Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 461 Fire at the city gate, bringing disaster to Chiyu

Chapter 461 Fire at the city gate, bringing disaster to Chiyu


"Qiangzi, what are you doing? Why are a group of people blocking the road in the parking lot?" When Sun Zhaowu drove to Caihong Mansion, he happened to see a group of security guards chatting excitedly there.

Sun Zhaowu didn't want to worry about what the security guards were doing.

He only knows one thing now, and that is that this group of people is now blocking his car.

After beeping the horn twice, he called the security captain over.

"Mr. Sun, yours is just right. This group of people occupied your parking space and wanted to beat our brothers. We are planning to teach them a lesson." Qiangzi was about to get angry when he heard someone honking his horn beside him.

But when he looked back, he found Director Sun's BMW X6 parked not far from him.

Director Sun stuck out his head from the driver's seat and called him over.

He hurriedly told Director Sun what had just happened.

"Hehe, who dared to come to the Caihong mansion to find trouble after eating the bear's heart and leopard's courage?" Sun Zhaowu heard that someone dared to occupy his parking space, and even dared to beat the security guard of the Caihong mansion.

His petulant temper suddenly rose, and he opened the car door to see who was looking for trouble.

Caihong Mansion used to be Mr. Fan's territory, so Sun Zhaowu basically walked sideways in this area.

Although the Caihong Mansion has been sold, his temper still hasn't restrained at all.

"Mr. Sun? You should be Mr. Sun, right? I'm Guan Wangsheng." When Director Guan heard the security guard on the opposite side, he called the person in front of him Mr. Sun.

Knowing that the person in front of him should be Sun Zhaowu.

In Director Guan's heart, he was actually full of anger towards Sun Zhaowu.

Because he came from Shanghai this time, he actually sat in the hall for two hours.

"Oh, it turned out to be Director Guan. It's not that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn't know the family anymore. But what's the situation? Why don't you call me when you come to Kyoto, so I can send someone I'm going to pick you up." Sun Zhaowu really didn't expect that the person who had a conflict with the security guard this time turned out to be Guan Wangsheng.

It's just that he regrets why he wasn't beaten up by the security guard directly.

In addition, he was also very curious, why so many people came to the other party.

And looking at the appearance of those people, they don't look like people who work in a normal company.

"I called you, but your phone is turned off." Speaking of this, Director Guan was really mad.

Because today he has been calling Sun Zhaowu since he got off the plane.

He was still trying to get through the number until this incident happened.

Now when Sun Zhaowu asked him why he didn't call him, how could he not be angry.

But thinking of Su Wei behind him, he couldn't help but want to laugh again.

"My mobile phone is turned off? Oh, I got it wrong. I have two mobile phones. I forgot to charge the mobile phone you called me yesterday. Look at me.

Since we are all on our own, Director Guan, please ask your friend to give up the parking space, and I will drive in." Sun Zhaoarmedly took out his mobile phone and showed Director Guan a look.

He had turned off his phone last night.

If Director Guan can get through, then something must have happened.

After explaining about the mobile phone, he asked Director Guan to ask his friend to give up the parking space.

He thought this car belonged to Director Guan and his friend.

After all, what is parked there now is a Ferrari sports car.

"Sun Zhaowu, do you only come to the company at this time when you go to work every day?" Su Wei pouted at the back, probably knowing what had happened.

Probably this Sun Zhaowu didn't know why he was crazy, and he wanted to give Director Guan a blow.

This made Su Wei very upset, because Director Guan was sent by him to Caihong Mansion to discuss acceptance.

Moreover, this Sun Zhaowu was a little too arrogant, which made him have a bad impression.

"Who are you? What time do I come to the company? It has nothing to do with you.

Director Guan, the people you brought here are a little unruly." Director Guan thought that Su Wei was an employee brought by Director Guan.

Because Su Wei came here today, wearing short T-shorts.

With such an image, he didn't treat him as a big shot.

As for this Ferrari, he didn't think it would belong to Su Wei.

"Director Sun, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Su, who is the current big boss of Caihong Mansion."

. . . . . .

"Secretary Chen, our company has changed bosses, why don't you disclose it?" Su Wei, Sun Zhaowu and the others entered the office.

The people who work in the Caihong mansion realized that their company had changed bosses.

They are not going to work now, and they all gather around Secretary Chen.

The main reason was that they felt that Secretary Chen, as Sun Zhaowu's secretary, must have inside information.

