Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 429 How much is your restaurant, I bought it

Chapter 429 How much is your restaurant, I bought it

"Brother Ma, you're here, what's the matter?" Zhao Xiuzhen watched the excitement for a long time, and didn't plan to show up.

I plan to see if Wang Meifang can handle this matter by herself.

But who knew, seeing that Mr. Ma was almost beaten, she could only run over quickly.

After all, Ma is always a regular customer in the store, and with great energy, he is an existence that the store cannot afford to provoke.

"You ask me what's wrong, the boxes I reserved were robbed, and I was almost beaten, what's wrong with me?" Mr. Ma can not give Wang Meifang face, because she is just an ordinary waiter.

But Zhao Xiuzhen's face, he still has to give.

It's not because she is the lobby manager of Taoyuanju, after all, Yang Wu, the owner of Taoyuanju, doesn't give face to him.

And he will give Zhao Xiuzhen face, mainly because she is not only beautiful, but also very coquettish.

"Meifang, Ma is always a regular customer of our shop, why was his box robbed?" Zhao Xiuzhen asked Wang Meifang, but she actually did it for Ma to see.

After all, she is the lobby manager, so how could she not know that Mr. Ma's box has been changed.

And without her nodding, it would be impossible for Wang Meifang to make this decision by herself.

"Manager Zhao, Mr. Ma has confirmed the box, but he didn't order in advance, that's why this happened." Hearing Zhao Xiuzhen's question, Wang Meifang knew that she was planning to play an oboe with her.

So she followed Zhao Xiuzhen's words and told the reason.

After all, Mr. Ma didn't order food in advance this time, so this happened.

"You can change the box to someone else without ordering food? Manager Zhao, you must give me an explanation this time." If Mr. Ma is a reasonable person, after hearing this, he knows that there is something wrong with him, so he must not There will be trouble.

After all, he reserved a box before, and if he didn't order food in advance, he basically wouldn't come.

But Mr. Ma is not a reasonable person in the first place, and he likes to use chicken feathers as an arrow if he has some power.

And his golf buddies are coming over soon.

So many people can only sit in the Jixiang Hall, and the Ruyi Hall next to it is too small.

So even if Mr. Ma didn't reserve a box this time, he would squeeze out the Jixiang Hall.

Not to mention that this time he reserved a box and was almost beaten, then he must be unforgiving.

"Brother Ma, I'm really sorry for this problem, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter.

Wang Meifang, Ma is always our regular customer. This time, it is true that you did not do it properly. You can pack up and leave later. By the way, you can also collect the things in your dormitory later. Pack it up and take it away." Zhao Xiuzhen saw that Mr. Ma was determined to pursue this matter, so she could only blame Wang Meifang for it.

And in order to satisfy President Ma, she was asked to move out of the company dormitory immediately.

There is no way, if Mr. Ma is not satisfied, she may be fired by the boss.

"Manager Zhao, what does this matter have to do with me? Why not agree to change the box?" After Wang Meifang heard this, she quit.

After all, she promised to change the box, but she didn't have the right as a waiter.

At that time, she had asked Zhao Xiuzhen, and it was Zhao Xiuzhen, the manager, who said she could change it, so she changed it.

And the salary of this job is not bad, she doesn't want to be fired.

After all, if you want to find such a job again, you won't be able to find it immediately.

And now if she is asked to pack up and move out of the dormitory, then she can only live on the street.

As for staying in hotels, it is really too expensive for people who go out to work.

"What is it, you offended the regular customers in the store and you plan to talk back, do you plan to give up your salary? You have to remember that the store still hasn't paid you for more than a month.

Brother Ma, can I handle it like this?" Zhao Xiuzhen dared to blame Wang Meifang directly.

It is because in the store, the wages of Wang Meifang and the others have been suppressed for a month and a half.

After all, for a position like a waiter, if the salary is not reduced, the turnover of personnel will be too high.

Zhao Xiuzhen was betting on Wang Meifang. Because she had one and a half months' wages in the store, she didn't dare to resist.

"It's okay to deal with it this way, but this box is still occupied by someone." Mr. Ma is not a fool, of course he knows what Wang Meifang left behind.

But now that Zhao Xiuzhen, as the manager, has fired an employee to make amends, he is already satisfied.

And compared to the waiter Wang Meifang, he hated the two people at the door of the box even more.

