Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 457 Our Family Junjun Is Not Familiar With You

Chapter 457 Our Family Junjun Is Not Familiar With You

"I have something to do today and I can't get through it right now, come back after I've dealt with it." Su Wei was woken up by the phone before he even woke up.

After looking at it, it turned out that it was Fan Wenqi calling.

He has only just met Xiang Wanjun, so of course he is not in a hurry to leave.

And he didn't think there would be any urgent matter on Fan Wenqi's side.

"Su Wei, you bastard, you promised me something, but your words don't count." When Fan Wenqi heard that Su Wei wasn't coming, she was about to go crazy.

Because her original plan was to let Su Wei come over to scare Zheng Ziyang away.

After all, Zheng Ziyang's family is already dying.

Although his grandfather is a character, he is basically lying in the ICU every day now.

So Fan Wenqi was very clear about why he came to her.

It's just that who knew that Su Wei had promised well and let her go.

"When did I promise you? Didn't I say yesterday that I'll come over after a while?" Su Wei was unhappy when he heard Fan Wenqi's words.

Because he didn't agree yesterday, it was Fan Wenqi who hung up the phone and forcibly caused this fact.

And he passed a few days later, what could happen.

"If you don't come by tomorrow, then don't blame me for going home and confessing that you made my stomach bigger." If Zheng Ziyang is pestering her, Fan Wenqi really wants to reveal her pregnancy.

Anyway, the matter of her pregnancy was originally planned to be exposed in a few months.

"Fuck, Fan Wenqi, you're crazy, don't hang up, you idiot" Su Wei was dumbfounded when he heard what Fan Wenqi said.

Because if Fan Wenqi really did this, he could only go abroad and hide.

As for letting him marry Fan Wenqi, he can't do it even if he is killed.

"What's the situation? Miss Fan, you will also be let go one day. Who is this person? Do you want me to teach her a lesson for you?" Zheng Shaoyang dared to come over when he saw Fan Wenqi finished the phone call.

After all, today is different from the past, and his family is in decline.

If it was in the past, how could he be a woman's licking dog.

"Get out, I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better stay away from me." Fan Wenqi was already angry because of being released as a pigeon.

Seeing Zheng Shaoyang approaching, she immediately lost her temper.

After all, in Zheng Shaoyang's house now, she really has nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, okay, I'm meddling in this matter." Zheng Shaoyang didn't dare to show his face after being bullied by Fan Wenqi.

Who wants the current Fan Wenqi, but his life-saving straw.

Seeing that her car had already left, Zheng Shaoyang was still standing there.

After the car turned a corner, he hooked his hands at his subordinates.

"Young Master Zheng, what's the matter?" Wang Yu is Zheng Shaoyang's bodyguard, who was arranged for him by his grandfather before.

Although he is only in his early thirties, he has actually been with Zheng Shaoyang for more than ten years.

"Old Wang, go and check for me, who is the person Fan Wenqi is looking for this time?" Zheng Shaoyang dared not lose his temper to Fan Wenqi.

But this fire always has to find a place to start.

If the person Fan Wenqi was going to meet this time had no background, Zheng Shaoyang would plan to take him under the knife.

One is to get revenge on Fan Wenqi for humiliating him today, and the other is to reduce obstacles around Fan Wenqi.

"Young Master Zheng, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

. . . . . .

"Miss Zhang, the food has been delivered now, you can wake up your boss for dinner." Xiang Wanjun looked at the dishes on the table, and planned to ask Su Wei to get up for dinner.

It's just that she didn't dare to call him if she said it herself.

Because Su Wei is dishonest and likes to take advantage of others.

So she thought, let Zhang Ruoyu wake up Su Wei.

After all, Shen Manyin is her student, if she goes, Su Wei will take advantage of her.

"Teacher Xiang, you should go and call. Our boss is angry about getting up. I will call him. I am afraid he will be angry. Only if you call him here, he will not be angry." Zhang Ruoyu will not call Su Wei, after all He was sound asleep.

There are three women in the house now, what if she is dragged to bed, what a shame.

So she would rather go hungry than wake up Su Wei.

"dong dong dong"

"Someone is here, I'll open the door, and any of you call Su Wei.

Hu Yuxuan?How did you find here? "At this moment, someone knocked on the door, so Xiang Wanjun followed suit and planned to open the door.

By the way, tell the two of them to wake up Su Wei.

Because there were several people in the house, she opened the door without looking at the peephole.

It was only after opening the door that the person outside turned out to be Hu Yuxuan.

