Chapter 455
After Su Wei knew what Xiang Wanjun wanted, he didn't continue to stalk him.

After sending her to the school gate, she went to the city hall.

Because today he and Mayor Shu did make an appointment to talk about investing in his hometown.

"President Su, on behalf of the people of City H, thank you for investing in your hometown." When Mayor Shu discussed cooperation with Su Wei today, he thought it would be a tug of war.

It may not work well, and I have to drink a few meals first.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to come here this time, and he was very sincere, so he talked with him about cooperation straight to the point.

The first meal for the two of them was just a simple meal in the cafeteria.

"Mayor Shu, you are too polite. I also grew up in City H. Now that I have such a little ability, I should help my hometown." Su Wei Although his hometown is in Xiapu , but he did grow up in H City.

He studied here from preschool to university, and has never left.

Now I have the ability, and my hometown also needs it.

Then he should invest a little bit.

"Boss Su, you invest [-] million this time, please rest assured, our business environment here will definitely not do anything like killing chickens and taking eggs." Su Wei told him this time that he plans to invest [-] million in H City.

Moreover, the oranges and red bayberries from the counties below City H should be made into cans and sold all over the world.

If Su Wei could really do what he said, everything would be done.

Mayor Nashu intends to escort his company all the way.

"Mayor Shu, if you say this, I will tell you the truth. As long as the company I invest in H City can make money, I will not take any profit from this company. I will continue to invest in the construction of H City." Go to China" Su Wei's investment this time is tantamount to helping the poor.

After all, City H has no money, and he has too much money to spend.

Even if this enterprise can make money, it may not be as much as his interest.

In this case, he might as well be a favor and continue to invest this investment in H City.

"President Su, what you said is true? Will the profits from this investment continue to be invested in the construction of City H?" Due to special reasons, the industry in City H has not been able to develop.

If industry cannot develop, then City H has never had a pillar enterprise.

Now that Su Wei has agreed to invest [-] million yuan, how many jobs will be solved in the local area?

Since the opening of the high-speed rail, Xingcheng has attracted the population of prefecture-level cities to the provincial capital.

The reason why everyone runs away is because there is no industry in the area.

"In front of you, Mayor Shu, of course I mean the truth." Su Wei invested this money to start a local business, and there is another benefit.

That is, he intends to stuff all his relatives who are difficult to arrange into this enterprise.

After all, for his relatives, it is impossible for him to give them money directly.

Let them come to work in the company, and give them 1 to [-] a month, at least they won't be abandoned.

Although the money is given to them, they will not be allowed to touch any rights.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Xiao Zhang, I'll go outside to take a call, you can talk to Mayor Shu about the specifics of this investment, and do as I said yesterday.

Hey, Fan Wenqi, what's wrong with you? "Su Wei is planning to continue the chat. He plans to open two factories, one big and one small.

The big one is located in City H, and the small one is located in Xiapu County.

At this moment the call came, he took a look and found that it was from Fan Wenqi.

We can only ask Zhang Ruoyu to talk to Mayor Shu, and he will answer the call.

"You've been back to China for a few days now, when will you come to Kyoto?" Fan Wenqi already knew about it on the first day Su Wei returned to China.

Originally, she thought that he would come to the capital in these two days.

But she didn't expect that Su Wei went to his hometown this time, and the plane tomorrow would still fly to Shanghai.

"Let's wait a while, I have something to do during this time." Su Wei was not in a hurry to go to the capital.

Because he passed this time, he may join the filming group.

So he planned to finish the matter and then go to Huairou film and television base to stay for a while.

"You've already met Wang Xiaoyuan and her parents, what else is there?" Although Fan Wenqi said that she didn't like Su Wei, she liked women.

But she was very concerned about these things about Su Wei.

"It's none of your business, and how did you know about it? Are you spying on me?" Su Wei felt upset when he heard this.

After all, he and Fan Wenqi have always been in a cooperative relationship.

Even if she is pregnant, the two are just partners.

So he felt very dissatisfied with Fan Wenqi spying on him.

"Come to the capital tomorrow, and I'll introduce someone to you." Fan Wenqi didn't answer Su Wei's words, but changed the subject directly.

After all, if this matter is investigated, it will appear that she cares about Su Wei very much.

"No need, don't change the subject for me, are you spying on me?" To Fan Wenqi, introduce someone to him.

Of course he knew that the person she was going to introduce must be a very good person.

But he is not very cold about such people.

