Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 464 Stamped Rolls Royce

"Who was that person just now? It seems that he is interested in you." After Su Wei picked up Zhao Yayou, he didn't rush to her place.

Because it's still early, he plans to take her to find a place to sit now.

And he was also curious about the man who was beside Zhao Yayou just now.

"Why, are you jealous? He is an ordinary colleague of mine here in Kyoto." Zhao Yayou heard Su Wei ask who Manager Yan was, and knew that he must be a little jealous.

She was happier to be jealous of Su Wei.

Because she was actually afraid that what Su Wei said to her was just for fun.

Seeing him jealous now, I know he still cares about her more.

Because if Su Wei was just playing for fun, then he wouldn't care who Manager Yan was.

"Ordinary colleagues? Didn't you say it was a company dinner? Why are you and him alone?" In Su Wei's heart, he must be a little jealous.

Because when he called Zhao Yayou, she said that today was a company dinner.

Su Wei thought, if there is a company dinner, there should be at least three or more people.

For these two people, what kind of company dinner can they be called?

"Because her other colleagues wanted to get this colleague to be with me, they all ran away a few minutes before you came." Zhao Yayou was really speechless about what Xiao Zhou and the others did. .

If she had known this earlier, she should have revealed her identity when she first came to Kyoto.

In this case, things like today will not happen.

Going to the harbor tomorrow, Zhao Yayou is sure to let everyone know that she is already in love.

"These people are so courageous, they even dared to pry the corner of my wall." After Su Wei asked clearly, he finally let go of the stone in his heart.

But this time, he was a little upset again.

Because these people from Rolex in Kyoto are too courageous to poach his corner.

Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise he would definitely make them pay the price.

After all, his corner is not so easy to dig.

"What's yours? I'm not yours. I'm just your Aunt Zhao." Because Zhao Yayou is older than Su, she herself is more concerned about this.

And when Su Wei called her to get in the car, he called her Aunt Zhao.

So Su Wei said that she belonged to him, but Zhao Yayou said that she was not, she was just an aunt.

"Yoyo, who said that this is my boyfriend who came to pick me up, you thought I didn't hear it?" Just now Zhao Yayou said to store manager Yan that this is my boyfriend who came to pick me up.

Although the sound is not very loud, there is also the interference of the exhaust sound of the sports car.

But Su Wei could still hear clearly how Zhao Yayou introduced him to her colleagues.

If it wasn't because he heard the introduction, how could he just be a little jealous.

"My words were just intended to use you as a shield, to make that colleague retreat in the face of difficulties." Zhao Yayou didn't expect that Su Wei would hear those words she introduced.

This made her face turn red immediately.

Although her relationship with Su Wei is indeed beyond friends.

But Su Wei and her have never clearly stated her identity.

Now that she introduced Su Wei directly, she was afraid that Su Wei would laugh at her.

"So that's the case, I didn't expect that I was just a shield." At this time, Su Wei certainly knew that Zhao Yayou didn't mean it.

It's just that she likes to play Tsundere, so he plans to play with her.

Because at this time, the more Su Wei wants to take the initiative.

"Why, are you angry?" Zhao Yayou saw that Su Wei's tone was wrong, and thought he was angry.

This made her panic, because she really didn't mean it.

She just said that because she couldn't get down in front of Su Wei, so she said that.

"I didn't, how could I be angry?" Seeing Zhao Yayou's anxiety, Su Wei knew that his performance was very good.

But the more this time, the more he couldn't let Zhao Yayou react.

Because tonight, he definitely wants to bring the relationship between the two of them closer.

"Ahhhhh, what are you doing, Su Wei, you scared me to death just now?" Zhao Yayou didn't know how to tell Su Wei.

Just saw this Ferrari, the speed increased at once.

Then her whole body was firmly pressed against the seat by the impact.

It wasn't until there were more cars in front of her and the speed of the car slowed down that she was able to breathe heavily.

"Then do you like me or not? If you don't tell the truth, then I'm going to stand up and step on the gas pedal." Su Wei has basically been riding in a car recently.

And because pregnant women are often taken in the car.

So when he drives, he is more gentle.

Just now when he saw the red light turn green, there was a long space in front of him, so he stepped on it a little.

"Why are you like this? If I don't like you, why did I ask you to pick me up? Why did you tell my colleagues that you are my boyfriend? Who knew that you are so stingy and deliberately scared me?" Zhao Ya Seeing that Su Wei did not leave at the green light, You deliberately waited until the red light to be the first in line.

