Chapter 434

"Xiaoyuan and I don't intend to argue for the time being." Su Wei drank his red wine, and then spoke slowly.

Because he came here today to deal with this matter.

It's better to get straight to the point and say what's hidden.

And he really did not intend to get a marriage certificate with Wang Xiaoyuan.

"Don't plan to get the certificate? Xiao Su, what do you mean, you are already married, right?" Originally, Wang Zhiyuan called Su Wei into the study this time because he wanted to ask when they were going to get the certificate.

As a result, just after asking this question, Su Wei told him that they didn't plan to argue.

The first thing Wang Zhiyuan thought of was that Su Wei was already married.

After all, he made a fortune so fast, everyone knows that there must be someone behind him.

"Of course not, of course I'm still single." Su Wei didn't expect that Wang Zhiyuan would think that he was married.

But it is quite reasonable to be so skeptical.

After all, there are so many people who are not married, the most famous one is Principal Wang.

Those women already knew that he was unmarried before dating President Wang, so they basically broke up after talking for a few months.

But Su Wei is different, he is affectionate, so many girlfriends have never broken up.

"Then if you don't get married, do you still plan to continue playing? Could it be that you are reluctant to part with those other girlfriends?" Wang Zhiyuan has been in the shopping malls in Shanghai for decades.

And Su Wei is not unknown in Shanghai now.

So Wang Zhiyuan can often hear his friends gossip about Su Wei at the dinner table.

As for the fact that Su Wei has many girlfriends, he can be said to have known for a long time.

He didn't talk about it all the time because he didn't think it was so bad.

It's just that Su Wei doesn't get married now, he thought it was because of those women.

"I don't get married, it has nothing to do with them, but because of my own difficulties." Su Wei didn't get married because he didn't think people must get married.

And his love is so much, it is impossible to give it to only one person.

If he really married Wang Xiaoyuan, then Wang Xiaoyuan would take care of him 100%.

Since there will definitely be conflicts in the future, it is better not to let this conflict arise.

"Xiao Su, let me tell you, I don't care what your reasons are, but you want my daughter to conceive out of wedlock? Then let me tell you, this decision is impossible." Wang Zhiyuan will not allow it, and Wang Xiaoyuan gets pregnant out of wedlock.

After all, he grew up under Wang Fuming's education.

Although he didn't mention the word rules, he kept talking about them all the time.

But in fact, in his own heart, he has always lived according to this principle.

"As long as I don't get married, I can give Xiaoyuan everything she wants." If money can be used to solve today's matter.

Then Su Wei is willing to spend a lot of money to solve this matter completely.

After all, he is so rich now, it is the best way for him to solve things with money.

"Xiao Su, although our family is not that kind of super rich, and certainly not as rich as you, it is still no problem to guarantee that Xiaoyuan will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life. If you really can't get a certificate with her, then I would rather Xiaoyuan not This kid" Wang Zhiyuan has been around for so many years, and he can be considered a rich man.

Whether there are more or not, assets of about one billion are still no problem.

If Su Wei really didn't want to talk about the evidence, he could only force Wang Xiaoyuan to kill the child.

After all, it's not that their family, Wang Xiaoyuan, has no market and no one wants her.

"Uncle, I know this is unreasonable, but I really can't get married, it's not that I don't want to get married." Seeing that throwing money didn't have much effect, Su Wei angered Wang Zhiyuan a little.

Change your strategy quickly, or he may really lose his temper.

"Can't get married? Why? Could someone force you to fail?" Su Wei said that he wanted to get married, but he couldn't.

Wang Zhiyuan's first reaction was that Su Wei's parents didn't like Xiaoyuan as a daughter-in-law.

After all, they planned to meet Su Wei's parents for this Dragon Boat Festival gathering.

In the end, Wang Xiaoyuan told her that Su Wei's parents would not come back this time because they were only passing the fifth day of the fifth day, but the fifteenth day.

But according to Xiaoyuan herself, Su Wei's parents are very satisfied with her, so who else can stop her?

"It is true that someone forced me, and that person is my partner." Su Wei had no choice but to pull Fan Wenqi out to block the knife.

After all, she ate him billions this time, so she should have no objection to pulling her over to block the knife.

And only by pulling her out can this logic be rounded off.

"Partner? Could it be that Fan Wenqi forced you not to get married?" How could Wang Zhiyuan know nothing about Su Wei's information.

He knew that Su Wei's business was basically a sole proprietorship.

Only when they annexed the Yang Group, did they cooperate with that Fan Wenqi.

And the two are still together now, and have jointly opened a pharmaceutical company.

"It's her. Uncle, I don't know if you have heard of the Jingdu Fan family. She is the third generation of the Jingdu Fan family." Su Wei's words did not lie.

