Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 428 Wu Xiaoxuan Occupies Someone Else's Box

The next day.

Su Wei got up very early today, after all, there are a lot of things today.

He was going to Wu Xiaoxuan's place at noon, and had dinner with her parents then.

In the evening, he had to go to Wang Xiaoyuan's house.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is now four months pregnant. If she doesn't say anything else, she will be able to see that her belly is getting bigger.

So she plans to confess to her parents today, then Su Wei must go to help attract firepower.

Because Zhang Ruoyu was resting today, and Wang Xiaoyuan was with her parents, Su Wei spent half a day picking out clothes by himself.

Only then did he realize that he was used to having Zhang Ruoyu by his side.

She was suddenly absent from rest, and Su Wei missed her quite a bit.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, what's wrong with Mr. Su?" Zhang Ruoyu had a rare holiday and was planning to take a deep sleep.

In the end, he was woken up by a phone call from Su Wei.

Seeing that it was Su Wei's call, she thought something had happened to Su Wei.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you, I'm going to meet my parents today, do you think I'll be okay in this dress?" Su Wei changed a few sets of clothes, and they all felt more ordinary.

So he thought about it and called Zhang Ruoyu.

I want to ask her what kind of clothes she should wear better.

"I think this dress is a bit frivolous. Mr. Su, you can wear that Armani black couture suit. That dress will make you look more mature." Seeing that Su Wei was asking her about this, Zhang Ruoyu had no choice but to hang up the phone After the disconnection, it was replaced by a call.

Looking at the clothes Su Wei is wearing now, he is wearing a Dior blue casual suit.

She felt that this dress was too frivolous, and it was a bit rude to wear it to meet his parents, so she suggested that he change into an Armani black orthodox suit.

"Where is that dress, is it in the third cabinet? Oh, I saw it. If you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten that I have such a dress. What are you doing now? You are still sleeping." Su Wei According to Zhang Ruoyu's command, he successfully found the suit.

After putting on the clothes and looking at them, they were indeed much better than the one I picked.

He didn't notice that Zhang Ruoyu was wearing pajamas until he was done with his work.

And this pajamas are a little bit vague.

"Aren't you resting today, so I slept a little longer?" Zhang Ruoyu went to the United States this time, and Su Wei also gave her a vacation.

But because she lived in Su Wei's house, she couldn't sleep in even if it was a rest day.

Now that she is finally home, of course she intends to have a good sleep to compensate herself.

"That's it, then go on to sleep." Knowing about his call, Su Wei must have woken up Zhang Ruoyu.

But seeing that Zhang Ruoyu was unhappy, he didn't know why, but he felt very happy in his heart.

"Ah, why is this person like this?" Zhang Ruoyu almost died of anger when she saw Su Wei hang up the phone just like that.

Because Su Wei woke her up, at least talk to her a few more words.

As a result, after choosing the clothes, she hung up the phone directly. How could she not be angry.

"Ruoyu, what's wrong with you?" Zhang's mother thought something was wrong when she saw Zhang Ruoyu yelling in the room.

Opening the door of her room, she saw her jumping up and down under the quilt.


"Mom, I'm fine, I just saw the news about a scumbag, it made me mad."

"Waiter, isn't the box I ordered the largest? Why is this box bigger than ours?" This time, the restaurant Wu Xiaoxuan ordered was a Cantonese restaurant near Xintiandi.

This restaurant is opened in Sinan Mansion, the first floor is an open hall, and the second floor is all boxes.

Before she came with Duoduo and the others, they basically sat on the first floor.

This time, because she was going to have dinner with Su Wei, she called and planned to book the biggest box.

It was only when they came that they realized that their box was not the biggest.

"We don't open this auspicious hall to the public. Usually, regular customers in the store can order it." Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan's dissatisfaction, Xiao Wang quickly explained.

This box of theirs is only open to regular customers and friends of the boss.

If you are not an acquaintance, you can only book the Ruyi Hall at most.

"Can we book this private room? The price is definitely not a problem. We can afford it." Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and it is the day for Su Wei to meet Wu Xiaoxuan's parents.

The box that invited Su Wei was not the biggest.

Of course Wu Xiaoxuan felt that it was a bit of an errand.

So I asked the waiter if my group could change to this big box.

Anyway, she ordered more than 2 dishes this time.

"Then I'll ask the front desk first, please wait a moment" Xiao Wang saw Wu Xiaoxuan saying this, and wanted to ask the front desk.

Because she seems to remember that this box should not be booked out at noon today.

If Wu Xiaoxuan must change, it is not impossible to change.

"It's just a meal, so what does it matter if the box is bigger or smaller?" Father Wu felt a little uncomfortable with his daughter's behavior.

Because it's just a meal with Su Wei, it's necessary to be so particular about it.

Besides, Su Wei is a son-in-law after all, and his father-in-law is not so particular about it.

"Xiao Su's family is not an ordinary person after all, it looks more grand in the big box.

Xuanxuan, what do you think mom looks like in this dress?" Teacher Lin knew that Su Wei was rich before he came.

