Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 433 I Won't Get Married

Chapter 433 I Won't Get Married
"Grandpa, Xiaoyuan is pregnant, so she shouldn't be able to drink." Wang Xiaoya just saw Wang Xiaoyuan's house and kept showing off in front of her.

She has been silent, not because she has given up.

It's because she plans to give their family a hard time later.

So after everyone is seated, it's time to start drinking.

She directly revealed in public that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant.

"Xiaoya, don't talk nonsense about such things." After hearing Wang Xiaoya's words, his father Wang Zhipeng was the first to speak.

He thought Wang Xiaoya's words were deliberately nonsense.

After all, although Wang Xiaoyuan is in a relationship, she and Xiaosu are not married yet.

If this spreads, the reputation will not be very good.

"Dad, you forgot my job in the United States. I'm a midwife nurse. I deal with pregnant women every day. I can tell at a glance whether Xiaoyuan is pregnant. If you don't believe me, ask her yourself." Proud, because she is a midwife nurse in the United States.

This profession is in the United States, which is an absolutely high-paying industry.

The first time she saw Wang Xiaoyuan, she paid attention to it.

Originally, she didn't intend to say it, after all, who knows what is going on with the other party.

But she was really stimulated just now, so she said it in front of everyone.

"Xiaoyuan, are you pregnant?" Wang Fuming frowned unnaturally after hearing Wang Xiaoya's words.

Because he is more fancy about the rules.

Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant before she was married, which made him a little unhappy.

"Grandpa, Xiaoyuan is indeed pregnant. We originally wanted to take advantage of today's occasion to announce it, but it was announced first." Su Wei did intend to say it today, but it's not here.

According to his idea, he would talk to Wang Xiaoyuan's parents after dinner and everyone left.

After all, there are too many people who know about this kind of thing, and it is easy to chew their tongues.

But now that it was exposed, Su Wei didn't intend to hide it.

"So it's like this, second child. Why didn't you tell me about this happy event in advance? I didn't bring any presents when I came here this time." Wang Fuming has never seen anything in his life.

Looking at the appearance of his second son, he knew that they definitely didn't know about it either.

And in front of the juniors, it's not easy for him to lose his temper.

I had no choice but to follow the steps given by Su Wei and walk down.

"Isn't it because I wanted to surprise Dad today, so I kept it a secret?" Wang Zhiyuan didn't know about his daughter's pregnancy beforehand.

If Wang Xiaoya hadn't pointed it out, he would still be in the dark.

Hearing his dad asking him, he could only pretend to have known it a long time ago.

"Xiao Su, Xiaoyuan is pregnant now, when will you get married?" Wang Xiaoya's mother asked maliciously at this time.

After all, she has a lot of opinions about Wang Xiaoyuan finding Su Wei, a wealthy son-in-law.

Because she always felt that her daughter was better than Wang Xiaoyuan.

So when Wang Xiaoya was in high school, she forced her daughter to study in the United States.

The purpose is to prove that Wang Xiaoya is better than Wang Xiaoyuan.

"That's right, we're still waiting for the wedding candy," Wang Xiaoyuan's aunt also interjected at this time.

What she said was completely sincere.

Because her family has been in the United States for a long time, she is not very clear about the affairs between the two sister-in-laws.

After all, she is a married daughter, and it is annoying to take care of her mother's affairs too much.

"Auntie, I'm not in a good state recently, and it doesn't look good to take wedding photos, so I discussed it with Ah Wei before, and we will hold the wedding after our child is born." Wang Xiaoyuan knows it, Su Wei doesn't will get married.

But in front of so many relatives, she definitely couldn't say that.

In fact, this time her pregnancy was exposed by Wang Xiaoya, and she was quite grateful.

Because of this matter, she has been troubled for a long time.

Now that everyone knows about it, she herself feels relieved.

"I heard such a good thing about the junior today, come on, let's drink up"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Su, come home with me later, I have something to ask you." After Wang Zhiyuan sent everyone away, he stopped Su Wei and asked him to go to his house.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, so he had to ask what was going on.

Although he is very satisfied with Su Wei, his son-in-law, it doesn't mean that he will allow his daughter to become pregnant out of wedlock.

"Okay, then Yuanyuan, let's go there in my car." Even if Wang Xiaoyuan's father didn't say anything, Su Wei planned to have a private chat.

After all, the purpose of his coming here this time was to confess.

He plans to settle this matter at once tonight.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is pregnant now, and he doesn't want her to be under pressure in his own home.

"Husband, I'm really sorry today. I didn't expect that my cousin would know that I was pregnant and she would reveal this matter." Wang Xiaoyuan sat in the back row of the Rolls-Royce and waited until the car started before starting to talk to her. Su Wei chatted.

