Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 427 The house and the car are my life

"Old Wu, look at my clothes, isn't it a little too plain?" Teacher Lin and Father Wu left early for a while to come to Shanghai.

The main reason is that they want to come here early so that they can have a meal together.

Mr. Lin got off the high-speed rail, and he was still straightening his clothes.

Because she felt that the clothes of these people in Shanghai were more fashionable.

And the clothes she is wearing today are what she usually wears in school.

Because of the rush of time today, she didn't go home and came directly to Shanghai.

"It's pretty, isn't that how you dress at home?" Father Wu saw that his wife had been tidying up her clothes, and he didn't know what to tidy up.

After all, they came to Shanghai this time mainly to see their daughter.

As for these passers-by, what does it have to do with them.

"We're not at home now, we're coming to Shanghai, if Xuanxuan's boyfriend comes to pick us up later, will I be looked down upon wearing this dress?" Teacher Lin is not worried, she is afraid of losing it Daughter's face.

After all, her daughter's boyfriend is likely to come to pick them up today.

And her clothes, the whole body adds up to several hundred yuan.

If the future son-in-law sees her in such shabby clothes, he will think that her family's conditions are poor.

After Xuanxuan got married, she might be looked down upon.

"No need, we are elders, Xuanxuan's boyfriend dares to look down on us." Father Wu became angry when he heard this.

My own father-in-law can still be looked down upon by his son-in-law.

If the other party is really such a person, that's just right, her daughter can break up with the other party earlier.

He originally thought that Wu Xiaoxuan should return to her hometown to develop after graduating from university.

"I don't know what kind of personality Xuanxuan's boyfriend has." Mother Lin was still a little worried when she heard what Father Wu said.

Because she knew that her daughter was a very independent person.

It's completely impossible to listen to them and break up with the current boyfriend just because they don't like it.

If that was the case, she wouldn't have come to the magic capital on her own way back then.

"Dad, Mom, I'm here, I miss you so much." Wu Xiaoxuan was already waiting at the gate of the high-speed rail station for a while.

Because her parents haven't been to Shanghai yet, she's afraid she'll miss it.

The first time she saw them coming out, she hurried up to meet them.

Although it's only been half a year since they came out this time, she really misses them.

Because in the past six months, too many things really happened.

"Why are you here alone? Where's your boyfriend? Hasn't he come?" Father Wu came here this time to see his future son-in-law.

After looking around, I realized that Wu Xiaoxuan was alone.

This made him a little unhappy, and felt that this son-in-law was a little ignorant.

"Awei is still in the United States this morning, and he got on the plane in the afternoon. He should still be on the plane now. When he arrives at Hongqiao Airport, it will be early in the morning. Parents, you must be hungry. Let's go eat first. "Of course Wu Xiaoxuan wanted Su Wei to come with her, but he wasn't free.

She is a sensible person, knowing that he has just returned to China at this time, she must be very busy and cannot disturb him. …

So she can only be alone, to pick up her parents.

As for her girlfriend Duoduo, she had already disappeared after hearing that Li Ziwei had returned.

"Xiao Su is the big boss, so she must be very busy, flying around like this every day is also hard work.

Xuanxuan, I heard that taxis in big cities are more serious about ripping off customers, why don't we take Didi?" Teacher Lin knew it, and Father Wu was looking forward to Su Wei's arrival to pick him up.

But because he didn't come on the plane, she could only help smooth things over.

After all, when Father Wu came here today, he was very angry.

If she was like Father Wu, she might have a fight on the road today.

"Mom, no need, I came by car, my car is over there." Wu Xiaoxuan came here today, she was a little nervous.

Because the life she will show later may completely subvert her parents' worldview.

After all, the two of them have been living in their hometown, and they are just ordinary civil servants and teachers.

"You came here by car? Did you get a raise?" Father Wu thought that Wu Xiaoxuan had gotten a raise when he heard that she had bought a car.

He actually had a problem with her buying a car.

After all, a car is a consumable. With this money in savings, wouldn't it be good to buy a house at that time?

"That's right. After all, in the situation in Shanghai, if you don't have a car, it's very troublesome to go out, so I bought a cheaper car." In Wu Xiaoxuan's concept, ordinary cars are cheap cars.

After all, her monthly living expenses are as high as 200 million.

This time, she bought the car with living expenses.

"Forget it, when Xuanxuan buys a car, just buy a car, it is indeed much more convenient to have a car.

Xuanxuan, you take us to the hotel to get a room first, let's clean up in the room, and then go out to eat, this, this is your car? "Ms. Lin knows that the house Wu Xiaoxuan rents is only one room.

