Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 435 Who is the person who teased him

Chapter 435 Who is the person who teased him

The next day.

It was rare for Su Wei to sleep well today, and he didn't wake up until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Probably because of the rest day, none of his subordinates came to bother him.

Su Wei got up limply from his sleep, and when he came to the living room, he saw Wang Xiaoyuan drawing a picture.

It seems that this time Su Wei said that he would give her a garment factory as a dowry gift, which aroused her passion for design.

"Husband, are you up, are you hungry?" After Wang Xiaoyuan became pregnant, she usually had to take a nap at noon.

But because of what happened yesterday, she slept very late.

When I woke up today, it was already noon.

"I'm a little hungry, what kind of clothes are you designing?" Although Su Wei was very hungry, he was more interested in Wang Xiaoyuan's design drawings.

Because this time he saw the clothes she designed, which seemed to be a little different from her previous designs.

When Su Wei was about to take a closer look, Wang Xiaoyuan directly covered the design draft with something.

"Don't look, this dress is what I will wear when I plan to get engaged." Wang Xiaoyuan's design draft this time will be so mysterious.

It was because she planned to wear clothes designed by herself when she got engaged this time.

After all, she is a designer herself, and after this engagement, it is very likely that there will be no wedding ceremony afterwards.

In this case, she must be more careful.

"Well, I don't want to look at it, so why don't you design my clothes as well?" Su Wei is not as particular about clothes now as before.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to wear big-name clothes for formal occasions.

And Wang Xiaoyuan plans to design her own dress this time.

For the sake of harmony, of course, it's best if she designed his dress together.

"But I used to design women's clothing. I'm afraid that the design of men's clothing is not good." Wang Xiaoyuan has always designed women's clothing.

Although she has a little involvement in men's clothing, it's really not a lot.

She is still under a lot of pressure to design clothes for Su Wei.

In case the clothes are not well designed, will Su Wei wear them or not?

"It doesn't matter, it's settled like this. When the time comes to get engaged, I will wear the clothes designed by you." Su Wei said so, but he actually planned to make two-handed preparations.

In case the clothes designed by Wang Xiaoyuan are really uncoordinated, then he will change into a high-end suit.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan doesn't have much experience in men's clothing.

"Okay, but if we get engaged, will it be too high-profile?" What Su Wei said to Wang Zhiyuan yesterday, he said again to Wang Xiaoyuan in bed at night.

What Wang Xiaoyuan is worried about now is that Su Wei is very famous now after all.

If the news of the engagement is spread through the Internet, it will reach Fan Wenqi.

Then her engagement is likely to change.

"My yacht should arrive tomorrow. By the time we get engaged, the yacht should be able to sail freely in the country. Then we can hold the engagement ceremony on the yacht." Su Wei's yacht, after more than 20 days sailing.

Tomorrow, I will finally be able to reach the port of Huangpu River.

Arranging the engagement on the yacht will also shock Wang Xiaoyuan's relatives.

After all, it can be said that none of them have ever been on a yacht that is more than 100 meters long.

"Having the engagement on a yacht? That would be a good idea, then we can take the boat out to sea.

By the way, there is one more thing, my cousin you met yesterday, she asked us to have dinner today, do you think we should go? "Su Wei's plan is to let the yacht go around on the Huangpu River during the engagement to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the city.

What Wang Xiaoyuan meant was to sail the boat to the high seas.

There is no mobile phone signal when they get there, so they will not be disturbed when they hold their engagement ceremony.

At noon today, Wang Xiaoya called her.

On the phone, she politely invited her and Su Wei to have dinner together.

"She invited us to dinner? Why?" Su Wei was not so hostile to Wang Xiaoyuan's cousin yesterday because he had a good conversation with the old man.

After all, her appearance is not as good as Wang Xiaoyuan's.

But her bust is much larger than that of Wang Xiaoyuan, at least it can reach C+.

It's just that Su Wei couldn't figure out why she asked them to have dinner. After all, they didn't know each other well.

