband, mom and dad, are they really not coming back for the Dragon Boat Festival?" According to Wang Xiaoyuan's intention this time, the parents of both sides will meet during the Dragon Boat Festival.

But when she was about to leave, she found out that Su Wei's parents didn't return to China for the Dragon Boat Festival.

They even had to stay in the ranch and continue hunting and feeding the tigers.

"Our side is only the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May, because we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifteenth day of May, so my parents will come back a few days later." This time, Su Wei's parents and the others will come back a few days later.

One is because in their hometown, it is indeed only a small Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May.

The second one is because of Su Xiaoming's plan to continue hunting in Beaver Manor.

He's been on the estate lately, and he's gotten a bit addicted to hunting.

The most important reason is that they want to avoid meeting Wang Xiaoyuan's parents.

After all, Su Wei is not married, what if he and Wang Xiaoyuan were forced to marry him while having dinner at home.

So they planned not to go back this time, and went back after a few days when they were fine.

"Then I'll make two dishes at that time. I practiced secretly during this time, and I planned to show it tomorrow." After hearing the reason Su Wei said, Wang Xiaoyuan felt a little better.

She didn't want to delve into the truth of the matter.

After all, it was her choice to be with Su Wei.

Then all the consequences, of course, have to be borne by herself.

"No need, many relatives will come over then, just arrange the venue." This time Su Wei repaired houses for half the people in the village, and many relatives will definitely come over during the Dragon Boat Festival.

You can only accommodate a few people at home, so it's better to arrange to go directly to the hotel.

Letting Wang Xiaoyuan handle this matter is a compensation for her.

"Okay, then let's go back, I'm so sleepy after getting off the plane." Wang Xiaoyuan felt much more comfortable when she heard that she had come to arrange the venue for this party.

After all, when the relatives of Su Wei's family come, at least they all know that she is the main palace.

After the child was born, her position became more stable.

"You go back first, I have to go to the company"

"What's the matter today, Baihe Property is closed at this point, and it's still cleaning." Several office workers in Baihe Building returned to the company after dinner.

The person who found the Gemini property was still cleaning there.

They have been here to work for a while, and the time for Baihe Property to clean is basically before going to work in the morning.

"I don't know, I don't know if it's because tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, so I plan to hold some event." Deng Mingyu saw that Baihe Property was laying out the red carpet, and thought they were dressed like this, maybe they were going to hold some event in the afternoon.

After all, it hasn't been long since the Baihe Building opened, so it's normal to hold events to attract people.

"You think too much, it seems that the boss of their company is coming here today" Mengzhu's news is much wider than theirs.

In her gossip group, she had already said that the boss of Baihe Building would come over later.

"It turns out that the boss of their company is coming. I thought it was some kind of event, so it has nothing to do with us." Hearing the news, Deng Mingyu felt very boring.

Because if there are activities, then she can see the handsome men and women of Baihe Media.

After all, Baihe Media is located in this building, so the name must have something to do with Baihe Building.

When she takes the elevator, she can often see some artists who have not yet debuted with particularly good looks.

Now that the boss of Baihe Company is welcome, what interest can she have, after all, she doesn't like old men.

"Who said it doesn't matter? I heard that their boss is very young. If they like you, it has something to do with you." Hearing what Deng Mingyu said, Mengzhu hurriedly clarified to Su Wei.

After all, in the gossip group she was in, Su Wei's photo had already been exposed.

And when it comes to his birth date in detail, the most important thing is to reveal all the assets under his name.

When Mengzhu saw Su Wei's assets, his heart was moved.

"What's the situation, why are there so many people rushing out?" Before Pu Jiahui could react, she saw a group of people rushing out of the hall.

She looked around quickly to see if something had happened.

After all, if something happens, she must run away quickly.

"I still have to ask, the real master must have come." Seeing that Pu Jiahui was about to run, Mengzhu hurriedly stopped her.

From this look, it was clear that the rightful owner must have come, so the people from the property company all ran out to greet him.

If something goes wrong, it's impossible for the people from the property company to run away.

