Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 432 She's Pregnant and Can't Drink

Chapter 432 She's Pregnant and Can't Drink

"Husband, are you really assured that I will open such a big store by myself?" Wu Xiaoxuan didn't have any experience in holding meetings for employees in the past.

Fortunately, she is not a stage fright person. Although she was blunt, she still finished the meeting.

This time she got the villa and restaurant, she was still a little flustered.

"There's nothing to worry about, and even if you lose it, it's just a small amount of money." As Su Wei is now spending more and more money, he doesn't care about the tens of millions.

Su Wei bought Taoyuanju and gave it to Wu Xiaoxuan. He didn't intend to make money from this restaurant.

The main thing is that she doesn't want Wu Xiaoxuan to be idle. After all, if a woman is too idle, troubles will easily arise in her own backyard.

After spending tens of millions, she can be busy with her own affairs, which Su Wei thinks is worth it.

Moreover, the location of Sinan Mansion is considered a prime location in Xintiandi.

Even if the restaurant can't continue to open, it can be turned into a coffee shop to attract girls who like to take pictures and check in.

"Husband, but I have no experience, and there is no manager in the store. It will take at least a while to recruit that kind of capable manager. What should I do during this gap?" Wu Xiaoxuan has no idea about firing Zhao Xiuzhen Opinion.

But Su Wei directly left the restaurant to her to take care of, and she panicked a little.

After all, she had no experience in opening a restaurant before.

Her ideal state is actually for her to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"During the time when there is no manager, Taoyuanju will be managed by you yourself, and during this time, you can have a deeper understanding of how the catering business works." Su Wei is so rich that he can support Wu Xiaoxuan for the rest of his life .

But he didn't like this, so he invested money in the women around him to let them work.

After all, if a woman keeps being a canary, she can easily become a useless person.

At that time, there will be no spiritual communication between two people, which is a terrible thing.

"Xiao Su is right. He is handing over this restaurant to you now. If you want not to lose money, you must understand how it works. Even if you are the shopkeeper, the people under him will not be able to deceive you." Before "to you", Father Wu still had some opinions on Su Wei.

Because I think he is a rich person who is rich, but the spectrum is a bit big.

And because of business matters, others seek revenge, causing her daughter's foot injury to not fully heal now.

But today, the fact that he bought the restaurant because of grabbing a box, completely changed his view of Su Wei.

And today's scene really shocked him a little.

"Well, I'll manage it myself during the time when there is no manager." Wu Xiaoxuan thought about it too, if Su Wei gave her this restaurant, she would not understand how it works at all.

Then in the later stage, when she was the shopkeeper, her subordinates kept lying to her, and she might not even know it.

This time period is indeed the best time to get in touch with the catering industry.

Because there is no manager, she has access to everything in the restaurant.

"Uncle and aunt, I have something to do in the company this afternoon, so I'll leave first." Su Wei saw that Taoyuanju was almost done.

In addition, he had just received a call from Wang Xiaoyuan, so he planned to go over there.

After all, it was almost five o'clock now, and she heard that there were still a lot of people there.

Being late on such an occasion is not called big name, it is called rude.

"You're leaving now, I still want to have a drink together in the evening." Now that Wu's father looks at this son-in-law, it is pleasing to the eye no matter what.

So he still thought about having a good meal together next night.

After all, during the midday meal, there were constant interruptions.

Although I was full, I was a little apprehensive about eating.

"Awei is so busy, there must be a lot of things in his company, you just know what to drink, Xuanxuan, go and see Awei off." Teacher Lin was also deeply shocked today.

Only then did I know why my daughter admired Su Wei so much.

Basically, no woman can bear this scene today.

"Honey, when will you come to Green Lake World, I miss you so much." Wu Xiaoxuan sent Su Wei outside the restaurant, and couldn't help but put her arms around his neck.

This time, Su Wei went to the United States after going to Europe. It was a month ago that she saw him last time.

And if we meet today, it will be just a few hours.

"Is it you who miss me more, or your sister who misses me more?" Su Wei looked around, and there was no one around.

He hugged Wu Xiaoxuan into his arms, and asked her in her ear who missed him more.

When Su Wei came back this time, he was quite hungry and thirsty.

"I miss you" Wu Xiaoxuan only realized how wonderful this matter was after she and Su Wei got together.

This time, after such a long time, she has the urge to go to the United States to find him.

If it weren't for her foot injury, she might have really passed.

"When your parents go back to their hometown, I'll come to accompany you at that time. Okay, you go in, I'm leaving." Wu Xiaoxuan's parents are here these days, although Su Wei can come.

But it wasn't so good after all, because Wu Xiaoxuan barked loudly.

It's really embarrassing when we meet each other.

