Chapter 454
"Principal He, when I called Mayor Shu this time, I already agreed with him to donate 1000 million to Red Star High School." Of course Su Wei knew that and wanted to hold Teacher Wang accountable.

Without interests in it, it is definitely impossible to succeed.

Because what Mr. Wang said was right, he was indeed doing it for the good of the school.

Even if there is a problem with the approach, he certainly does not constitute accountability.

But now that Su Wei took out the 1000 million, he didn't believe that Red Star High School would not respond.

"1000 million? Mr. Su, you are right. You really donated so much money to our school." Hearing that Su Wei said that he wanted to donate 1000 million to the school, Principal He was very excited.

Because if he really has so much money, then he will definitely be able to enter the Education Bureau in the later stage.

Maybe before retiring, you can still touch the side of the senior level.

As for Mr. Wang, with the 1000 million in hand, he must be held accountable.

"Of course it is true. I plan to use the 300 million yuan to renovate the campus, because I think the school's basketball court and multimedia classrooms are a bit old, and there is no air conditioner in the classrooms. The summer and winter in southern Shonan are so difficult. Money is used to improve this aspect.

For the other 300 million, I plan to set up a scholarship to reward students with excellent character and learning. After all, the ranking of Red Star High School in H City is very embarrassing. As an alumnus, I also hope that the school will get better and better.

For the last 400 million, I plan to set up a bursary to help those students from poor families, so that they will not end up with poor grades due to family reasons." Su Wei has a use for the 1000 million. explicitly required.

It is impossible for him to donate the money to the school and let the school handle it.

What if the school leaders directly use the money for other purposes after the school gets the money.

So for this money, he will send an accountant to supervise it later.

If the money is not enough, he will continue to donate to it.

"I didn't expect me, Mr. Wang, to be so valuable, even worth 1000 million." Teacher Wang heard that Su Wei said that he would donate 1000 million, and he knew that he would definitely be ruined.

Because of the 1000 million donation, the school will definitely not protect him.

Not only will the school not protect him, but the Education Bureau and even the city leaders will hold him accountable.

"Don't take your identity too seriously. Even without you in the middle, I would still donate 1000 million today. What are you, thinking that you are worth so much money?" Su Wei saw this teacher Wang , even put gold on his face.

I thought Su Wei donated the 1000 million to get him.

Then Su Wei could only tell him that he was really thinking too much.

Because Su Wei wanted to donate the 1000 million, he had already thought about it before he came to H City.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to directly tell the purpose of 1000 million.

"You, you..." Mr. Wang has been a teacher for so many years, which student would talk to him like that.

Even those alumni who had made a name for themselves in society treated him with courtesy.

Now being pointed at his nose and scolded like that, he couldn't breathe immediately.

"What are you, as a teacher, you don't think the health of the students is important. I really feel disgusted when I see your face." Su Wei really hates people like Teacher Wang.

Because a person like him is really cold in nature.

To think that students will be fine if they stay in such a toxic environment for one more month.

If Su Wei didn't mess with him, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

"Teacher Wang, Teacher Wang"

. . . . . .

Teacher Wang was fainted by Su Wei in the office.

Because today is the 60th anniversary of the school, the school did not dare to call 120, so it could only send the teacher to drive the person to the hospital.

After Su Wei saw that the matter was settled, he declined Principal He's invitation to speak on stage.

After asking Shen Manyin to leave contact information with Principal He, he took everyone out and planned to go back to the hotel for lunch.


"Fuck, Zhou Xiaohui, you are stuck in front of the car, you are not afraid of being hit to death, are you?" Su Wei had just come out of school in the car when Liu Qiang braked his head suddenly and almost hit the front seat.

Looking outside, I found that it was Zhou Xiaohui standing there.

Su Wei was already in a bad mood, but now he lost his temper.

After all, if it happened just now, Zhou Xiaohui would at least have to go to the hospital for a period of time.

"Your driver has already seen me coming. A veteran like him will definitely not hit me. If he does hit me, then I don't have to worry about the rest of my life." When Zhou Xiaohui just came here, she wanted to scare her. Check out Su Wei's.

But who knew that Su Wei's driver saw that she was coming, and didn't even intend to stop.

Just for a moment, she really thought she was going to be hit.

Fortunately, the car came to a sudden stop a little distance away from her.

"I'm convinced of you, what's the matter with you?" Liu Qiang and the others would not choose to stop someone who forcibly rushed over because of Yang Jiale's incident.

