Chapter 465

"This is the room you live in, it looks pretty good." Su Wei and Zhao Yayou drove around for a while before returning to the hotel.

After entering Zhao Yayou's room, Su Wei found that she lived well.

This turned out to be a suite, and there was a small balcony outside.

"Foreign companies are good at this. If you can stay in a good hotel, they won't give you bad arrangements. Hey, what are you doing, how do you take off your clothes?" Zhao Yayou's company is the Rolex Group.

This kind of foreign-funded company provides full benefits for company employees on business trips.

Not to mention Zhao Yayou, she is also the vice president of the company in China.

The hotel arranged this time is the executive suite of Ritz Carlton, where she stayed for half a month.

"I'm sweating, so take a shower." After visiting the room, Su Wei began to take off his clothes and planned to take a shower.

Although on the one hand, he was indeed sweating outside.

On the other hand, it was because he planned to take care of Zhao Yayou tonight.

"Awei, didn't you say you came to help me pack my luggage, why did you come to my place to take a shower now?" Su Wei just wanted to come to the hotel where she was staying, and she was unwilling.

Because she knew that as long as Su Wei came, he might not leave.

So she disagreed with Su Wei's request to come.

But Su Wei couldn't stand the constant talk, and he said he would come over to help her pack her luggage.

She half-pushed and gave up before agreeing to his coming.

"Aunt Zhao, come here." Su Wei went into the bathroom and didn't take a shower directly.

Because after seeing the bathtub, he thought of a more exciting way to play.

When the bathtub was half full of water, he called Zhao Yayou over.

"What's wrong? Oh, why did you drag me in, ah?" Zhao Yayou heard Su Wei calling him, and thought he had something to do.

Who knew that when he reached the door of the bathroom, Su Wei pulled him in.

Only when she entered inside did she realize that Su Wei was completely naked.

"I can't wash my back, please wash it for me." After Su Wei pulled Zhao Yayou into the bathroom, he turned on the shower.

Then he turned his back to her and asked Zhao Yayou to rub his back.

Because there is no way to wash the place behind it by yourself.

"I don't, my clothes are all wet, I want to go out" Zhao Yayou was actually mentally prepared for today's incident.

Otherwise, even if Su Wei's words were all hype, she wouldn't be able to let him into her hotel room.

It's just that now her clothes are all wet from the water in the shower.

And it was the first time she saw Su Wei's appearance, so she was a little scared.

"Aunt Zhao, don't leave, do you think this place is very suitable for doing something?" Seeing that Zhao Yayou hadn't moved for a long time, Su Wei knew that she was shy and embarrassed to rub his back.

So he took her hand and came to the edge of the bathtub.

It seems that there is only one thing that wants to make her feel less shy about being honest.

"What is it suitable for? Don't be here, let's go to bed." Zhao Yayou wanted to run all the time because she had already guessed what Su Wei wanted to do.

For her first time with Su Wei, she didn't want to be in the bathroom.

"What's the point of the bed, it's in the bathtub"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, what's the matter?" Su Wei and Zhao Yayou were in the bathtub today, and they didn't come out until an hour later.

Because in the water, the feeling of stimulation is doubled.

It's just that it's not good to be in the water, it makes people very sensitive, and the time for exercising will be shortened unconsciously.

When he came out and was about to continue exercising on the bed with Zhao Yayou, the phone rang.

He originally planned to hang up, after all, it can't affect his exercise.

But looking at the caller ID, it was Wu Fei who called.

He knew where Wu Fei was, so he wouldn't call at this hour if nothing happened, because she was already asleep at this hour.

"Honey, come to Chaoyang Police Station quickly, our car was trampled on." Zhao Yayou was already asleep today, but she was woken up by Zhang Xuewei's phone call.

At first, she thought that this call should have nothing to do with her.

Unexpectedly, although this call was made to Zhang Xuewei, it had a lot to do with her.

It turned out that the cars belonging to the two of them were trampled on.

"Your car was trampled? Slow down, what's the situation? Are you okay?" Su Wei heard Wu Fei say that their car was trampled.

His first reaction was whether the two of them were injured.

Because cars are valuable, but talents are priceless.

"We are fine. The police station called just now, saying that our car in the parking lot was trampled, and then let us go to the scene to have a look. The hood of my Ferrari was trampled, and Weiwei's The front windshield of the Rolls-Royce was crushed." Wu Fei and the others were called to the parking lot by a call from the police station.

Seeing the car of the two of them, that horrible look.

The hood of her Ferrari was crushed and deformed and couldn't be opened, and Zhang Xuewei's Rolls Royce was even worse.

The front windshield of the Rolls-Royce was stepped on in the middle.

Although the glass has not been penetrated, it has been dented.

"You are at the Chaoyang Police Station right now. Have you found the person who pedaled the bicycle?" Su Wei heard that he was fine, so he began to care about whether the person who pedaled the bicycle was caught.

