Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 436 You Smashed This Phone For Me

Chapter 436 You Smashed This Phone For Me
After Su Wei sent Wang Xiaoyuan to her home, he planned to take her two relatives to the bar to play.

But before going, he had to call Li Ziwei first.

After all, it was impossible for the three of them to play in the bar in the past.

And he also needs a wingman to help him distract one of them.

Su Wei plans to win one of them tonight.

As for them being Wang Xiaoyuan's relatives, that didn't have any deterrent effect on Su Wei.

"Brother-in-law? Aren't we leaving?" Wang Xiaoyun waited until Wang Xiaoyuan went upstairs, and immediately turned to the co-pilot from behind.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, I didn't see the car leaving.

"Wait a minute, before going to the bar, I need to contact someone. I want him to book a table for me." Before calling Li Ziwei, Su Wei replied the message.

After all, it's not certain whether he will go to Tianxi's place today, after all, he doesn't intend to let the two relatives of Wang Xiaoyuan go.

So he told Liu Jing on WeChat that he would not go there tonight, and would take her to see something nice tomorrow.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, what's wrong, Brother Su?" Li Ziwei was in the office, watching the situation of his anchor.

This time he has been in the United States for more than half a month, and he has time to come to the company today.

I have been busy from noon until now, and I have finally settled the general affairs of the company.

I was planning to order some takeaway to eat, and find a female anchor to broadcast a script together at night, when I received a call from Su Wei.

"What are you doing? Why is it quiet here?" Su Wei called Li Ziwei because he thought he had gone to the bar today.

But listening to the movement around him, it was a bit of a miscalculation, he didn't even go to the bar today.

"It's been a long time since I came to the company, so I came here today to deal with some things. Brother Su, just tell me if you have anything to do." Li Ziwei knew that Su Wei must have something to call when he called.

And this matter must have something to do with playing.

"It's nothing. I'm going to play in M2 today. I want to see if you're there. Who knows you'll be busy with company affairs, so I'll find someone else." Su Wei didn't expect Li Ziwei to be so serious now.

On a holiday like this, he must be at the bar.

When I called him today, he turned out to be dealing with matters in the company.

In that case, he planned to ask Li Renfeng to see if he was in the bar.

"Come on, I've already finished my work, M2, right? It may be difficult to get a first-line booth during the holidays today, why don't we go to TAXX, I have a salesman I know there, and there is a huge venue and more people Many." When Li Ziwei heard that he was going to drink with Su Wei, he immediately said that he would go.

As for the female anchors under his banner, the time can be pushed back.

He thought about M2, probably couldn't book a first-line booth today.

If you take Su Wei to sit down, it's better not to go.

At this time, he remembered that one of his old lovers went to TAXX to become the marketing team leader.

If you go to TAXX, you can definitely get an A card.

"TAXX, it's the running man's, right?" Now TAXX is a popular bar in Shanghai.

When Su Wei brushed Moments, many girls had gone to TAXX to check in.

He remembered this bar, and it seemed to have something to do with one of the running men.

"Basically, but he's just a minority shareholder, and he's not the big boss. Do you want to go? If so, I can arrange some girls for you." It's quite normal for celebrities to invest in bars now.

After all, they have huge influence, and getting celebrities involved can make the bar full of popularity in the early stage.

Moreover, opening a bar is a side business after all, and the profits there are really huge.

If there are celebrities involved, it is likely to start making money in a month or two.

In a year or two, even if the bar closes down, the owners of the bar will already be making a lot of money.

"Then you decide the position, but you don't need to arrange the girls, you just take care of yourself." Now the girls around Li Ziwei are basically female anchors.

After all, in terms of resources, it must be obtained from around.

The reason why his trade union rose up so quickly was because he attracted all the good-looking girls around him to the live broadcast.

These anchors have passed, and they must dog him to get gifts. What's the point of that.

"Brother-in-law, I can't tell, you're playing really well." When Su Wei called, Wang Xiaoyun was not idle either.

She put her ears directly to listen to Su Wei's phone call.

For Su Wei, she really has no sense of boundaries.

In other words, she deliberately blurred this sense of boundary.

"With you two beauties here, I don't like those rouge vulgar fans outside." The two sisters Wang Xiaoya and Wang Xiaoyun are first-class beauties.

With the two of them here, Su Wei wouldn't even go to Liu Jing's place.

He even looked down on those girls outside.

"Awei, don't talk nonsense, be careful and I will tell Xiaoyuan." Wang Xiaoya went to the bar today purely out of curiosity.

Seeing that Su Wei spoke too much, she hurriedly warned Su Wei.

After all, the relationship between her and her husband is very good.

And she said that because she wanted Su Wei not to think about her.

After all, her friend said that Su Wei is super horny.

