"Now the staff has taken the mobile phone to charge, you can have a drink, come on, let's go." Seeing that Xiao An understood what he meant, Su Wei waved her to go out.

As for whether the phone was smashed or not in the end, he didn't really care.

He just wanted Wang Xiaoya not to be found by Guan Yunfei tonight.

Su Wei put his arms around Wang Xiaoya's shoulders and handed her the wine.

"I'll drink this glass of wine with you, and you can find Xiaoyun to drink with you later, I can't drink well." Wang Xiaoya didn't have this personality in normal times.

It's just that she is hugged by Su Wei now, and she doesn't know why she has such a good temper.

And the tougher Su Wei was to her, the less she dared to resist.

Now Su Wei asked her to drink, but she did not refuse.

He just discussed with Su Wei in a low voice, she can't drink well, so he asked him to find Xiaoyun to drink.

"I actually don't drink too much, but I've come here, so don't be too restrained. Look at how happy everyone is." Su Wei saw that Wang Xiaoya was a dick.

But it's not sure yet, we have to observe first.

After all, if you make a mistake, it will be difficult to get it right.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing, stand up and play disco, you two are sitting like old people." Wang Xiaoyun came to a domestic bar, only to find that the bar can be so happy.

She danced to the rhythm for a long time, only to realize that Su Wei and the two of them had been chatting.

In such a high place, how could she allow such people to destroy the atmosphere.

"Did you hear that, your cousin said you are an old man, get up, and join us in hi!" Su Wei never thought that he would be called an old man one day.

Although he is indeed a few years older than Wang Xiaoyun.

After standing up, she found that Wang Xiaoya was still sitting.

"Come on, I'll do it myself" Wang Xiaoya didn't want to wake up at first, after all, she rarely comes to this kind of high party.

In the United States, she often goes to bars with good friends or colleagues.

But most of the bars in the United States are similar to those in China.

So she came to the hi bar here, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

"Brother-in-law, it's so exciting here, it's much more fun than the party I attended in the United States." Compared with Wang Xiaoya's discomfort, Wang Xiaoyun obviously enjoyed this environment.

When she dances here, she feels super happy.

And it's not like she is alone here, but most of the people in the bar are like this.

"It's a bit difficult to play here. Would you like me to take you to the front DJ booth to experience it?" Su Wei felt itchy when he saw Wang Xiaoyun twisting his waist.

But this deck here, invisibly restricts his performance a bit.

So he proposed to play near the DJ booth in front.

"Go to the DJ booth? Sure, it must be more exciting there. Cousin, my brother-in-law and I went to the front." Wang Xiaoyun looked around the DJ booth, and the people there were indeed jumping harder.

After talking to Wang Xiaoya, he planned to drag Su Wei over.

"Wang Xiaoyun is your sister-in-law, don't do anything too extreme." Although Wang Xiaoya was in the United States before, she and Wang Xiaoyun definitely didn't have much contact.

After all, she is in Los Angeles on the west coast, while Wang Xiaoyun is in Boston on the east coast.

She didn't know until today that Wang Xiaoyun was so coquettish.

"She can't, then can I find you?" Su Wei heard Wang Xiaoya say this, and hugged her head.

The distance between the two of them is already very close.

"Don't be like this, I don't care about this matter." When Wang Xiaoya was hugged, her nose was stuck to Su Wei's.

When Su Wei spoke, his breath could directly hit her face.

Su Wei's trick made Wang Xiaoya's ears turn red.


"Brother-in-law, do you like me?" When Wang Xiaoyun was dancing, Su Wei kept dancing next to her.

As long as she is not stupid, she must know what Su Wei means.

After all, the current posture of the two of them is really too ambiguous.

"You are so beautiful, of course I like you." The little flame in Su Wei's heart was already ignited by Wang Xiaoyun.

And she asked, isn't it completely nonsense.

If he didn't like her, he wouldn't love her at all.

The female anchors next to Li Ziwei came to him for a drink just now, but he ignored them.

Why, it's not because I don't like it.

"Then do you like my sister more, or me more?" Wang Xiaoyun was very satisfied when she said this to Su Wei.

Because she was seducing Su Wei when she was in the restaurant today.

She wanted to know who he liked more, herself or Wang Xiaoyuan, in his heart.

"If you two compare, I like you more." Su Wei thought Wang Xiaoyun asked her and Wang Xiaoya who he liked more.

Under the current environment, of course he likes Wang Xiaoyun more.

After all, at this moment, he could see her and touch her.

