Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 441 English Teacher Xiang Wanjun

June 21, [-]:[-] pm.

"Boss Su, wake up, the airport in City H is already here." Zhang Ruoyu has been on vacation for the past few days, so it can be regarded as a good rest.

She sleeps every day and sleeps until the afternoon before getting up.

After getting up, I had something to eat, and then I called my girlfriends to go shopping and watch a movie.

She is going to work today, and she is still a little bit reluctant, feeling that she has not had enough rest.

They didn't know until Gubei No. [-] that they were going to fly to City H in the afternoon to attend Su Wei's high school celebration.

"It feels so good to sleep in the afternoon, Xiao Zhang, I asked you to arrange the hotel, have you arranged it?" Su Wei will come back to attend the school celebration this time, all because of bragging with Zhou Xiaohui yesterday.

But since he said he would come to participate, he didn't intend to go back on his word.

"The hotel has been arranged. It's that place. It's a bit far from your alma mater, Mr. Su. I'm afraid there will be a traffic jam tomorrow morning." This time when I come to City H, it is definitely impossible to live in Su Wei's previous home.

After all, Su Wei was willing to live in that place last year, but Su Wei is no longer willing to live in that place now.

So Zhang Ruoyu can only book the most upscale hotel in H city for her boss.

Although this hotel is already the most upscale in City H, the cost is not expensive, less than [-] per day.

"It's a little far away. It's okay. At worst, let's go out early. Hey, what's the situation down here? Why are there so many people?" Su Wei didn't intend to keep a low profile when he came back this time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Liu Qiang have his Rolls Royce dragged over.

At this time, he looked at the side of his plane, and it was already full of people.

"I don't know. We came here this time. I haven't contacted City H. After all, you came this time just to participate in the celebration of your high school alma mater." Zhang Ruoyu looked at it, but couldn't figure out what was going on.

But she could guess that these people must have come to greet Su Wei.

It's just that she didn't know who these people were.

"President Su, I saw our former English teacher Xiang Wanjun in the crowd below." Shen Manyin also came here with her this time.

Among the four secretaries, she was the only one who could come to H city.

It's not because Su Wei likes her the most, but because she and Su Wei are from the same alma mater.

She looked at the crowd outside and saw her English teacher inside.

"Xiang Wanjun, Teacher Xiang? Let me see, it's really her." Su Wei heard the name Xiang Wanjun, and her appearance appeared in Su Wei's mind.

When Su Wei was in the second semester of high school, their English teacher became pregnant.

The teacher who came to replace her was this teacher Xiang Wanjun.

"President Su, are these people the reception staff arranged by your alma mater?" Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei and Shen Manyin, and saw acquaintances in the crowd.

I thought that all the people below were from their alma mater.

"It shouldn't be possible, because our school is in H City, it can only be regarded as a second-rate high school, how could they enter the airport to pick up people?" Zhang Ruoyu's guess was denied by Shen Manyin.

Because their high school can only be regarded as average.

If they want to enter the airport to pick up people, their level is not enough.

"What's the use of guessing here, let's go down and take a look"...

"Teacher Xiang, there are so many people here, you and Su Wei are the only ones who are acquainted with Mr. Su. After I get someone, I need you to introduce them." The person who came to pick up Su Wei this time was indeed from his alma mater. people.

But more people are from the H city government.

After all, when Su Wei is coming back this time, the happiest person is not his alma mater, but the leader of the H city government.

"Director Peng, I'm just an ordinary teacher. I don't have much experience in this kind of thing. I'm afraid I won't do well later." Xiang Wanjun only had a little impression of Su Wei.

This impression is not his impression in school, after all, he was not very attractive in school back then.

Her impression of him came from Teacher Zhu's graduation class reunion during the Chinese New Year.

I heard that Su Wei broke the head of a classmate at the party.

Then in the past few months, I have been listening to people around me talking about a super rich person in their school.

Although she did teach Su Wei, she didn't know if Su Wei would give her face later.

"This matter is very simple. After you have a chat with President Su, introduce Mayor Shu to him and let them get to know each other, and your work will be completed." Director Peng, who is beside Xiang Wanjun, hurriedly taught What should Xiang Wanjun do next?

This time they will let Xiang Wanjun come instead of other teachers.

One reason is that Xiang Wanjun taught Su Wei, and the other reason is that she herself is beautiful.

"People have come down, Mr. Xiang, don't stand there stupidly, hurry up and pick them up." At this time, someone saw Su Wei and the others, and they had already got off the plane.

Hurry up and tell Xiang Wanjun not to stand there stupidly, and hurry up to pick him up.

"Teacher Xiang? It's really you. I saw you on the plane just now." When Su Wei was studying, he was full of longing for Xiang Wanjun.

