Chapter 430 I Want It

"Ah Wei, are you okay?" Just as Su Wei entered the box, he was surrounded by Wu Xiaoxuan's family.

After all, when Su Wei went out just now, even though they were in the room inside.

But I can still hear the noise outside.

"There's nothing going on outside, they're just small things, and I'll take care of them right away." For Su Wei, these things outside are really just small things.

If it weren't for the presence of Wu Xiaoxuan's parents, he would have lost his temper a long time ago.

How can there be so many things, the restaurant must be smashed to pieces in the first place.

Then, these people who caused trouble, as well as the restaurant's eccentric store manager, were all pressed to the ground and beaten up.

"Xiao Su, it's so noisy outside, why don't we give them the box?" Teacher Lin is a teacher, she has never experienced such a thing.

So she thought, why not give up the box.

Because Su Wei came from behind, and Liu Qiang and the others didn't come in.

So she and Father Wu didn't know that Su Wei had bodyguards with him.

"Auntie, it's really not necessary, I'll take care of it here.

Xuanxuan, take your uncles and aunts inside, and someone will continue to serve food later, I'll just make a few phone calls here." Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan's mother's behavior, Su Wei really couldn't laugh or cry.

Because he came in, not because he couldn't handle the matter.

It's because he thought, to get rid of the root problem at once.

If he really didn't care about it, then when he just went out, he would have been able to take care of all this matter.

But in that case, how could Wu Xiaoxuan's parents know his strength.

"Mom and Dad, let's go in, Ah Wei will take care of things here." Wu Xiaoxuan was not worried at all, because she knew that Su Wei was very powerful.

Another one is that Su Wei is surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

With them around, ordinary people can't get close at all.

It's so noisy outside now, and I haven't heard anyone approaching the door of the box. It should be that the bodyguards have controlled the outside.

"Is it really okay? I heard that there are a lot of people coming outside." Teacher Lin's voice became louder when he heard the outside.

I feel like they are shrinking their heads like turtles with the door closed like this.

And if those people outside lose their reason, will they rush into the house?

"Mom, don't worry, your son-in-law is a very capable person. We just need to eat normally, and listen, isn't the sound outside much quieter?" A little flustered.

Fortunately, soon after, the voice died down.

"Then let's go back to eat, if it doesn't work, we can call the police"

. . . . . .

"Hey, President Su, do you have any orders?" Chen Lihua seldom received calls from Su Wei now.

Because as the number of assistant secretaries around Su Wei increased, the people who contacted him became them.

So now Chen Lihua is very happy to receive a call from Su Wei.

After all, for a big man like Su Wei, if he keeps in touch with him frequently, it will definitely be good for him.

"Xiao Chen, help me find a number. I need to be able to contact him immediately." Su Wei also has many channels to check the phone number.

But like the bank, it is unlikely that the information can be transferred immediately.

Now that Su Wei is racing against time, that must be the fastest way.

After all, if it's too slow, when Wu Xiaoxuan and the others have finished their meal, who will they be pretending to be?

So on Su Wei's side, he must be looking for Chen Lihua directly.

"Boss Su, tell me, I'll take a note here, and I'll send you the results immediately." The people in the bank are not afraid that a big customer like Su Wei will bother them.

What they were most afraid of was that Su Wei would not bother them.

Because banks can only prove their usefulness if they are often bothered by them.

Su Wei's money in the bank will continue to be saved.

"I'm going to buy the Taoyuanju Restaurant in Sinan Mansion, you can check the owner's phone number for me, and then send it to me." Su Wei didn't intend to hide anyone when he bought Taoyuanju this time.

And even if he told the bank, they would not disclose it to the other party.

"Boss Su, is that all there is to it? Would you like some help from my side?" Chen Lihua didn't expect that it was just such a small matter.

He was wondering just now if there was a big acquisition.

It's like buying Yang's Group, which can cost tens of billions.

Who knew they could do it for them just by buying a restaurant.

And the price you get at that time will definitely be lower than what Su Wei negotiated by himself.

"No, it's just that there may be funds flowing later, so you don't need to call to inquire." Of course Su Wei knew that it would be better to leave this matter to the bank.

But the timeline is definitely going to be very long.

And his original plan was to finish it at noon today.

"Okay, Mr. Su, if you need our assistance, we will step in and help you immediately."

. . . . . .

"Meifeng, you really plan to continue serving food for the Jixiang Hall, you don't think that the guests in the box can manage our restaurant?" Zhao Xiuzhen stopped in front of her when she saw that Wang Meifeng was going to continue serving food.

She admitted that the people in the box were very capable.

But she doesn't believe in managing the restaurant.

