Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 438 Make a Sensation

The next day.

Today, the entire circle of friends in the magic city has been swiped.

Because on the ship going out to sea from the Huangpu River, a super yacht was photographed.

Domestic rich people have to pay a 30.00% tax because they want to keep a low profile, and yachts come in.

So the super yachts of Mr. Ma and others are all parked abroad.

And now this super yacht over 100 meters long is sailing from the Yangtze River to the Huangpu River.

There is also a lot of discussion about this super yacht on the Internet.

"A ship this big, you tell me it's just a yacht?"

"It's really big. Although I haven't measured it, it should be more than 120 meters in length, and it can accommodate two helicopters, but it's really a yacht."

"This yacht is awesome. Looking at the photos sent by the crew on the freighter, I heard that there is a swimming pool on the deck."

"I'm so envious, if I can go up and play for a few days, my roommate can be single for another ten years"

The above-mentioned people belong to the category of normal discussion.

And there are still many people on the Internet, who like to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, and have been picking up information about the ship owner.

"It's such a big yacht, I don't know which country's super boss came to us?"

"I don't know, but it must be super rich. It would be great if I could go up and visit it."

"I know who the owner is. This yacht belongs to Su Wei. Didn't the news report it last month? He bought a yacht at a British auction. I compared it, and it's it."

"I know this yacht. I heard that its nationality is Huaxia, and the tax alone has paid 6.5 million yuan."

"It's simply terrible. This tax money is more than the annual profit of many listed companies."

Netizens on the Internet began to quarrel fiercely after knowing that the yacht belonged to their own countrymen.

"No way, this yacht belongs to that playboy Su Wei?"

"It's the first person in China to own a Bugatti Chiron, and then he was hit on the first day on the road, right? Why didn't he get hit to death by him?"

"It's too much to curse people, and he didn't do anything outrageous."

"Su Wei didn't do anything harmful, but he is so rich, he doesn't know how to do charity, but buys such flashy luxury goods. Anyway, I don't like such people."

"The money someone buys a yacht is his own, so he can spend it as he wants, and he has to listen to the opinions of keyboard warriors like you."

"Anyway, I don't like the rich people in China. It's people like Mr. Cao and Mr. Ren who are national entrepreneurs."

"Speaking of Mr. Cao, do you know that his factory benefits are extremely poor, and his charity is only for tax avoidance.

Speaking of Mr. Ren, do you know that his family lives in houses worth tens of millions of dollars in the United States and Canada?"

"That's better than Su Wei, a penny-pinching iron cock"

These two groups of people on the Internet became more and more excited as they talked.

And it was no longer a discussion later, it had become a scolding between the two sides.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Anthony? Why are you calling me at this hour?" When Su Wei was getting up early to exercise, his cell phone rang.


After looking at the number, it turned out that it was the captain of his White Crane calling.

Although Su Wei planned to answer the phone, he didn't stop exercising, but continued exercising while answering the phone.

"Boss, the White Crane has arrived in Shanghai now." Anthony is the captain of the White Crane, a Maltese in his forties.

Malta is an island country next to Italy, mainly composed of five islands.

Although there are only more than 50 people in this country, their lives are very rich because this country is on the shipping route.

"Has the White Crane arrived in Shanghai? Then I'll come over in the afternoon." Su Wei has always been interested in the White Crane.

Although he doesn't often talk to the captain on the phone, he will often check the position of the White Crane.

After all, this yacht, but the first yacht in his life, has a different meaning.

"Good boss, but now we are in some trouble here." Daniel heard Su Wei say that he would come over in the afternoon.

In his heart, he was still very happy.

Because this represents the yacht, which is very important to Su Wei.

He has seen the kind of super rich people who buy yachts and sell them within a few months.

In this case, a well-paid captain like him could easily lose his job.

"Trouble? What's the trouble? I met the water police, so I can't enter the Huangpu River?" Su Wei heard Daniel say that they were in trouble.

I thought they had encountered the marine police, after all, his yacht was so conspicuous.

But he was not worried about meeting the marine police, because he had all the documents.

"Hi, Mr. Su, I'm Qu Dalu, first officer. We've docked here at the Huangpu River International Passenger Terminal, but the side of the passenger terminal is surrounded by spectators, and many people want to break into it." The boat is coming." Qu Dalu was the first mate on the White Crane, and Daniel felt that he was from Huaxia and could communicate with Su Wei better, so he gave him the phone.

Qu Dalu knew that it would cause a sensation when the yacht docked on the Huangpu River.