After all, it was these two people who made him lose face in public.

And not only the female companion he brought saw it, but also many people in Taoyuan Residence must have seen it.

"It's simple, I'll call them the people in this box, just change the place.

Let me go, I'm going to go in and find your boss to change a box." Compared to Mr. Ma, the people in this box are of course insignificant.

After all, Mr. Ma has a wide network of contacts, and he only needs one word.

Then there will be sanitation, fire protection, and industry and commerce coming to make trouble.

So that's why the boss of Taoyuanju is afraid of him. After all, his relationship can make the boss's shop unable to continue.

"Old Liu, what's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?" Su Wei immediately closed the box door after he came out.

Because he didn't want the movement outside to disturb the meal inside.

After I came out, I found out that the person who had been arguing was a short and fat man.

There is also the waiter who served them before, but she has been crying softly beside her.

"Boss Su, these people want to force their way into the box. We were just trying to stop them." Liu Qiang, as the captain of Su Wei's bodyguard, must not cause trouble.

After all, Su Wei hired them as bodyguards to protect him, not to cause trouble.

It's just that he also has a temper, so when Xiao Guo took the initiative to teach them a lesson, he just watched there.

"What do you force your way in? This box was reserved by us, and you snatched it away." When Mr. Ma saw Su Wei coming out, he knew that it was the rightful owner.

When Su Wei was eating, there was a bodyguard outside, who seemed to be someone.

But Mr. Ma doesn't take such people very seriously.

After all, this is the magic capital, not their kind of countryside.

The law and order in Shanghai is very good, and bringing bodyguards is purely for coercion.

Anyway, he has lived here for decades, and he has never seen the real use of bodyguards.

"Whether we took this box away or not, it doesn't matter what you say, it depends on what the people in the store mean." Su Wei knew that the fat man was that kind of boss when he saw the fat man's appearance.

And it's not that kind of big snake, but that kind of small snake.

After all, that kind of big cobra would not bluff like this.

And even if he is a big snake, Su Wei is not in vain at all.

"Sir, this box was originally reserved by Mr. Ma. The waiter in the store made a mistake when you changed the box this time. I have fired that waiter now, so please come out and let Mr. Ma and the others go in for dinner." Of course Zhao Xiuzhen knew that Su Wei must have some strength.

After all, if you don't have the strength, how can you bring bodyguards with you.

But Mr. Ma is such a coward, let alone offend him.

If she had to offend someone, she would rather offend Su Wei than Ma Boss.

Because she offended Su Wei, she thought it would be a big deal to apologize.

And if they offend Mr. Ma, then they don't even think about continuing to open this store.

"Who are you?" Su Wei had already noticed the woman who asked him to give up the box.

It's just because the clothes this woman wears are more beautiful.

He thought this woman was the fat man's girlfriend.

But listening to what she said just now, it seems that she is still in this shop.

"Sir, I'm the manager of this store. I hope you don't make it difficult for me, otherwise you may not be able to eat today's meal." Although Zhao Xiuzhen knew that Su Wei in front of him should be very capable.

But she still couldn't stand being looked at by Su Wei with such contemptuous eyes.

After all, in this store, besides the boss, she is the one with the most power.

She had thought about changing the person in this box to another empty box.

But she has changed her mind now, and she plans to let them eat in the hall after they come out.

"Oh, let me fail this meal? Then you can't make the decision.

Old Liu, I'll go in and make a phone call. Call everyone outside, so don't let people break in by mistake.

You are the waiter of this restaurant, right? You continue to serve the food in the box." Su Wei snorted disdainfully after hearing what the restaurant manager said.

And what she said offended him a little bit.

Don't so many people like to snatch boxes, he intends to get this matter straight from the beginning.

After explaining to Liu Qiang, I planned to go inside to make a phone call.

At this time, seeing the crying waiter, he beckoned her to come over.

After she comes over, let her continue to serve food inside.

After all, there are two appetizers in it now, and the other dishes haven't been served yet.

"Sir, she has been fired, it is impossible for her to continue serving food for you." Zhao Xiuzhen was a little stubborn when she saw the customer in front of her.

He also wanted to let Wang Meifang continue to serve food in his box.

She could only remind him "kindly" that the waiter Wang Meifang had been fired.