This time she came to Shanghai with Father Wu, so of course she could only stay in a hotel.

It's just that when Wu Xiaoxuan opened the door of her car, she couldn't react.

Because this car, if she is not mistaken, should be called a Porsche.

"Yes, this is my car, parents, get in the car." Wu Xiaoxuan specially bought a Porsche Panamera before her parents came over.

Because her car can only take one person.

And older people will definitely not like Lamborghini.

After all, the line of sight is poor, the seats are hard, and the exhaust sound is loud.

"Xuanxuan, can you afford this car with your salary? Tell me honestly, where did you get this car?" Father Wu is a civil servant, so he is not an ignorant person.

Many big bosses who come to the government to work with this Porsche drive this car.

Although he has never been in a car, he also knows that this car costs more than 100 million.

With Wu Xiaoxuan's salary, it is impossible to afford it.

"Dad, this place is full of people. I'll explain it to you when I get home." Wu Xiaoxuan was so high-profile this time because she listened to Su Wei's words.

I think I should explain everything to her parents.

After all, she has deceived them now, so she will rely on deception in the future.

It's just that it's a long story, and she plans to talk about it after she goes back. …

After all, a house is more shocking than a car.

"No, tell me what's going on with this car first, or I won't ride in it." Father Wu is a principled person, otherwise he wouldn't be just a small leader after so many years.

He must figure out what is going on with this car.

What did Wu Xiaoxuan do in the past few months after she came out, and how could she be able to afford such a million-dollar car.

"Stop arguing, didn't Xuanxuan just say it, she explained it clearly to us when she got home, and there are so many people here, you want to be on the news, right?" Teacher Lin knew that she was a stubborn man.

And Wu Xiaoxuan was just like her father, also stubborn.

Seeing that Papa Wu didn't leave, she pointed to the person taking pictures beside her.

After all, Father Wu is not afraid of anything else, but he is afraid that he will be in the news, especially this kind of short news from parents.

"Okay, then let's go home first, I want to see, Wu Xiaoxuan, how can you explain to me?"

"Mom and Dad, here we are, get out of the car, this is where I live." Just now in the car, Wu Xiaoxuan felt that it was a kind of torment.

Because her father was in the car and didn't say a word to her.

Even if she was desperately looking for topics, Father Wu ignored her.

Fortunately, her father ignored her, but her mother still ignored her, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

"Xuanxuan, the house you lived in before is here?" Teacher Lin looked at the basement, and couldn't believe that Wu Xiaoxuan lived here.

Because the basement looks too luxurious, not to mention that there is no dust on the ground, and my car is too big.

Moreover, the lighting here is very sufficient, which is completely different from the dim environment of the underground parking lot in my hometown.

"I didn't live here before, I just moved here recently." The place where Wu Xiaoxuan lived before was an apartment building.

Although the standard of the negative floor is already very high, it is still incomparable with this place.

After all, this is Cuihu Tiandi, which can be regarded as a ceiling-level luxury residential complex in Shanghai.

"Indeed, the previous place, how could it match your daughter's Porsche? Wu Xiaoxuan, you live here now, how much is the monthly rent? It's not because you lived with your boyfriend, that's why you moved here. "Wu's father looked at the environment with a face full of sarcasm.

Because with his salary, it is impossible to buy this kind of house and live here in this lifetime.

And his daughter actually spends so much money every month to rent a house here.

So he was very suspicious that this house belonged to her boyfriend.

Now the two of them are living together.

"Dad, this house doesn't belong to Su Wei. It belongs to me. His house is a little far away from here." After the elevator reached the floor, Wu Xiaoxuan took her parents out of the elevator.

When Wu Xiaoxuan opened the door, she justified herself.

After all, she was right, the house was indeed hers, and there was a real estate certificate to prove it.

"Xuanxuan, what did you say? You said this house is yours, and this house with tens of millions is yours?" Teacher Lin couldn't believe it when she heard Wu Xiaoxuan's words.

Because of the previous car, she could still understand that it was bought on a loan. …

But for this house, even the down payment will cost several million.

In Mr. Lin's heart, a house worth tens of millions is already a big deal.

"Wu Xiaoxuan, you have to explain to me today how you got this house and this car." Father Wu was so angry because he was worried about Wu Xiaoxuan.

He worried that his daughter would embark on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes.

After all, this house and this car are a bit out of tune with his ordinary family.

"Parents, don't worry, listen to me, this house and car were given to me by my boyfriend." Wu Xiaoxuan knew that her parents would be shocked, but she didn't expect her parents to be so angry.

In fact, she didn't even think about how her parents could accept that she made so much money in such a short period of time.

