Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 463 My Boyfriend Came To Pick Me Up

"You don't mind being a door-in-law, but would you like to raise my child for me?" Su Wei saw Zheng Ziyang, and even wanted to be a door-in-law.

Then he really wants to know if he is willing to raise other people's children.

After all, Fan Wenqi was really pregnant.

"You, Su Wei, don't go too far, what do you mean by that?" Zheng Ziyang felt it was a great humiliation when he heard Su Wei's words.

Because which man can bear this kind of thing.

Especially since he grew up in a compound like this, he couldn't tolerate such things.

But at the same time, he was very curious about what Su Wei said.

Could it be that Fan Wenqi is really pregnant?

"It's just what you think, otherwise what else could it mean?" Su Wei dared not mention Fan Wenqi's pregnancy to others.

But for this Zheng Ziyang, he said directly.

Because Su Wei has seen everything about this person.

"Su Wei, you are crazy, why are you telling him about this?" Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei and Zheng Ziyang say that she was pregnant.

At this moment, Fan Wenqi was in a daze.

Because she really didn't know what Su Wei was thinking.

Could it be that he really figured it out and planned to marry her but failed.

"Don't worry about Fan Wenqi, I want to see how he answers." Su Wei really wanted to know, are there really so many green-headed turtles.

Knowing that he is not his own child, he can endure it as his own child.

And through this incident, he can also test this Zheng Ziyang.

"Su Wei, don't use this trick in front of me. With Qiqi's personality, I wouldn't believe that she was pregnant." Of course, Zheng Ziyang couldn't accept the matter of raising a child for someone else.

So what he thought in his heart was whether this matter could be fake.

Because the behavior of Su Wei and Fan Wenqi just now did not look like a couple at all.

Moreover, Su Wei's name was Fan Wenqi, and he even called him by his first name.

How could this be the case between couples.

"It seems that you are really determined to be this door-to-door son-in-law this time, and you can even raise other people's children as your own." Su Wei has already confirmed at this time that this Zheng Ziyang has a ghost in his heart.

Because of his reaction, Su Wei felt very strange.

Obviously the whole person was so angry that he was going to die, but he was able to bear it.

And he could even hypnotize himself, thinking he was just joking.

"Su Wei, you don't need to provoke me with words. I want to be this door-to-door son-in-law because I think Qiqi's family is nice." The reason why Zheng Ziyang wanted to marry Fan Wenqi was because of the powerful Fan family in Kyoto.

He has been in the capital for so many years, he is really good at eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking.

Moreover, he has an arrogant personality, which has offended several enemies, and now they all want to eat him alive.

It's just because of his grandfather that no one dares to touch him now.

But the doctor has already told their family members that his grandfather will definitely not survive this winter.

So now, he regards Fan Wenqi as the last straw.

"Zheng Ziyang, stop acting. I can tell you the truth, I am indeed pregnant." Fan Wenqi is not a fool, of course she knows that Zheng Ziyang likes her family background.

Seeing him still there, he lied to himself.

She directly pointed this matter out and asked him not to act here.

"Qiqi, did you tell Uncle Fan about your pregnancy? How could you conceive without marriage?" Although Zheng Ziyang was prepared in his heart, his heart tightened when he heard Fan Wenqi's confession.

Because Fan Wenqi is such a proud person, it is impossible to make up this story to slander herself.

After all, if this matter gets out, she will probably be ridiculed by people in the circle for many years.

So what Fan Wenqi said now is definitely true.

"I will find a chance to tell my parents about this, so I won't bother you. Also, I don't know you very well. Don't keep calling me Kiki. It makes me feel sick. I hope you will call me Kiki in the future. My name." When Fan Wenqi heard Zheng Ziyang mentioning her parents, she didn't give in at all.

Because of this matter, it is impossible to hide it.

It's just that she will be so late at night for the time she chooses to tell.

"It seems that today's meal is an ultimatum for me." When Zheng Ziyang came today, he even dressed up specially.

Unexpectedly, the food hasn't been served yet, and he can't stay here any longer.

And looking at Fan Wenqi and Su Wei's appearance, he didn't intend to let him continue to eat here.

"Almost, your purpose of chasing me this time is not pure in the first place, so don't act like you've been wronged." Fan Wenqi saw that Zheng Ziyang was at this time, and she was still pretending to be affectionate.

Because she grew up in the compound, she didn't appreciate the sissy type Zheng Ziyang at all.

So this time Zheng Ziyang asked her to marry her, of course she would not agree.

"Okay, then I'll know. I'll treat you to dinner today, so I'll leave first." After seeing the situation clearly, Zheng Ziyang didn't bother too much.

Because although he is gone now, this matter is not over yet.

