Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 456 put pigeons

Chapter 456 put pigeons

"Su Wei? Why are you back?" Su Wei said to reimburse Zhou Xiaohui this time, so she was not polite.

She directly counted all the money she spent on going back to honor her parents this time as the cost of coming back this time.

Anyway, Su Wei is rich, so he certainly doesn't care about the thousands of dollars.

When she was drinking milk tea with Shen Manyin in the lobby of the hotel, she saw Su Wei come back.

The sudden appearance of Su Wei startled her, after all, didn't he go to the capital?

"Don't worry about this matter, what's the situation with Xiang Wanjun?" Su Wei's Gulfstream G650 was already about to fly out of Xiangbei.

But when he heard that Xiang Wanjun had resigned, he immediately asked the captain to turn the plane around and drive it back.

Fortunately, the airport in City H knew that Su Wei was a big shot, and let him fly back after reporting.

Otherwise, Su Wei's plane could only continue to the capital.

"I, I don't know, I just know that it has spread in the school today, saying that Teacher Xiang resigned last night." The gossip Zhou Xiaohui heard today was that Xiang Wanjun resigned yesterday.

After she knew the news, she called Su Wei immediately.

Sure enough, Su Wei was very concerned about this matter and asked her to sell it for a good price.

"She resigned last night? Why did she resign?" Su Wei heard Zhou Xiaohui say that she didn't know why Xiang Wanjun resigned.

And the time to resign was last night.

Without a clue, he took a sip of Shen Manyin's milk tea, and found that it was too sweet, and this milk tea didn't suit his taste very well.

"You really don't know? Yesterday, Red Star High School has already spread the word, and basically everyone knows about the kissing photo of you and Teacher Xiang." Although Zhou Xiaohui didn't know the reason for Xiang Wanjun's resignation.

But she felt that her resignation must have something to do with that photo.

After all, the spread of this kind of photo really hit her career hard.

"What the hell are you talking about, kissing photos? Why didn't I, the client, know about this?" Su Wei basically had no contact with his former classmates.

With those teachers, apart from the class teacher, they are considered to be in contact now.

But even if those teachers knew about it, they wouldn't call and tell Su Wei, which made him ignorant.

"Su Wei, you really didn't lie? Then what is it?" Zhou Xiaohui looked at Su Wei's expression and found that he really didn't seem to know.

Although she has been a police officer for a short time, she is already able to tell whether the other party is lying or not.

"This is really me and Xiang Wanjun. At that time, oh, it's a matter of angle. Look carefully here, I didn't kiss her." Su Wei looked at the photo and was almost startled.

Because in the photo, it is really a kissing photo of him and Xiang Wanjun.

It's just that he's the person involved, so if you kiss him, don't you have any impression?

After careful observation, it was discovered that because of the angle, I almost thought that my memory had disappeared.

"I don't know who took this photo. From this angle, it looks like a kissing photo." Shen Manyin heard Su Wei say that it was because of the angle, and after careful inspection, she found that it was true.

I don't know who took this photo, the angle of capture is too good.

If it weren't for the denial of the person concerned, most people really wouldn't be able to see it.

"I'll call Principal He, why didn't he tell me such an important matter?"

. . . . . .

After Su Wei and Principal He finished talking on the phone, he was completely dumbfounded.

Because Principal He would agree to her resignation at that time, he thought it was Xiang Wanjun who planned to go to the big city with Su Wei.

After all, it has been spread in the school that the kissing photo of her and Su Wei was taken.

If it wasn't for this, how could he have let Xiang Wanjun resign so easily.

But the good news is that Principal He promised him that he would actively contact Xiang Wanjun.

And now he's going to ask where Xiang Wanjun's specific address is.

After all, Xiang Wanjun has been working for so many years, even though she has been living in the school dormitory.

But that was because she was single. In fact, she had already bought a house and lived there on weekends.

"President Su, shall we still go to Kyoto? If we still go, I will ask Golden Deer Airlines to continue to report the route." Now that Su Wei and the others return to City H, the previous route will be considered invalid.

If you want to go to another place now, you still need to apply for the route in advance.

After all, it is different in China and Laomei, and it doesn't matter if you apply before getting on the plane in Laomei.

"Let's find Xiang Wanjun first, anyway, there is no urgent matter in the capital." Su Wei's main concern is Xiang Wanjun's safety.

After all, because of that incident yesterday, she cried into tears.

He was afraid that Xiang Wanjun would do stupid things when he was wronged by the photo.

If that's the case, then he would rather he never came back.

"That's right, then I know"

. . . . . .