"She said yesterday was a gathering among the elders, and today we young people will come out to gather together." Wang Xiaoyuan hesitated because Wang Xiaoya said that this time it was their younger generation gathering.

If Wang Xiaoya asked her to have dinner alone, she would definitely refuse without hesitation.

If Su Wei hadn't been prepared for it yesterday, she would have been disgusted to death by Wang Xiaoya.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I don't have anything to do in the afternoon. It doesn't matter whether you come to my place or not." Su Wei didn't care whether he went to this party or not.

After all, these people are Wang Xiaoyuan's relatives, and he will definitely not have much contact with them in the future.

And this afternoon, he really didn't have any plans.

Only at night, he and Liu Jing made an appointment to sleep with Tianxi at her side.

"Then let's go, after all what she said, she is also my cousin, and my aunt's cousin is also there." Wang Xiaoyuan thought for a while, and decided to go.

Although she and Wang Xiaoya have nothing to talk about, her two cousins ​​can still chat.

After all, because the two of them grew up abroad, she was relatively unfamiliar with them.

Given the opportunity this time, she still wanted to chat with them.

"Okay, then let's go later"

. . . . . .

"It's too expensive to eat a meal in this country." Guan Yunfei thought of the prices of those dishes when he ordered them just now.

It really shocked him, a man with a good income in the United States.

Because after they ordered the meal, they found that the meal was almost tens of thousands.

Converted into US dollars, the price of this meal is more than 1000 US dollars.

And the two of them stayed in Los Angeles for a month, and the amount they spent on food was only 2000 dollars.

So much money is still so expensive because they are all at work and do not cook their own meals.

"No way, since we want to treat Wang Xiaoyuan's husband to dinner, we can't afford a restaurant that is too bad." This time, the restaurant Wang Xiaoya and the others came to was recommended by her friend.

Because her friend knew that they came back from the United States, and thought they were not short of money.

So the restaurant recommended to her is the Black Pearl restaurant with a per capita price of more than 1500.

But although the price is a bit expensive, Wang Xiaoya thinks the environment here is quite good.

If you want to invite a rich man like Su Wei, you can do it.

"Xiaoya, is Wang Xiaoyuan's husband really so good?" Guan Yunfei is still a little dissatisfied even now.

After all, Su Weicai was so young, how could he be so rich.

And according to his father-in-law, the condition of the other party's family was very ordinary before.

"Yesterday I asked my friends in Shanghai, and they told me that he is much better than what my father said." Although Wang Xiaoya believed what his father said.

But I still asked my friends in China to hear what they said about Su Wei.

In the end, the answer I got was that if you are rich, you will be lustful, and you will have revenge.

"In that case, we are relatives with him, and we should take care of each other, you should say so." Guan Yunfei was willing to curry favor with Su Wei this time, just because he wanted to make some money from him.

After all, he still has to repay the loan every month.

And he has to pay almost [-] in land tax every year.

"So when you talk later, be more polite, because I heard from my friends that Su Wei has a bad temper." Wang Xiaoya chatted with her friend for a long time last night.

She also heard about the fact that he sent his opponent's family to hell because of being hit.

Although she didn't really believe this rumor.

But it was right for her to tell her husband not to be so thorny.

"Not so good-tempered? Can't be, I saw him yesterday, he was quite kind." When Guan Yunfei saw Su Wei yesterday, he found that he was always smiling.

Even when it was revealed that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, I didn't see much change in his expression.

Would such a person be a grumpy person?
"Yesterday, you didn't even look at what the occasion was. Anyway, you must be careful when you speak." On the occasion yesterday, if Su Wei lost his temper, it would not be called a temper, but a tendon.

After all, at the table at that time, all the elders of Wang Xiaoyuan came.

"Stop talking, it seems like they are here"

. . . . . .

"The weather in this magic city is too hot." Su Wei followed the navigation and drove to Jing'an.

When I got out of the car, I felt a heat wave coming.