Because of Fan Wenqi's status, she is indeed the apple of the eye of the Fan family in Kyoto.

In this domestic environment, money alone is useless.

Therefore, after the rich people in the country make money, they will go to curry favor with those in power.

Su Wei didn't believe that Wang Zhiyuan didn't know about the Fan family in Kyoto.

"So what if she's from the Fan family in Kyoto. Why aren't you allowed to marry? Could it be that she likes you too?" Wang Zhiyuan was a little skeptical about Fan Wenqi's identity.

After all, Su Wei's annexation of the Yang Group this time went a bit too smoothly.

Now I know from Su Weikou that she is indeed from the Fan family in Kyoto.

But he didn't understand one thing, and that was what Su Wei's marriage had to do with that Fan Wenqi.

"Of course not. She likes women. How could she like me? It's just because she doesn't want to get married, so last time she used tricks to get pregnant with my child." What Su Wei said now is all the truth.

Fan Wenqi really didn't like him, but liked women.

And it's true that she asked him to help her conceive a child because she didn't plan to get married.

"She is pregnant with your child. Do you want you to marry her? In this case, the child in Xiaoyuan's stomach cannot be kept." Wang Zhiyuan was shocked when he heard that Fan Wenqi was pregnant.

He still thought that the Fan family in Kyoto had already set their sights on Su Wei.

If this is the case, then the child in Xiaoyuan's stomach cannot be kept.

After all, who knew if the other party would attack Xiaoyuan after she knew she was pregnant.

"Uncle, don't worry, she didn't let me get married, she just didn't let me get married, so my idea is to transfer my assets out first, and then I will go abroad later, and then I will marry Xiaoyuan again "Su Wei will never change his nationality in his life.

So what he said was just a tactic to delay the attack.

He just wanted to delay until the time when Wang Xiaoyuan gave birth to the child.

At that time, Wang Zhiyuan knew that Su Wei was lying.

He could only pinch his nose to recognize it, after all, his grandson might be able to make soy sauce at that time.

"No wonder you spent a lot of money in the United States recently, either buying luxury houses or buying airplanes." Hearing what Su Wei said, Wang Zhiyuan felt suddenly enlightened.

No wonder Su Wei's recent consumption is all big money.

From Xiaoyuan, I know that Su Wei spent almost 8 million US dollars on this trip to the United States.

"Yes, and I plan to continue spending money in the later stage, so as to get married with Xiaoyuan in the United States as soon as possible." Su Wei is in the United States, and he really has to spend money there.

But at that time, the money was spent because he wanted to make a movie.

After all, there are so many beauties in Hollywood, it would be a pity if he didn't pick a few flowers.

"What you said is true?" Wang Zhiyuan believed Su Wei when he heard what Su Wei said.

After all, the news he just said was too explosive.

The daughter of the Fan family in Jingdu was pregnant with Su Wei's child.

If this matter were to break out, it would cause an uproar.

"Dad, everything I said is true." In Su Wei's case this time, except that he can't get married is a lie.

Everything else said is true.

Seeing Wang Zhiyuan's relaxed attitude, he even called his father.

"It's okay if you can't argue with the evidence, but you must at least get engaged to Xiaoyuan so that I can explain it to my relatives." Su Wei's heart-to-heart talk today is indeed very sincere.

Wang Zhiyuan didn't want his daughter either, so he really went to kill the child.

But you can't get married, you still need to get engaged.

After all, there are so many relatives today, but they all know that Xiaoyuan is pregnant.

Anyway, I want to give them an explanation.

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll take one of the garment factories under my name as a dowry gift. Didn't Xiaoyuan always want to make clothes? This can be regarded as fulfilling her wish." The garment factory gave it to Wang Xiaoyuan.

After all, she likes to design clothes, and she is not idle now that she is pregnant.

Su Wei didn't tell Wang Zhiyuan about the garment factory before, it was because it was useless for him to talk about it.

Now that he has agreed to the matter between himself and Xiaoyuan, of course he can talk about it at this time.

"Could it be one of your two garment factories in Huacao, are you really willing to give this gift as a betrothal gift?" Wang Zhiyuan has been working for so many years, and the company can only grow so big.

A big reason is that his own garment factory is really small.

Su Wei's two garment factories, any of them, are almost worth as much as his company.

"I am sincere to Xiaoyuan. If her clothing company hadn't been established yet, it would be no problem for me to give all of my two clothing factories to her." Most of Su Wei's women have now found what they want to do.

For Wang Xiaoyuan here, Su Wei must also find something for her to do.

She likes to design clothes, so he will give her a large clothing factory.

"Okay, as long as your betrothal gift is this, then you can get the certificate later." Wang Zhiyuan was still a little uncomfortable at first, but he felt a lot better after hearing what Su Wei said.

After all, with this garment factory, Wang Xiaoyuan is basically guaranteed in this life.