Knowing that if he doesn't tell the truth, he will definitely continue to oil the floor.

She really didn't want to experience that feeling just now.

"The adrenaline rush just now, don't you think it's very exciting?" Su Wei just froze for a while, but it wasn't enjoyable at all.

So he thought about whether he should take Zhao Yayou to play on the track.

After all, there are too many people on the road, and it is not suitable for drag racing.

If something unexpected happened, it would be too late to regret.

"Why did you go out with this car today? People who don't know think it's a rich second generation who likes to bomb the streets." Zhao Yayou heard the meaning of Su Wei's words, so she didn't want to answer his words.

After all, she really doesn't like drag racing very much.

Because of her, she still prefers to take a car.

"Because only by driving a supercar can you feel that you are driving a car. Do you want to try and drive this car?" Su Wei felt that driving a car requires driving a supercar.

Because only supercars have the feeling of pointing and hitting.

The steering wheel of a family car all has empty space.

He saw that Zhao Yayou didn't like this car very much.

So he wanted her to experience what it was like to drive a supercar.

"I've never driven this car before, what if it hits me?" Zhao Yayou really didn't like supercars that much.

But if she can drive a supercar, then she definitely wants to experience it.

Because she had never touched a supercar before, she was a little afraid to ride it.

"If you hit it, you hit it, it doesn't cost much anyway."

"Feifei, why did you take the initiative to go shopping today? I usually want to call you out, but you all have to wait for the weekend." Recently, Jiang Shan's relationship with Wu Fei and the others has been getting better and better.

At first, it happened because Jiang Shan wanted to find out when Su Wei would come to Kyoto.

In this way, she can hide in advance.

After getting in touch later, I found that Wu Fei and the others are very nice people, so everyone got to play together.

Today, Wu Fei and the others unexpectedly called her out for dinner and shopping.

She usually asks them to go out to play, but they all have to wait until the weekend.

"I just felt that I didn't have enough clothes, so I went out for a stroll." Wu Fei asked Jiang Shan to go shopping today because Su Wei came to Kyoto.

She wanted to make Su Wei feel bright this time.

So I called Zhang Xuewei and the others to buy some new clothes.

"Ah, you only bought so many clothes last time, and they were all big brands. It's only been over a month, and it's not enough for you to wear?" Last time they were in SKP, they spent several million.

At that time, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei each bought hundreds of thousands of clothes each.

It's only been a month now, don't you have enough clothes?

"Jiang Shan, you don't know yet, Su Wei came to the capital today, so we're going to buy some new clothes." Every time Li Qiuhua saw Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei, she would envy her.

After all, since the two of them became Su Wei's girlfriends, they really lived happily ever after.

Especially Su Wei gave Zhang Xuewei and the others a card for each of them.

Every month, 200 million will come in.

During this period of time, she has been eating and drinking after Zhang Xuewei, and now she doesn't even hang out in the circle.

Because the big brothers in those circles are so low compared to Su Wei.

"What, Su Wei is coming to the capital?" Jiang Shan heard Li Qiuhua say that when Su Wei was coming to the capital.

The whole person immediately recalled what Su Wei said to her last time.

Last time, Su Wei said that when we meet again, we will kill her.

So now she doesn't know what to do.

"Shanshan, what's wrong with you? Why is this expression? Are you feeling unwell?" Seeing Jiang Shan's expression, Zhang Xuewei suddenly became ugly.

I thought it was Jiang Shan who was not feeling well, so I hurried over to help her.

Because Jiang Shan knew that she and Wu Fei were Su Wei's girlfriends, so they interacted more with Jiang Shan.

After all, they can talk about many things that others don't know.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm coming to my aunt soon.

By the way, it was a month ago when he came here last time, isn't he afraid that you will break up with him?" The fact that she cheated on wechat money must not be known.

Because if that incident came to light, she would definitely be expelled from school.

And because the amount exceeds tens of thousands of dollars, she may also be sent to prison.

Every time she thinks about these things, she will feel depressed and hate herself for doing this.

"No way, he's very busy, and he has so many people under him." Wu Fei and the others also thought at first that Jiang Shan was not feeling well.

It turned out that she might be the aunt who was coming.

If that's the reason, then there's nothing to worry about.

"Qiuhua, what do you think of me wearing this dress?" Jiang Shan was fine, and Zhang Xuewei continued to try on clothes.