"Yeah, yeah, if we knew, our security department wouldn't hit the guns this time." Qiangzi thought of bringing someone with him just now, looking like he was going to hit the boss.

In his heart right now, he wanted to slap himself a few times.

Apart from wanting to beat himself, he hated Xiao Du even more now.

Boss Su has already told him that he is the new boss of Caihong Mansion.

He didn't believe others and let it go, and even said on the walkie-talkie that he was beaten.

Well now, he's likely to be fired for this.

If this was the case, he would have to beat Xiao Du to relieve his anger.

After all, the position of security captain of Caihong Mansion is considered a good job in the whole of Kyoto.

"Like you, I just found out about the company's change of boss." Secretary Chen has been serving as Sun Zhaowu's secretary for almost a year.

The previous secretary, she heard that she was taken care of by the old hooligan Sun Zhaowu.

So she usually keeps Sun Zhaowu at a respectful distance.

This time the company has changed bosses. Although she is Sun Zhaowu's secretary, she really doesn't know about it.

If she knew, how could she let that surnamed Guan sit on the bench for two hours today.

"Impossible, you are President Sun's secretary, can he not tell you?" The supervisor of the cleaning department didn't quite believe when Secretary Chen said he didn't know.

Because Secretary Chen has been Sun Zhaowu's secretary for a year.

If the person next to her pillow doesn't know, then it's nonsense.

The head of the cleaning department didn't believe that Sun Zhaowu would let Secretary Chen be his secretary for a year, and he wouldn't let her eat it.

"I really don't know. I just knew that some time ago, Mr. Fan's office was almost emptied out." Although Secretary Chen had been Sun Zhaowu's secretary for a year, she was not eaten up.

She hasn't been eaten, and she hasn't been fired for a reason.

It was because she was indeed good-looking, and Sun Zhaowu liked her very much.

After all, Sun Zhaowu eats too much of being gentle and obedient, and he also wants to challenge this kind of rebellious person.

"Speaking of this incident, I remembered that when Mr. Fan's office was evacuated, he immediately changed into a set of office supplies. At that time, I thought it was a bit strange, but later I saw that the things inside were not bad, so I didn't think much about it." At this time, the head of the cleaning department also remembered.

That is, a month ago, Mr. Fan's office was suddenly emptied out.

Then all of Mr. Fan's personal belongings were taken away.

It's just that the back office has been redecorated, and she took a look at the newly bought desks, and found that they were all expensive things.

So she just took it as Boss Fan's current taste, and deliberately leaned towards the young people.

"You said that our security department contradicted the new boss today, will there be any punishment?" Qiangzi has no interest in gossip about the company at all.

The only thing he cares about now is whether his position can be kept.

"What kind of punishment can there be? You are protecting Mr. Sun's parking space. As long as Mr. Sun is fine, you will be fine." Old Wang is the director of the personnel department, and he knew about the company's change of boss early in the morning.

And he is Sun Zhaowu's number one pawn in the company.

He actually went out drinking with Sun Zhaowu yesterday.

The only difference between him and Sun Zhaowu is that he came to the company despite feeling uncomfortable today.

It's just that after he came to the company, he just lay down in the office all morning.

"Old Wang, how do you know it's okay? After all, it's not like we haven't seen the face of the new boss. It's serious and scary." Secretary Chen was still not at ease about what Supervisor Wang said.

Because she remembered when Su Wei came in, but she didn't smile at all.

Looking at the eyes of these people, there is no warmth at all.

"Don't forget, Mr. Sun belongs to Mr. Fan"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, I'm really sorry that this happened today. The main reason is that the security guards didn't know you, so there was a misunderstanding." After Sun Zhaowu followed Su Wei to the office, he was still acting like a fool.

Because he found out that his new boss was surprisingly young.

He didn't pay much attention to such a rich second generation.

He even described today's incident as a misunderstanding, trying to let this incident pass by.

"Your name is Sun Zhaowu, right? How many years have you worked in Caihong Mansion? How many years have you been the director?" When Su Wei entered the office, he found that the office must have been specially built.

Because everything here is relatively new.

Su Wei sat back in the chair and put his feet on the office.

"I have been with Mr. Fan for about ten years. I have been the director since Caihong Mansion opened." After Sun Zhaowu heard Su Wei's question, he did not rush to answer Su Wei's question.

And tell Su Wei first that he is an old man who has been with Mr. Fan for more than ten years, and he has been the director since the opening.