After all, an apartment in a big city can only be afforded by emptying six wallets of ordinary people.

And the house they bought was just an ordinary house, but she knew it was a mansion at a glance.

"Your boyfriend gave it to you? Why did he give you such an expensive gift?" Although Wu's father has not met Su Wei now, he has already begun to hate Su Wei.

After all, as Wu Xiaoxuan's boyfriend, why would he give her such an expensive house.

If two people are married, he can still understand such a gift.

Now boyfriend and girlfriend give it away, there must be a reason.

"Mom, you and Dad came here this time because they saw the news about the car crash. The person on the news was indeed me." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan knew why her parents came this time.

He must be thinking of coming over, and it is true that she was the one who hit the car.

Since she intends to confess, she intends to tell them from the beginning why she has this house.

"Xuanxuan, that person is really you, you, are you alright? I saw that it's full of blood, isn't it?" Mother Lin gave Wu Xiaoxuan a rough check the first time she saw her.

It was found that she was all over the body, and no obvious signs of injury were seen.

So she didn't ask at the time, thinking that the person inside was not her daughter.

"That news happened a month ago, and my injuries have already healed.

Dad, don’t you want to know how my house and car got here? It’s because I was the driver when the car crashed, and the whole collision was directed at the driver. Shallow scars.

And because of my broken leg, I still can't walk easily, so it can be said that these things are all traded for my life." Wu Xiaoxuan's apartment and car were really bought by her life.

Because without this collision, Su Wei would have bought this house for her to live in at most, and it is impossible to transfer the ownership to her now.

It may not be possible to transfer the house to her until she has been around for a few years.

"Xuanxuan, why are you so stupid, racing is such a dangerous thing, it is life-threatening." In the news last time, it was said that the cause of the car accident was racing.

Seeking revenge in the street, those self-media dare to say it, but the serious news dare not say it.

So Mr. Lin still thinks that the crash was caused by drag racing.

"Mom, we crashed that time not because of racing, but because of some business matters. The other party sought revenge on Ah Wei, and it was only because I was driving at the time that I was injured so badly." How could it be racing, after all At that time, she was driving the country's first Bugatti Chiron. …

And thanks to driving this top supercar, the car has better protection for the main driver.

The impact at that time looked very serious, and she was only at the level of a bone fracture. After so long of cultivation, she has almost recovered.

"Xuanxuan, your boyfriend is in such a dangerous situation, you, why don't you go back to your hometown?" Only then did Wu's father know why her daughter now has a house and a car.

If what she said is true, it is indeed her life in exchange for it.

But in such a dangerous environment, he didn't want her to stay here any longer.

"Now that matter has been dealt with, the principal culprit and his family are all dead, and I'm used to this kind of life, I can't go back to the previous life." Because Wu Xiaoxuan is the person involved, Su Wei will disclose the latest news to her.

Yang Jiale died in the mountains, and Yang Ye and his eldest son were euthanized a few days ago.

So the dangerous environment no longer existed for Wu Xiaoxuan.

Moreover, she was already used to this kind of life in Shanghai, and she couldn't bear to go back to a small city to live.

"This kind of life is so good, you just need to go back to your hometown, and I will introduce you to someone who is richer." Father Wu came here this time, and only knew that Su Wei was the owner of a company.

But he thought about how rich the boss who had to work overtime on the Dragon Boat Festival would be.

As for the more than 1000 million houses, he has a few friends' houses, and the decoration of the houses cost several million.

They came to him several times and told him that their son was old enough to get married.

It's just that before, he had been evasive.

"Dad, the car that I was hit by was the only one in the country, worth half a billion.

And the Porsche I picked you up today was bought by myself, and it cost me 170 million, and the car that Ah Wei gave me was a Lamborghini, which cost 500 million.

The market price of the house I live in is no less than 6000 million. Do you think anyone you know can compare with him? "

"Baby, what's the matter, have uncles and aunts received it?" Su Wei was having dinner with the company's senior management at night.

After all, he was too busy before and hadn't communicated with them yet.

Just taking advantage of the free time today, let's have a meal together and get to know each other.

Otherwise, his boss's company, even the senior management of his own company would not be familiar with him.

While he was chatting, he received a call from Wu Xiaoxuan.

"Husband, my parents are already here, don't forget to come over for dinner at noon tomorrow." Wu Xiaoxuan and her parents have explained everything clearly this time.

It's just that there is some information in it, and she didn't directly confess it.

For example, Su Wei said that he does not plan to get married, for example, he still has many girlfriends.

"Don't worry, just send me the address when the time comes."

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