Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 462 Are you willing to raise a child for me?

Chapter 462 Are you willing to raise a child for me?

Su Wei still didn't know that when he came to take over the Caihong mansion this time, he didn't know how many people were staring at him behind his back.

After all, the former owner of this Caihong mansion was the Fan family in Kyoto.

As for Su Wei, he had been messing around in the devil city before.

So many people thought that this handover would definitely not go well.

If this is the case, then they can see if there is any chance to catch the leak.

But what was surprising was that Su Wei passed so smoothly.

As for the previous director, Sun Zhaowu, he had been with his boss for more than ten years, but this time he was kicked out immediately.

This makes a large number of people who are ready to move, they just lose their minds.

After all, there are too many deep meanings represented here.

"Brother Yang, I've already found out who the owner of the villa you asked me to check is." When the six sons were at work today, they unexpectedly received a call from Zheng Ziyang.

After all, he knew that Zheng Ziyang was the one who only got up every afternoon.

It's really strange to call him so early now.

It turned out that he was asked to help find out who the owner of a house was after answering the phone.

This matter was very simple for him who worked in the real estate bureau, so he helped him easily.

"Oh, find out, who is the owner of that villa?" This time Zheng Ziyang knew that Fan Wenqi had spent the night at another man's house.

His whole being is highly tense.

Because he regarded Fan Wenqi as his last straw.

So after learning about this, he immediately found his friend Liu Zi, a buddy who worked at the Shanghai Real Estate Bureau.

He didn't tell Liu Zi that the person inside had something to do with Fan Wenqi, he just said that this person was a bit at odds with him.

After all, if it was said that Fan Wenqi would be involved, then the other party would probably not help, and would probably sell him.

"The former owner of that villa, we can find out that he is from Shanxi.

As for the current owner of that villa, it is Su Wei who is very popular on the Internet recently." Su Wei has been really popular on the Internet in China recently.

Because his super yacht broke the Asian record.

Now on online platforms such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu, there are many bragging for Su Wei.

The sixth son is a young man, and he also surfs the Internet. Of course, he has heard the news on the Internet.

Before, I thought that this Su Wei should be packaged.

Who knew that he only found out after checking that his real estate in Kyoto was worth billions.

"Su Wei? Are you sure he is the owner of this villa?" Zheng Ziyang knew about Su Wei, not because of the internet.

But he knew that some time ago, Fan Wenqi went to Shanghai for a trip.

Her partner at that time was this Su Wei.

And he also knew that Fan Wenqi had made a fortune in Shanghai.

If it was really this person, he wondered if he was Fan Wenqi's smoke bomb.

"I'm pretty sure of this, because this villa is directly registered under his name. Brother Yang, if you really have a conflict with him, it's best to resolve it." The six sons looked at the name of the registered person, and it was indeed Su Wei. name.

He should be the only Su Wei who is so famous and rich in the whole country.

So the six sons can be sure that this house belongs to that Su Wei on the Internet.

If it's really him, then there's really no need for Zheng Ziyang to have an enmity with him.

After all, if Mr. Zheng really went, then his family background would be incomparable with this Su Wei.

"I see, Liu Zi, invite you to dinner in two days."

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, do you think it's okay to wear this dress today?" As Fan Wenqi's secretary, Zhou Xiaoyu has several jobs.

For example, occasionally as a driver, or as a nanny, or as an assistant, and now an image designer.

Fan Wenqi was going to have dinner with Su Wei tonight, so she specially selected a black one-piece skirt.

"Whatever, anyway, I'm having dinner with Su Wei today, and I'm not an outsider. By the way, do you want to take a rest today?" Fan Wenqi said that it's fine to eat casually with Su Wei.

But when she really started to pick, she began to pick carefully again.

She thinks it's not bad when she wears the clothes that Xiaoyu chose last week.

Only then did I ask Zhou Xiaoyu if he wanted to go back and have a rest.

Because she knew that Zhou Xiaoyu was the first time last night.

"No need for Mr. Fan, I'm fine." Zhou Xiaoyu was most uncomfortable in the morning.

It's already afternoon now, and she has already recovered from her discomfort.

And now she didn't dare to show discomfort in front of Fan Wenqi.

Because if Fan Wenqi was unhappy, then she would be out of luck.

"After Su Wei put you to sleep, didn't he say anything to you?" Fan Wenqi was most worried that Su Wei would foolishly seek out Zhou Xiaoyu for a relationship.

