Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 453 Must be held accountable

Chapter 453 Must be held accountable
When Hu Yuxuan walked out of the school gate, he wondered if someone would come after him.

After all, Red Star High School is relatively inconspicuous in City H. He should be very reluctant to donate so much money.

But who knew that he walked out of the school slowly, and found that there was still no one chasing him.

While this made him completely puzzled, he turned around and planned to take one last look at Hongxing High School.

Who knew that this glance made him see something incredible.

That is, there is a super large banner at the school gate, which clearly says.

"Welcome Mr. Su Wei, an outstanding alumnus, to attend the 60th anniversary celebration of our school"

When Hu Yuxuan came here before, it was because he was immersed in the joy of picking up a new car.

So he hadn't discovered that Su Wei was the protagonist invited by Red Star High School today.

Hu Yuxuan immediately looked up Su Wei's name in Baidu, and the result frightened him silly.

He just toughened up such an awesome character, no wonder no one helped him at school today.

At that time, his teacher could still say good things to him, and he really regarded himself as a favorite student.

But in his current situation, he offended all the teachers of Hongxing High School, as well as Xiang Wanjun and Su Wei.

He touched his pocket, and there was still the plastic that had just been cut in it.

Now he can only save himself if he proves that the plastic runway he donated is fine.

Thinking of this, he was not in a hurry to return to Star City, and rushed to the testing agency in City H.

. . . . . .

"President Su, I'm really sorry, we didn't expect that this Hu Yuxuan would talk nonsense, and you must not take what he said to heart.

In this situation, do you think this plastic runway still needs to be cut out? "Principal He really didn't expect that Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun would be involved in this incident.

Now he doesn't know if this Su Wei is retaliating.

"What do you need to cut with such a big smell? If you want me to say, just find an excavator at night and shovel it all away." Zhang Ruoyu felt very uncomfortable when she smelled this smell.

It's so obvious, it's still necessary to send it for testing.

The first priority is to send an excavator directly to remove this plastic runway.

"There are too many students here now, principal, why don't we go to the office to chat?" Hu Yuxuan spoke so loudly just now that the nearby students could hear him.

Although there are teachers nearby who are chasing away the students who are coming, more and more students are coming.

So Vice President Ma proposed to go to the office to discuss this matter.

"President Su, what do you think?" Of course, Principal He wanted to go to the office, after all, there were more and more students beside him.

In his heart, he really scolded Hu Yuxuan bloody.

Because when he just said about Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun, his voice was the loudest.

"Then go to the office and talk, I feel a little uncomfortable smelling this smell." Su Wei didn't care whether he went to the office or not.

Will agree to move the place, mainly because the smell of this plastic runway in the sun is too bad.

He was afraid that if he smelled it for a long time, he would vomit.

"Hey, Su Wei, Xiaoyin, you are here too, why are you and Su Wei together?" Su Wei and his group were about to go to the office building.

At this time, a long-legged girl came out from the crowd.

The person who came was Zhou Xiaohui, and she also came to the school celebration this time.

When she came over, she saw Shen Manyin next to Su Wei, which made her heart gossip all of a sudden.

"Boss Su, you go up first, and I'll chat with Xiaohui.

Xiaohui, why are you here?Have you been invited to the school celebration? "Shen Manyin didn't expect that Zhou Xiaohui would come like this.

She had never told Zhou Xiaohui about her being Su Wei's secretary.

Mainly because of this, she didn't know how to tell her.

"No, but you know, I grew up in school. This time the school holds a school celebration, of course I'm coming back. By the way, you haven't told me why you are with Su Wei." Zhou Xiaohui's mother , is the school history teacher.

So when she was very young, she lived in the family building of the school.

This kind of school holds a school celebration, of course she will come back to participate.

"I'm Su Wei's secretary now, of course I'll be with him." Originally, Shen Manyin's plan was to become Su Wei's girlfriend.

Then tell yourself this best friend, she will be Su Wei's secretary during this time.

But now it seems that she has no chance.

After all, compared with Wang Xiaoyuan, she really has no place to win.

"Are you Su Wei's secretary? Then why didn't you tell me the last time you had dinner, it hurt me. By the way, who is the other woman next to Su Wei? She's so beautiful." Zhou Xiaohui heard that Shen Manyin was Su Wei Secretary, I can't laugh or cry.