And here at the front desk, the guards are still guarding the door.

"Let's go to the elevator room quickly, maybe we can take an elevator later," Deng Mingyu thought, and occupied the elevator room first.

If Su Wei comes by then, they can take the elevator up together.

The worst thing is to let them down, and that's not a big deal.

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you're with us, I'll add him on WeChat." Mengzhu also thought of it, and hurriedly dragged Pu Jiahui to the elevator entrance.

Then, when the door opened, he quickly stepped in.

"What does this mean? Why did people go there?" Pu Jiahui entered the elevator, only to find that the owner and the others did not come to the elevator room.

But to the back, the head will not pass by.

"I've been there, and there seems to be a closed elevator there." Deng Mingyu was about to be late once in the morning, thinking about making that elevator.

It was only after I went there that I realized that the elevator was guarded by security guards not to be pressed.

But when she was about to be late, she pressed the button while the security guard didn't see it, but there was no response. Only then did she know that the elevator was operated by credit card.

"It turns out that the elevator is dedicated to the chairman."

"Boss Su, your office has been fully renovated now, let me take you there." Su Wei took the exclusive elevator and went directly to the 55th floor.

Director Guan led the way, intending to show Su Wei the 55th floor after the renovation.

The upper half of the area is the office of Su Wei and the secretary.

In addition, the general area is still empty there.

"This is my office, right? That's why it looks a bit like that. The office in the Twin Stars Building was really small and pitiful." Su Wei was in the Twin Stars Building before, and originally wanted to build an office again.

But because the trip to Pudong was too far, he basically didn't go there much.

Now that Baihe Building is in Xuhui, he must have a big office.

"Boss Su, this is not your office, this is Ms. Shen's office." Director Guan originally led the way, but Su Wei walked in here first.

He originally thought that Su Wei wanted to see other people's offices.

It wasn't until he spoke that he realized that Su Wei had misunderstood.

Compared with Su Wei's office, this place can only be said to be a small one.

"Then where is my office?" Su Wei didn't expect that this office didn't belong to him.

He took a look at this office and found that the area was much larger than his office in Gemini.

This office is not his, so how big will his office be?

"Your office, Mr. Su, is next door, and this is your office, Mr. Su." The area of ​​this office is only over 100 square meters.

Su Wei's office is too big.

Not counting the area of ​​the bedroom area inside, the outside area alone is more than 500 square meters.

"Fuck, my office is so big, but it's too spacious.

Xiao Zhang, find me a few motorcycles and put them here for me, or the place is too big." Su Wei watched Director Guan push open the door of his office, and found that the area inside was really big.

Because the space of [-] square meters is really a bit scary.

It's just that in this office, it's a bit too sloppy.

The reception area plus the desk only take up a little space.

So Su Wei planned to put a few motorcycles in the office to occupy some space.

"I'll buy it myself, or should I show it to you?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't know what kind of motorcycle Su Wei wanted to buy.

If she comes to buy, it must be all sports cars and street cars.

Whichever style looks good, she will buy it.

"It's up to you to decide. You can buy some other things when the time comes, and decorate the room inside me. By the way, I also fill the closet with my change of clothes." Su Wei walked into the office, only to find There is something wrong here.

Because a living area is completely reproduced here, including the living room, dining room, reception room, study room and bedroom.

The most important thing is that there is a big bathtub in the toilet of the room.

If there are three or five women here, they can take a bath together.

"Boss Su, these are the newly invested companies, please take a look." The general manager of this investment company founded by Su Wei was specially recruited from a big investment bank with a high salary.

After He Zhiming saw that Su Wei visited the office, he planned to introduce several companies that the company invested in recently to Su Wei one by one.

This time, Su Wei put one billion in the investment company.

After He Zhiming got the money, he also planned to make some achievements.

"You can just keep this information here. I'll see later, Director Guan, how is the rental situation of Baihe Building?" Su Wei has no experience with these investments in investment companies.

And which companies can grow big and which companies can't do big has a lot to do with luck.

Anyway, if the one billion yuan is not a loss, then he will continue to invest money in it.

