Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 439 Why are you here?

When Su Wei took Liu Jing to the International Passenger Transport Center, it was already past 12 o'clock.

At this time, people on the pier were not as crazy as they were in the morning.

Because many people already know that this super large ship is a private yacht, not a new cruise ship on the Huangpu River.

So many people go home directly after taking photos and posting them on Moments.

After all, it seems that this super yacht does not plan to dock now.

But although many people left, there were still a steady stream of people coming to check in.

"Master, this yacht has been parked here, we don't want to come here every day to maintain order." Zhou Xiaohui was really scared when she saw that there were still people coming to the scene.

Because if she stays for a few more days, her voice will definitely be crippled.

And standing here all the time, her feet are also sore.

In addition, it is summer now, and there is not even a place to rest under the sun.

"No, until tomorrow at the most, there won't be so many people behind, and then we won't use it." The people are more to join in the fun, after all, this White Crane is indeed relatively rare.

But today and tomorrow, basically all the fanatical people who eat melons have been wiped out.

When you wait until later, although there will still be people coming.

But the people who came here at that time were basically more rational.

Moreover, people like the new and dislike the old, and there will definitely be other hot spots to divert everyone's attention.

When the heat is gone, maybe even if the White Crane is parked on the shore, no one will look up at it.

"Master, I don't understand one thing. Why did the bureau send us to help them maintain order when the people on the yacht made a call?" Zhou Xiaohui was actually very upset about coming to maintain order.

After all, she is a policeman, not the security guards who keep order.

So standing here, she actually felt very ashamed.

"Xiaohui, you have to understand that we are not here to help the yacht maintain order. We are here because we are afraid of accidents. After all, there are so many people on the pier. If there is a stampede, who can bear the responsibility?" Zhao Yongqiang I have been a policeman for many years.

Although this time because of the bungalow, it was indeed affected a little.

But sending him here this time really has nothing to do with that matter.

He also knew that he would be sent here just because he had more spare time.

"So that's the case, then I know." Zhou Xiaohui realized that she had misunderstood after hearing Zhao Yongqiang's words.

But if you think about it, there are dozens of colleagues who came here this time.

"Both of you, it's been a hard day for you guys. Drink some water." Xiao Jiang is the deputy captain of the security team of Gemini Property Management.

This time his boss's yacht made such a big commotion, he secretly clicked his tongue.

He was originally maintaining order on the other side, but seeing Zhou Xiaohui's beauty, he came here with a box of water to show his affection.

"Thank you, hey, I don't think you are the security guards of the Passenger Transport Center, why are you here to help?" Zhao Yongqiang saw that Xiao Jiang's clothes were different from the security uniforms of the Passenger Transport Center.

He found it very strange that these people were security guards.


How come more than 100 people came to the pier to help maintain order.

Thanks to their presence, otherwise they might have worked harder to maintain order.

"This is our boss's boat, of course we have to come and help." Xiao Jiang also swiped into the super yacht in his circle of friends this morning.

At that time, I was still chatting with my subordinates, saying that I don’t know which rich man bought such a yacht.

As a result, within 10 minutes, he received a call asking him to bring someone over to the passenger terminal.

It turned out that this super yacht belonged to their big boss.

"Who is your boss? You can afford such an expensive yacht?" Zhou Xiaohui heard the other party say that this yacht belongs to their boss.

She came curious and wanted to know who the owner of the yacht was.

Before, she always thought that this yacht belonged to some rich foreign man.

Only now did I know that the boss turned out to be a Chinese.

"You've been here for so long, yet you still don't know who our boss is? You should have heard of the Gemini Building and Baihe Building. These two buildings belong to our boss." Xiao Jiang didn't expect Zhou Xiaohui and the others to stay here for half a day. order.

Even the owner of this yacht does not know who it is.

But he definitely didn't dare to say Su Wei's name directly, so he could only introduce Su Wei's industry.

He believes that the police on the opposite side will know who his boss is if the two buildings tell him.

"The Gemini Building and the Baihe Building? So your boss is Su Wei? Is this his boat?" Zhao Yongqiang really didn't expect that this super yacht belonged to Su Wei.

Because of the bungalow incident, he has been marginalized in the institute.

Now they even have to lead a team to help Su Wei maintain order on the yacht.