If she had known that she was Su Wei's secretary, why would she pretend to be from the Ocean Shipping Center?

In this way, she would not be laughed at by Su Wei when he was on Su Wei's yacht that day.

"That's his assistant, Zhang Ruoyu, she's really pretty." Shen Manyin felt that it was impossible for her to become Su Wei's girlfriend.

There is another reason, and that is the existence of Zhang Ruoyu.

She is so beautiful, and she is inseparable from Su Wei every day.

Even if Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan broke up, Shen Manyin believed that Zhang Ruoyu would be the last one.

"Hey, I just heard some rumors about Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun, Teacher Xiang. Is this true?" The matter of Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun, don't look at it, only a few minutes passed.

But the speed of propagation is comparable to the speed of light.

One is because Xiang Wanjun was originally among the students, so he was not well-known.

The second is because today is the school celebration, all the students are gathered in the playground.

Zhou Xiaohui suddenly mentioned this matter because she saw Xiang Wanjun walking outside the school.

"Of course this matter is false, we just came back to City H yesterday" This matter was indeed true, but Shen Manyin definitely couldn't say it.

After all, one is her boss and the other is a teacher at the school.

If the gossip spreads from her, then she will be the secretary to the end.

It must have nothing to do with her to be in charge of the project later.

"I think so, after all, Su Wei's girlfriend and his assistant are so good-looking." Although Xiang Wanjun is very beautiful, she is still not as good as Zhang Ruoyu.

Zhou Xiaohui didn't think Su Wei would fall in love with Xiang Wanjun who was a few years older than her when he was surrounded by so many beauties.

"Have you seen his girlfriend Wang Xiaoyuan? She is indeed beautiful and has a lot of temperament." Shen Manyin thought Zhou Xiaohui had met Wang Xiaoyuan.

She compared Xiang Wanjun and Wang Xiaoyuan in her heart, and found that Wang Xiaoyuan was more outstanding.

"Wang Xiaoyuan? Who is she? Isn't Su Wei's girlfriend named Liu Jing?"

. . . . . .

"It's much cooler when you come to the office. It's too hot outside. Mr. Su, I think you're sweating. Let's drink some water first." The weather outside is over 30 degrees now.

The air conditioner in the office is always on at 26 degrees.

Entering the office from the outside, it is indeed cool all at once.

"No need, I brought my own water." Su Wei drinks water now, only the water he brought.

The main reason is that water actually has a shelf life, but people in China don't care much about this concept.

For example, a bucket of pure water, in fact, it is best to drink it in three days.

But if there are too few people who drink, it is likely to drink for half a month to a month.

And there are many bottled water companies that use tap water cans directly.

"President Su, your assistant's opinion is still too one-size-fits-all. I think it's better to test it." Of course, Principal He didn't want to tear down the plastic runway.

After all, if the detection is not harmful, then the plastic runway is not wasted.

It's better to check it. If there is a problem, it's not too late to dismantle it. Anyway, it's just a few more days.

"Principal, there is actually no need to test." Teacher Wang, who has been silent since going upstairs, still needs to be tested.

After thinking about it for a while, he still planned to confess something to Principal He.

That's the test, no need to do it at all.

"Why don't you do it? Teacher Wang, you have to give me a reason." Principal He saw that Teacher Wang said that he didn't need to do it, and thought he was going to continue to speak good words to Hu Yuxuan.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Because what Hu Yuxuan said just now had a bad influence on the school.

He is still having a headache now, how should he deal with this matter.

"Actually, I secretly cut a piece of this plastic runway two months ago, and then sent it for inspection." In fact, the material of this plastic runway was just shipped over.

Teacher Wang felt something was wrong when he smelled it.

So he secretly took a piece of leftover material and tested it while the staff was not paying attention.

"It was sent for inspection two months ago? What was the result?" Principal He heard Mr. Wang say that he had been tested two months ago.

I thought the test results were fine.

This can also explain why he spoke for Hu Yuxuan just now.

But even if Hu Yuxuan is right, he will still stand firmly on Su Wei's side.

"The inspection agency told me that the material used in this plastic runway contains a large number of discarded tires, and after mixing with glue, there will be cases where formaldehyde exceeds the standard." Teacher Wang's words are still beautified.