If it loses a lot, then spend money to hire another person to be the general manager.

"It's okay. More than half of the companies have settled in the Baihe Building. Before the end of the year, it should be able to maintain 80.00%." ​​Baihe Building is really the leading building in Xuhui.

Since the start of renting, there has been an endless stream of people coming to consult.

After all, Xuhui is different from Pudong. There are not so many tall buildings here.

"If it can be maintained to 80.00%, I will give you a big reward at that time. By the way, I will go to Kyoto in a few days. When the time comes, you will go there with me. Is there anything else?" Su Wei came over this time, Mainly I plan to look at my office.

After all, if he didn't come here today, he might not have time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Then when he came back from Kyoto and came here again, he didn't know when it would be.

"Boss Su, this is the benefit for the Dragon Boat Festival this time, and you need to sign it." Seeing that the others had finished reporting their work, Shen Manyin quickly took out their benefits for the Dragon Boat Festival this time.

Because they didn't get this thing before, they basically refer to the welfare standards issued by their peer companies.

"What is this? Each employee has a bag of meat dumplings (two packs), and each employee has a box of red bayberry. Shen Manyin, isn't this a little too little?" Su Wei looked at the employee benefits, only to find that there were only two meat dumplings and A box of red bayberries.

For this little thing, 50 yuan outside should be able to get it done.

At this time, Su Wei's face was already a little ugly.

"President Su, this benefit is not too small, and it is the benefit of the factory employees, and this is our benefit." Under Su Wei's name, there are now more and more companies.

In addition to the property company, there are also newly joined investment companies, media companies, and two factories.

Shen Manyin felt that there were so many people in the factory, and many of them were temporary workers, so she came up with two welfare standards.

In addition to the factory employees, the benefits of other companies include a 100 yuan shopping card.

"Who wants you to treat people differently, who do you think you are, and two sets of standards.

Xiao Zhang, just remember, the secretariat will deduct 2000 yuan per person, and Shen Manyin's bonus this year will be gone." Su Wei originally thought that this was too little, so he added a little more.

It turned out that it was Shen Manyin who set up two sets of standards.

After knowing the news, he was even angrier.

After all, everyone is human, and she is just a part-time worker, so who should treat her differently here.

"However, all the employees in the factory add up to more than 5 people. We didn't think that if we gave more, we might spend several million more, so we set this money-saving standard, and if we gave There are too many things, I'm afraid they will have opinions from my peers." Shen Manyin was dumbfounded when she heard that her bonus was about to be deducted.

Because she set the benefits in this way, it was entirely because she wanted to save money for Su Wei.

At that time, she was still thinking that if Su Wei found out, he would definitely praise her severely.

Now, not only did she not boast, but all her bonuses for this year have been deducted.

And the benefits given by her peers are less, compared to her peers, she is already considered good.

"Am I out of money, do I need you to save me money? And what does it have to do with my peers who have opinions? They earn so much money, they only know how to do charity tax deductions, and they don't know how to increase the wages of their employees. Do you want me to learn from peers like this?" If Su Wei didn't have aliens, he would definitely not be rich.

Because his heart is not so poisonous, he doesn't know how to make people fat, and he only eats fat himself.

So now that he has the ability, he must first improve the welfare of his subordinates.

After all, everyone came to work for Su Wei to make money, and to make their lives better and better.

Instead of coming here to talk about bullshit dedication and bullshit gratitude.

"President Su, Secretary Shen and the others are also doing this for the first time. Two meat dumplings for one person are indeed a little less, and many people like to eat sweet rice dumplings, or two bags of meat dumplings and two sweet rice dumplings, and then give one more." box of bayberries, and give each employee a better thermos cup, plus a one hundred yuan shopping card." Director Guan has been by Su Wei's side for so long, and he knows Su Wei's temper.

That's him, he's really not stingy at all.

After he heard about Shen Manyin's Dragon Boat Festival benefits, he knew it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, Su Wei sprayed people in the next second.

"Old Guan, your plan is good. The benefits of the Dragon Boat Festival for all staff will follow this standard."

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