For normal people, they must have stayed away.

Su Wei really didn't expect that Zhou Xiaohui didn't dodge at all.

"I heard from Xiaoyin that you came back by private plane this time, so I want to take your flight back." Zhou Xiaohui came back this time and left some money for her family.

But she had just started working not long ago, and she hadn't saved any money in Pengcheng before.

Thinking about going back to the magic capital this time, it will cost hundreds of dollars.

So I put my idea on Su Wei.

"We're not going back to the Magic City today. I'll talk to the city leaders about other things later, and I'll go back to the Magic City tomorrow." Su Wei must have kept a crazy woman like Zhou Xiaohui at arm's length.

Before, in order to get in front of him, she even pretended to be a staff member of the passenger transport center.

Now she was almost hit by his car in order to return to the magic capital.

Who knows what kind of moths will come out of her later.

"I know. Didn't you take Tianhua down? Just open me a room. I've brought all my luggage. And if you take me back, I'll tell you something you care about." Zhou Xiaohui My best friend is Shen Manyin.

So of course she knew that Su Wei would go back tomorrow.

She left home today because her mother kept nagging her about finding a boyfriend.

Zhou Xiaohui decided to join Su Wei today in order not to listen to her mother reciting the magic spell.

"Tell me something I care about? What do you say first, and I'll consider whether I should take you with me?" As for taking Zhou Xiaohui with him or not, Su Wei is actually fine.

Because the hotel he booked had hundreds of rooms, all of them lived in a dozen or so rooms, and the other rooms are now empty.

As for the Gulfstream aircraft, because many bodyguards have to drive back, there are still several positions on it.

"Half an hour ago, I saw Mr. Xiang Wanjun and went to Peninsula Park." Although Shen Manyin and Zhou Xiaohui said, there was nothing between Su Wei and Mr. Xiang Wanjun.

But Zhou Xiaohui knew Shen Manyin too well to know that she wasn't telling her the truth.

"Zhou Xiaohui, you woman, are you spreading some gossip?" Su Wei also felt very speechless about what happened today.

Especially Zhou Xiaohui, a woman, is also spreading this rumor.

If this matter is not done well, it may have spread crazy among the students.

"I'm kind enough to tell you that you still slander me, so it's okay if I don't touch your plane." Zhou Xiaohui couldn't hold back when she heard Su Wei say this to her.

Because there are many people around the scene, and his voice is still very loud.

If it gets to her parents later, she will definitely be scolded again.

"Wait, don't do this to me, it makes you look so thin-skinned.

Shen Manyin, you and your best friend sit in the car behind, you take her to the hotel to open a room, and Xiao Zhang and I go to the city hall." Seeing that Zhou Xiaohui was really angry, Su Wei knew that he had indeed spoken too much.

Stop Zhou Xiaohui and ask Shen Manyin to take her to the hotel to get a room.

He didn't dare to bring Zhou Xiaohui with him, after all, this woman has a single muscle in her head.


. . . . . .

"Thank you for the paper, but no need, I have paper myself, Su Wei? Why are you here?" After Xiang Wanjun came out of school, he came to Peninsula Park without knowing it.

Although Peninsula Park is called a park, its area is not very large, only tens of acres in size.

Now it has basically become an activity center for the elderly, and a place for young couples to talk about love.

The position Xiang Wanjun chose was originally accompanied by a couple.

But because she kept crying, she scared them away.

At this time, someone beside her handed over a tissue, and Xiang Wanjun turned around to find that it was Su Wei who had come.

"Someone told me that you were crying all the time by the river. I was afraid that you would commit suicide, so I came here to take a look." Su Wei and Zhou Xiaohui said that he was going to the city hall, so he must have lied to her.

He just waited for Zhou Xiaohui and the others to leave, and immediately asked Liu Qiang to drive the car to Peninsula Park.

Then let his bodyguards, after remembering Xiang Wanjun's appearance, separate to find her.

After the bodyguard found him, Su Wei let go of the stone in his heart and rushed over immediately.

"You just committed suicide. I didn't do anything bad. Why should I commit suicide? Now that you see that I'm fine, you can go." Xiang Wanjun laughed angrily when she heard Su Wei say that she was afraid of suicide.

Because she didn't do anything bad, why did she commit suicide.

She wouldn't commit suicide because of the rumors she spread.

"You're crying like this, and you still say you're fine?" Su Wei saw Xiang Wanjun, and even cried out his nose.

Even so, Su Wei didn't find her ugly.