"Really? Thanks Dad"

. . . . . .

"Zhiyuan, what's your situation today? How can you agree with Xiao Su and Xiaoyuan not to argue?" Wang Xiaoyuan's mother waited until Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan left, and immediately lost her temper with Wang Zhiyuan.

After all, she couldn't figure out how Wang Zhiyuan could agree with Su Wei and Xiaoyuan not to discuss the matter.

After that, it was known that her daughter was pregnant out of wedlock, so her family would not be laughed to death.

"It's not that the two of them won't get married, they just got married a few years later, what does it matter?" Wang Zhiyuan is still happy now.

After all, Su Wei promised him that he would marry Wang Xiaoyuan after he was naturalized in the United States.

And now that he has a green card, he only needs to wait five years for naturalization.

"Aren't you in the study room, and Su Wei gave you ecstasy soup, and you don't have a fever?" Wang Xiaoyuan's mother touched Wang Zhiyuan's forehead and found that her body temperature was normal.

He is such an old man, how could he believe what Su Wei said.

After all, Su Wei is a rather romantic person.

Or in modern terms, he is a scumbag.

Wang Zhiyuan has lived for so many years, so why can't he see what she can see.

"Oh, the things in the middle are very complicated, what do you know as a woman?" What Wang Zhiyuan and Su Wei said in the study cannot be revealed.

Because this matter is related to the Fan family in Kyoto.

"I'm a woman, and I really don't understand anything, but I only know that Su Wei didn't argue with Xiaoyuan, so Xiaoyuan has no guarantee in this relationship." Between Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan, if It's just a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend if you don't talk about evidence.

This kind of relationship has no legal protection at all.

A few years later, if you say you broke up, you may break up.

"You are stupid, if there is no guarantee, I can let Xiaoyuan go back with Xiaosu tonight." If Su Wei didn't talk about the garment factory today, even if Wang Zhiyuan agreed not to talk about the certificate, he might feel uncomfortable.

"They're not married yet, what protection can Xiaoyuan have?" Wang Xiaoyuan's mother was talking to Wang Xiaoyuan in the living room just now.

So she didn't know anything about the study.

And about Wang Xiaoyuan's old house, she didn't tell her mother that the house belonged to her.

"Xiao Su said that although he can't get married now, he can get engaged first, and he can give Xiaoyuan one of his garment factories as a dowry." Wang Zhiyuan saw that his wife was not so angry, so he engaged Su Weineng Tell her about it.

After all, after this engagement, their family will get a garment factory.

At that time, his company's orders will no longer be unable to produce.

"Garment factory? How much is a garment factory worth?" Wang Xiaoyuan's mother really couldn't understand why Wang Zhiyuan was so excited.

After all, it's just a garment factory, and it's not like their family is in Kunshan.

Although the betrothal gift is indeed a lot, there is no need to be so excited. Those who don't know think that her family has never seen the world.

"Xiao Su is not an ordinary garment factory, because his garment factory is in Huacao, Minhang. The value of any of these two garment factories is more than 20 billion." Su Wei's two Clothing factory, Wang Zhiyuan, don't be too greedy.

When the Yang Group fell, he had already made an idea of ​​these two garment factories.

But before he could raise enough money, the two factories had already been taken over by Su Wei.

"Worth 20 billion? Su Wei, did he really say that, using one of the factories as a betrothal gift?" If this engagement, Su Wei's betrothal gift is really one of the factories.

It's not that she can't accommodate here.

After all, she was just waiting for a few years to get married, so she thought it was okay to wait.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I agree with them not to argue for the time being?"

. . . . . .

"Husband, what method did you use this time to get Dad to agree?" Wang Xiaoyuan waited until she came out of the house, but she still didn't get over it.

After all, when her mother knew that they were not going to get the certificate, she was very angry.

Unexpectedly, her father came out of the study and told her with a smile that he could not go home to sleep today.

"You want to know?" Su Wei originally thought that Wang Xiaoyuan might be sleeping at home today.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhiyuan agreed with her to go to Gubei No. [-] today.

"Well..." Wang Xiaoyuan was full of disbelief about all of this.

How could she not want to know how Su Wei convinced her father.

"It's very simple, I knocked your father unconscious with money." Su Wei's success today is mainly due to Wang Zhiyuan's love for his daughter.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is now more than four months pregnant.

And this garment factory is just a pretext.

"Using money? How much did you spend?" Wang Xiaoyuan was very curious, how much Su Wei spent, and his father agreed.

She can accept Su Wei's behavior of throwing money at him.

And she hopes that the money can be as much as possible.

Because she is the only daughter in her family, the money that Su Wei spends now will belong to the little guy in her stomach in the future.

"A garment factory worth more than 20 billion yuan"

(End of this chapter)

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