Regarding this matter, he actually doubted whether it was seeking revenge.

Because this car is parked in the school's parking lot.

Those students should not be so courageous, dare to smash the car in idleness.

"The person has been caught. He is a senior student in our school. That person stepped on him after drinking." Wu Fei, Zhang Xuewei and the others have already seen the perpetrator.

Because when he was arrested, he was sleeping soundly in the dormitory.

When the security guards were patrolling, they saw the glass of the Rolls-Royce was broken.

Then I immediately adjusted the monitoring and found that it was a car that a student got drunk and stood on the car to step on.

In order not to take responsibility, of course they chose to call the police.

"Okay, then you wait there, I'll be there soon." Su Wei was afraid that the two girls would not be able to handle such a thing well.

So he planned to go out in person to solve the matter for them.

By the way, he also wanted to see if the other party really didn't mean it.

"Ah Wei, you're ready to go out?" Zhao Yayou had just been messed with in the bathtub twice by Su Wei.

When she was just carried out, she could only lie on the bed panting.

After Su Wei made the phone call, she finally recovered a little strength.

"My friend's car was trampled on, I'm going to the police station to have a look." Su Wei was still thinking about it, and had another time in bed with Zhao Yayou.

But looking at it like this, today is definitely not going to work.

Tomorrow she will go to the harbor again, it seems that she can only look forward to the next meeting.

"That friend of yours is also your girlfriend, right? No wonder you bought so many women's watches that time." Zhao Yayou knew that Su Wei must have a girlfriend.

But she really didn't expect that Su Wei also had a girlfriend in Kyoto.

She originally thought that she was a junior and a junior.

From the looks of it now, I don't even know how many I have.

"Don't be jealous, I'll give you a surprise when you return to the magic capital." Su Wei kissed Zhao Yayou's forehead, and then covered her with a quilt.

Every girlfriend of his owns a house.

If Zhao Yayou is here, of course it is no exception.

"I'm not jealous. After all, it's not like I don't know what kind of person you are." In fact, Zhao Yayou really didn't have much opinion on Su Wei going out.

Because when she was just carried out by Su Wei, she felt burning pain.

Even if he doesn't go out, she will hang up the truce sign.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow morning, you should sleep well now"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry. I was drunk at the time. I really don't remember what I did at that time." up.

It was only when the police caught him out of the bed that he realized that he was afraid.

At that time in the police car, he was so frightened that his legs went limp.

Especially when the police told him that if his behavior could not be private, then he was likely to be sentenced to less than three years.

So when he saw the owner of the car, he immediately started apologizing to them.

"When you're drunk, you can crush the glass of my car. Anyway, I will definitely pursue this matter." Zhang Xuewei really doesn't want to cherish her Rolls-Royce too much.

Basically, as long as every few days, I will drive to a boutique to have my car washed.

When she got the call today, she was going crazy.

When she saw the miserable state of her car, she even wanted to kill someone.

"Student Zhang, if you pursue it, the police said, I will go to jail, I just graduated, you can't let me carry the record, woo woo woo" Although the third child has not graduated yet, he has already found him Internships.

If he has a criminal record, the company will definitely fire him.

And he will definitely be affected when he finds a job in the future.

Thinking of this, the third child was really frightened and cried.

"Student Zhang, we are all from the same school. Xie Feng didn't mean it at the time, but he was drunk. After all, we went back to school this time to attend the graduation ceremony." come here.

The second and fourth children also wanted to come over, but the police refused to let them.

Boss, he now knows that this trampling incident is really a big deal.

If one fails, the third child will be finished in this life.

"You guys are talking lightly. You can smash other people's cars when you're drunk, right? Then if I'm drunk, can I kill people and set fire to them?" Zhang Xuewei's car had an accident. Besides Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, Li Qiuhua also coming.

After hearing what the other party said, she immediately became angry.

You can't drink alcohol yourself. If you drink alcohol and smash other people's cars, it's not your fault.

"Qiuhua, calm down.

How about this, we are not unreasonable people, we don't need to hold you accountable, but you are responsible for repairing the car for us, what do you think about this?" Seeing that Li Qiuhua's words became more and more angry, Wu Fei quickly stopped her down.

She actually understood that the other party was drunk at a party before graduation.

And it would be too unreasonable to really send the other party to prison.

So what Wu Fei meant was that the other party just need to fix their car.

"Student Wu Fei, may I ask how much the front windshield and the hood cost?" The police station was alarmed by this incident.

As Xie Feng's counselor, Teacher Bao must have been there immediately.

Seeing Wu Fei and the others' attitude, she agreed to only pay compensation, and she was relieved.

Because what she is most afraid of is that some students at school will be sent to prison.

"I've already asked, the two cars cost 10,000+." Zhang Xuewei contacted the salesman as soon as she saw the car.

