Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 440 High School Celebration

Chapter 440 High School Celebration
Su Wei turned around at the time, originally planning to call Director Guan and ask him to ask if the lunch on the yacht was ready.

But when he turned around, he saw a sneaky figure behind him.

After a closer look, I realized that this person was Zhou Xiaohui.

"Zhou Xiaohui, tell me, you are wearing the uniform of the passenger transport center and mixed up on my yacht, what do you want to do?" Su Wei saw that it was Zhou Xiaohui, and did not find anyone to drive her off.

Because he wanted to know why Zhou Xiaohui sneaked onto the yacht.

So when he boarded the White Crane, he brought Zhou Xiaohui with him.

Then I found a room and planned to chat with her alone.

"I, I came here today to maintain order, and I want to see if there are any Tibetans on board the boat." Zhou Xiaohui's main reason for boarding the boat this time is to ask Su Wei to clarify the matter.

But Su Wei was always surrounded by people, and it was difficult for her to even get close to him.

At this time, she heard from the passenger transport center that she was preparing a yacht for Su Wei to board.

So she had an idea and changed into the clothes of the passenger transport center.

Then sneakily, came to the small yacht.

But who knew that this yacht was too small, Su Wei found her directly when she turned around.

In this state, he can only take off the coat of the passenger transport center to reveal the short-sleeved police uniform inside.

"Who are you lying to? You're a policeman. It's not right to wear this clothes. What's more, it's a yacht arranged by the passenger transport center. There can be no problem at all. If you don't tell the truth, then I will ask you to lead the yacht." on, except the captain and one assistant.

The rest of the people on board are all Su Wei's people.

If Zhou Xiaohui could hide herself in that situation.

Then Su Wei must suggest to her leader that she can act as an undercover agent. After all, this kind of talent cannot be wasted.

After Su Wei watched Zhou Xiaohui take off her coat in the passenger transport center, she found that she was actually quite good-looking.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, it's not because of you that I did this. If anyone wanted me to call you last time, you hung up on me. I have no choice but to find you on the yacht through this method." Zhou Xiaohui heard Su Wei said that he wanted her to lead.

If someone else said this, she would definitely not panic at all.

But when Su Wei said this, she didn't take him as a joke at all.

After all, his master is still sitting on the bench because of him.

"You call me, why can't I hang up, do I know you very well?" When Su Wei was in the United States, she did receive several calls from her.

But Su Wei didn't like her master at all.

So when I received her call, I hung up the phone directly.

And when he received it for the third time, he even blocked her call.

"Su Wei, it's boring for you to be like this. We are classmates in high school anyway, and you won't even answer my phone." Zhou Xiaohui admitted that she and Su Wei really had a bad relationship in high school.

But the degree of familiarity between the two of them must not be said.

And compared to Shen Manyin and Su Wei, she is actually a little more familiar with Su Wei.

Because Su Wei's history teacher is her mother.

"Stop it, you and I are not high school classmates, we are just from the same school, at most we can be regarded as alumni." Su Wei was in class seven at the time, while Zhou Xiaohui and Shen Manyin were both in class one.

Strictly speaking, the two of them are indeed not in the same class.

Moreover, Su Wei didn't have any affection for his classmates.

Compared with this kind of alumni relationship, he is of course even less concerned.

"Even if we are not high school classmates, at least we are high school alumni. Can I beg you, please let my master go?" Zhou Xiaohui didn't expect Su Wei to be so narrow-minded now.

But thinking of him in high school, he could scold himself.

She can understand that he is so narrow-minded now.

But understanding is understanding, and she still asks for intercession.

After all, Zhao Yongqiang is her master, and she came here this time to speak well for him.

"It was your master who troubled me first, and I didn't tell anyone who went after him specifically. Did you come to me for the wrong person?" Regarding Zhao Yongqiang, Su Wei really didn't ask anyone to say anything.

Just because he doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean that others will forget about it.

After all, if Zhao Yongqiang delays for a few years, then others will have a chance.

"Really? Then my master has been doing nothing lately. You really didn't do it?" Zhou Xiaohui was a little bit unconvinced when Su Wei said that he didn't target her master.

Because if Su Wei couldn't handle this matter, then how could his master be in this situation now?

And if there is no such thing, then who is using this thing to trick her master?
"What is my status now, and I still come to lie to you. Do you have anything else? If you have nothing to do, you can go down." After Su Wei explained the matter clearly to Zhou Xiaohui, he planned to send her away.

Anyway, the boat in the Passenger Transport Center is right next to the Baihe.