Immediately, there was a sticky feeling on his body.

This made him now, just want to get back in the car, because the car has air conditioning.

"Indeed, I feel that if I move casually, my body will be covered with sweat." Wang Xiaoyuan has always hated the summer in Shanghai.

Because summer in Shanghai is like a steamer.

And this year, she hates this kind of weather more than ever.

Because of her pregnancy, her body temperature was already higher than usual.

Now she just got out of the car and walked a few steps, and she was already sweating.

"Xiaoyuan, Ah Wei, you guys are here, come in quickly, it's too hot outside." Seeing Su Wei and the others coming, Wang Xiaoya hurried up to meet them.

They are also relatively unaccustomed to the weather in Shanghai.

Although Los Angeles is also known as a big furnace.

But the weather there is still very different from here.

Although Los Angeles is close to the sea, its climate is very dry.

Although it's sunny, it's not as boring as here in Shanghai.

"Have Xiaobo and Xiaoyun come?" Although Wang Xiaoyuan agreed to come for dinner, her reaction to Wang Xiaoya's enthusiasm was very flat.

The first sentence he spoke was whether the two cousins ​​had come.

"They didn't have a car, and they didn't know the place well, so they came with us.

Ah Wei, your bodyguards, do you want to eat with us? "Wang Xiaoya yesterday, because she had to leave before Su Wei.

So she didn't know that Su Wei still had so many bodyguards around him.

And looking at them, they seemed to be more professional than the bodyguards she saw in the United States.

The box she booked this time has a relatively large table for ten people.

And there were only six of them here this time, so she thought about asking the bodyguards to eat together.

"Don't worry about them, they will arrange it themselves, then let's go in." Su Wei looked behind and found that Wang Xiaoya had seen Lao Liu and Xiao Guo.

There are always more than ten bodyguards around him.

If all of them come in, the box she reserved will definitely not fit.

And when they eat, Lao Liu will arrange for them, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Cousin, cousin-in-law, you are finally here, I'm starving to death." Although Wang Xiaoyun is Wang Xiaoyuan's cousin, she is actually a mixed race.

Because her father is American, her Chinese name follows her mother's.

She has been to Huaxia several times before, and her relationship with Wang Xiaoyuan is okay.

In a year, two people will also make a few phone calls and chat a few words.

"Isn't the food already served, you should eat first.

Husband, I didn’t introduce you yesterday because I was with the elders. This is my cousin Wang Xiaoyun, who is now studying at a university in New York.

This is my cousin Wang Xiaobo, who is in high school in Boston." Wang Xiaoyuan's aunt fell in love with an American who came to China to study 20 years ago.

After the latter two got married, they moved back to their home in Boston, USA.

Because there is the Pacific Ocean in the middle, Aunt Wang Xiaoyuan's family rarely comes back.

This time his uncle didn't come because he was out of time.

"Cousin, don't call me He Bo, you should call me by my English name, Bieber," said Wang Xiaoyun, who has been to Huaxia several times.

As for Wang Xiaobo, although he can speak Chinese, he is not familiar with this place at all.

Moreover, the ABC he grew up in has no affection for Huaxia.

It's like black Americans don't have feelings for Africa.

"Awei, it's boring for us to eat like this. Would you like some beer?" Although Guan Yunfei studied at a university in the United States, after all, he studied in China before high school.

Of course, he also knows that domestic drinking can connect feelings.

Now that he wants to curry favor with Su Wei, how can there be no such thing as wine.

"Drink, you must have some, two brothers-in-law, you don't even drink alcohol, right?" Wang Xiaoyun said, growing up in an environment like the United States.

So her behavior is much more bold and unrestrained than that of domestic girls.

She doesn't care if you are her brother-in-law or not, in her eyes, you and her are equal.

"Okay, let's have a drink, um." Su Wei didn't expect that he would be provoked.

Looking at this cheap mixed-race cousin in front of him, he felt a little itchy in his heart.