"Hahaha, fasten your seat belts, we are going to take off"

. . . . . .

When Su Wei drove past, he opened the hood.

Then he turned up the volume to the maximum and played those happy songs on NetEase Cloud.

When coming over this way, the three of them all jumped over.

"Brother-in-law, this is the bar you mentioned? But isn't this a park?" After Su Wei stopped the car, Wang Xiaoyun looked around.

I found a row of very old storefronts on the left hand side.

As for the right side, it is all bushes, but there is the sound of music coming from inside.

"The bar is down there. You'll know when you get there." After Su Wei got off the car, he asked Wang Xiaoya to come out.

Because she was at the back, it was not very convenient to get out from behind the main driver's seat, so she was pulled out by Su Wei.

Su Wei touched Wang Xiaoya's hand, feeling that her hand was quite comfortable.

"Wow, there are so many bars down here, which one are we going to go to today?" Wang Xiaoyun followed Su Wei back for a while, only to see that there was an underground passage here.

When I came down, I realized that there are many bars on the first floor.

And the proportion of white people here is higher than that she has seen anywhere in Shanghai.

Because the white people here feel like they can account for half of the total number.

"It's that TAXX, have you seen it?" Su Wei had never been here before.

But TAXX is so conspicuous, he saw it the first time he came out of the underground passage.

After all, it is so popular now, most of the people here come for it.

"There are a lot of people in this bar, and there is still a queue, when will it be our turn to go in?" Wang Xiaoyun saw TAXX and had a hunch that it must be fun.

Because if it is not fun inside, it is impossible for so many people to line up.

She just wants to go in quickly, after all, she hasn't seen it before.

"I can go in later, but I need to find someone first." Su Wei's right hand is now held by Wang Xiaoyun.

And his left hand is holding Wang Xiaoya.

Because Wang Xiaoya was a little scared when she saw people taking pictures on both sides when she passed the underground passage.

Seeing that she was afraid, Su Wei held her hand directly.

It's been a while now, and he still hasn't let go.

"Brother Su, you are here, no wonder you said that on the phone, so I have a girl today." Li Ziwei has been here at TAXX for a while.

And when he came here this time, he also brought the girl who was going to start broadcasting the script.

Anyway, these female anchors will definitely be picked up by the big brothers in the live broadcast room in the future.

Then before they were taken by the big brothers in the live broadcast room, he came to try something new for those big brothers.

"What are you talking about? These are Xiaoyuan's relatives. I just brought them here to see what bars in China are like." Su Wei originally had a girl on one side, but because of Li Ziwei's words, Wang Xiaoya immediately threw his hand away up.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyun still hugged him.

Su Wei introduced to Li Ziwei the identities of the two women around him.

"So you are relatives of Miss Xiaoyuan. Hello, I am a friend of Miss Xiaoyuan. We have known each other for several years." Li Ziwei and Su Wei have known each other for so long, how could they not know Su Wei's personality.

Not to mention that these two women are relatives of Wang Xiaoyuan, even Wang Xiaoyuan's own sisters are useless.

After all, seeing that he was holding this mixed-race girl in his arms, he didn't see any scruples at all.

"It turns out that brother-in-law just called you. You know sister Xiaoyuan, and you dare to introduce her to my brother-in-law. I must tell sister Xiaoyuan about this." Wang Xiaoyun was already high before entering the bar tonight .

Because life in America is really boring.

When I came to the magic capital, I realized that this place is not serious at all, on the contrary, it is even more lively.

"It's nothing, auntie, please don't do this." Li Ziwei introduced Su Wei's sister to Su Wei, and she knew it when Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan were not together.

He looks very scared now, but he is actually just teasing a child.

"Okay, don't play, is the deck reserved?" Today is a holiday, and basically everyone who likes to play has come out.

At this time, every bar must be full.

It's only 10 o'clock now, and the entrance of TAXX is already full of people.

"Boss Su, the location has been confirmed. I know you are coming, and our bar has specially let you out of booth 000." Xiaoan received a call from Li Ziwei half an hour ago.

Tell her to squeeze out a seat, he has friends who want to come to the bar to play.

She didn't pay much attention at first, and planned to arrange a booth casually.

After knowing that it was Su Wei who was coming, he immediately responded to the above.

After difficult coordination with the higher-ups, the booth number 000 was finally given up to Su Wei.

"You are Weiwei's friend, you look really good-looking." The girl next to Li Ziwei took the initiative to speak, and it was only then that Su Wei realized that she was a salesman.

At the beginning, Su Wei thought she was Li Ziwei's female anchor.

After all, there are three girls beside Li Ziwei, including her.

But when talking to him, Li Ziwei kept putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Boss Su, my name is Xiao An, can I add a WeChat account with you, I've always wanted to know you" Xiao An, as the marketing team leader of the bar, is under performance pressure every month.