He wiped her face clean with a tissue, then took her into his arms.

"It's all your fault. I didn't have anything to do with you. Why did Hu Yuxuan spread rumors? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. When I was there, I still wanted to be stronger in front of him.

But in fact, she was really wronged in her heart.

Because she didn't do anything, why should she be wronged.

When Su Wei held her in his arms, she couldn't bear it anymore and started to cry.

"Are you so sad because of this incident? Actually, there is a way to make this rumor go away." Su Wei couldn't imagine that he actually held Xiang Wanjun in his arms.

Because in his last life, although he had thoughts about her.

But because she was a teacher, she didn't dare to reveal that bit by bit.

"Really? What can you do?" Xiang Wanjun finally stopped crying after crying for a while.

Although still a little twitching, but no tears.

Only then did she remember that she was leaning in Su Wei's arms.

"As long as we are really together, then what they are talking about is not a rumor, and this matter will pass soon." Su Wei is not just playing around with Xiang Wanjun.

Because Xiang Wanjun is almost a taboo in adolescence for him.

If Xiang Wanjun agrees to be with her, he doesn't mind having one more person in the harem.

"Su Wei, I want to make this matter clear to you. You are my student, and there is no way between me and you." Su Wei's appearance, Xiang Wanjun took this guess.

Especially now that he is pampered and pampered, there is no such thing as temperament.

But he was her former student, which she couldn't accept.

Originally, because of Hu Yuxuan's nonsense, she was pointed at.

If she was really with Su Wei, there would be no place for her in Hongxing High School.

"No chance at all?" Su Wei didn't expect that he was just joking.

But Xiang Wanjun refused to accept him without even thinking about it.

It seems that the identities between the two of them really had a great influence on her.

"As long as I'm still a teacher, it's impossible for us in this life"

. . . . . .

"Today's school celebration, we ran out to play, is it really okay?" Abu is a student of Hongxing High School, but he didn't go to the school celebration today.

Instead, he followed his classmates and ran outside to play.

Although his grades are not good, he is also a little worried that if he runs away on such a day, he will be called to his parents after being found out by the teacher.

"What's the matter? I'm not interested in listening to their school leaders in such a sunny weather." Xiao Wu felt chest tight and angry when he smelled the plastic track.

And today's weather is so hot, he doesn't want to listen to the school leaders talking nonsense on the playground.

"Have you heard that Teacher Xiang and her former students got together?" Brother Bird is considered a marginalized person in the school.

Because not only the teacher gave up on him, even he himself gave up on himself.

So when Xiao Wu suggested it, he was the first to follow.

Anyway, he felt that a person like himself had no hope of being admitted to university, so why waste his time in school.

"It shouldn't be possible, Mr. Xiang doesn't look like that kind of person." In Abu's eyes, Xiang Wanjun is a perfect goddess.

Although when he came out, he also heard this gossip.

But he was the first to choose not to believe this matter.

"Xiao Wu, what place did you choose? There are couples everywhere. We singles come here for excitement." Brother Bird saw a couple in this park after walking a few steps.

This greatly stimulated him, who had never been in a relationship until his sophomore year in high school.

He actually has a girl he likes in class, but he has been unable to muster up the energy to confess.

"That can't be helped. Peninsula Park is the closest to the school. If you don't come here, you can only go to the Internet cafe." Xiao Wu saw Brother Bird and said, wanting to change places.

He touched his pocket, and there was still 20 yuan in it.

This money was originally used for lunch, but now that the weather is so hot, I might as well go online.

"Hey, look, the couple in front are about to kiss each other." At this moment, Abu saw a couple leaning against each other on the chair in front.

When the two of them were talking, they were very close, as if they were about to kiss each other.

Because Abu is fat, even now he still has his first kiss, so his eyes are round when he looks at it.

"This woman seems to be Teacher Xiang, do you think so?" Brother Bird took out his phone and zoomed in on the screen.

At this time, he saw the woman on the phone, who looked very much like Teacher Xiang.

It should not be said that it is like, it should be said that it is her.

"Brother Bird, what are you doing?" Xiao Wu saw that Brother Bird took a few photos, and then sent them directly to the group.

This startled him, and he didn't understand what Brother Bird was doing at all.

After all, if the teacher found out about his photo, then everyone would know about their school celebration.

"I didn't do anything. I just sent a photo to the class group. I want to ask if anyone knows who Teacher Xiang is and who her boyfriend is. Don't worry, I sent it to the group without a teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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