Because of Wang Xiaoyuan's incident yesterday, he didn't even notice that her cousin was so good-looking.

At this time, he felt that someone was rubbing his foot with his foot.

"What's wrong with my husband?" Seeing Su Wei frowning, Wang Xiaoyuan thought it was because he disliked the bad food.

After all, the restaurant they came to today is the same as yesterday, and the taste is relatively sweet.

"It's nothing, I just rubbed my foot against the table." Su Wei could feel that the person just now did it on purpose.

Because if you accidentally rub against his feet, it won't last long.

That person just now has been rubbing for about ten seconds.

It's just that he looked at Wang Xiaoya and Wang Xiaoyun, not knowing who it was that stretched his feet just now.

"Waiter, some cold beer"

. . . . . .

"Brother-in-law, I haven't had enough wine today. I heard from my roommate that domestic bars are fun." Wang Xiaoyun didn't drink at all in the restaurant this time.

Because every time she wanted to drink, she would be stopped by Wang Xiaoyuan.

At this time, she thought that her roommate in college was a Chinese.

She told Wang Xiaoyun that bars in China are much more fun than bars in America.

"Compared with Japan and South Korea, domestic bars may not be as exciting, but compared with American bars, they are much more fun." If bars want to have fun, they must be Japanese and Korean.

But if the bars in China are compared with those in the United States, they are simply beating their existence.

Because as long as you are used to domestic bars and go to American bars, it will only feel super boring.

"Really? Then can you take us to see it? Okay, cousin, do you think so?" Wang Xiaoyun immediately became interested after hearing what Su Wei said.

When she was in the United States, she had never been to a bar.

Because in the United States, it is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.

And Wang Xiaoyun is only 20 years old now, so he must not go to bars in the United States.

"Husband, why don't you take them to play? Mom just told me that she has something to do with me, so let me go back tonight." Seeing Wang Xiaoyun, Wang Xiaoyuan was already holding Su Wei's hand and started acting like a baby.

Knowing she should be, really wanted to go to the bar.

It just so happened that her mother called her to talk to her about the engagement.

"Then you go there first, I'll send Yuanyuan downstairs, and then I'll come and find you." When Su Wei was hugged by Wang Xiaoyun just now, she felt so flexible.

In addition to what Wang Xiaoyuan said, he could only go to Liu Jing's place later.

"Come on, I want to take your Rolls-Royce, your Rolls-Royce sports car, doesn't it have four seats?" Wang Xiaoyun has never sat in a Rolls-Royce in the United States.

Regardless of the price of an ordinary Rolls-Royce in the United States, it is only more than 40 US dollars.

But it is impossible for office workers in the United States to save so much money.

"Okay, then you follow us, and you go with your brother-in-law when I'm sent to the place." Wang Xiaoyuan saw that her cousin wanted to take a Rolls Royce, but she didn't care.

Because she knew that Wang Xiaoyun's family conditions were relatively average.

Don't say it is compared with her family, it is not comparable with Wang Xiaoya's family.

"Great." Wang Xiaoyun's family is relatively common in the United States.

After all, because her father was studying in Huaxia, he suffered a lot from the diploma.

A car like Rolls Royce is out of reach for their family.

"Brother-in-law, I want to take a Rolls-Royce too." Xiaobo was relatively withdrawn in the restaurant before.

Because Wang Xiaoyuan and the others are almost like strangers to him.

Now seeing that he can take a Rolls-Royce, he even called his brother-in-law.

"Xiaobo, you can't go, because you are too young, you have to be 18 years old to go to the bar here." Since Guan Yunfei brought Wang Xiaobo out, he must bring him back safely.

He was just a high school student, Guan Yunfei would definitely not take him to the bar.

So what he thought was to send him back to the old man first.

This time when Wang Xiaoyuan's aunt came back, she lived with Wang Fuming.



"Husband, then I'll take Awei's car there too, and I'll send you the location when I get there."

(End of this chapter)

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