If this is the case, it will be awkward between her and Zhou Xiaoyu in the future.

And they probably caused conflicts between her and Su Wei because of Zhou Xiaoyu.

"Boss Su said that he wants to buy me a car, and I'm still hesitating whether to buy it or not." Zhou Xiaoyu didn't intend to hide Su Wei's car purchase.

Because she was actually a little undecided about what car to buy.

In fact, after she came to the company today, she had already figured it out.

That is, Su Wei would come to her room last night, probably Fan Wenqi agreed.

After all, he slept in the same room with Fan Wenqi last night, how could Fan Wenqi not know when he came out.

"There is no hesitation. Since he said he would give you a car, then you can take it. By the way, do you have a favorite car?" Fan Wenqi heard that she was buying a car and put down her car. Worry.

Knowing that Su Wei is a person, he can still tell the difference.

Since Zhou Xiaoyu is hesitant, let her help her make a decision.

"Yes, I prefer the Porsche Panamera." Zhou Xiaoyu actually had her own considerations in choosing the Porsche.

Compared with BBA, this car must be a higher grade.

And compared with those Niu Malun, it is the first grade.

Among the Porsches, her favorite is the Panamera.

While the grade is high enough, it will not be regarded as a driver.

"This car is too cheap. Since you like it, you can buy a top-quality one then, so you don't have to save him money." Since Su Wei is giving the car as a gift, Fan Wenqi plans to choose a better car for Zhou Xiaoyu.

Since Zhou Xiaoyu chooses a Porsche, she will buy the top version of the Panamera.

Anyway, Su Wei is not short of money, so if you buy a car, you can buy a good one.

"I see, thank you Mr. Fan"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Liu Meng? Why are you calling me?" Su Wei was on his way to an appointment when he received a call from Liu Meng.

Su Wei was quite surprised to receive Liu Meng's call.

Because Liu Meng often sends him messages and rarely calls him.

Of course, when she sent a message, Su Wei would not reply to her very much.

Only when she posted those sexy photos, he would chat with her.

"Brother Su, didn't I hear that you came to the capital, so I want to have dinner with you?" The reason why Liu Meng went to Su Wei was very simple, and of course it was not for dinner.

And that movie has already started filming.

She just wanted to ask Su Wei, when did he join the film group.

After all, he is so busy, and now that he is in the capital, she must not let him go.

"You can't find me for dinner today, I have an appointment today." There are really a lot of people who want to invite Su Wei to dinner.

But Su Wei was not very interested in those dinners.

Today is because of Fan Wenqi's side, I need help from him.

And he is not that interested in what Liu Meng said, after all, he has been there several times.

"I'm not free today, can I do it tomorrow? Fanfan has been thinking about you, since I saw you last time, I haven't seen you again until now." Hearing Su Wei's tone, Liu Meng felt a little perfunctory.

Knowing that if she didn't tell Su Wei about this matter, there might be changes tomorrow.

Fortunately, she came prepared this time.

And the time she really wants to ask Su Wei is tomorrow night.

"Shu Mafan wants to see me, so let's do it tomorrow, then we will go to sing together at night, but there are only a few of us, isn't there a small number of people?" Su Wei was not interested at first, because tomorrow he will be with Wu Fei and the others Have a meal.

But moving Shu Mafan out, he became a little interested.

Last time because Aunt Shumafan came, he missed her.

Whatever he said this time, he couldn't let her go.

"Okay, let's call some girlfriends out then." Liu Meng heard Su Wei say that there were a little few people.

What can she do, she can only call some more girlfriends to accompany her.

Anyway, if these girlfriends of hers knew that they were going to accompany Su Wei, they would definitely be willing.

"Remember to find something good-looking, you know my taste." Su Wei was still very relieved of Liu Meng.

She's the kind of person who has good stuff and definitely won't hide it.

And for the ones that don't work, she definitely won't bring them.

"Brother Su, don't worry, you still don't believe me."

. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, you are here, Mr. Fan is already waiting inside." Zhou Xiaoyu stayed at the entrance of the restaurant for a while, and then saw Su Wei's car approaching.

She hurried forward to meet Su Wei and opened the door for Su Wei.

The restaurant Fan Wenqi chose today is a private restaurant on the Houhai side.