"Wan Jun, you really live here. I knew from Zhang Rui that you had resigned, so I wanted to come and see you." Hu Yuxuan also knew a few people in school.

Zhang Rui and Xiang Wanjun have such a good relationship, he must have contact information.

This morning, Zhang Rui called Hu Yuxuan.

I just want to let him come over, and persuade Xiang Wanjun not to be so impulsive.

"Thank you, you should have seen it now, I am doing well now." Xiang Wanjun knew Hu Yuxuan and had been pursuing her.

But she really didn't like Hu Yuxuan at all.

And now she has a headache, afraid that Su Wei will be seen by Hu Yuxuan.

In that case, even if she has ten mouths, she won't be able to speak clearly at that time.

"I already know about that photo, I think it must be fake, I completely believe in you, because you are not that kind of person." Regarding the photo, Hu Yuxuan believed it was fake because Zhang Rui and him guaranteed it.

Said that because of this incident, Xiang Wanjun resigned due to grievances.

In addition, after his careful inspection, he found that the photo was indeed borrowed.

Knowing that the photo was fake, he immediately rushed to Xiang Wanjun's address to find her.

"That matter is over, and I don't want to mention it again, so I don't want you to continue talking about it." Regarding this matter, Xiang Wanjun only felt that it was a disaster for no reason.

Because if Hu Yuxuan hadn't started talking nonsense, she wouldn't have run to the river to cry.

If he didn't cry, Su Wei wouldn't comfort her either.

It also won't be photographed by someone, and then posted on the Internet and spread everywhere.

"I was really sorry yesterday, I couldn't control my emotions at the time, so I was talking nonsense.

There is actually one more thing I came here this time, and that is to apologize, because I went to test the plastic runway in the school yesterday and found that there was indeed a problem, but I was also deceived because I thought the other party was a regular plastic track. The track factory, that's why I placed the order." Hu Yuxuan went to someone to test yesterday, and wanted to prove his innocence.

Because he felt that time was waiting for no one, he spent 3000 yuan on purpose, and the other party promised to give him the result in the morning.

When he got the result today, he was dumbfounded, it turned out to be a problematic plastic.

That playground cost him more than 20 yuan, and he was heartbroken when he got the result.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. The person you want to apologize to should not be me, but the students in the school, because they are the people who often come into contact with the track." The plastic track, the people who often come into contact with it are the students of the school.

Because they like to play on the playground and go back to the playground every day to do exercises.

The words of these teachers, to be honest, are relatively lazy.

Unless they want to walk through the playground, they will not go here.

"I will definitely apologize to them, but I am not worried about you, so I want to come and see you first." Don't look at what Hu Yuxuan said, I have to apologize to the students.

But in fact, he complained to death in his heart, and felt sorry for his more than 20 yuan.

As long as this plastic runway persists for a while, it will be fine in the second half of the year, so why bother to eradicate it.

"Junjun, why, a guest is here, ouch, isn't this Hu Yuxuan?" Su Wei hung up the phone, still in deep thought.

It was found that Shen Manyin and Zhang Ruoyu were about to sneak into the room.

After doing some research, he found out that it turned out that someone from outside came, and this person was still Hu Yuxuan.

So he asked Zhang Ruoyu and the others not to come out, and he swaggered to the porch, completely acting like a hostess.

"Su Wei? Why are you at Wanjun's house? Besides, you guys, Xiang Wanjun, I really misread you. Unfortunately, I thought that photo was fake." When Hu Yuxuan saw Su Wei walking out of the house, The whole person is stupid.

And when Su Wei came over, he wasn't wearing any upper body clothes.

After coming over, he took advantage of the situation and hugged Xiang Wanjun.

It was only then that Hu Yuxuan realized that the flaws he found in that photo were actually deceiving himself.

The two of them may have slept together last night.

"Don't call me Wanjun, our Junjun doesn't know you well, I'll be jealous if you call her that." Su Wei put his arms around Xiang Wanjun's waist, feeling that she was stiff.

But although she was stiff, she didn't push him away.

Su Wei knew it, she probably wanted to use his hand to drive Hu Yuxuan away.

With such a good opportunity, he slid his hand down from his waist.

"Don't worry, I won't pester Xiang Wanjun anymore, I'm not a person who doesn't know what to do." Seeing that Xiang Wanjun's face was flushed, Hu Yuxuan thought she was being shy.

Seeing his goddess being chased by someone, he wanted to say a few words at this time.

But now that he knows Su Wei's identity, how dare he speak harsh words at this time.