Unexpectedly, after so many years of not seeing each other, the years did not leave traces on her face.

He can still remember the excited expressions of the boys in class when she was just assigned to their school.

"Su Wei, you have changed so much now. If I passed you outside, I might not recognize you anymore." Although Xiang Wanjun has been teaching, she is also in contact with the society.

Of course she wouldn't say that she had no memory of Su Wei's appearance.

"I have changed a little bit, but Mr. Xiang, you haven't changed at all, you are still so beautiful." Xiang Wanjun back then can be said to be youthful and beautiful.

Although the current Xiang Wanjun is not so youthful and lively, there is another kind of smell that fascinates Su Wei.

"Su Wei, I don't know about your other changes, but you have become more eloquent now.

By the way, I almost forgot to introduce you, this is our Mayor Shu of H City." Seeing Su Wei looking straight at her, Xiang Wanjun panicked.

Because of Su Wei's eyes, she has seen it in too many men.

She really didn't expect to see this kind of look in the eyes of her former students.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am the deputy mayor of City H. My surname is Shu. This time I know you are going back to your hometown. We specially come here with Red Star High School to welcome you back to your hometown." The area of ​​City H is the largest in the entire southern Shonan. The largest city. …

However, due to geographical reasons, it has not been developed.

These leaders in the city are also very anxious.

Hearing that Su Wei was coming back this time, he immediately prepared a super high-standard reception ceremony for him.

He just wanted to let Su Wei, the big boss, invest some money in his hometown.

"Mayor Shu, you are too polite. I am just an ordinary person, but I can't afford such an honor." The more the other party gave him face, the more flustered Su Wei felt.

After all, these faces are not free.

Looking at them like this, it would be impossible to peel off layers of skin on him.

"Mr. Su, a successful entrepreneur like you, is the pride of our hometown. If you can't afford such an honor, who else can afford it?" Before Su Wei, he basically went directly to Xiapu.

This kept the leaders of City H from getting in touch with Su Wei.

Now that Su Wei came to H city to participate in the high school celebration, how could they let such an opportunity pass up.

So before he even got off the plane, people from H city government were already waiting here.

"Mayor Shu, how about it, there is still half an hour from the airport to downtown H, let's go to the car and talk together, what do you think?"

The city government of H gave face so much, and he didn't want to lose face.

So I plan to chat with Mayor Shu in the car to see what they are going to do.

"That's great. I took a look this time. Your car is a Rolls-Royce. I didn't expect that I would be able to ride in such a luxury car under your influence today." For Mayor Shu, he thought It's too easy to take a Rolls Royce.

I don't know how many people want to invite him to take a Rolls Royce.

He said that just to be humble.

"Mayor Nashu, please, let's get in the car and talk." Although Su Wei is rich, his relationship is developing pretty well now.

But for people like Mayor Shu, he will definitely not offend him.

Although Su Wei would not intentionally offend him, he would not flatter him either.

"Teacher Xiang, do you still recognize me?" Shen Manyin waited until Su Wei took people to his Rolls Royce.

Shen Manyin walked up to Xiang Wanjun and asked her if she still recognized her.

"Shen Manyin? Why are you here? Could it be that you are with Su Wei?" Xiang Wanjun's impressions of Su Wei are all from rumors.

And she had a much clearer memory of Shen Manyin.

After all, Shen Manyin was in class one at the time, but she was her English class representative.

Now seeing Shen Manyin getting off the plane, I thought she was with Su Wei.

"Teacher Xiang, don't talk nonsense, Su always has a girlfriend, and she is also very beautiful, I can't compare with others.

I am President Su's secretary now, and this time I will accompany him to attend the celebration of his alma mater." Shen Manyin now has no expectations for becoming Su Wei's girlfriend.

Because she found out that her secretary stayed in the company.

Only the assistant Zhang Ruoyu is the one who follows Su Wei around every day.

"So that's how it is. I thought you were together just now." Xiang Wanjun heard something else from Shen Manyin's tone. …

It seems that the relationship between these two students is not simple.

After all, she is a teacher, and she is very sensitive to changes in tone.

"Teacher Xiang, how did you come here this time?" Shen Manyin also noticed that her tone just now was a bit wrong.

So quickly changed the subject and started to ask how Xiang Wanjun got to the airport.

After all, the airport is quite far from the city.

"Our school specially arranged a few cars to pick up Su Wei this time, and we will take that car back later." This time when Su Wei came, the school leaders sent several cars over.

The best car inside is a Porsche ma owned by a rich second-generation colleague.

Who knew that when they came, they found out that Su Wei had arranged the car by himself.