After all, what she says now cannot be known by her family.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't we make an agreement? I will tell your parents about the pregnancy today. Although there was a little accident, it fits our purpose." Su Wei said that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant. The incident was exposed, but I didn't feel much.

After all, he has so many women, and more and more people are pregnant.

This time Wang Xiaoyuan's relatives knew about it, and he happened to solve these problems at once.

"Then how are you going to tell my dad later? Did you think about it when you came?" Actually, Wang Xiaoyuan was a little disappointed just now.

Because what she thought was that Su Weineng directly said to marry her in front of relatives.

But he didn't say, she knew at that moment that he really didn't plan to get married.

Otherwise, in the situation just now, few people can bear it.

"Don't worry, I must be prepared to come here this time." Su Wei must have been prepared when he came this time.

After all, she was going to face Wang Xiaoyuan's parents, so if she wasn't prepared, she wouldn't be sprayed to death.

"If you are prepared, I will rest assured."

. . . . . .

"Xiaoya, you did a good job today." Wang Xiaoya's mother began to praise her daughter after getting into the car.

Because after Wang Xiaoya exposed Wang Xiaoya's pregnancy, Wang Xiaoyuan would definitely lose points with her father-in-law.

Why does she keep pulling her daughter to compare with her sister-in-law's family.

That's because the old man is in Shanghai and has several houses under his name.

The reason why her sister-in-law came back this time was because she heard the news that the old man's house was going to be demolished.

The old man's houses are now worth at least 7000 million yuan.

"Who wants her family to show off in front of us all the time? When I say this, I can be regarded as arguing for your mother." Wang Xiaoya of course hopes that her family will get more points for the old man's house this time.

After all, she still wanted to use the money to change her house in the United States.

The house she lives in now costs more than 100 million US dollars.

Because it is in the Chinese area, the house price is relatively expensive, and the house of more than 100 million yuan does not even have a 24-hour guard.

"You said that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, did your second uncle know about it?" Wang Xiaoyuan's incident this time really caused an uproar.

Because everyone in their family knows that the old man is more traditional.

So no matter what they look like outside, they will pretend to be good babies when they see the old man.

"They definitely don't know. Mom, you didn't see it. When the second uncle and the little aunt heard the news, their faces changed at that time." When Wang Xiaoya said this, the audience was silent.

At that time, she also took a special look at the expressions of her second uncle and her second aunt.

When they heard that their daughter was pregnant, their eyes widened and their faces became stiff.

"I saw it too. If your grandpa hadn't been there, I would have liked to take a photo of your little aunt. After seeing her, she would dare to show off in front of me because of her money." Wang Xiaoya's mother has always felt that there is a gap since she married. .

Because her husband and two brothers went to sea at the same time, it turned out that her family was just mixed with upper middle class.

As for her little uncle's family, the business is getting bigger and bigger.

Their family bought a Honda, and Wang Xiaoya's family bought a Mercedes-Benz, which beat them every time.

"That Su Wei knew at a glance that he must be that kind of playboy. When Xiaoyuan marries in the future, she must be the one to accept it." Guan Yunfei said this, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Because he stood with Su Wei, he must be taller and more handsome.

But just because he had no money, everyone gathered around Su Wei to toast at the wine table just now.

For this reason, he didn't drink a glass of wine.

So now on the way back, he is driving this BMW X5 owned by his father-in-law.

"Okay, don't keep talking about this here, you think you did the right thing today, don't you?" Sitting in the co-pilot, Wang Zhipeng really couldn't listen to his wife and daughter singing together.

After all, the relationship between him and his brother is quite good.

He can have this worth, all because of his younger brother's care.

But his wife couldn't understand, and every time she had to compare with her sister-in-law.

"Wang Zhipeng, what do you mean? When their family showed off in front of us today, why didn't they see you lose your temper? Now we see your brother making fun of you. You feel uncomfortable, right?" Wang Xiaoya's mother always felt that her family should live a better life. it is good.

Even if it's not better than Wang Xiaoyuan's family, it can't be worse than hers.

This time the old man's house was demolished, she thought that Wang Xiaoyuan's family was in good condition, and her family was the eldest, so she should share more.

She tried to explore this matter, but was directly turned back.

And when her husband came back, he scolded her.

"Don't think I don't know, you just want to share more money with the old man this time, Xiaoya, have you ever thought that you and Xiaoyuan have completely turned against each other this time?" How could Wang Zhipeng not know, his wife and The daughter wants to share more demolition funds.

After all, although their family has a little money, it is basically in the house and business.

