Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 466 Nobody Can Keep Him

Chapter 466 Nobody Can Keep Him
"Student Wu Fei, if you sign here, this matter is over." Teacher Bao took out the agreement and placed it in front of Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei.

When she came here today, she was still thinking that she was afraid that the other party would be difficult to deal with.

She didn't expect that when she came to see that the other party was only a sophomore in the school, she knew that she would be able to trick the other party into signing today.

The result was similar to what she thought, the other party agreed so easily without the company of an adult.

And what Xie Feng said here, he didn't even ask for a dime.

They probably don't know that this accident is covered by insurance.

Not to mention that next year's insurance premiums will rise, and the car will definitely depreciate.

But what does this matter have to do with her? She just needs to be responsible for making this matter smaller and smaller.

"Senior Xie, I hope that after this incident, you won't drink so much next time." Zhang Xuewei was able to forgive Xie Feng this time because she didn't take the more than [-] yuan seriously.

After all, Su Wei would give her so much money every month.

And she just looked at each other, it really seems that the family is very difficult.

"Student Zhang, student Wu, don't worry, starting today, I will officially give up alcohol, and I promise I will never drink again." The third child did not expect that this time, he would have such shit luck.

After crushing someone else's car and being dragged to the police station, he didn't have to pay any price.

Feeling relieved, he began to look at the two school girls, and found that they were both very beautiful.

In addition to the school girl who just went to sleep in the car, that one also looks good.

In his heart, he was already thinking about adding a wechat message with them when he went out.

After all, they are so beautiful and rich.

If he really finds one of them to be his girlfriend, then he will lose 30 years of struggle.

"Student Zhang Xuewei, don't worry now, hurry up and sign." For Teacher Bao, she felt a sense of accomplishment today.

Because when she came, the school leader said that as long as they agreed, they would let the two of them take care of the graduate school.

Now she just took advantage of their sympathy, and didn't even play the card of Baoyan.

She was already imagining how the leader would praise her when she went to work tomorrow.

"Okay, with Senior Xie's words, then..." Zhang Xuewei heard Xie Feng say that he wanted to quit drinking, and the agreement was fine.

So at this time, she was about to sign.

On the agreement, one hand is covered, and it just blocks the place to sign.

"Wait, this word cannot be signed" The hand blocking the signing place was of course Su Wei's.

When he was squatting in the toilet just now, he accidentally heard this Xie Feng chatting with his dormitory.

Only then did Su Wei know the truth about this man's pedaling.

In that case, how could he let Zhang Xuewei and the others sign this letter.

"Who are you? How did you come in?" Teacher Bao saw that Zhang Xuewei was about to sign, but an unexpected visitor came to the office.

And he came as soon as he came, and blocked the place where the agreement was to be signed.

This made Teacher Bao want to go back to sleep, and suddenly became angry.

I think this person suddenly appeared, so he probably came to make trouble.

"Teacher Bao, this is my boyfriend.

What's wrong with Awei?Why don't you sign it? "Wu Fei was not surprised to see Su Wei appear.

It's just weird how he's out of breath.

He didn't come running over after going to the bathroom, did he?

"You stepped on my girlfriend's car, right? Tell me, why did you step on their car?" Su Wei originally planned to call Wu Fei and the others not to sign.

But he was afraid that he would not be able to explain clearly on the phone, so he ran over immediately after going to the toilet.

Because he exercised too much today, he was a little out of breath when he ran over.

"Sir, we just made it clear to Wu Fei that Xie Feng committed this kind of thing because he was drunk. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." Teacher Bao was thinking that this person would Not some kind of mess.

Because of his appearance and clothes, one can tell that he is definitely not a student in the school.

It's just that she didn't expect that this person would be Wu Fei's boyfriend.

When she saw Wu Fei just now, she thought she was a good girl.

"Ah yes, I was drunk at the time, and I didn't know what I did at that time." Among the three girls, Wu Fei was the prettiest one.

Xie Feng also had the most favorable impression of Wu Fei.

Because when she speaks, she is relatively soft-spoken.

So he was actually hostile to Wu Fei's boyfriend who suddenly appeared.