After sending her there, he was going to have dinner with Liu Jing.

"Come on, I came to protect your yacht today, and I haven't eaten yet. I see that you have prepared lunch on the yacht. Can you treat me to a meal?" Zhou Xiaohui's personality is a bit familiar to be honest. of.

She came here today to maintain order, and she was upset at first.

When she came to this room just now, she saw that the dining room was full of food.

She must knock Su Wei for lunch, so that she can feel at ease, and she really hasn't had lunch now.

"Director Guan, the people who came to help maintain order this time have not eaten yet. You send someone to buy some food for them." Su Wei heard Zhou Xiaohui say that those who came to maintain order have not eaten yet. for dinner.

He went to the door and opened it, and asked Director Guan who was standing outside to make arrangements.

After all, the passenger transport center can ignore food, but he, Su Wei, can't let the people who come to help go hungry.

And it's just lunch, how much money can he have, this meal can also make him a good character at the police station, it's not too cost-effective.

"President Su, this place is very close to our company, why don't we let the cafeteria cook a few dishes directly, after all, the food in our cafeteria is more guaranteed." The cafeteria of Gemini Property buys good rice and good vegetables.

Because Su Wei is a person who attaches great importance to food safety.

But now the food outside, the sanitation will shock anyone who sees it.

So Su Wei has told Director Guan to rent some land, and then hire someone to grow vegetables for the staff canteen.

"Okay, then you can do it." Su Wei was very relieved about his company's canteen.

Because sometimes when he goes to the cafeteria, he will go to the back kitchen to have a look.

And there are cameras in the cafeteria.

It can be said that Su Wei is quite serious about food safety.

"Hey Su Wei, I didn't expect that your actions have changed my opinion of you." Zhou Xiaohui really didn't expect that Su Wei would let his subordinates go down to deliver meals to those who maintained order.

She used to think that Su Wei was getting more and more difficult to deal with now.

After this incident, she really changed a lot towards him.

"Whether you change your mind about me or not has nothing to do with me. Aren't you hungry? Let's go, I'll take you to dinner"

. . . . . .

"Jingjing, let me introduce you, this is Zhou Xiaohui, my high school alumnus, who is now working as a policeman in Shanghai, and came here today to maintain order.

This is my girlfriend Liu Jing, who is also from City H, and is now studying in Shanghai." When Su Wei took Zhou Xiaohui on a yacht, he asked Liu Jing to come to the restaurant first.

Then he took Zhou Xiaohui to a reception room next to the restaurant.

At that time, because he was thinking about it, he drove Zhou Xiaohui away after the talk, and he didn't introduce them to each other.

It's just that Zhou Xiaohui has a thick skin and must stay for dinner.

"Really, what a coincidence, hello Ms. Liu, I didn't bother you to eat when I came here. I'm really hungry today, otherwise I definitely wouldn't come for this meal." When Zhou Xiaohui heard Su Wei's introduction, I took a special look at this Liu Jing.

It turned out that her best friend, Shen Manyin, was not as pretty as her.

But she found one thing, that is, this girl was not one of the two women she had seen in Xiapu.

She didn't know whether Su Wei had changed girlfriends, or whether he was in two boats.

"The chefs on the yacht have already prepared a lot of food, and I'm glad it's too late for you to help share it.

And it’s such a big sun today, I have to trouble you to come over to maintain order, it’s really hard for you.” Liu Jing really didn’t expect that Zhou Xiaohui was still wearing the security uniform of the passenger transport center just now.

Unexpectedly, when she came out, she had turned into a policeman.

When Su Wei didn't introduce her, she was taken aback. After all, it's usually not a good thing for the police to come to your door.

"With this meal, it's not too hard."

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"My master called me, and I'll pick it up.

Hello, what's the matter, master? "Zhou Xiaohui chatted with Liu Jing while eating.

After all, both of them are from City H, so they still have a lot of common topics.

After Zhou Xiaohui finished eating the second steak, she received a call from her chef.

After talking with Su Wei and the others, she went to the deck to make a phone call.

"Xiaohui, where have you been? Dinner is ready, why haven't I seen you yet?" Zhou Xiaohui told Zhao Yongqiang 40 minutes ago that she was going to the bathroom.

Zhao Yongqiang didn't care about it at the time, after all, people have three urgencies.

And now because it is noon and the sun is hot, there are very few people on the pier.

When Gemini Property delivered meals, Zhao Yongqiang found out that his female apprentice hadn't come back yet.