This made Zhao Yongqiang feel like God's will tricks people in his heart.

"Yes, Mr. Su is our boss, and this yacht belongs to him. I heard that this yacht is the largest in Asia. It is really a glory for the country." Xiao Jiang told his own boss and bought the largest yacht in Asia.

In his heart, he is very proud.

Although he was only the vice captain of security, he was very proud when he just maintained order.

"Xiao Jiang, Xiao Jiang, come to the passenger terminal quickly, Mr. Su is here." At this time, Director Guan's voice came from Xiao Jiang's walkie-talkie.

It turned out to be Su Wei, who had already come to the passenger transport center.

"President Su is here? Okay, I'll be right over.

The two police officers are sorry, I will go there first, our boss is here, let's talk next time." Xiao Jiang saw Su Wei coming, and his thoughts of striking up a conversation disappeared immediately.

After speaking with Zhou Xiaohui and the others, they immediately ran to the passenger transport center.

After all, Su Wei, the big boss, had never been in close contact with him.

If this can be appreciated by him, then he will have nothing to worry about in his life.

"Master, are you alright? Why don't you take a break?" Zhou Xiaohui really didn't expect that this super yacht belonged to Su Wei.

After she contacted Su Wei last time, he hung up the phone before she could speak.

So she hasn't made it clear to Su Wei about her master.

Now that her master is here to protect Su Wei's yacht, she is afraid that his master will feel bad.


So she suggested, how about his master ask for leave to go back and have a rest.

"I don't have anything to rest, let's go, when Su Wei comes over, these onlookers will definitely squeeze in again, let's go there in advance and make preparations"

"Hi, Mr. Su, welcome to the Passenger Transport Center, I have admired you for a long time." After Su Wei arrived at the Passenger Transport Center, he received a very high standard of reception.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a state-owned enterprise, it might have already been paved with red carpets and flowers.

"President Su, this is Director Hu of the Passenger Transport Center." Su Wei's yacht maintained order, and Director Guan also contributed to the whole process here.

It's just that the security guards are maintaining order outside, while he is dealing with the people in the passenger transport center here.

After all, Su Wei's ship didn't stop here for two days before leaving.

In the later stage, the White Crane is likely to live here permanently.

"It turned out to be Director Hu. I stopped the yacht this time, but I caused trouble to the passenger transport center." Su Wei was so polite because the passenger transport center is a state-owned enterprise.

Moreover, the person who carried the person in a sedan chair was so polite, so of course he couldn't keep a straight face.

The most important thing is that the pier where Mo can park his yacht, the Passenger Transport Center is the most suitable place.

"Hey, what did Boss Su say? You can stop the yacht. It's too late for me to welcome you, but I don't think it's a problem at all." Although the White Crane came over today, it caused a commotion.

But Director Hu didn't blame him at all, on the contrary he was extremely happy.

After all, although Shanghai is a world-class metropolis, there are really not many big yachts coming here.

Now that Su Wei's yacht is parked here, it is the only one in the world.

As long as the White Crane is mentioned in the news, it is likely to mention the Passenger Transport Center of Modu.

Compared with the little disturbance on the pier today, this is a real achievement.

"With Director Hu's words, then I can safely park the yacht here." Su Wei has relatively few choices because of the marina in the capital.

And the Passenger Transport Center is another state-owned enterprise.

He was afraid that the Passenger Transport Center would think that the White Crane was too high-profile and let it park elsewhere.

After all, the work style of state-owned enterprises is sometimes unpredictable.

At that time, the only place he can choose is to go to the harbor or stop in Sanya.

Now with director Hu's promise, although I don't know what's going on, I have a solid foundation in my heart.

"As long as the Baihe wants to stop, our passenger transport center will always welcome the Baihe to stop." Director Hu is in the passenger transport center and can be the director.

Then of course there are people behind him.

After all, this pier can handle large cruise ships, and it's still in a place like Shanghai.

For this kind of super cruise ship over 150 meters, Director Hu only wants to come as many as possible.

"Director Hu, there are so many people outside now, and my girlfriend and I are going to go on board. I wonder if the White Crane can dock now?" Su Wei didn't know that such a large yacht needed to be matched as it was his first time buying a yacht. That little yacht.