So he still didn't express his temper in front of Fan Wenqi.

"Su Wei, what do you mean today? To expose my pregnancy in front of Zheng Ziyang, you don't want to be my family's son-in-law, do you?" .

And even if Su Wei wanted to be, she didn't want to.

Su Wei knew all about this, so she didn't understand Su Wei's motives.

"What are you thinking, how can I be your family's son-in-law, I advise you not to have this idea.

I dare to tell this Zheng Ziyang today because he is willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law, and he still chases after you if he doesn't like you. Dare to say it outside, because after he said it, he would really have no chance at all." When Zheng Ziyang left, if he lost his temper.

Then Su Wei might still panic for fear that he would gossip around.

But after seeing his reaction, Su Wei was not in a hurry.

Because the secret that this person hides must be very deep.

After all, it's okay to be a door-to-door son-in-law, and it's okay to help others raise children.

If this is all right, Su Wei dares to write his name upside down.

"You mean, he didn't intend to give up?" Fan Wenqi thought about Zheng Ziyang's expression just now, it was really strange.

If that's the case, there is only one possibility, he hasn't given up on the idea of ​​getting married.

"People who are desperate will grab every straw around them"

"Young Master Zheng, is there something missing?" Wang Yu saw Zheng Ziyang coming out of the restaurant, and thought he had something missing.

After all, it was less than an hour before he entered the restaurant.

In such a short time, it is impossible to finish the meal.

After all, the speed of serving food here is already very slow.

And today he went to eat with Fan Wenqi, so he must prolong the time.

"Get in the car, let's go to Da Dong's side now." Zheng Ziyang got into the Elfari and asked Wang Yu and the others to get in the car.

When he just came out, he had already booked a seat with Da Dong.

Lean back on the chair, and then adjust the position to half-lying.

"Young Master Zheng, are you alright, you were fine when you just entered?" Xiao Xu saw from the rearview mirror that his boss' brows were frowning into one word.

Knowing that his boss was inside just now, he must have had an unpleasant fight with Fan Wenqi.

After all, the Dadong they are going to now is also a restaurant.

Zheng Ziyang has been chasing Fan Wenqi recently, but Fan Wenqi is spending the night at another man's house.

So he boldly speculated whether his boss and Fan Wenqi had a falling out because of that man.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, can you learn from Lao Wang and see how he does it.

Hey, Brother Qian, have you eaten?" Before Zheng Ziyang, he didn't feel that Xiao Xu was dancing like this.

Looking at this Xiao Xu now, the more he looks at it, the more he hates him, so he plans to fire him in two days.

He took out his cell phone, found a phone number called Lao Qian, and dialed it directly.

"Young Master Zheng, I haven't eaten yet, and I'm planning to find a place to fill my stomach." When Lao Qian received a call from Zheng Ziyang, he was already eating.

But he knew that Zheng Ziyang must be looking for him for something at this time.

He didn't come to Kyoto before, but he came to Kyoto because he offended someone in his hometown.

Who knew that here in Kyoto, big fists and many brothers are useless, only relationships are needed.

"I booked a private room at Da Dong's side, come over to have some food together?" Zheng Ziyang asked for old money this time, intending to deal with Su Wei.

Because of Fan Wenqi's presence, the official side must be useless.

Since white is not enough, it can only be black.

"Young Master Zheng treats guests, then I'll definitely be there" Lao Qian has been in the capital for several years, and he has always been making small troubles.

Later, Jingren got to know Zheng Ziyang, and he thought he was going to make his mark.

But who knows Zheng Ziyang's side, it's like forgetting him.

Calling today, he knew his chance had finally come.

"By the way, when you came over, call Lao Zhang as well. I haven't seen him for a long time." Zheng Ziyang thought for a while, and he might not be safe just calling this old money.

So when he called Lao Qian, he asked him to call Lao Zhang as well.

Although this old Zhang is not as daring as old Qian, but others should be more steady.

"Old Zhang, no problem, we will all be there"

"Mr. Zhao, you have only been in Kyoto for half a month this time, and now you are going to the harbor again. We really miss you." Xiao Zhou is an employee of Rolex stationed in Kyoto.

This time Zhao Yayou came to the capital, and got along well with them.

So knowing that Zhao Yayou was leaving tomorrow, they specially arranged a dinner for today.

"Yeah, it would be great if Mr. Zhao stayed for a while longer." Xiao Yu and the others had a meal together this time, not just a simple meal.

Because this time, they prepared a surprise for Zhao Yayou.

"Xiao Zhou, what are you talking about? Mr. Zhao, as the vice president of the Huaxia District, of course it is impossible to stay in our capital all the time, but she will still come to us in the future." Manager Yan told the truth, he is actually here Among the people, the one who doesn't want Zhao Yayou to go is the last one.