"You said you were drunk at the time, but now I look at you, why are you so sober, and you were in the toilet just now, I heard you didn't say that, you said you stepped on this car on purpose, and I also want to crush that convertible Rolls Royce." When Su Wei just took a shit, he really didn't expect to hear this inside story.

Although he didn't approve of Wu Fei and the others' Virgin Mary before.

But since they have all made up their minds, he respects their opinions.

After all, it's just a car. If it breaks down, it will be repaired, and at most, it will be replaced.

But now that he knew that things were not like that, he definitely couldn't let Wu Fei and the others reconcile.

"What, did you do it on purpose?" Zhang Xuewei heard Su Wei say that this Xie Feng did it on purpose.

She was completely pissed off, but with Su Wei around, she held back her anger.

Because his own man is here, he will definitely find justice for them.

"I didn't say that, don't blame me." The third child didn't expect that what he said in the toilet just now was overheard.

And this person is Wu Fei's boyfriend.

But at this time, he definitely couldn't admit it.

Because of this incident, he hated Su Wei even more, thinking that he would definitely take revenge if he had the chance.

"Sir, do you have evidence? I believe that Xie Feng can't say that. If you want compensation, Xie Feng can give some appropriately here." Mr. Bao asked whether Xie Feng stepped on the car intentionally or not.

In fact, it doesn't matter to her.

She only knows one thing, that is, there can be no students in the school, and they will go to jail because of this incident.

"I don't have any money to pay, my family's life is difficult, and I can't pay a penny." It was originally agreed that I don't have to pay a penny.

The third child saw Teacher Bao because of the appearance of Wu Fei's boyfriend, so he would definitely not want to ask him to pay.

After all, he was already an intern right now, so asking for money would definitely alarm his family.

And he has already seen that Teacher Bao will definitely save him, so he is 100% unwilling to pay.

"Student Wu Fei, haven't we already agreed to let the insurance company pay the money, take your boyfriend out and explain to him?" Teacher Bao really didn't want to care when he saw Xie Feng doing this. him.

But the task given to her by the school leader is not to let this matter ferment.

So she could only signal Wu Fei to take her boyfriend out, and she would get Zhang Xuewei out first.

"Teacher Bao, we decided after consideration that we cannot sign this letter." Wu Fei must have 100% trust in Su Wei.

Since Su Wei said that Xie Feng stepped on the car window on purpose.

Then she must believe Su Wei, Xie Feng stepped on this car on purpose.

"How can your words not count, I knelt down for you just now." Seeing Wu Fei and the others, Xie Feng didn't intend to sign.

He became anxious all of a sudden, after all, he knelt down to them just now.

If they go back on their word, then he is not kneeling in vain.

"Student Zhang Xuewei, you are still students, how can you break your word with the teacher? The school leaders are very concerned about this matter." Teacher Bao had no choice but to carry it out of the school.

Because Wu Fei and the others are students after all.

Even if they drive a Rolls-Royce, she doesn't think they want to offend the school.

"Who are you?" Su Wei knew that the woman in front of him was a teacher at the school.

But what exactly is the teacher, he is not very clear.

"I am Xie Feng's counselor. My surname is Bao. The school leader asked me to handle this matter. This is a matter that can be solved. You must hold on to Xie Feng, even if it is him He doesn't have the money to pay for sending it to prison, so it's better to take out insurance, at least the money for car repairs will be paid out, don't you think so?" Teacher Bao's words are correct in many places.

If you can take insurance, it is indeed the fastest way to get the car repaired.

If Xie Feng were to be imprisoned, the compensation money would not arrive in the account.

And because of this incident, Wu Fei and the others will definitely offend the school.

"Teacher Bao, yes, I will remember what you said today, and we will meet again. As for this person, he must go to jail. No one can protect him, including the leaders of your school."

. . . . . .

"Husband, this person is too disgusting. He deliberately smashed our car while he was drunk." Zhang Xuewei almost signed it when she thought about it just now.

Fortunately, Su Wei came, otherwise she would recall this incident.

I am sure that in the next few years, I will sleep uneasy.

Because of this incident, they were almost treated like monkeys.

"We offended the school this time, will it be all right?" Wu Fei panicked thinking about what Teacher Bao said just now.

Because she is only a sophomore after all, she is naturally in awe of the school.

She just heard a lot of threats from Teacher Bao's words.