She took a fancy to a Chanel hakama this time, and asked Li Qiuhua to see if it would work for her after she put it on.

If you let the shopping guide tell you, there will be no bad clothes.

"It's very pretty. Wearing this yellow dress on you makes your skin whiter." Li Qiuhua is basically Zhang Xuewei's little follower now.

There is no way, after all, Zhang Xuewei's strength is too strong now.

She has no money for clothes or food, all of which are Zhang Xuewei's treats.

"What about me, do you think I look too young in this pink dress?"

"Cao Nima, can you drive?" The third child is a senior student, and this is the last time he will go back to school.

Because the brothers in the dormitory are about to go their separate ways.

So today the people in their dormitory went out to have dinner together.

On the way back, the third child was almost hit by a car.

Although the third child was drunk, he still knew that he was almost hit, so he started cursing directly.

"Third, are you alright, don't go in the middle of the road, you will be hit by a car later!" The boss in the dormitory quickly pulled the third to the side of the road.

Because the third child had just walked and walked to the middle of the road.

Although there are fewer cars on this school road than outside.

But there are still so many cars here, didn't they almost get hit just now?

"What's wrong with me walking in the middle of the road? I don't believe these cars dared to hit me." The third child drank most of the bottle of white wine tonight.

So his behavior now is much bolder than usual.

The more others pulled him to walk sideways, he chose to walk in the middle.

"If the third child was hit by that car just now, he would be rich." The fourth child in the dormitory recognized the car just now as a Rolls-Royce.

And between the third child and him, there has been no confrontation.

So when he saw that the third child was almost hit, not only did he not comfort him, he even made sarcastic remarks there.

"Why? What's the brand of those two cars that just drove past? They're so awesome." The second child in the dormitory, his family is from the countryside.

So he has no research on luxury cars.

Because his four years in college were basically spent studying.

Although he only took the second exam in university, he has now been admitted to the 985 graduate school.

"That car is a Rolls-Royce, one of which costs several million, not to mention two, if the third one gets hit, he probably won't have to work for the rest of his life." For this luxury car brand, the fourth It is so rare.

Although he doesn't have the money to buy a luxury car, he likes to study cars.

And after graduating this time, he will soon have his own car.

"So what if you drive a Rolls-Royce, if you mess with me, I'll let them have no good fruit to eat." The temper of the third child is more irritable when he is not drinking.

Now after drinking, it's almost like a wild horse running wild.

"Third brother, don't brag. People who drive Rolls-Royce cars are all powerful people. We are just ordinary college students. What are you pretending to be?" do not give.

Because I lived in the dormitory for four years, no one knows the situation of the family.

And the third child's family is better than the second child's family in the dormitory.

"When you know how good I am, you'll know if I'm pretending." The third child likes to brag because he has low self-esteem.

Because of the poor conditions at home, he always felt that others would look down on him.

Although he knew that Rolls-Royce was expensive, he felt that he would definitely be able to own it after graduation.

"Aren't these two cars the same as the two Rolls-Royces we saw just now? Wow, they are even two-doors." When the second child passed the parking lot, he saw two cars and the Rolls-Royce just now. It's a lot like that.

He knew the Rolls-Royce car, but he didn't know it.

It is even more surprising to see that it is still a two-door.

"Hey, third brother, what are you doing, come down quickly, what the fuck?" When the boss was looking at the convertible Rolls Royce, he saw the third brother climbed onto the hood of a red Ferrari.

And judging by his appearance, he still has to climb onto that Rolls-Royce two-door hardtop.

This made the boss's heart jump into his throat.

"Wang Mazi, didn't you say this car is awesome? I'll give it a kick, and I'll see if it's awesome." The third child just looked at it, and this Rolls-Royce is a bit tall.

So he climbed directly from a small sports car next to him to this hard-top Rolls Royce.

Because the fourth child's surname is Wang and he has pimples on his face, he always calls him Mazi Wang.

When everyone's attention turned to him, he stepped on the front windshield of the Rolls-Royce.

"Hey, hey, hurry up and hold him!" After the boss saw the crack in the front windshield on the Rolls Royce, he was completely frightened.

Seeing that the third child was wobbly and about to climb onto another car, he and the other two quickly pulled him down.

Now looking at the large sunken crack on the Rolls-Royce glass, he really wanted to slap the third child.

"Don't pull me down, there is a Rolls Royce next to me that I haven't stepped on yet"

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