Then take the photo to her and ask her to ask the maintenance master how much it costs.

What the other party told her was that the front windshield cost 8 yuan excluding labor.

The whole cover of Ferrari needs to be replaced, and it will cost tens of thousands.

So when she said about one hundred thousand, she really didn't just talk about it casually.

"10,000+? How can it be so expensive? How can my family get so much money? After my parents work part-time for a year, it's only tens of thousands of dollars. Teacher Bao, woo woo, my family really can't afford this money. Come out." The third child was dumbfounded when he heard that he would pay so much.

Because he thought it was just a piece of glass that cost thousands of dollars.

If he had told his family, he would not have been beaten to death.

Moreover, he has been studying in college for the past few years, and his family has been greatly affected.

If there are more than [-] yuan, I really can't get it out.

"Student Zhang Xuewei, I am Xie Feng's counselor. I know the conditions of Xie Feng's family. It is indeed very average, so he usually does part-time jobs. See if you can get the car insurance. The money is enough Don't lose it." As a counselor, Teacher Bao is actually not very clear about the situation in the class.

But she knew one thing, that is, Xie Feng had applied for a scholarship.

And he also came to her to ask if there was any part-time job.

So she knew that the conditions of Xie Feng's family were really not good.

"Teacher Bao, we have all come to the police station now, and the insurance company can't let us go through insurance." How could Zhang Xuewei agree to this, after all, they all came to the police station because of this incident.

Insurance companies are not fools, how could they agree to this kind of fraudulent insurance.

Otherwise, they will be sued by the insurance company instead.

"It's okay, the school at the police station can help you solve it." The principal of the university, they are all at the administrative level.

It is very easy to delete a file.

Especially this police station, which is near their school.

The other party will listen to what their school says [-]%.

"Student Zhang, classmate Wu, I beg you on my knees, my family really can't afford 10 yuan." The third child saw that the counselor came up with this method so that he would not have to lose money.

He immediately knelt down and kowtowed to them both.

After all, just kowtow can solve this matter, so it's really not too cost-effective.

"Feifei, what do you think?" Zhang Xuewei knelt down and kowtowed when she saw the perpetrator.

In addition, Teacher Bao also said that he could take insurance.

So she wanted to see Wu Fei, what she thought.

"Forget it, take the insurance if you can. After all, it's a school, so let's not do anything wrong."

. . . . . .

"Honey, is it right for us to do this?" Wu Fei and the others had just settled with each other when they saw Su Wei coming.

They hurriedly told Su Wei that they decided not to pursue each other and took insurance.

It's just that they are a little worried that Su Wei will feel that they are doing something wrong because of their Virgin's heart.

"Didn't I already give you the car, you can decide on this matter yourself." Su Wei has no opinion on the handling of this car.

After all, the car has already been given to Wu Fei and the others, so they can decide for themselves.

And they have the heart of the Virgin, at least a little better than bitterness.

"The main reason is that we saw him crying so pitifully, and he just kowtowed while shedding snot and tears." Zhang Xuewei thought of Xie Feng's expression, and felt that if he was to be let go, let him go.

After all, if the car is insured, the insurance company will pay for it anyway.

I believe that after this incident, the other party must have a long memory.

"Don't talk about it, this is too disgusting. I'll go to the bathroom first, and I just held back all the way." After hearing Zhang Xuewei's description, Su Wei felt so disgusting.

At this moment, his stomach started to growl.

I don't know if it's because I just played in the water for too long, and my stomach is a little loose.

"Turn left ahead to the toilet, then let's follow the counselor to eliminate this case"

. . . . . .

"Old man, after what happened this time, remember to drink less alcohol next time. Fortunately, the owner of the car is nice and he is still our schoolmate, otherwise you will be finished this time." stains.

After this incident, he really felt that the third child should drink less alcohol.

After all, not every time, the other party will be so easy to talk to.

"Boss, you don't think I was really drunk at the time, do you? I remember it very clearly. It was this Rolls Royce that almost hit me." The third child was actually not as drunk as everyone imagined tonight.

Zhang Xuewei almost ran into him with her car, but he already held a grudge.

He didn't care about it at this time, he was walking in the middle of the road at the time.

Then when passing the parking lot, I saw two Rolls Royce parked there.

He purposely climbed into the car and stomped on the front gear.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be caught so soon.

He was still thinking about going south by car the next morning.

"Then you just stomped on her front on purpose?" At this moment, the boss looked at the words for the next four weeks.

Because if this matter is exposed, then the third child will definitely end the game.

At the same time, he also began to plan to keep a respectful distance from the third child in the future.

Because such a person is really terrible.

If he was sober when he stepped on the glass, then everything he just did was his performance.

"Of course, if there is a chance, I will also crush the front gear of that convertible Rolls-Royce."

(End of this chapter)

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