"What can happen, the school leaders should think about it, will it be okay to offend me?" If it's that kind of 985 principal, Su Wei might even send someone to mediate.

But he really doesn't think much of this kind of headmaster.

He doesn't need to use other relationships, as long as he sends out his navy, he can make them suffer.

"That's right, my husband is invincible in the world, and the school can only ask for trouble for you." Zhang Xuewei now has a kind of blind worship for Su Wei.

She didn't think the leaders in the school could wrestle with Su Wei.

After all, they are some teachers, what can they threaten Su Wei.

She didn't know at all that the leaders in the school were at the administrative level.

"It's past four o'clock now, let's find a hotel nearby to live in, you can see which hotel is good nearby, I'll make a call"

. . . . . .

"Teacher Bao, what should we do now? They won't sign it." Xie Feng saw Wu Fei and the others, and they really left.

Now his heart began to panic.

Because the police told him before that if the mediation fails, he will go to jail.

"You and Lou Feirong, did you say you stepped on it on purpose in the toilet?" Teacher Bao didn't expect such a smooth thing to go wrong halfway.

For Xie Feng, she really wanted to tear him apart.

Even in the toilet, people who said this kind of thing were overheard, and it was overheard by Wu Fei's boyfriend.

"How could I say such a thing? It's that man who slandered me. In fact, he wanted me to get a sum of money, but I really don't have any money." Actually, at this time, Xie Feng was already thinking about paying a little bit.

Because Wu Fei and the others left too resolutely.

If it wasn't for the money, he might actually go in.

"It seems that this matter will not be settled for a while. You go back to school with me first. I will ask their instructor to chat with them tomorrow. Xie Feng, tell your family to prepare tens of thousands of dollars." Teacher Bao knew , now I can't rely on myself.

I can only think about asking Zhang Xuewei and their mentor to chat with them after work tomorrow.

If it doesn't work, tell them about the insurance research.

Then ask Xie Feng to pay tens of thousands of yuan, and then let them take out the car insurance, I believe the matter will be resolved.

"If it weren't for this man, they both signed the contract just now, and now I have to trouble you, the instructor." Xie Feng heard Teacher Bao say that she planned to save herself.

In his heart, he put down a big stone.

Xie Feng is really scared now, because he is really only one step away from going to prison.

"You, if the school didn't want to get a bad reputation, how could it wipe your ass, remember not to drink next time." This time, the main reason for this matter is that the school doesn't want to have a scandal.

Because the principal was newly transferred to the school, he didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

If another year passes, then Xie Feng will enter the classroom properly.

"Ms. Bao, don't worry, I promise I won't drink at all in the future." If you don't drink in the future, how is that possible?

If it wasn't for drinking this time, Xie Feng would definitely suffer.

In fact, Xie Feng himself was still thanking the wine for shielding him from the responsibility.

"Hey, Teacher Bao, where are you taking Xie Feng?" Officer Liu is the police officer in charge of Xie Feng's case today, and he personally arrested Xie Feng to the police station.

He was also the one who told Xie Feng just now that if he couldn't keep it private, then he would go to jail with his criminal record.

Now seeing that Mr. Bao was going to take someone away, he quickly stopped him.

"Oh Police Officer Liu, I'll take them back to school." Teacher Bao was a little confused when she saw Officer Liu blocking her way.

Because this police station is basically dedicated to managing their school.

So teachers like them are not afraid of the police officers at the police station at all.

"This can't be done, Xie Feng is a criminal suspect now, and the owner doesn't choose to be private, so he can't go with you." Normally, the school teacher would take the students away.

Then Officer Liu must not say a word here.

Because since she can come here, someone from the school leader must have greeted her.

As a police station attached to the school, they actually listen to the school leaders in everything.

But in today's case, it will not work, because someone from a higher level greeted him.

"It's okay, our school will take care of this matter. When I came, our leader should have called." Teacher Bao saw that Officer Liu would not let him go, and thought he was worried about Xie Fengfeng's escape.

So she specifically mentioned that the school leaders had already greeted her.

Thinking that when he heard this, he should let them out.

"Mr. Bao, you know that our police station exists because of the school. Normally, you can definitely take people away, but now someone has greeted our station, so he can't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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