"Master, you eat first. I have already eaten on the yacht." There are three chefs on the White Crane.

Zhou Xiaohui was in the restaurant just now, but she was not polite at all.

"Yacht? Which yacht are you on? How did you get on the yacht?" Zhao Yongqiang heard the apprentice say that she ran to the yacht.

A little confused, which yacht she went on.

After all, there were too many people at the pier today, so there were no yachts out there.

"Master, didn't I tell you last time? I know Su Wei, so I just got on the White Crane." Zhou Xiaohui came to the White Crane this time, and it can be said that the task was successfully completed.

So now, there is nothing to hide from her master.

"You messed around on the White Crane? Are you okay? Do you want me to find a boat to pick you up?" Zhao Yongqiang knew that Zhou Xiaohui knew Su Wei.

After that incident happened last time, she comforted him, saying that she knew Su Wei.

But he also knew that she was not familiar with Su Wei.

"No, I'll come down with Su Wei and the others later." This time, Su Wei brought Liu Jing to visit the yacht.

So after they finish their meal, they will go down in the afternoon.

She is also very curious about such a luxurious yacht, so she plans to visit it later.

"You, how are you talking with Su Wei? Did you talk about me?" Zhao Yongqiang didn't intend to ask at first, but he still couldn't help asking.

After all, he was really under a lot of pressure during this time.

Who would have thought that because of that incident, he would be a cold shoulder.

"I've talked to him, and he said he didn't tell anyone to target you, and I don't think he's lying." Zhou Xiaohui is just young, but she's not stupid.

After thinking about it for a while, she already understood the message.

After all, with Su Wei's current strength, if it is targeted, it will not be just this level.

"What did you say, he didn't target me?"

. . . . . .

"Husband, this high school classmate of yours looks pretty good." Although Zhou Xiaohui is not as beautiful as Liu Jing, she is still considered a beauty.

She found Su Wei just now and secretly looked at her.

Especially when Zhou Xiaohui walked out, Su Wei looked straight.

"She looks average, she's completely incomparable to you." In the past, Su Wei really didn't think Zhou Xiaohui was pretty.

Or maybe it was because she had been with Shen Manyin before, and she blocked all the light.

Today Su Wei saw her in uniform, and found that she was quite good-looking.

"Did you like her when you were in high school?" Although Su Wei said, this Zhou Xiaohui looks average.

But she felt that Zhou Xiaohui could know Su Wei.

When the two of them were in high school, there must have been a bit of a story.

"What are you thinking about in your head? I can tell you with certainty that I never liked her because I don't like male women." What Su Wei said was really true.

Because he liked several girls in high school, but Zhou Xiaohui was not among them.

The reason why he didn't like Zhou Xiaohui at the time might really be that she was too fierce.

"Su Wei, you are going too far, who is a man-in-law, please explain to me clearly." Zhou Xiaohui came in after calling, and heard Su Wei say that she was a man-in-law.

This made her feel that she had lost face in front of her new acquaintance Liu Jing.

And when Su Wei was in his third year of high school, he called her a man-in-law for a whole year.

"You're a tomboy to begin with. You curse at the street when you lose in games, and you fight with boys at school. If you're not a tomboy, who is a tomboy?" Su Wei would call her a tomboy back then because she liked beating people very much.

When he played games with Shen Manyin and Zhou Xiaohui, she often cursed in the game.

And he was in school, and he saw her beating the male students in their class with his own eyes.

"You, me, I'm ignoring you, I can eat." Zhou Xiaohui's temper was really violent.

And Su Wei said that she swears and fights, and she did have such things.

Since she couldn't refute it, she decided to be an ostrich and forget it.

"Miss Zhou, Ah Wei was in the school at the time, was he a famous figure in the school?" Liu Jing was still very curious about Su Wei's high school career.

I want to know if he stole the limelight back then like he is now.

"A man of the hour? How is it possible? He liked playing games the most back then, and he was criticized by his teachers every day." Su Wei played games in high school and was often criticized by his teachers.

She would know this because when she went to her mother, she could often see him standing in the office as punishment.

"I was the target of criticism, but I can go to the school's 60th anniversary celebration. I don't know if you are a good student, has the school invited you?" Su Wei was indeed criticized many times by the teacher for playing games.

But now that he is rich and famous, the school celebration invited him obediently.

It's been a while since this invitation letter was sent to him, and he hasn't decided whether to go or not.

Seeing Zhou Xiaohui mocking him today made him decide to go, after all, his youth was there.

"It's not fair that the school would invite you to the school celebration"

(End of this chapter)

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