After all, this yacht is the largest yacht in Asia, 2 meters longer than No.50.

But he really didn't expect that the yacht had already attracted many people before it docked.

"Do you want me to teach you this? Let the passenger transport center send someone over. I pay so much parking fee, is it for nothing?" When Su Wei spoke, he did not forget to continue exercising.

The daily mooring fee at the pier of the Passenger Transport Center is 30 foot x [-] yuan a day.

Su Wei's White Crane is 450 feet long, and the daily berthing fee is more than 3000.

If it is parked for one year, the parking fee alone will cost him almost 500 million.

So there is a problem with the parking fee of so much money, and of course it has to be settled by the passenger transport center.

"The passenger transport center has sent people here, but there are too many people watching, and there are many reporters at the scene." In fact, Su Wei does not need to say that when the passenger transport center sees the Baihe coming, it immediately organizes people to start protecting it .

But their security guards totaled less than thirty people.

Facing the crowd of spectators, it was not enough to watch at all.

And because many reporters came this time, it was difficult for the security guards to use force to drive away these spectators.


"How many people are here? You can't even figure out the passenger terminal." Su Wei knew that people in China like to watch the excitement, but he didn't expect it to cause a sensation.

After all, this is a yacht, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

But he forgot one thing, that is, Chinese people naturally like to watch the excitement.

And everyone is not against super yachts, but because there are no super yachts in China.

"I heard from the people in the passenger transport center that there seemed to be thousands of people at the scene, and there were still a steady stream of people rushing here." This time Su Wei's yacht will cause such a big reaction.

That's because the current information is spreading too fast.

For example, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Bibo, and Tieba are full of information about this super yacht.

In the city next to Shanghai, some citizens drove over, intending to see the elegance of this super yacht.

"There are so many people, then you should call the police quickly and let the police come to help maintain order. Now, you immediately drive the yacht to the middle of the Huangpu River, and wait until the order on the scene is stable, and then dock the boat." Su Wei asked Qu Dalu and the others, first Call the police to maintain order.

He called later and asked Director Guan to send some security guards to help.

After all, there are so many people, if there is a stampede, it will be a big deal.

So he told the White Crane not to rush to dock, and wait for the situation to stabilize.

"Okay, I know what to do"

"Honey, do you still have a yacht? Can you let me go and see it too?" Wang Xiaoyun waited for Su Wei to finish exercising and after she recovered herself.

I just remembered that when Su Wei called just now, he said that his yacht had arrived.

This made Wang Xiaoyun think about going up to play on the yacht again.

"Don't call me dear, I'm your brother-in-law." Su Wei had no intention of entering the harem for Wang Xiaoyun.

Although her mixed-race face is indeed more beautiful, and she has a good figure.

But from her proficient skills, it can be seen that she is not that kind of simple girl.

Wang Xiaoya is so many years older than her, and her skills are not as good as hers, and he needs to teach many movements.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, and didn't you say that you like me?" Wang Xiaoyun definitely has no love for Su Wei.

After all, she and Su Wei have only known each other for a few hours.

She just wanted to find a long-term meal ticket so that she could eat, drink and have fun better.

"I like pretty girls very much, no matter who she is, just like you." Su Wei had just taken a shower while Wang Xiaoyun was absent-minded.

When he just spoke, he was already getting dressed.

After hearing Wang Xiaoyun's words, he pinched her chin and told her the truth.

That is, there is no such thing as liking her for him, it's just a novelty.

"Are you not afraid that I will tell Wang Xiaoyuan about this?" Of course Wang Xiaoyun knew that Su Wei didn't like her.

But she really didn't expect that Su Wei would tell her so bluntly that he just liked her beauty.


But it doesn't matter, she still has a killer weapon.

"It's up to you, whether you say it or not is up to you, okay, I have something to do today, you can take a break and go shopping in the afternoon, bye bye" Su Wei shrugged indifferently when he heard Wang Xiaoyun threatening him shrug.

Because the two of them, although they are relatives of Wang Xiaoyuan.

But for Wang Xiaoyuan, it was only in name.

Last night, he couldn't believe that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't see anything.

"Shit, this bitch" Wang Xiaoyun saw Su Wei leave just like that, so angry that she punched the pillow several times with her fist.

After all, she slept with Su Wei, so she definitely couldn't talk about it.

Originally, he wanted to use this method to extort some money from Su Wei, but he didn't expect him to take the bait.

"Thank God, he finally left. Xiaoyun, how are you? Are you alright?" Wang Xiaoya, who was pretending to be asleep, saw that Su Wei had left, and then began to breathe heavily.