After all, such a large yacht cannot directly approach the pier in many cases.

Just like now, if the White Crane doesn't dock, there's really no way for him to go up.


In fact, you can also go up, such as by helicopter, but that would be too high-profile.

And now that he wants to buy a small yacht, it is too late in time.

"I'm afraid this is not possible. You have also seen, Mr. Su. There are still so many people outside now, but the White Crane cannot dock, but I can send a small yacht to take you there, Mr. Su." With so many people outside now, if The White Crane docked.

It is likely to cause a stampede, and of course Director Hu will not agree.

But Su Wei can't get on the boat without a small yacht, but he can't mobilize too many small yachts here.

"Then trouble Director Hu."

Because Su Wei was going to take a boat on the pier, and there were still a lot of people at the scene.

Therefore, the security guards under him could only force a way out from the crowd of onlookers.

This made the already crowded pier even more crowded now.

"What's the situation with the people in front? We're going to be squeezed to death among us." When Su Wei came out, the people behind all wanted to see the captain.

And the people in front kept pushing back, which made the people in the middle almost turn into sandwiches.

"Brother, it's not you who was squeezed alone. There are security guards in front of us forcing the way. We have no choice but to squeeze back." The people in front squeezed back, that's also no way.

After all, the security guard must leave a space two meters away, so the only way is to let the people in front back up.

"Depending on the situation, this is some important person who is going to the pier. Everyone, hurry up and get your cameras ready, and you may get some good photos later." The experienced people inside knew that this was a big person coming.

When he took out the camera, he didn't forget to remind the people next to him.

"Someone is coming, hey, do you know who this is?" Su Wei looked very popular, but it was only in the small circle.

After all, not everyone knows many popular stars, let alone him.

"You don't even know him? This is Su Wei, the owner of the White Crane yacht." Seeing someone who didn't know Su Wei, the people around him felt very strange.

Do you think this person doesn't even go online? He doesn't even know Su Wei.

This is the current status quo. Many people think that what they know should be known by everyone.

"He is the owner of the White Crane, he is too young, and the girl behind him is so beautiful." For those who don't know Su Wei, he is not as attractive as the girl behind him.

Because they have no interest in getting to know Su Wei.

"Su Wei, look at me, oops, he really looked at me, and even said hello to me." At this moment, a man was holding a camera, planning to take a frontal photo of Su Wei.

But because Su Wei looked at the front, he could only take pictures of the profile.

At this time, he called Su Wei's name directly, but he didn't expect that he actually turned his head when he heard it.

And saw him taking pictures, and greeted him.

"That's okay too? Brother He, we are your fans, can you say hello to us too?"

"Husband, these people are so enthusiastic, and they all seem to know you." Sitting on the small yacht, Liu Jing was still thinking about the scene just now.

When she and Su Wei walked over, the flashes kept shooting.


And there are people on both sides constantly calling Su Wei's name.

This made Liu Jing feel that Su Wei is not like an entrepreneur, but like a star.

"I don't know where they know me, and these people are a little too enthusiastic, because of them, my yacht can't dock for the time being." Su Wei is still a bit embarrassed to call his name together with so many people. Confused.

At that time, when he was walking, he almost had the same hands and feet.

After all, people who have never experienced this kind of scene must not be able to understand it.

No wonder many celebrities are stiff when they walk the red carpet.

"It's such a big yacht, if I don't know you, I might want to check in too." If a girl from a small city like Liu Jing doesn't know Su Wei.

How could it be possible to live in a mansion now and drive a Ferrari 488 to school.

"Then after you get on the yacht, you can take pictures." Liu Jing was also his first girlfriend on Su Wei's yacht.

He, a well-informed man, was shocked when he boarded the boat for the first time.

Su Wei believed that Liu Jing would also be shocked after boarding the boat.

"You can take pictures for a while. I just want to eat now. I'm so hungry." Liu Jing came out of the house, and it has been an hour now.

If her stomach was only hungry before, her stomach now can be said to have been echoing.

Because she had always been punctual when it came to eating.

She suddenly didn't eat two meals in the morning and noon, she was really hungry now.

"It's not easy to eat, Director Guan, can you help me? Zhou Xiaohui? Why are you here?"

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