"Goodbye, be careful on the road"

. . . . . .

This time, many relatives came to Wang Xiaoyuan's house.

Because Wang Xiaoyuan's family is considered the richest among relatives.

So everyone else wanted to see what kind of boyfriend Wang Xiaoyuan had found.

"Xiaoyuan, why didn't you call me when you went to America this time?" The one who spoke was Wang Xiaoya, Wang Xiaoyuan's cousin, who was two years older than Wang Xiaoyuan.

Because the two are about the same age, they have been compared by their relatives since they were young.

And because they have been compared all the time, there is also a rivalry between the two.

"There were a lot of things in the past this time, and I kept running around, so I didn't contact you." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't like Wang Xiaoya very much.

Because Wang Xiaoya is quite insidious.

Many times I like to shirk responsibility and then blame her.

And because she went to university in the United States, she often feels superior when talking to Wang Xiaoyuan.

Unless Wang Xiaoyuan is stupid, how could she contact her.

"I heard from my aunt that you bought a house in the past. In which city did you buy it? If you want me to say, you can go to Akelia. I know there is a house for sale there, the price is only 500 million US dollars, six rooms 6.5 bathrooms, with a big yard and swimming pool.” Wang Xiaoya’s husband, Guan Yunfei, is Wang Xiaoya’s college classmate.

His current job is to buy a house as an intermediary and as an immigration intermediary.

Ever since he knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was going to buy a house in the United States, he had been looking forward to her contact for a long time.

After all, it can connect feelings, after all, Wang Xiaoyuan is very beautiful.

Secondly, if his house is sold, he can still earn a brokerage fee.

Because his family is relatively ordinary, he can only work hard by himself.

"No need, I've already bought the house." Wang Xiaoyuan has always kept her cousin's boyfriend at arm's length.

Because every time he saw her, she felt that his eyes were a little annoying.

Fortunately, she and him don't meet often.

Only on more important festivals will we meet because of my cousin.

So even if she knew that Guan Yunfei was a real estate agent, she never thought of contacting him.

"You have already bought the house? The second uncle is the same. How can I give you the money to buy random things without asking Ah Fei. The United States is very chaotic. If you buy a bad city, it is not impossible for you to fight at night. , By the way, where did you buy it?" Wang Xiaoya was very unhappy when she heard this.

Because she and Guan Yunfei are now two people with a whole house loan on their backs.

Originally, this time I was thinking about earning an agency fee from Wang Xiaoyuan.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoyuan has already bought a house by herself.

In that case, the money would not be earned, and of course she was not happy.

"Cousin, you don't have to worry about this, because I bought my parents' house from Crystal Bay in Xingang, Orange County. I heard that the security of this community is quite good." Guan Yunfei is a real estate agent, and Wang Xiaoyuan didn't believe that he didn't Heard about this community.

After all, Newport is considered a rich area in Orange County, Los Angeles.

The law and order in Orange County is good, not to mention the law and order in Xingang as a rich area.

As the top community in Newport, Crystal Cove has the highest security in the United States.

Wang Xiaoyuan didn't believe that she couldn't tell about Crystal Bay, so what else could Wang Xiaoya say.

"Crystal Cove in Xingang? Xiaoyuan, Second Uncle really loves you. He actually bought you such an expensive house. Your boyfriend is lucky to be able to live in such a luxurious house in the future." Guan Yunfei heard that Wang Xiaoyuan lives in Crystal Cove in Xingang , the whole person is sour.

He still remembered the first time he went home with Wang Xiaoya, and when he saw Wang Xiaoyuan, he was amazed by her.

And after knowing that her family is rich, I regretted for a long time why I didn't meet Wang Xiaoyuan first.

Now that he heard that Wang Xiaoyuan bought the house in Crystal Bay, he regretted why he didn't try to chase Wang Xiaoyuan back then.

Otherwise, he might be able to live in this kind of mansion now.

"Brother-in-law, Ah Wei bought this house as a gift to my parents. He paid all the money, and my parents didn't pay for it." All the money for this house was paid by Su Wei.

Wang Xiaoyuan didn't want her relatives to misunderstand that her boyfriend was a softie.

Especially in front of Wang Xiaoya, she must not be misunderstood.

"We really didn't pay for this house. Originally, your second uncle and I meant to buy a house worth 400 million yuan.

Unexpectedly, Ah Wei felt that this kind of house was not up-to-date, so he directly bought us a house worth 400 million yuan. Hey, why did you buy such a good house? We don’t even know when we will be able to live in it.” The matter with Wang Xiaoya is not just a comparison between two children.

As far as the adults of their two families are concerned, they have been fighting openly and secretly.