Moreover, Mr. Ma is on the phone, and I believe that the people in the box will be unlucky after a while.

So taking advantage of this time, she must stop the people in the box from eating.

"I don't know if he can manage our restaurant, but I started to serve this table of guests, at least I have to have the beginning and the end." Although Wang Meifeng said that she believed in Su Wei, she was actually ready to lose her hope.

As Zhao Xiuzhen said, Su Wei is strong, so he can't control the restaurant.

But she continued to deliver, in part because of a glimmer of hope.

Also, she was the one who started serving the guests at this table, and she wanted to finish what she was doing.

"Wang Meifeng, you are no longer a member of our restaurant, so you are not allowed to serve food anymore." Zhao Xiuzhen has already torn her face, so she doesn't intend to pretend anymore.

Seeing Wang Meifeng going into the kitchen, she blocked the door with her body.

After all, what she said was correct, Wang Meifeng has been fired, and she is not qualified to serve food now.

"Manager Zhao, I think you know better than me the current situation of the restaurant. Whether I can serve food is not up to you." Seeing that Zhao Xiuzhen refused to let her go, Wang Meifeng was not in a hurry to argue.

Instead, present the facts to Zhao Xiuzhen, and then reason with her.

After all, at the door of Su Wei's box, there were around a dozen bodyguards.

If she said that Zhao Xiuzhen would not let her serve, then Zhao Xiuzhen might really be beaten up.

"Master Yang, stop now, the dishes in Jixiang Hall can no longer be fried." After hearing Wang Meifeng's words, Zhao Xiuzhen felt that it made sense.

She didn't dare to continue to stop Wang Meifeng, and instead went to tell the kitchen not to make food.

After all, if the group of bodyguards were really tough, there would be seven or eight men in the kitchen.

Adding the people from Mr. Ma's side, they will once again have the upper hand.

"Our kitchen only looks at the list. Since there is a list in Jixiang Hall, we must finish cooking, and our kitchen has nothing to do with your Manager Zhao." As the chef of Taoyuanju, Master Yang is not afraid of Zhao Xiuzhen.

After all, everyone in the kitchen is his disciples and grandchildren.

As long as he said a word, the people in the kitchen could immediately withdraw.

So after he knew what was going on, of course he wouldn't help Zhao Xiuzhen.

"You, Master Yang, are you not afraid that I will tell Mr. Yang about this?" Zhao Xiuzhen was a little dumbfounded when she saw that the kitchen didn't help her.

Because in normal times, people in the kitchen are easy to deal with.

That's why she thought that besides the boss, she was the best person in the store.

Now that she knows that the people in the kitchen don't listen to her, she still wants to use the boss to suppress them.

"Would you like to go or not? You, the manager at the front desk, still want to manage my back kitchen. You're dreaming." Usually, Zhao Xiuzhen said that they would save face.

That's because Zhao Xiuzhen is pretty, and she speaks rather sweetly.

But if it really involves interests, then Master Yang must be doing business.

If their back kitchen gets involved this time, it is likely to cause a fight.

He would not let his disciples and grandchildren fight because of the trivial matter of grabbing a box.

And the bodyguards of the opponent are obviously trained professionals.

If there was an injury in the fight, how could he explain to their family members.

"Master Yang, remember what you said today"

. . . . . .


A few minutes after Su Wei hung up the phone, he saw several messages from Chen Lihua.

After reading it, he realized that this Taoyuan residence was just a rented house.

The owner of the villa in Sinan Mansion turned out to be someone else, and he happened to be selling the house right now.

"Hey, is that Liu Huaqing?" Su Wei originally thought that this Taoyuan Residence was opened in his own house.

Unexpectedly, this Taoyuan residence turned out to be just a rented villa.

In this case, he needs to contact two people.

Fortunately, the property rights of this house were not divided into several types, otherwise he might be really slapped in the face today.

"It's me, what are you looking for?" Liu Huaqing suddenly received a call when he was playing cards with someone.

The person on the phone asked him if his name was Liu Huaqing.

This startled him, and he thought the debt collector was coming.

He will sell the villa of Sinan Mansion this time because he urgently needs money to pay off the debt.

"I saw that the villa you leased to Taoyuanju is going to be sold. What's the price now?" Su Wei cut to the chase and asked him how much he planned to sell.

Since he intends to act aggressive this time, as long as the price is not too outrageous, he intends to take it.

When Chen Lihua sent the information this time, there was also the villa's evaluation report.

"Wait a minute, are you a buyer or a real estate agent? Where did you get my information?" Liu Huaqing has since disclosed the information about selling the house.

There are often real estate agents who pretend to be customers and call him to set up information.