"I thought Fan Wenqi should be booked at the Jingxi Hotel today. It seems that I can't see it because of my strangeness." Su Wei followed the navigation and came to the vicinity of Houhai.

Before he got out of the car, Zhou Xiaoyu had already come up to help him open the door.

Originally, Su Wei thought about whether Fan Wenqi would take him to the Jingxi Hotel for a meal at the beginning.

After all, he had heard of the legend of the Jingxi Hotel, but he had never seen it.

"Mr. Su, in fact, Jingxi Hotel is no better than those top five-star hotels. The main reason is to restrict status, so it is a myth." Jingxi Hotel, a top hotel in the system, really makes people full of yearning .

But for a well-informed person like Su Wei, Zhou Xiaoyu didn't think it would shock him.

And she lived there before, so I really didn't think it was the best in the world.

"Who is the person I'm going to meet tonight? Tell me." Su Wei followed Zhou Xiaoyu into the restaurant.

This restaurant is located in a courtyard near Houhai Park.

It is only a few hundred meters away from Su Wei's courtyard house.

"His name is Zheng Ziyang. His grandfather was the one who stood at the gate of the city back then, but because he stood in the wrong line at the back, the back of the house couldn't work. The box in front was reserved by Mr. Fan." Zhou Xiaoyu is Fan Wenqi's secretary, Fan Wenqi It was Zheng Ziyang who checked it out.

So Zhou Xiaoyu here, of course knows his information.

Su Wei just put her to sleep yesterday, so of course her heart is for Su Wei now.

"Awei, you are here, let me introduce you, his name is Zheng Ziyang, we used to be in the same school.

Zheng Ziyang, this is my boyfriend, his name is Su Wei." Fan Wenqi agreed with Su Wei today, asking him to come and pretend to be his boyfriend.

Because she really didn't want Zheng Ziyang to pester her again.

"Su Wei, right? Hello, my name is Zheng Ziyang, and I'm pursuing Qiqi now, so I can be regarded as your rival in love." When Zheng Ziyang saw that the person who came today was really Su Wei.

In fact, he really felt that the two of them should be acting with him.

Because the acting skills of the two of them are terrible, the boyfriend and girlfriend are not close at all.

"Brother, have you watched too many TV shows, what age is it now, and you still play this trick.

Wen Qi, you can ask the waiter to serve the food." Su Wei looked at Zheng Ziyang's outstretched hand, pretended not to see it, and then sat down on the main seat.

Because he knew that Fan Wenqi's purpose of calling him here was to make this Zheng Ziyang give up.

So when he came, he had already thought about it, and he had to be a little crazy.

"Xiao Yu, everyone is here, call the waiter to serve." Fan Wenqi saw Zheng Ziyang deflated, she almost died of laughter.

Because these second generations in Kyoto don't have a particularly good temper.

She didn't believe that Zheng Ziyang could endure the insult.

As long as he can't help cursing, he will never get close to her in the future.

"Su Wei, do you know that Qiqi's family wants to recruit a son-in-law because she is the only daughter in their family?" Zheng Ziyang saw that Su Wei ignored him and went directly to his seat.

He really wanted to lose his temper, but he held it back.

Because now, he really needs the Fan family's help.

"If you ask me this way, it should mean that you have already made plans to become a door-to-door son-in-law, right?" Of course, Su Wei has no interest in being a door-to-door son-in-law.

That's why Fan Wenqi threatened him this time, so he obediently ran to the capital.

He was afraid that Fan Wenqi would tell him when he went home, and then he would be arrested and become his son-in-law.

"I went to the same school as Qiqi when I was young, and I'm familiar with her family, so the environment has not changed for me as a son-in-law." Zheng Ziyang said so much, in fact, he meant that he could accept it. Be the door-to-door son-in-law.

Anyway, it's hard to say whether his grandfather can survive this winter.

If it is gone, then his family may not be able to keep him.

Therefore, he actually wished for the matter of joining the Fan family.

"Zheng Ziyang, you talked a little too much today." Fan Wenqi was a little unhappy when she heard Zheng Ziyang mentioning the matter of getting married.

Because it's not a glorious thing to say about it.

And Zheng Ziyang is willing to marry, but she doesn't want to because she doesn't want to get married.

If she was willing to get married, she wouldn't be like this with Su Wei now.

"You don't mind being the door-to-door son-in-law, but would you like to raise the child for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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