"Although I think what you should say is a lie, I'm still very happy, bah, this is a reward for you." American girls like Wang Xiaoyun's yearning for rich people is more obvious.

She doesn't care, this is her cousin's husband.

Seeing Su Wei's answer made her very satisfied, she directly kissed Su Wei on the cheek.

"It's such a time now, should we go to a more exciting place?" Su Wei didn't expect this Wang Xiaoyun to be so coquettish.

He didn't even care that he was Wang Xiaoyuan's husband, so he kissed him directly.

After he realized it, he hugged her and kissed her mouth to mouth.

"I don't want to leave yet, I want to play for a while, but I don't have to go home today." Wang Xiaoyun lives on the east coast of the United States.

Although Boston is not very prosperous, it is also the fourth largest city in the United States.

The ethos there is different from the conservative middle America.

"That's what you said, then follow me when the show is over." Su Wei's original idea was to get a room in a hotel.

Wait until the two of you have finished exercising before coming back.

But since she said she would go with him at night, there's no need to worry.

"But what to do with my cousin, she may not be willing." Wang Xiaoyun thought at this time that Wang Xiaoya might do something bad.

After all, the two of them came out together, and Wang Xiaoya would definitely not let her go alone.

So she wanted to ask Su Wei if there was any good way to get her to agree.

"It's simple, just get her drunk later, and we'll take her away too, that's fine."

"You are finally back. If you don't come back, I will go to find you." Wang Xiaoya said that, if she really asked her to find someone, she would definitely not dare to go.

Because there are so many people in the bar today.

Wanting to go to the DJ booth, she went there alone, and she didn't know how many people would take advantage of her on the way.

After all, the aisles are now full of people.

"I just went to the front with my brother-in-law to play, sister, you don't know, the front is much more spacious than here, I really should let my brother-in-law take you to the front to play." Wang Xiaoyun will come back because he is tired from dancing.

Otherwise, she can continue to dance.

For such a place, she simply loved it.

"No need, I'm already very high here." Wang Xiaoya didn't dare to let Su Wei take her to dance in front, after all, Su Wei is super horny.

If she goes with her, then I don't know how he will take advantage of her.

"Sister, why don't you drink this wine, come on, let's drink it up" Wang Xiaoyun and Su Wei have already discussed, and today they will get Wang Xiaoya drunk.

And because she was leaning against Su Wei when she was dancing with Su Wei just now.

So for his capital, but can clearly feel, this is more determined for her to stay at night.

"I've already opened up such an expensive wine. If you don't drink it, it will be wasted later. Come on, let's have a drink." After Wang Xiaoyun finished Wang Xiaoya's wine, Su Wei also started to drink her wine.

After all, although I didn't order much wine today, it cost almost 30.

"Woo, I don't drink very well. Let's stop for a while. Ah Wei, is my mobile phone ready?" Wang Xiaoya didn't want to drink any more after being downed a few glasses of wine.

At this time, she remembered that she hadn't called Guan Yunfei yet.

"The electricity should be almost charged, I'll ask the marketing.

Xiao An, has the cell phone I gave you just now been charged? "Su Wei sat on the seat, holding a drink with both hands.

Originally, he wanted to go all out and get the two drunk together.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoya could still think of the mobile phone at this time.

"It's been so long now, the battery should be almost full, I'll go and see." Xiao An was drinking with Li Ziwei when he heard Su Wei ask about the phone.

She immediately said that the battery of the mobile phone should be almost charged.

"She's gone to get her phone, let's continue to drink." Seeing that the salesman had left, Su Wei continued to persuade them to drink.

After all, he had an idea today, but he didn't know if it could be realized.

But to realize this method, the two of them must not be too sober.

"You are bullying me now. When Yunfei comes, he will help me and drink you all down." Wang Xiaoya was already a little tongue-tied at this time.

But she is not drunk yet.

He also knew that when Guan Yunfei came, he would avenge her.

"Okay, okay, then I'll just wait." Hearing what Wang Xiaoya said, Su Wei just wanted to laugh.

Because he just wanted to see it now, and what expression Wang Xiaoya would have when he saw his phone.

At the same time, he held Wang Xiaoya's hand, and he was not idle at all.

"Boss Su, it's not good, something happened to the phone." Xiaoan brought Wang Xiaoya's phone that was completely uncharged from the office.

When she was approaching Su Wei, she had already started to develop her acting skills.

"What happened to the phone? What happened?" Wang Xiaoya heard that something happened to the phone, and her first reaction was to lose the phone.