Principal He didn't keep Su Wei waiting too long, and after more than ten minutes, he had already sent Xiang Wanjun's home address.

According to the address, Su Wei came to the community where Xiang Wanjun's house was located.

It turned out that this place was actually in the same neighborhood as him, and Xiang Wanjun's house was next to his house.

"dong dong dong"

"President Su, there is no sound inside, is there no one there?" Shen Manyin knocked on the door for a long time, but did not hear any movement inside.

So she wondered if there was no one in the house.

After all, whether Xiang Wanjun is in this house this time is not certain.

"There should be no people living in Xiang Wanjun's house, but look at the door, is it particularly clean?" Su Wei had already observed the house when he came.

He found that the anti-theft door had been wiped with a towel.

If the ground outside is so clean, it can be said that the property hired cleaning.

But those cleaning ladies can't even clean the door for you.

"President Su, what do you mean, this house has been cleaned by Xiang Wanjun? But we have been knocking on the door for so long, if she is inside, it is impossible for her not to respond, so could she have gone out?" Zhang Ruoyu touched the burglar The door was found to be indeed dust free.

But the three of them have been here for such a long time, it is impossible for the people inside not to know.

That's why Zhang Ruoyu asked whether Xiang Wanjun had gone out.

"It's possible, Shen Manyin, call the unlocker and ask them to come and open the door. We'll go in and wait for her in the house later." Since we can be sure that the person is at home, the matter is very simple.

The fastest way, of course, is to violently destroy the door.

But they came to find someone, not to seek revenge, of course they came to find the lock company.

As for the certificates and so on, you can wait until the master unlocker unlocks the lock.


"You don't need to call the unlocker, I'm at home." Xiang Wanjun got up very early today, but when he woke up, he found that he had resigned.

Although she was thinking about it, she immediately went back to her hometown.

But she has so much luggage, of course it is impossible to move there together.

So she planned to stay in City H for another day and wait until tomorrow before going back.

She is a bit of a clean freak when it comes to hygiene.

So it took a morning to clean the house.

While resting, I heard someone knocking on the door.

Through the cat's eyes, she found that it was Su Wei and the others who came.

Xiang Wanjun's resignation this time has something to do with Su Wei, so of course he won't open the door for him.

It's just that Su Wei didn't expect that when he saw that there was no one inside, he planned to call the master lockpicker over.

"Are you sure you don't want us to go in? I have observed that two families live in your floor. Let them see it, and be careful to spread rumors." Seeing that Xiang Wanjun was at home, Su Wei took off his shoes and Going to enter the house.

But Xiang Wanjun held the door with his hands, as if he didn't intend to let them in.

In this case, Su Wei directly threatened her.

"Su Wei, why are you such a scoundrel? I've already left my job, why do you still pester me?" Xiang Wanjun is terrified of rumors now.

After all, she resigned this time because the rumors were too strong.

If she was rumored in the community because of Su Wei this time, then she would have to leave City H.

Although very upset, he still made way for Su Wei.

"Xiang Wanjun, why don't you even have a bottle of water in your refrigerator, life is too rough.

Xiaozhang, ask Lao Liu to bring some water and then a lunch." After Su Wei entered the door, he also rushed directly to the refrigerator without hesitation.

In City H in June, I really sweated just by moving casually.

Now he desperately hopes to drink a bottle of iced mineral water.

Just after opening the door of the box, I found that there were only a few versions of yogurt inside.

As for the ice water he imagined, he didn't see a bottle of it.

Su Wei didn't intend to drink the water from the water dispenser, so he asked for water and food to be brought up.

"Su Wei, this is my home, don't be too impolite, and why do you want to have lunch here?" Xiang Wanjun didn't expect Su Wei to act like a master after entering the door.

People who don't know may think that he is the owner of this house.

She just let Su Wei in, and she wanted to let him leave after explaining it clearly to him.

But from the way he looks, he's still here for lunch.

"People are iron, and rice is steel. You can wait until the meal is over for everything. Did you decorate this house yourself?" Seeing how hot the house was, Su Wei ran over to turn on the air conditioner.

After blowing on the air outlet of the air conditioner for a while, the whole person's heat has dropped.

Only then did he have the thought to look at Xiang Wanjun's house.

I found that this house, although it is a small three-bedroom house, is quite warmly decorated.

Although the materials used are average, the design is okay.

"I don't know how to decorate. I asked a decoration company to install this house." Seeing Su Wei like this, Xiang Wanjun knew that he was determined not to leave.

She had no choice but to think that he would leave after dinner.

Seeing Su Wei asking her about the decoration of this house, how could she know that, she only knew that she had spent 17 to find a decoration company to install it.