After all, if there is no money, how can it be possible to spend [-] million US dollars to buy real estate in the United States.

Seeing that Wu's father was dissatisfied, she hurried to smooth things over.

"Mom, you walked out with me in this dress. I don't know, people thought we were two sisters." Wu Xiaoxuan took her parents to the shopping mall last night.

After all, the clothes they wore this time were a bit too plain for her.

Their most expensive clothes are only thousands of dollars.

So she bought some more expensive clothes for her parents this time.

It is to let them have clothes that they can wear when they encounter big occasions.

"Mom is so old, it would be nice if people don't call me an old woman." Mother Lin laughed from ear to ear when she heard her daughter's words.

She never thought that one day, she would be able to wear such expensive clothes.

Because this time she was wearing a cheongsam worth tens of thousands.

"Miss Wu, I just asked about that box. No one has booked it at noon today. We can change it for you. Do you still need to change it now?" The waiter just went to the front desk to ask, and this box will only be occupied at night.


In addition, the price of the dishes Wu Xiaoxuan ordered this time was very high, so she agreed to change the box for Wu Xiaoxuan.

"It needs to be changed, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Seeing that it could be changed, Wu Xiaoxuan walked to the next room with her arms around Teacher Lin.

The location of this box is the best in the entire restaurant.

Open the window and look out, just to see the plants in the garden.

Unlike other rooms, when you open the window, you can see either the road or shops.

"Xuanxuan, why hasn't your boyfriend come yet? Do you want to call to remind me?" Teacher Lin looked at the time, they had been here for more than half an hour, and Su Wei hadn't come yet.

So she thought, should I ask Wu Xiaoxuan to make a call.

After all, Father Wu has already got up several times and walked around the room, so he should have been tired of waiting.

"Winter Winter"

"Sir, this is the room Miss Wu ordered."

"Awei, you are here, parents, he is my boyfriend Su Wei.

Ah Wei, these are my parents." Wu Xiaoxuan heard the knock on the door, and when she turned around, it was indeed Su Wei who had come.

She threw herself into Su Wei's arms immediately.

Wu Xiaoxuan's behavior was mainly because her parents put a lot of pressure on her, and she hadn't seen Su Wei for more than a month.

"Hello, uncles and aunts, I knew you were coming yesterday, but I was on the plane at the time, so I didn't come to pick you up in person. I'm really sorry." Before Su Wei entered the room, he was hugged by Wu Xiaoxuan before he could see the person clearly.

He knew that Wu Xiaoxuan was a little disturbed, so he comforted her a little first.

Then I thought about it, went to look at Wu Xiaoxuan's parents, and found that although they were old, they were still very handsome.

Sure enough, parents with good looks are more likely to give birth to good-looking children.

"It's okay, Xiao Su, you are also busy with work, we can understand." Teacher Lin had already begun to observe Su Wei as soon as he entered the door.

When I found him, he looked quite gentle.

Wearing a neat black suit, you can tell that it is expensive.

The only thing that Teacher Lin is a little dissatisfied with is that he is about the same height as Wu Xiaoxuan.

But Teacher Lin also knows that it is not a good thing for a person to be too perfect.

"Waiter, the dishes I ordered yesterday are ready to serve now.

Awei, I really like the food in this restaurant, you can try it later and see if it suits your taste." Wu Xiaoxuan's taste is relatively bland.

Since discovering this treasure restaurant, she has been coming here often.

She couldn't wait to share the delicious food here with Su Wei.

"If you like to eat, then order food here for a long time in the future, and let them deliver it to your home when the time comes.

Uncles and aunts, because I came here in a hurry this time, I didn’t have any preparations, so I prepared a small stone for each of you to play with, I hope you like it.” Su Wei can only say that he doesn’t hate Cantonese restaurants.

Today he got up very early, but he came so late.

It was because he went to prepare gifts for Wu Xiaoxuan's parents today.

It can be said that few people can refuse these two things this time.

What he prepared for Father Wu was a chicken blood stone.


And what was prepared for Mama Wu was a piece of Hetian's best mutton fat white jade.

"Seal? This can't be the seal of Dahongpao Chicken Blood Stone, right?" Father Wu saw the small box Su Wei put in front of his eyes, and he opened it to take a look.

But I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

Because Su Wei was talking about two small stones for playing with.

But when he got it in his hand, he realized that it was a seal made of bloodstone.

And this bloodstone is still a piece of Dahongpao.

Just a little bit, this bloodstone is full of blood.

"Because I heard Xuanxuan said that Uncle, you like to practice brush calligraphy very much, and this chicken blood stone is of no use to me. It is better to give it to Uncle. When the bottom is engraved with Uncle's signature, it can also play its role. Function" This Dahongpao bloodstone was found by Su Wei a week ago.

Its blood content is as high as more than 90%, which can be regarded as the best of the best.

And this bloodstone is not too small.

It is 4cm long, 2.5cm wide and 17cm high.

Su Wei spent 550 million to take it down.