Because the people from the testing agency at the time knew that it was a plastic runway for schools, but they scolded the mother directly.

Said who the hell, actually used this kind of material to harm students.

"Is it really a poisonous track? I said why this semester, many students in the class have nosebleeds for no reason and asked for leave. It really happened on this plastic track." Vice-principal Ma heard that there was indeed a problem with the plastic track. I remembered so many students who had nosebleeds for no reason.

He was still wondering if the weather was too hot.

After all, it is said on TV every day that the global temperature is rising, and he thought it was due to the weather.

"Ms. Wang, since you know this plastic runway is a poisonous runway, why didn't you report it?" Principal He was really shocked when he heard Mr. Wang say that this runway was a poisonous runway.

Because he is less than 50 years old now, but he still wants to go further.

If he knew that this was a poisonous runway, he would definitely not let them pretend.

"Principal He, I asked. Although this poisonous runway is dangerous, as long as you carry it through this summer, the smell will basically evaporate. Anyway, everyone has been smoking for two months, and the last month is not bad." Formaldehyde is the most feared thing is the sun.

As long as it is exposed to the sun for a few months, such things as formaldehyde can be exposed.

There is less than a month left and it will be summer vacation.

Then there were two months in the school, there were no people, just enough to expose the plastic track to the sun.

"Xiao Zhang, listen here, I'll make a phone call" Su Wei couldn't listen anymore after hearing this.

After talking to Zhang Ruoyu, he went outside alone to make a phone call.

"Not bad for this month? Principal He, the dean of your school is at this level? How can he be so indifferent to this kind of poisonous track?" Zhang Ruoyu couldn't hold back when she heard this.

She really couldn't figure out that such an indifferent person could be a teacher.

And after decades, he even became the teaching director.

"Assistant Zhang, you are not me, so you can talk so easily now.

Principal, you don’t know that the Education Bureau does not provide funds. If we tear down this plastic track, then our playground at Hongxing High School can only go back to that kind of cinder track.” For Teacher Wang, the students’ Health is really not as important as this plastic track.

Because students are just passers-by to him, he sends away a large number of graduates every year.

And as long as the school is replaced with a plastic track, the number of students will only increase.

"If I don't want to become a cinder runway, then I can build a new plastic runway that meets the national standard." Su Wei came back after calling and found that Mr. Wang still did not agree to demolish the runway.

The reason why he disagreed was simply because he didn't want the school to continue using the cinder track.

"Really? If that's the case, I have no objection." Since Su Wei can pay for a national standard plastic runway.

Of course, Teacher Wang will not stop me here.

It's just that in his heart, he was still complaining that Su Wei had nowhere to spend his money.

After all, it is only one month away, and the school will be on summer vacation.

"Mr. Wang, it's okay if you don't have an opinion, because this matter is not over yet.

I have already contacted the leaders of City H, and I have exposed the matter. By the way, for a teacher like you, I don't think we can ignore the responsibility at all.

And it's not just you, even the manufacturer can't let it go, it has to be held accountable." For a teacher like Teacher Wang, Su Wei must not let him go.

It is because there are many people like him that the atmosphere in the school is so bad.

And it's not just him, he won't let go of that manufacturer, after all, he even dares to use this kind of material in schools.

"President Su, there's no need for that. Teacher Wang is already so old, and he's going to retire soon." Principal He has no objection to tearing down the plastic track.

After all, this plastic runway is made of toxic materials.

He didn't have any opinion on the manufacturers of the plastic runway.

But here is Mr. Wang, he hopes that Su Wei will raise his hand.

Because if he is dealt with, then he, the principal, will definitely have a hard time at school.

After all, although Mr. Wang is not a very good person, he has taken root here for decades.

"Su Wei, you want to hold me accountable? I'm all for the good of the school, and I don't believe that Principal He and they can't see it." At this time, Teacher Wang didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

He felt that even if he was at fault, it would be fined with three drinks at most.

After all, he did not seek personal benefits from it.

Is there something wrong with just because he wants the school to be better?
"Principal He, when I called Mayor Shu this time, I already agreed with him to donate 1000 million to Hongxing High School"

(End of this chapter)

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