Moreover, the cars his bodyguards drive are all Audi Q7s. Their Porsche ma is really hard to come by.

"Teacher Xiang, we haven't seen each other for so long, why don't you take a Rolls-Royce back with me?" Su Wei dragged the two Rolls-Royce Phantoms at home this time.

After all, since it is pretending, it must be in place.

Su Wei sat in the extended Phantom, and in this standard version, Shen Manyin was the only one to sit.

"That's not good, it's too high-profile for me to ride in that car." Of course Xiang Wanjun is very interested in riding in a Rolls-Royce.

After all, she has been a teacher for so many years, where has she ever sat in such a luxurious car?

Not to mention sitting, it is rare to see her, and it may not be possible to see her once in a few years.

"It's okay, you are Mr. Su's teacher, who dares to say anything in this car, let's go." Shen Manyin saw Xiang Wanjun's hesitation and knew that she also wanted to sit.

So she took her arm directly and walked to the Rolls-Royce.

"OK then"

This time, the H city government really gave Su Wei face.

When Su Wei and the others came along the way, there were traffic policemen in front of them.

"Which big leader is here? There is a police car clearing the way."

"I don't know, I didn't hear the news that a big leader is coming to our city for inspection."

"Oh, this is Rolls-Royce, isn't it the big leader coming down, it seems that Su Wei from Xiapu is here"

"Isn't Su Wei from Xiapu County? He also has such a reputation in City H?"

"You don't understand this. Although Su Wei's hometown is Xiapu, he grew up in City H. Red Star High School is his alma mater. This time he came here to attend the celebration of Red Star High School."

"I have relatives who work in Tianhua. I heard that Su Wei and the others have taken over Tianhua when they come back this time."

"Fuck, it's true, I'm also from Hongxing High School, can I also live in Tianhua?"

"You're overthinking it. They rented out the hotel, not for you alumni, but for yourself."

"This is really rich. In order not to be disturbed, the entire hotel has been rented out."

"President Su, do you really want to set up a factory in City H?" Zhang Ruoyu was the co-pilot in Su Wei's car just now.

She could hear clearly in the car. Su Wei told the leader that he was going to set up a factory in H City.

But she knew that the boss who set up a factory in such a small city. …

Basically, there will be a lot of losses in the later stage, so she wants Su Wei to think about it more and don't be so impulsive.

"He is such a big leader, he came here to greet me, do you think I can not give any face?" Of course, Su Wei was well aware of Zhang Ruoyu's worries.

But the city government of H gave him face like this.

But he said that he was trying to attract investment with a low face, of course he couldn't pretend not to see it.

After all, no matter what he said here, he has lived for more than ten years, and he still has feelings.

"President Su, there seems to be no industry that can be invested here in City H." Shen Manyin is from City H, and she doesn't remember any industries that can be invested here.

Because of this journey, she was in the same car as Xiang Wanjun, so she didn't know anything about Su Wei and the others talking in that car.

Shen Manyin only knew that her boss wanted to invest here when she heard Zhang Ruoyu say it.

"If it is industry, then there is definitely no need to invest here, but if it is agriculture, it is still possible to invest, and I don't plan to make any money from investing here, so it is to support the construction of my hometown." Here in H City, it is There is no industrial base.

But in the environment here, there are some agricultural developments that are not bad.

As far as he knows, rock sugar oranges, red oranges, and red bayberry are not bad.

If you invest in opening a canning factory and specialize in foreign trade, you can still invest.

Anyway, the traffic here is pretty good.

And even if his factory made money, he didn't intend to take the money away.

Instead, they intend to invest all the money they earn into local construction.

"President Su, then I'll arrange a research team to come over tomorrow to see what agricultural products can be promoted here." Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say that he didn't intend to make money.

Since he is a Kaizi, there is nothing else to say.

Anyway, as her boss, she has not been a Kaizi once or twice.

"Leave this matter alone, leave this matter to Shen Manyin, anyway, she is from City H" Shen Manyin is from City H, Su Wei intends to leave this matter to her.

After all, she is from City H, so she must also hope that City H will get better and better.

Let her do this, Shen Manyin will definitely be more attentive.

"Ah, leave this matter to me? Mr. Su, but I'm afraid I don't have experience." Shen Manyin is different from Su Wei, she was born here.

So her feelings for H city are much stronger than Su Wei's.

But she was afraid that if she didn't do it well, Su Wei would lose money. After all, she didn't have such experience.

"If you don't have experience, you can learn. Who is born with experience?" Su Wei's investment here doesn't matter whether he loses or loses.

If Shen Manyin can be trained, then she can be alone.

If she can't exercise, then she will serve him tea and water in the company in the future.

"I see, Mr. Su, I will not disappoint your expectations"

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