Because he came to work before and just felt that every day was similar.

But since Zhao Yayou came here, he has been full of passion for coming to work every day.

He used to just want to be off work, but now he just wants to be at work 24 hours a day.

"You are here in Kyoto, Xiao Zhou, I will definitely come to Kyoto again." After Zhao Yayou was promoted to vice president of Huaxia District, she needed to go to various places for inspection.

Because she thought at the time that Su Wei was in Shanghai, so she chose Shanghai as her first stop.

Who knew that Su Wei went to Europe and then to the United States.

Now she has gone to two places, and now she is about to go to the third place.

"Actually, if Mr. Zhao settled down in Kyoto, then we can often go out to eat like this." Xiao Yu saw Zhao Yayou, and his impression of Kyoto was not bad.

That's when she knew it was time to move things forward.

"What kind of home do I settle in Kyoto, and the price of houses here in Kyoto is not cheap?" For people like Zhao Yayou, who are used to living in the south.

The climate in the north is still too dry for her.

And what Xiao Yu and the others said really overestimated her assets.

"The matter of the house is not easy. Our Manager Yan is a native of Kyoto. There are several houses in his family. Manager, it's up to you. If you have fun, then we will leave first." Xiao Zhou and the others , in fact, they have already seen that their manager likes Zhao Yayou.

So before they came out today, they had already discussed it.

We should take this opportunity to let their managers take this step bravely.

Now when they came out after dinner, they still didn't say anything when they saw Manager Yan.

They could only take the initiative to take the lead, and after they finished speaking, they all ran away, leaving Manager Yan and Zhao Yayou to stay where they were.

"Mr. Zhao, Xiao Zhou's behavior today was not arranged by me." Manager Yan really didn't know about Xiao Zhou's behavior.

At noon, he did see them plotting something together.

But he thought at the time that they were discussing where to eat at night.

"I can tell that you're so nervous, it's definitely not something you specially arranged." Zhao Yayou is not used to these things.

Because she has not experienced too many confessions since she was a child.

This kind of thing has happened several times.

Seeing Manager Yan's helpless look, she already guessed that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Zhao, you came to Kyoto this time. You have been busy with work and haven't gone out to play. How about I take you to sit in the Qing Bar on the Houhai side. The atmosphere there is very good." I was caught off guard.

But after all, he is not a first-time brother in love, knowing that if he seizes this kind of opportunity, he will probably succeed in cultivation.

Moreover, he already liked Zhao Yayou very much.

So at this time, he suggested that Zhao Yayou and him go sit in the bar.

Because in that environment, it is easy to create an ambiguous feeling between two people.

"No need, I have to go back to tidy up my clothes, so I won't go." Zhao Yayou directly rejected Manager Yan's invitation.

Because she has her own date tonight.

"In that case, then wait for me here, and I'll drive you off." If it was another woman, Manager Yan must be stalking her.

But Zhao Yayou is his leader after all, he dare not play this trick in front of her.

After all, the reasons for Zhao Yayou's refusal really left him speechless.

"boom boom"

"The quality of these rich second generations is too poor. They know how to drive sports cars to blow up the street all day long. Mr. Zhao, do you want to stop inside? It's too noisy outside." Manager Yan was planning to drive the car out of the parking lot by himself. when.

There was a Ferrari sports car parked directly on the road outside them.

"Aunt Zhao, get in the car." Su Wei and Fan Wenqi went to take Xiaozhang back to the villa after eating.

Then he drove a Ferrari and went back to the city.

Because he made an appointment with Zhao Yayou today, and they will spend the evening together.

According to Zhao Yayou's location, he happened to see her at the door of the restaurant when he came over.

Su Wei pressed down the glass of the passenger driver, and let Zhao Yayou get in the car.

"Shop Manager Yan, thank you for your hospitality today, my boyfriend is here to pick me up." Zhao Yayou didn't expect that Su Wei would come to Kyoto the day before he was going to the harbor.

When she received his call, she thought he was here just for her.

So when she had dinner with her colleagues tonight, she couldn't restrain her joy.

"Oh, good." Manager Yan looked at Zhao Yayou, and just got into the sports car.

Until the car was out of sight, he kept looking at the direction the car was going away.

"What's the situation with the manager? Why was Mr. Zhao picked up?" Xiao Zhou and the others didn't go far just now.

Instead, they were not far from the restaurant, looking at their manager and Zhao Yayou.

Originally, they were still guessing whether their manager would succeed tonight.

Who knew that a Ferrari drove over and took away their Mr. Zhao directly.

"President Zhao, her boyfriend is here"


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