"Do you still want to continue working? Do you still want to, then as long as you continue to serve me food, I promise you will not be fired." After hearing Zhao Xiuzhen's words, Su Wei didn't even look at her.

Instead, she asked Wang Meifang if she still wanted to work here.

When you get an affirmative answer, tell her that as long as she keeps serving the food, she won't be fired.

"Sir, what you said is true, as long as I continue to serve food, I won't be fired?" Wang Meifang thought at first, why was she so unlucky.

To be blamed by this scheming bitch, Zhao Xiuzhen, on her own head.

And because of her salary, she dared not continue to confront her.

Unexpectedly, the guest in the box said that as long as she continued to serve the dishes, she would not be fired.

Of course she didn't want to be fired, after all Taoyuanju's business was very good.

A waiter in a private room like her can earn more than 7000 yuan a month including food and lodging.

"I haven't broken my promise so far. If you believe me, then you will definitely not be fired." As long as the waiter heard about it, Su Wei would definitely not lie to her.

After all, if Su Wei could even lie to someone like her, how bad his character would be.

"I believe in you, I will continue to serve you now"

. . . . . .

"Brother Ma, we are here. What happened? Xiao Qiu called and said that you were being bullied." Xiao He used to be a sports student, but now he is the teacher of a children's football training class in Shanghai.

By chance, he met the big man Mr. Ma.

Because Mr. Ma likes to play football, but his footwork is poor, he often finds Xiao He, a professional, to accompany him.

After Xiao He flattered Mr. Ma, he always dreamed that Mr. Ma would pay him a sum of money.

Let him become a professional football coach, and then he won't have to teach basic football moves to young children in training classes every day.

When I was in the car today, I heard that Mr. Ma was being bullied, which made him feel that his chance had come.

"It's these two people who just saw that Xiao Qiu and I were being bullied. They stole our box and planned to beat us." Mr. Ma stopped talking when he was here just now.

Now seeing their large army coming, he began to feel complacent again.

After all, Lao Liu is less than 180cm tall, and this little Guo is just over 180cm tall.

And Xiao He, the tallest on their side, is already 190cm tall, and there are several more than 180cm on their side.

With so many people present, Mr. Ma has nothing to fear.

"Fuck, you two are quite courageous, you have bullied my brother Ma." Xiao He is not the only person who wants to curry favor with President Ma.

Although Lao Zhang is over 30 years old, he still wants to curry favor with Mr. Ma.

And now that they have an advantage in numbers, it doesn't matter if they say a few harsh words.

Could it be that these two people dared to rush up and beat them.

"My boss is going to make a call, please lower your voice, can you understand me?" Xiao Guo didn't panic at all when he saw so many people in front of him.

One is because of the brothers outside, Brother Liu has already called them, and they will be able to come in immediately.

The second is because these people in front of them are not professional in fighting.

If there was a fight, he might still have a chance to show off in front of President Su.

"Damn Cao Nima, I'm giving you some shame, right? There are so many of us here, and you dare to be so arrogant to make our voices quieter. I'm going to give you two a waste here.

What are you pulling me for? Where did you help? "Sports players like Xiao He have a very temper.

Seeing so many of them now, the other side dared to be so arrogant, telling them to keep their voices down.

He couldn't control his temper immediately, and planned to rush over to beat someone.

But I didn't expect that when he was about to act, he was hugged by someone.

When he looked back, it turned out that his friend Lao He held him back.

"No, look behind, they're coming." Lao He just turned his head to look at the girl brought by Lao Ma, and his eyes were eating ice cream.

Seeing the position of the stairs, a group of strong men came up.

Moreover, the clothes of these people and the two people at the door are exactly the same.

He didn't know yet, this was the person called from the other side.

"They come, so what if they come, it's wrong to snatch other people's boxes." Xiao He hadn't figured out why Lao He hugged him just now.

After his reminder, he turned around and found that the number of people on the other side was equal to them.

And these people, at first glance, are the kind of professional thugs.

There is a clear difference with them.

After Xiao He saw these people, he immediately gave up.

He thought that if he was really beaten, he would call the police immediately.

"That's right, it doesn't matter if there are too many people, the magic city is here to talk about the law."

. . . . . .

"Hey, who is it?"

"You are the boss of Taoyuan Residence, Yang Wu?"

"It's me, what can you do with me?"

"How much is your Taoyuan Residence, I bought it"

(End of this chapter)

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