So when he received a call from Su Wei, he thought he was also a real estate agent.

After all, Su Wei's voice was really too young.

"Don't worry about where I got your information from. Just say whether you sell it or not. If you don't sell it, I'll find someone else." Su Wei dared to say that, and he was completely confident.

After all, Liu Huaqing now owes millions of dollars outside.

If he lost his temper because of Su Wei, he wouldn't sell the house.

Then he wants to sell the villa, but it is not a simple matter.

"Don't worry, my little brother. Of course my villa is for sale. The area of ​​this house is 475 square meters and two floors. Although it is facing the street, there is a small garden of 200 square meters inside, and it can park eight cars.

Now it is leased to Taoyuanju, the annual rent is 150 million, and I still have a three-year contract with him, and I only sell it for 1950 million now, brother, you can make a lot of money if you buy it.” Villa with annual rent of 150 million, 1950 It's really a good deal to buy it.

After all, as long as it is placed there, it will be able to pay back in 13 years.

But what he didn't say is that his villa is commercial in nature.

In the case of second-hand transfer, 2000 million will have to pay several million taxes.

And he sold it at this price because he was afraid that the price would be too high to scare people away.

"Okay, you can send me the card number, and I'll send you the money now, and we'll go through the formalities after the real estate bureau goes to work." Su Wei looked at Chen Lihua's guide price, and found that the price Liu Huaqing called was relatively cheap.

It seems that he should be under a lot of pressure to repay the debt, and the house has not been sold for a long time.

So now he himself has already lowered the price very low.

In this case, Su Wei still has nothing to hesitate.

"You, do you agree? Are you not afraid that I will run away?" Liu Huaqing was dumbfounded when he heard Su Wei's words.

What does it mean that he sent the card number, did he just agree to it?Did you underestimate your quotation?

And what he meant was that he planned to call him directly for 1950 million.

But the other party has never even seen anyone else, so aren't you afraid that he will run away?
"Do you think I'd be afraid?"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, who is it?" Such a big incident happened in the store today, and Yang Wu was not there.

That's because he was watching the dragon boat race in his hometown.

When he received the call, he was quite irritable.

Because of this phone call, it affected him from watching the game.

"You are the boss of Taoyuanju, Yang Wu?" Su Wei didn't intend to beat around the bush in this acquisition.

So straight to the point and asked if the other party was the boss of Taoyuanju.

"It's me, what do you want from me?" Yang Wu was very surprised, what happened today.

Mr. Ma kept calling him before, and then Zhao Xiuzhen called him.

Now even this kind of stranger started calling him.

"How much is your Taoyuan Residence, I bought it." Su Wei called Yang Wu while making money for Liu Huaqing.

After seeing 1950 million transferred into Liu Huaqing's account, he knew that the acquisition of Taoyuan was secure.

"You want to buy my Taoyuan Residence? Are you kidding me? I won't sell this restaurant." When Yang Wu heard that the other party wanted to buy his Taoyuan Residence, his first reaction was to swear.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and didn't scold.

He would want to scold people, in fact, there is a reason.

That is the current business of Taoyuanju, which can be said to be very good.

How could he sell such a cash cow.

"I am the new owner of this villa in Taoyuanju, do you think I am joking?" Although Su Wei has not transferred the ownership, he has already paid for it.

Even if Liu Huaqing doesn't register, he still has ten thousand ways to make him obedient.

So Su Wei said that he was the new owner of the villa, and there was nothing wrong with him.

"Liu Huaqing sold this villa to you? Then I won't sell it. The sale will not break the lease. I still have a three-year contract with Liu Huaqing. You can talk about it in three years." Yang Wu knew that Liu Qinghua was going to sell the villa. Because Liu Huaqing was the first one to ask before selling.

But he feels that restaurants cannot continue to prosper.

In addition, he and Liu Qinghua still have a three-year contract.

So when Liu Qinghua asked him, he refused decisively.

"Buying and selling does not break the lease, but if I disgust you, I don't think you can continue to do it. You make a price, as long as it is not too outrageous, then I will buy it." As the owner of the house, Su Wei is really a disgusting person.

There are ten thousand ways to make Taoyuanju unable to continue.

At worst, he didn't want the rent for half a year or a year, but Taoyuan Residence would be ruined at that time.

"You want me to make an offer, right? Then I will offer 1500 million RMB, do you still want it?" Yang Wu put the villa on the market at that time, and it took half a year to decorate it.

Not counting the rent before and after, the decoration cost alone cost him 400 million yuan.

Now this restaurant can earn him 500 million a year.

So he directly quoted 1500 million and wanted to see what the other party had to say.

"500 million? It's not expensive, I'll take it"

(End of this chapter)

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