"I can't accept this seal, because the price of the bloodstone is too expensive, you'd better take it back." This Dahongpao bloodstone, if Father Wu doesn't like it, it's a fake.

After all, he claimed to be a literati, and he dreamed of having a seal made of high-quality materials.

But he also knew that the price of this Dahongpao bloodstone was at least a million.

This is the first time he saw Su Wei, how could he accept such an expensive gift from him.

"Dad, Ah Wei specially bought this seal for you, just take it." Wu Xiaoxuan didn't know the true value of this seal.

She thought that tens of thousands of 10,000+ would be enough for this seal.

After all, she hadn't heard much about bloodstones.

But I think it is for seals, so the price should not be too expensive.

"Mr. Ma, you can't come in. There are people in this room." When Xiao Wang was serving the third dish to Jixiang Hall, he found their regular customer, Mr. Ma, coming.

And this President Ma is walking towards the auspicious hall.

She hurriedly blocked him in front of him, preventing Mr. Ma from breaking in.

"What does someone here have anything to do with me? I've already told you, Mr. Zhang, that I want to leave this box to me today. Now it's your work mistake.

Get out of the way, this is the box I reserved." Mr. Ma has indeed confirmed the auspicious hall, and it has been reserved for several days.

It's just that the front desk didn't see Mr. Ma ordering food, and thought he wasn't coming, so Wu Xiaoxuan was asked to change boxes.

Mr. Ma, he really didn't come here today, after all, he must order food in advance if he wants to come.

Just because the place where they played football today was in Xuhui, he ordered another table in Xuhui.

But after they ate on the other side, they felt that the taste was not as good as before after changing the chef.

So they drove over from there again, intending to continue eating here.

"Our boss eats inside, and no one can enter except the waiter." Liu Qiang heard the fat man in front of him tell him to get out of the way, but he ignored him.


Just when he was about to go in, he stopped him.

After all, Su Wei was eating inside, so it would be fine if he put this fat man in.

"You know who I am, you dare to stop me?" Mr. Ma has been eating in this restaurant for several years.

It was the first time I saw someone dare to stop him.

When speaking, he planned to push Liu Qiang away.

"I don't care who you are, if you want to break in, don't blame us for being rude." Liu Qiang's age is over 30 years old, and he has passed the impulsive age.

But Xiao Guo is only in his 20s.

Seeing that the fat man in front of him was about to force his way in, he directly pushed him hard.

Then point to his nose and warn him that if he breaks in again, he will be punished.

"You two think I'm easy to bully, don't you, Xiaoqiu, call someone. I want to see how they two little bastards are going to be rude to me." Mr. Ma was pushed by this, almost Pushed to the ground.

He looked behind him, and the scene just now was seen by the female companion he brought.

At this time, he was really angry and angry.

But the people on their side haven't come yet, so he's just shouting from the sidelines.

After all, there are four of them now, and the two women will definitely not do anything.

And the two of them, a fat man and a thin man, are definitely not opponents of the two in front of them.

But when the dozen or so people behind them came, he wanted to see if the two people in front of him were still arrogant.

"Brother Ma, I've already called, and Lao Yan said they'll be there soon." Xiao Qiu and the others came this time, and it wasn't just him and Boss Ma.

They just got there first because they were driving fast.

There are more than a dozen strong golfers in the back.

"Mr. Ma calm down, I'll go and talk to the people inside, and I will definitely help you to vacate the box." Xiao Wang was shocked when she saw that Mr. Ma was almost pushed down.

Because of Mr. Ma, I heard that he is very capable.

Even the boss of their shop has been fawning on him.

Now that he was almost beaten in this shop, she knew that things were going to be serious now.

So I wondered if I could reconcile it and ask Wu Xiaoxuan to give up the box to calm down Mr. Ma.

"I'm full of anger right now. If you tell me to get rid of it, I can get rid of it." How can Mr. Ma forget it now, after all, he lost face in front of women.

And today he happened to organize football, and the people who came behind were all strong and strong men.

At that time, if he doesn't beat up the two people in front of him, he won't be happy.

"There seems to be something wrong outside. Xuanxuan, you are eating with your uncle and aunt. I'll go and find out what's going on." Su Wei saw that two dishes were served, and there was no more food after that.

And there were people yelling outside all the time, saying that this box belonged to them.

So Su Wei planned to go out and see what was going on.

"Xiao Su, let me go with you." Father Wu also heard the voice outside, afraid that Su Wei would suffer if he went out alone.

After all, he knew that this box was bought by Wu Xiaoxuan.

Maybe the original owner of this box came, and he went out thinking about whether he could reason with the other party.

"Uncle, you don't have to go. I won't suffer in a place like Shanghai." Seeing that Father Wu was about to go out, Su Wei hurriedly stopped him.

After all, not everyone can bully him on the territory of Shanghai.

Moreover, Liu Qiang and the others are also outside, so it is impossible for something to happen.

"Dad, you can just sit down, let Ah Wei handle this matter."

Do whatever you want from today

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