Because there are so many people in the bar, it is a popular place to drop your mobile phone.

"On the way here with my mobile phone, because there were too many people, the mobile phone fell on the ground and was trampled on." Xiaoan handed the mobile phone to Wang Xiaoya when she was speaking.

The phone was indeed trampled, but not in a bar.

Instead, at the entrance of the bar, she let the bar security guard, who was 190 cm tall and weighed 300 catties, stepped on it for more than a minute in leather shoes.

"This, is this my mobile phone?" Wang Xiaoya looked at her mobile phone, the panel and motherboard were almost completely separated.

That panel was even more broken into slag, this unrecognizable appearance, I don't know how much devastation it suffered at that time.

I pressed the power button and found no response at all.

"Miss Wang is really sorry. You see, my own mobile phone has the same experience, but since I broke this mobile phone, don't worry, I will definitely compensate you at the original price." Mobile phones also contributed.

And her mobile phone has also been destroyed for a long time.

"The mobile phone doesn't have much money. The main reason is that I have a phone number in it. It seems that as long as the phone card is changed to another phone, the phone number can be obtained. If you have a mobile phone, can I borrow it?" Wang Xiaoya looked at the phone, thinking that she might not be able to make calls La.

At this time, I remembered that as long as the phone card was on, it would be fine.

"Of course it's no problem, just take out the card, Ms. Wang." For a person like Xiao An, of course, this is also taken into consideration.

So when she asked someone to step on the phone, she took out the calling card first.

It's not because she wants to protect the phone card, but because she is afraid that the phone card can still be used.

"How could this be? The phone card inside is also broken." Wang Xiaoya took out the phone card, only to find that the card had been broken.

And instead of breaking in half, it broke into three pieces.

"In today's situation, it seems that Yunfei won't be able to come to the bar, and we can only bring him the next time we come to the bar.

Xiao An, you don’t need to pay for this mobile phone. I will pay for it for you. After all, I asked you to charge it, but you have to drink a few more glasses of wine with my sister-in-law to make amends.” Su Wei was invisible to Wang Xiaoya place, gave Xiaoan a thumbs up.

Because when Wang Xiaoya mentioned the calling card just now, he was really shocked.

Unexpectedly, the calling card that Wang Xiaoya took out was already broken.

Su Wei directly forwarded [-] yuan to her on WeChat, which was regarded as money for her to buy a mobile phone.

"Should be, should be, thank you Mr. Su for not letting me pay for the phone.

Miss Wang, I'm really sorry, I'll do it first as a respect."

Su Wei and the others came out of the bar after 1 o'clock.

Because the two sisters, Wang Xiaoya, were already drunk.

Then he took two drunk cats and opened a suite in the nearest hotel nearby.

Because Wang Xiaoya was force-fed a lot, she fell asleep when she arrived in her room.

And Wang Xiaoyun was just a little drunk, so of course Su Wei played games with her unceremoniously.

"I can't do it anymore, I really want to vomit." Wang Xiaoya was in a daze, feeling her stomach was overwhelmed.

Sitting up from the bed, the whole person wanted to spit out all the wine in his stomach.

"Don't vomit here, I'll take you to the bathroom." While Su Wei was playing games, he saw Wang Xiaoya was about to vomit.

He hurried over, helped Wang Xiaoya and went to the toilet.

"Ah, Awei? Why aren't you wearing any clothes? And where is this place? Why didn't you take me home?" After Wang Xiaoya vomited profusely in the toilet, she finally came to her senses.

Only then did she realize that the place she was in was so strange.

What made her sober up even more was that Su Wei was beside her without any clothes on.

"Shut up first, it's better, of course this is a hotel, otherwise, where else could it be?" Su Wei held a cup full of water and watched Wang Xiaoya pass the water to her after she finished vomiting.

After all, she just vomited just now, and he couldn't get it out if she didn't rinse her mouth.

"Why did you bring me to the hotel? I want to go home." Wang Xiaoya said she wanted to go home, but she was still rinsing her mouth.

After all, she was in the bar today, but Su Wei took advantage of her.

If you really want to leave, you will leave while you are in the bar.

"Do you think that if I bring you here, you'll just go away?" Su Wei now knew that Wang Xiaoya just liked him to treat her more domineeringly.

Seeing that she was almost done rinsing her mouth, she kissed her directly.

Then in the toilet, I started to undress her.

"What are you going to do to me, oh, don't, let's go to bed, Xiaoyun, why are you here? Close your eyes and don't look at me"

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