"I didn't monitor you. You went to eat that day, and my friend happened to go too. I don't need to lie to you about this. Remember, you must come over tomorrow." Fan Wenqi must have lied about this matter up.

Because she came to know Su Wei's information by monitoring Su Wei's car.

It's just that she didn't want to admit it, and she didn't want Su Wei to know about it.

"Hey, grass, Fan Wenqi, just wait, wait for another two months to see how I deal with you"

. . . . . .

"Teacher Xiang, you are back." Teacher Xiaopeng was planning to go out for dinner with his colleagues because he was on vacation in the afternoon.

When he was about to leave the school gate, he saw Xiang Wanjun walking towards them.

Because her relationship with Xiang Wanjun was okay, she greeted her warmly.

"I just felt a little sick to my stomach, so I went to the clinic to see, who are you?" When Xiang Wanjun returned to school, he found that the campus was very quiet.

She didn't think much about it, she thought that after the school celebration, the students would all go to class.

When I entered the door, I met Teacher Peng and the others and found that they were planning to leave the school.

This made her very puzzled, after all, it should be class time now.

"Isn't it a holiday this afternoon, so we're going to go out for lunch and go shopping after we're done eating?" Teacher Xiao Peng and the others are planning to go for dinner now.

Because there is a delicious hot pot restaurant in the city center.

They happened to be free today, so they made an appointment to have a taste together.

Teacher Xiao Peng and the others usually only have holidays on rest days.

Today's holiday is a complete surprise for them.

"The school celebration is over, why is it a holiday in the afternoon?" Xiang Wanjun was curious, why did he suddenly have a holiday today.

Because she didn't have her mobile phone, she hasn't read the notifications in the group.

"Isn't it because of the plastic runway? I heard that there is indeed a problem. The principal has already spoken and will clear up all the plastic runway in the afternoon." In the school, news spreads very quickly.

Two months ago, Mr. Wang had spread the news of testing the plastic track throughout the campus.

Now everyone knows that there is a problem with this plastic runway.

So as soon as the school celebration ended, the students all ran away immediately.

Teacher Wang told Xiang Wanjun the matter of Teacher Wang in detail.

"Oh that's right, then I'll go to the office to pack up my things first." Xiang Wanjun didn't expect that there was a problem with the plastic runway.

Then Su Wei's scene this morning was really not because of jealousy.

He was really thinking about the health of the students, that's why he had to cut a piece of plastic track for testing.

Shaking her head, she shook Su Wei out of her head, after all, he was her student.

"You said, Mr. Xiang is going to leave after finishing class this semester?" After seeing Xiang Wanjun walking away, Mr. Peng began to gossip with Mr. Wang and the others.

Although they are teachers, they also gossip.

Usually gossip among the students, they can discuss it with gusto.

Now they can talk about this melon to the teacher for at least a month.

"I don't know, but I think it's very possible. After all, Su Wei is so rich. Teacher Xiang is with Su Wei. Who will continue to work?" Bird brother took this photo at the time, and it was indeed only posted on them In the private group of that class.

But there are so many people in the group, there are always a few people with itchy hands.

So before Xiang Wanjun arrived at school, the photo had already spread wildly in school.

"I really didn't expect that Teacher Xiang would be with his students in the end. Anyway, I wouldn't have the courage to change it to me." In fact, if the protagonists of Xiang Wanjun were not her and Su Wei, it would really be nothing. explosive.

The reason why she is so hot is actually that she is beautiful, so more people pay attention to her.

The second reason is because Su Wei is rich.

The beautiful woman and the rich are together, this matter is already a hot spot.

In addition, they are teachers and students, which is why this matter has spread so much.

"You said, who released the photo in the group? She was even photographed kissing Su Wei.

Teacher Xiang, why are you back? "Xiang Wanjun got up from Su Wei's shoulder at that time, and the way the two looked at each other really looked like kissing.

In addition, when Brother Niao took the photo, his direction was a bit awkward, and it felt like he was kissing when he took the photo.

Teacher Liu was about to continue talking, when he turned around and found that Xiang Wanjun was not far from them.

"It's nothing, I remember that I don't have anything to take in my office, so I'll go first." Xiang Wanjun just turned around, wanting to ask if their office was locked.

If the door is locked, she has to go home to get the key.

It was only when he got close to them that he realized that they were gossiping about her and Su Wei again.

And the content inside made her even more dumbfounded.

"Did she hear us just now?" Teacher Xiao Peng saw that Xiang Wanjun's face was a little ugly, and guessed that she must have heard them gossip about her.