"This is the master bedroom, right? I woke up too early in the morning, and now I have to sleep for a while, so you can call me after dinner." Su Wei looked around the house, and then turned to the master bedroom.

He got up before eight o'clock today because of the plane at nine o'clock in the morning.

Now that I see the bed that has been made, I plan to sleep for a while.

"You are so like this, this is my new quilt, get up, oops" Xiang Wanjun saw Su Wei lying on her bed, how could this be possible.

Because this quilt was spread by her.

And how could a boy like Su Wei sleep in her room, and he was sweating all over.

When she went to pull Suwei, he pulled her directly onto the bed.

"Don't move, or I can kiss you. You told me yesterday that as long as you don't become a teacher, you will consider staying with me. Is what you said true?" Su Wei pressed Xiang Wanjun under him, smelling smell her body.

He was surprised to find that she was still there for the first time.

Originally, he just wanted to take a look, so she must not commit suicide.

But now, Su Wei must take her into the harem.

"Let go of me. I didn't say that. If you do this again, I'm going to scream. Your subordinates are outside. When they hear me calling for help, you will be the one who will be ashamed." Wei was pressed under him, his whole face turned red.

Especially when he was pressing on her, he was still smelling her.

Xiang Wanjun has never talked about a boyfriend before, so where has he experienced such a thing.

He could only threaten Su Wei, and if he didn't let her go, she would scream.

"I'm just joking with you, you don't really think I'm such a anxious person, close the door when you go out, don't forget to call me when you eat"

. . . . . .

"Wen Qi, who did you bring me to the airport to meet this early in the morning?" Zheng Ziyang had originally made an appointment with Fan Wenqi yesterday, and they had dinner together today.

Fan Wenqi told him to come and find her this morning.

At that time, he was still thinking whether Fan Wenqi was going to accept him.

But after arriving at the place, she was immediately brought to the airport.

"You'll know when we see you later." Fan Wenqi asked Su Wei to come over this time, intending him to get Zheng Shaoyang away.

Zheng Shaoyang has been harassing her all this time.

However, when her family saw this scene, she still thought it was nothing.

After all, no one in Kyoto knows that she, Fan Wenqi, likes women.

Fan Wenqi's family wanted Fan Wenqi to be straightened by Zheng Shaoyang, so they ignored it all the time.

"Before the person arrives, let me declare first, no matter whether the person is a man or a woman, I want to marry you." Zheng Shaoyang saw Fan Wenqi coming to the airport, so he didn't know that she was here to pick him up.

And the relationship between this person and her must be unusual.

At least compared to him, that person has a much better relationship with Fan Wenqi.

"I've said it before, it's impossible between me and you, just give up on it." Fan Wenqi really hated this Zheng Shaoyang.

But her family felt that as long as this Zheng Shaoyang didn't go off the beaten track, then it would be fine.

So she has been being disgusted by this Zheng Shaoyang recently.

"Fan Wenqi, I know you like women. The reason why I came to you is because I also have a woman I like, but my family disagrees, so I thought of working with you." Zheng Shaoyang could see it, Fan Wenqi Don't eat affectionate characters.

He could only tell her that he really didn't really like her.

Because a woman like Fan Wenqi has such a hot personality, how could a second generation like Zheng Shaoyang like her.

It's just that Zheng Shaoyang wants to borrow the influence of Fan Wenqi's family, so even if he doesn't like her, he doesn't mind marrying her.

"I don't want to know about you at all, and I'm not interested in the cooperation you mentioned at all." Fan Wenqi has already checked what kind of person Zheng Shaoyang is.

He looks gentle and gentle, but in fact, he eats both men and women in private.

For someone like him, how could Fan Wenqi cooperate with him.

"Why? The two of us have a physical marriage, which is good for everyone. Why don't you agree?" Although Zheng Shaoyang was talking about a physical marriage, it is definitely impossible for him to be so honest after marriage.

Although he didn't like Fan Wenqi, she had a pretty face.

He definitely wouldn't waste such a beauty.

When she was pregnant with his child, he would not be afraid of being kicked one day.

"I've said it before, I'm not interested in you, and don't get too close to me, or I'll get mad.

Hey, why haven't you arrived yet, isn't it the plane at nine o'clock? "Fan Wenqi checked the time, it was already almost 1 o'clock.

With a journey of more than two hours, Fan Wenqi didn't know why Su Wei didn't come yet.

After driving Zheng Shaoyang away, he started calling Su Wei.

"I have something to do today and I can't get through it right now, come back after it's done."

(End of this chapter)

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