If it weren't for this reason, he wouldn't have supported 20 US dollars when his daughter got married.

This time, when the demolition money came down, he originally planned to change his daughter and son-in-law to a better house.

But what they did made him really unhappy.

"If you fight against each other, you will fight against each other. The relationship between us has never been easy." Wang Xiaoya has always regarded Wang Xiaoyuan as an enemy.

And because of her mother's instigation, the relationship between the two was already very bad.

So she was indifferent to this confrontation.

"The kind of hostility you used to have was completely a fight between children, now that you are an adult, why can't you grow up a bit.

And how much money can be shared with grandpa, if you are exhausted, give us 3000 million. This is really a lot of money. If you have a good relationship with Xiaoyuan's husband, relying on your relationship with relatives, it is easy to earn 2000 million. Relaxed." Wang Zhipeng knew that this time his father planned to give [-] million yuan to the family of three children for the demolition.

Originally, his initial plan was to have fewer daughters and more two sons.

It was his second brother and the old man who suggested that the three brothers and sisters share the same amount of money.

If the distribution is uneven, it will make their brothers and sisters feel bad.

Hearing what his second brother said, Wang Zhipeng really made him ashamed, because he never thought of giving his sister an equal share before.

"Really? Is Wang Xiaoyuan's husband so rich? Can we earn [-] million from him?" Guan Yunfei worked in the United States after graduation, so he didn't know what huge profits were.

In the few years he has been working here, he feels that the annual salary of one million dollars is already the top of the top.

But after such a person pays taxes, it is only a little more than half of the pre-tax amount.

Three hundred million RMB, but almost 4500 million US dollars.

If he can make so much money, he can directly join the upper class of the United States.

"You live in the United States, so you don't know him. His name is Su Wei. The outside world estimates that his worth should be 500 billion RMB." Wang Zhipeng lives in Shanghai, so how could he not know Su Wei.

And he has a good relationship with his brother.

So he knew that Su Wei was in a relationship with Wang Xiaoyuan a long time ago.

"Huh, 500 billion? No wonder the second uncle looked so angry at the time and didn't express his temper." Only then did Wang Xiaoya know that her cousin found a rich man.

500 billion RMB, almost more than 70 billion US dollars.

No wonder he was able to give Wang Xiaoyuan's $1400 million house and buy himself a $9000 million house.

"Xiaoya, when will you take Xiaoyuan and the others outside for a meal? We are all relatives. After all, you are close relatives with broken bones and muscles connected. There is no such thing as a deep hatred." Wang Xiaoya's mother After knowing the details of Su Wei, he immediately realized that he should hug this thigh tightly.

After all, such a super rich man is Wang Xiaoyuan's husband, so what is the comparison between her family and Wang Xiaoyuan's family?

"Then I will invite them to have a meal together for a few days."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Su, you and I go to the study.

Don't come in, my wife, I want to talk to Xiao Su alone." After Wang Zhiyuan got home, he immediately asked Su Wei to go to the study.

Seeing that his wife was also planning to go in, he hurriedly stopped her.

After all, he and his wife had agreed to ask each of them.

"Okay Uncle, then Yuanyuan, please accompany Auntie for a while, and I will go in first." Su Wei saw Wang Xiaoyuan's mother, and was kicked out.

Knowing what to talk about next, it must be very serious.

"You go, I want to talk to my mother about something." Seeing her mother being driven out, Wang Xiaoyuan knew that her father and mother were going to ask them alone.

So she was ready to see what her mother was going to ask her.

"Xiao Su, it's okay if you accompany me to drink some wine." In the restaurant just now, because of Wang Xiaoyuan's pregnancy, everyone was more restrained in drinking.

Now that he's back home, Wang Zhiyuan plans to have another drink with Su Wei.

Because he was going to ask some things that he didn't ask at the dinner just now.

"Uncle, I can drink some more" Su Wei saw that it was red wine, and it was his red wine, so what's the problem?

Just now at the hotel, although everyone toasted him, he only drank half a bottle.

His alcohol capacity is not bad, half a bottle of red wine can't get him drunk.

And Wang Xiaoyuan's father wants to drink, even if he can't drink, he still wants to have a few drinks with him.

"That's good, by the way, when are you going to get the certificate?" Wang Zhiyuan first chatted with Su Wei about buying a house in the United States, then changed his style, and asked him when he and Wang Xiaoyuan would get the certificate.

After all, now that Wang Xiaoyuan has a big belly, they don't need to hold a wedding.

But this marriage certificate must be drawn up early, so that his daughter is not considered to be pregnant out of wedlock.

"Xiaoyuan and I don't plan to argue for the time being."

(End of this chapter)

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