When I was young, I was taller than I was, and when I was older, I was better than studying.

When you get older, you will start to be better than the school you were tested in.

Before, Wang Xiaoya went to study in the United States, found a husband in the United States, and bought a house there.

Wang Xiaoya's family stepped on them many times, both openly and secretly.

Now that she has a chance, how could Wang Xiaoyuan's mother let it go.

"Xiaoyuan, your boyfriend is too rich. He even bought a 400 million mansion. The house we bought in the United States was only more than 300 million dollars." Wang Xiaoya's family heard that this house was bought by Su Wei After that, I stopped talking.

Just because their family doesn't speak, doesn't mean other people don't speak.

After all, the relatives who came this time are also Wang Xiaoyuan's aunt's house.

As for her aunt, the whole family has moved to the United States.

They know what a 400 million house means.

This kind of house can be said to be a luxury house that only the top rich can afford in the United States.

"You don't know, Xiaosu bought a house worth more than 9000 million US dollars in Bel-Air, and she will live with Yuanyuan in the future." Seeing that Wang Xiaoya's house was silent, Wang Xiaoyuan's mother continued to show off.

When Wang Xiaoyuan was single before, she kept asking her whether she wanted to introduce a boyfriend to Wang Xiaoyuan.

The appearance of Su Wei now is to directly slap Guan Yunfei.

"A house worth more than 9000 million US dollars is really amazing. By the way, why hasn't Xiaosu come here yet? The banquet is about to start now." Wang Xiaoya heard that her future brother-in-law's family conditions are so good.

Knowing that if you continue to talk, you are basically asking yourself for humiliation.

After all, their house in the United States, although the family sponsored a little, was only 400 million.

However, there is an essential gap between 400 million and 1400 million houses.

Just like the two cities of Arcadia and Newport, there is an essential difference.

"He's already on his way. I called him earlier, and he said he's already set off." Wang Xiaoyuan checked the time, and it was almost six o'clock.

Knowing that Su Wei is now, it should be almost here.

After all, as he said before, he is at Xintiandi, very close to the Bund.

"dong dong dong"

"Ah Wei must be here"

. . . . . .

After Su Wei came, Wang Xiaoyuan took him to meet her relatives.

The most important thing is to let him meet her grandparents.

After seeing her grandparents, she also met her father's brother and sister.

After everyone has seen it, the dishes are ready.

"Xiao Su, can you drink?" Mr. Wang's hobby in this life is the thing in this cup.

Everyone except Su Wei drank with him.

Now that Su Wei is Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend, he must drink too.

"I can drink a little, but I can't drink enough." Seeing this, Su Wei knew that he must drink this time.

However, regarding drinking, Su Wei has never been afraid of anyone, after all, he is considered a fighter in the alcohol test.

"As long as you can drink it, I brought a box of Moutai here, Xiaosu, can you drink it?" Wang Xiaoyuan's uncle brought a box of Moutai specially this time.

Although his wife is a bit distant from his brother's wife, it has nothing to do with him.

The relationship between him and his brother is quite good.

"I can't drink white wine. I can only drink red wine. Knowing about this party, I brought a box here." Su Wei's alcohol capacity is okay, but it doesn't include white wine.

So after he knew that today was a family gathering, he specially brought a few boxes of red wine.

When I came up this time, I only brought one box.

Because he planned to give Wang Xiaoyuan's father the rest of the wine.

"Grandpa, why don't you drink red wine today. This red wine is from Awei Winery. You can taste how it tastes." Wang Xiaoyuan also knew that Su Wei's alcohol capacity was not good enough.

So she followed up with the proposal, or not to drink red wine.

"What wine, Ausone? Ausone red wine is Xiaosu's winery? This is one of the eight famous chateaus in France." Guan Yunfei now knows that Su Wei is very rich.

So he thought that Su Wei's family bought a small winery.

It was only when I picked it up that I realized that the wine turned out to be Ausone red wine.

He has seen this wine in supermarkets in the United States, and a genuine bottle can cost thousands of dollars.

"Xiaoguan knows the goods, this is the winery that Su Wei bought for 3500 million euros." Wang Xiaoyuan's father is very satisfied with his son-in-law.

Because this kind of world-renowned winery can be successfully won.

In this kind of occasion, it is simply to add luster to the face.

"It's such an expensive winery, so everyone must come and taste the wine." Grandpa Wang Xiaoyuan heard that this winery was bought by Su Wei for 3500 million euros.

Originally, he planned to stick to drinking white wine, but now he wants to taste the taste of this red wine.

It seems that the boyfriend Xiaoyuan found this time has a very good family background.

"Grandpa, Xiaoyuan is pregnant, so she shouldn't be able to drink."

(End of this chapter)

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