If you can build a good relationship with Su Wei, then it shouldn't be too easy to complete the performance.

After all, if a bar wants to make money, it depends on the kind of boss who spends a lot of money.

"Okay, after you go in later, arrange three big dragons for me, and then serve some other drinks." Su Wei will not continue to throw millions of money when he comes here this time.

After all, his current fame is enough.

If you continue to spend a lot of money, it will be useless to improve your reputation.

"Okay, I know"

. . . . . .

"Brother-in-law, you are so amazing, so many people here know you" Just came in on the way, although there were bodyguards opening the way.

But there were still countless people reaching in to shake Su Wei's hand.

It was only then that Wang Xiaoyun realized that her brother-in-law seemed a little too much.

"Xiaoyun, you will gradually realize that this brother-in-law of yours is not only famous in China, but also famous in the United States." Li Ziwei knows that Su Wei has only been in the United States for such a short time.

Ever since I went to Allen's party once, he has been invited to parties every day.

Moreover, some of those parties were at the entrepreneurial level, and they also invited Su Wei to the party.

"How can the two of you sit together? You can still drink wine. Let me sit inside." Su Wei looked at it and found that Wang Xiaoya and Wang Xiaoyun had gone to sit together.

How could he let such a thing happen, so he planned to sit in the middle.

After all, if the two of them sat together, how could he have a chance to eat them.

"It's disgusting, why are you sitting between the two of us, ah, it hurts so much" Wang Xiaoya saw that Su Wei was about to squeeze over, her first reaction was to push him away.

In the end, she didn't push her, and she was taken advantage of by him.

Because when Su Wei poured it in, he took the opportunity to touch her.

"Sister Xiaoya, are you okay?" Wang Xiaoyun couldn't see the situation on Wang Xiaoya's side because Su Wei blocked her.

Hearing her say it hurts so much, I quickly asked her what's wrong.

"It's okay, I just bumped.

Su Wei, you can do it, I am Xiaoyuan's cousin after all, don't go too far." Wang Xiaoya was taken advantage of by Su Wei, how could she tell Wang Xiaoyun.

All he could do was tell her that he had been bumped.

But Su Wei took advantage of it and didn't play, even after touching it, he couldn't bear to let it go.

She could only keep close to Su Wei's ear, telling him not to go too far.

"Whoever wanted you to offend me at the dinner table yesterday, I'm just taking revenge." Su Wei accepted it as soon as he saw it was good, and retracted his hand when he saw that he was taking advantage.

He was so impatient with Wang Xiaoya because he might not be able to eat her tonight.

After all, Guan Yunfei should come over later.

"Boss Su, how many bottles of Ace of Spades to open first?" Xiao An asked Su Wei how many bottles of wine he wanted to open after the wine was delivered.

Because she was meeting Su Wei for the first time, and she didn't know his style yet.

"Aren't you asking nonsense, the wine that Brother Su ordered must be fully opened, so there is no need to talk about it." Li Ziwei hugged Xiao An and told her to fill up the wine.

After all, Su Wei only ordered three big dragons this time, and there were only eighteen bottles of wine in total.

Judging by Su Wei's appearance, he must have something to think about the girl next to him today.

"Xiaoya, drink, why did you come to the bar to play with your mobile phone?" Su Wei waited for the waiter to pour the wine, and had a few drinks with Wang Xiaoyun first.

Turning around and seeing Wang Xiaoyun holding the phone at this time, he thought she was playing.

So while passing a glass of wine to Wang Xiaoya, she snatched her cell phone.

"I'm not playing with my phone, I just want to call Yunfei, but the phone is out of battery." Wang Xiaoya came out all day today, and the phone's battery was already low.

She had just seen the wine being served, so she remembered that she hadn't called Guan Yunfei.

When she took out her mobile phone, she realized that her mobile phone was dead and turned off.

"Can you remember the mobile phone number? You can use my mobile phone to call." Su Wei was already sure today that he would basically take down Wang Xiaoyun tonight.

Then he doesn't have to eat Wang Xiaoya.

So he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wang Xiaoya to call her.

"This time we came here to apply for a new local card. I don't remember his number." This time, because we came to Shanghai, we may have to stay for a long time.

So her mother specially issued a local card for her and her husband.

Now if she was asked to remember the new number, how could she remember it.

"Then give me your phone, and I'll find someone to charge it for you." Su Wei didn't expect such a coincidence to happen.

If this is the case, then you can't blame him, it's all predestined.

"Boss Su, do you need to charge it?" Xiao An was pouring wine when she heard Su Wei's female companion say that the battery was out.

She volunteered to come over, intending to use this phone to charge it.

"It's a fart charge, you just smash this phone for me when you go out later"

(End of this chapter)

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