She usually has a good relationship with Xiang Wanjun, but she doesn't want to strain the relationship because of this incident.

"Just hear what you hear, what we are talking about is the truth, not gossip"

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Rui Rui, why are you here?" While Xiang Wanjun was packing his luggage, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Glancing at Maoyan, she found out that it was Zhang Rui, her best friend at school.

"I called you so many times today, why didn't you answer?" Zhang Rui was Teacher Zhang who was by Xiang Wanjun's side in the morning.

Her job today is to accompany those outstanding alumni to visit the campus.

Then when those outstanding alumni leave, they will send them to the car.

It wasn't until she turned on the phone after seeing off people that she realized that something extraordinary had happened today.

She called Xiang Wanjun immediately, but no one answered the phone.

"My phone is on silent, so I didn't hear it." There are so many people who called Xiang Wanjun today, and they all wanted to ask if she was with Su Wei.

Many of the people who called were completely unknown to her.

So in order not to be disturbed, she muted her phone.

"Wanjun, what are you doing? Why did you pack all your luggage?" Seeing that Xiang Wanjun was fine, Zhang Rui relaxed and realized that she was packing her luggage.

And judging by her appearance, it should have been cleaned up for a long time.

Because everything in the room was almost packed by her.

"It's nothing, I'm just under too much pressure recently, so I plan to go on a trip." Today, no matter where Xiang Wanjun goes, he can hear gossip about her.

And when many people gossip about her, they don't know how to avoid her at all.

Xiang Wanjun thought about it, and finally decided to resign and return to his hometown to stay for a while.

"No, it's less than a month before the holiday. You're going to travel suddenly. What about your students? Besides, why do you bring so much luggage when you travel?" Zhang Rui heard Xiang Wanjun say , she is going to travel.

How could Zhang Rui believe such words.

After all, in their profession as teachers, they can travel during the winter and summer vacations.

Who would pack all the luggage at home and go on a trip at this juncture.

"Rui Rui, if you consider me a friend, don't ask, I haven't finished packing yet, help me." When someone called her just today, she saw that it was a friend, and explained to them It's a rumor.

Although the angle of the photo looks like she and Su Wei are kissing.

But she knew that it was only because of the angle.

Those people listened to her words, not only did not believe her.

He also joked that he would help her keep a secret, but how could she even guard against her friends.

After hearing this, she realized that no one believed what she said.

"Looking at your state, the gossip spread outside should be false, why don't you clarify?" As Xiang Wanjun's best friend, Zhang Rui knew that Su Wei only met Xiang Wanjun yesterday.

After careful observation of the kissing photo today, she found that it was probably a problem with the shooting angle.

She couldn't understand why Xiang Wanjun didn't clarify, but chose to resign directly.

"What's the use of clarifying, I'm tired, I don't want to explain to anyone, I just want to go home now, I don't want to be a teacher anymore"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Zhou Xiaohui, you're not finished, you still want me to block your call, don't you?" Su Wei was on the plane, scrolling through TikTok beauty.

At this time the phone rang, it was Zhou Xiaohui calling.

After thinking about it last night, he still felt that he was going to go to Kyoto.

So Zhou Xiaohui's words, of course, he didn't take them with him.

Now that Zhou Xiaohui called, he thought she still wanted to catch the plane.

"I called you not because of this matter, but because a big event happened at Red Star High School today. If you don't listen, don't regret it." Zhou Xiaohui was thinking yesterday that she could take a private plane back to Shanghai today.

Who knew that in the middle of the night last night, Shen Manyin told her that Su Wei was planning to go to the capital.

Her flying plan can be declared officially shattered.

"What's the matter, let's listen to it. If it's really a big deal, I'll reimburse you for the cost of your return to City H this time." Su Wei heard that it was about Red Star High School, and he became a little interested.

He already knew from Shen Manyin why Zhou Xiaohui rubbed against his plane.

It turned out that it was because she had almost used up her own savings when she came back this time.

"Boss Su is really refreshing. That's how it is. Teacher Xiang resigned last night, and even took away all her luggage." Zhou Xiaohui would know about this because she has a wide intelligence network in Hongxing High School.

As soon as the news of Xiang Wanjun's resignation came out today, she immediately got the news.

She knew that Su Wei cared about Xiang Wanjun very much, so she thought of exchanging this information for some travel expenses.

"You go directly to Shen Manyin, I will reimburse you for your expenses this time.

Wu Qian, please tell the captain, the plane will turn around for me now, we will not go to Kyoto for the time being."

(End of this chapter)

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