He answered this because he wanted Su Wei to understand that he had a backer.

"No wonder, no wonder you go to work at noon, no one cares about you." Hearing this, Su Wei knew Sun Zhaowu's confidence.

After all, the brand Fanjia in Kyoto must be very popular in China.

Although Sun Zhaowu is the pony of the former boss, he must have scared many people by pulling the tiger's skin.

"Mr. Su, I came to work at noon today because Mr. Fan had a drinking party yesterday. I drank too much and couldn't get up." How could Mr. Fan ask Sun Zhaowu to eat.

He went to look for Mr. Fan's younger brother yesterday to get in touch with him.

At the wine table, the other party told him with a pat on the chest that Mr. Fan was here as his strong backer.

It was only after hearing this that he dared to give Director Guan a blow.

"That's the way it is, it's really hard work for you.

Director Guan, wait until you go to the finance department, see how much Mr. Sun's salary is, pay him this month's salary, and then tell him to get out of here, I don't want to see him again in Caihong Mansion." Su Wei was always My stomach is on fire, and now I am even angrier when I hear Sun Zhaowu's words.

Seeing that Sun Zhaowu wanted to say more, he raised his hand to interrupt the other party.

Then tell Director Guan to settle the salary for Sun Zhaowu.

Because he no longer wants to continue chatting with this Sun Zhaowu.

"What? You want to fire me? I'm Mr. Fan's man" Sun Zhaowu couldn't believe it when he heard Su Wei's words.

Because he really didn't expect that he would be fired.

And it was when he repeatedly emphasized that Mr. Fan was behind him.

"Cao Nima, I really gave you shame, didn't I, return Nima Fan, if you want to be his real person, why didn't he take it away for you? You take out your mobile phone and call him on the spot , you ask him, I'll fire you, he said that." If Sun Zhaowu didn't move Mr. Fan out, Su Wei might still let him say a few more words.

But he kept mentioning the Fan family in front of him.

Su Wei originally came to the capital this time because Fan Wenqi threatened him.

As a result, his impression of the Fan family was relatively negative, but this Sun Zhaowu kept mentioning it.

"Boss Su, I was wrong. Can you give me a chance? I have seniors and juniors, so I can't be dismissed." Seeing that Su Wei was serious, Sun Zhaowu became afraid.

Because Su Wei's expression didn't look like he was afraid of Mr. Fan.

Only then did he realize that if Mr. Fan could sell him the apartment, he must be no ordinary person.

After thinking about all this, he directly knelt down to Su Wei.

"Liu Qiang, get moving, do you want me to teach you how to do things?

Well, now that Sun Zhaowu is driven away by me, Director Guan, is there anyone here who can recommend you to be the director of this Caihong Mansion?" Su Wei didn't feel anything about Sun Zhaowu crying and kneeling down.

Let Liu Qiang and the others drag Sun Zhaowu out like a dead dog.

In the next office, only he, Director Guan, and Zhang Ruoyu, the assistant, were left.

"Luo Danhua, the director of the personnel department in Shanghai, is not bad, but I don't know if she would like to come to the capital." When Director Guan heard Su Wei asking him to recommend someone, he thought about it, and then recommended Luo Dan, the director of the personnel department of Gemini Property magnificent.

Because he is not familiar with the capital, he can only be the one who recommends the capital.

And there is another reason for recommending Luo Danhua, that is, Su Wei knows her.

The only thing to consider now is whether she is willing to come to Kyoto from Shanghai.

"Luo Danhua? Yes, you can call her and tell her that if she stays, the company will cover everything. Anyway, the most important thing in Caihong Mansion is a house, and then increase her salary by 50.00%. I believe she will come over. "Su Wei heard Director Guan recommended Luo Danhua, and he had a little impression of this person.

Anyway, here in Caihong Mansion, the location is so good.

What he needs is not someone with strong ability, as long as he can hold this place.

"President Su, this Sun Zhaowu has been kicked out, what about the other people in the Caihong mansion, especially the security guards?" Zhang Ruoyu saw the current position of director, and Su Wei and the others had already discussed it.

The original director, Sun Zhaowu, was even kicked out.

Then those arrogant security guards should settle accounts with them.

After all, those people were in front of them just now, they were too arrogant.

"Let's not touch them now. When Luo Danhua comes, let her directly fire 80.00% of the old employees of this company. Those who are related to Sun Zhaowu, and those bodyguards, all of them will be fired by me."

(End of this chapter)

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