When Su Wei didn't leave just now, she didn't even dare to take a big breath, for fear of being noticed by him.

"You didn't fall asleep? So you were faking it just now." Wang Xiaoyun thought that Wang Xiaoyun was asleep just now, but she didn't expect that she was faking it.

If so, she wouldn't have to deal with Su Wei alone.

"I can't help it. He has great physical strength. If I don't pretend, I might not have the strength to walk today." They came to the hotel after one o'clock yesterday, and the three of them didn't sleep until almost four o'clock after exercising.

After nine o'clock this morning, Su Wei dragged her out of her obsession to exercise.

After exercising once, Wang Xiaoya saw that Su Wei was still so energetic, she could only secretly pretend to be asleep.

Otherwise, she was really afraid of herself, and would have to spend a day in a hotel to recuperate.

"He does have good physical strength, but he is a bit too ruthless. Hey, what is this, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand yuan? How much is it?" Wang Xiaoyun felt that Su Wei was indeed ruthless, but his athletic ability It really exploded.

The two of them exercised with him, but it was the two of them who couldn't stand it.

At this time, her phone started to vibrate, and it happened several times in a row.

She took a look at the phone, and it turned out that it was Su Wei who transferred money to her. Five times, the total amount was 10 yuan.

After transferring the money, she sent a message asking her to buy a mobile phone for Wang Xiaoya.

"The current exchange rate is 1:6.5, so it's [-] U.S. dollars." Wang Xiaoya frowned unconsciously when she saw Wang Xiaoyun accepting the money.

Because if it was her, she would definitely not accept the money.

If this money is collected, then what happened last night will change.

But she didn't make a sound to remind, after all, this is Wang Xiaoyun's collection, and it has nothing to do with her.

"Wow, so much money? Sister Xiaoya, let's go shopping later, isn't your phone broken, I'll buy you a new one"

"Husband, why did you come here so early today?" Liu Jing specially went back to her hometown during the festival.

But she only stayed at home for one day, and hurried back to Shanghai.

The main reason is that Su Wei told her that he was coming to see her last night.

As a result, she came only to be told by Su Wei that he had something to do at night and could only come the next day.

After she got up today, she was holding the tablet to catch up with the drama, because Su Wei didn't wake up at least in the afternoon.


It turned out that before it was 12 o'clock, she received a call from Su Wei, saying that he would be there in more than ten minutes.

Liu Jing was dumbfounded at this time, because she didn't wash her face.

Fortunately, she was naturally beautiful, and it only took 20 minutes to go downstairs.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday, I'm going to take you to see something interesting today, get in the car." Su Wei felt very guilty for releasing Liu Jing's pigeons yesterday.

So he planned to make her the first girlfriend to board his yacht.

"Shall we go now? Why don't we go to eat first, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." When Liu Jing just put on makeup, she had already received her takeaway.

After she got up today, she drank a glass of milk.

Sitting in the car now, I feel like my stomach is about to bulge.

"It's okay, there is a place to eat where I took you, and if you eat now, you will definitely regret it when you get there." There are more than 30 crew members on Su Wei's yacht.

And on the ship, there are three top chefs in terms of chefs alone.

The three chefs are Chinese chef, French chef, and Japanese cuisine master.

"Really? Then I must go and have a look." Liu Jing was relieved when she heard that there was lunch.

Instead, he became curious about what Su Wei said.

She wanted to see what place she would regret going to for lunch.

"Fasten your seatbelts, we're going"

"Master, what's going on today? There are so many people here in Pudong." Zhou Xiaohui was sent to Pudong's International Passenger Transport Center by the prison today to help out. Her master also came with her.

During this more than an hour, she was hoarse because of maintaining order.

"I don't know either. It's just a yacht. I don't understand why there are so many spectators." Zhao Yongqiang is now marginalized because of the old bungalow.

Otherwise, how could he be sent to maintain order this time.

"Auntie, we've already said that this yacht is private, not the cruise ships on the Huangpu River. Don't push any further." Zhou Xiaohui saw an aunt pushing forward with vegetables in her arms.

She thought she didn't know that it was a private super yacht in the middle of the Huangpu River, not a newly operated cruise ship.

After all, many people who didn't know the truth this time thought it was a new cruise ship, so they planned to be its first passengers.

"You pretend I don't know. I just went out to buy some groceries, but I was pushed into the first row. I want to go home, but I can't get out."

Do whatever you want from today

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