"Then walk slowly and don't see you off, the two of us won't keep you for dinner." Su Wei's hand had just stayed below for a while before being stopped by Xiang Wanjun's hand.

The way she used it was to directly pinch the flesh on his hand.

If Hu Yuxuan hadn't gone down at that time, he might have called out.

"Hu Yuxuan has already left, Su Wei, you can let go of your hand now, and you are not allowed to call me Junjun." Xiang Wanjun has seen it today, Su Wei is really a pervert.

Because just now she thought that Su Wei just hugged her waist.

At that time, she thought that if Hu Yuxuan could be driven away, she would suffer a bit and admit it.

Who knew that his back was getting more and more excessive, and his hand slipped down.

And she had already pinched his flesh, but he still hasn't stopped.

"Teacher Xiang, I helped you get rid of the licking dog, how are you going to thank me?" Su Wei's hands were pinched red, but his relationship with Xiang Wanjun has taken a big step forward.

It can be said that as long as he stays by her side for a few more days, he will definitely be able to be with her.

Because regardless of her age, she really has no love experience.

Regarding Xiang Wanjun's words, Su Wei can easily handle them.

"Why should I thank you, I'm glad I didn't bother you"

. . . . . .

"President Su, are we going to leave like this?" Zhang Ruoyu still couldn't imagine it until she arrived at the airport.

Because her boss didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but planned to continue to the airport.

As Su Wei's secretary, she is not used to his change.

"Otherwise, do you still plan to stay in City H for a while longer?" Su Wei stayed at Xiang Wanjun's house until after dinner at night before leaving.

After leaving her house, she headed directly to the airport.

Because he wanted to go over to appease Fan Wenqi now, and take a look at what was going on with her.

If Fan Wenqi hadn't really had something to do, she definitely wouldn't have threatened him with it.

"What about Xiang Wanjun's place? Leave her alone?" Zhang Ruoyu guessed that something happened in the capital.

If nothing happened, her boss must focus on picking up girls.

In that case, Xiang Wanjun doesn't care.

"Of course I don't care about her, it's just that she intends to calm down." Su Wei had actually chatted with Xiang Wanjun once before coming out.

He asked Xiang Wanjun if he wanted to go to a big city to work and live with him.

Xiang Wanjun thought about it, and decided to go back to his hometown first.

Hearing what she said, Su Wei knew that she had actually chosen to go to a big city.

If this is the case, then of course he chose to go first, and the next time he comes back, it will be the time to pick her up.

"Golden Deer Airlines, the scheduled time for us is eight o'clock in the evening." Su Wei's decision to go to Kyoto was made at three o'clock in the afternoon.

It is not easy to apply for the route so quickly.

After all, the place he was going to was Kyoto, and he would pass through several provinces on the way.

"Eight o'clock in the evening? You ask Director Guan to take the fastest flight to Kyoto, and pick up some assets by the way these few days." Since Su Wei went to Kyoto this time, he just wanted to look at his assets in Kyoto. .

Including that apartment building and that courtyard house.

In his own words, he must have no time to take care of it.

Director Guan must be responsible for all these assets. After all, Su Wei believes in his ability.

"I see, do you need to arrange a pick-up?" Su Wei and the others went by this time, and it was already past ten o'clock when they arrived.

So what Zhang Ruoyu meant was whether or not the nanny from the villa should drive over to pick her up.

After all, in Kyoto, the only person she could contact was the nanny in the villa.

"No, I have someone to pick you up"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, why are you calling me?" Fan Wenqi was in the company dealing with matters.

After all, she has not cleared all the assets of the Xu Group this time.

In many companies, she has not replaced her own people.

At this time, a call came in, and she found out that it was Su Wei, so she answered it easily.

"I'm flying to Kyoto at eight o'clock in the evening, you arrange someone to pick me up." Su Wei came to Kyoto this time because of Fan Wenqi.

Then ask her to pick up the phone, Su Wei thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, his original plan was to come back to the capital after a while.

"What does this have to do with me? Could it be that you are such a big boss that you can't find anyone who connects to the machine?" Fan Wenqi became happy when she heard Su Wei's words.

She is definitely willing to pick up the plane.

After all, she went there at noon.

It's just that Su Wei let her go, now she wants to be tough.

"Fan Wenqi, will you come to pick up the plane? If you don't come to pick up the plane, I'll go back to Shanghai." Su Wei is a person who prefers to be soft rather than hard.

If Fan Wenqi really didn't come to pick up the plane, then he dared to go back to the devil and not go to the capital.

"Come on, your Boss Su has come to the capital, how could I be so shameless that I won't pick up the connection machine for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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