Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 467 Can I Meet Your Boyfriend

Chapter 467 Can I Meet Your Boyfriend
After Zhao Yayou got up in the morning, she saw that there was no one around her.

While sighing, she shook her head, because she felt that she must have been obsessed yesterday.

Otherwise, how could she be so simple and let Su Wei come into the room.

And I still have expectations, thinking that Su Wei will come back in the middle of the night.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Hi guest, breakfast is here"

"I didn't order breakfast, did I send it to the wrong place?" Zhao Yayou heard someone knock on the door, at first she thought it was Su Wei.

Looking through the cat's eyes, I found that the people outside were really waiters.

It's just that she was confused because she didn't order breakfast.

Although her room includes breakfast, she always goes to the restaurant downstairs to eat by herself.

So when she opened the door, she was still wondering if the waiter had delivered it to the wrong place.

"That's right, I asked him to deliver this breakfast.

This is your tip, please excuse me." The person who called the waiter to knock on the door this time was of course Su Wei.

In order to surprise Zhao Yayou this time, he deliberately hid aside.

After she opened the door, he jumped out and told her that all this was arranged by him.

"Why did Ah Weiyou come here? Have you taken care of your friend's car?" When Zhao Yayou saw that it was Su Wei, she immediately became happy.

She knew that Su Wei would definitely not really ignore her.

It's just that she was very angry because he hid aside to scare her on purpose.

Although she was pleasantly surprised by all this, she really blamed him for scaring her just now.

"The car has been taken care of. Didn't I just tell you yesterday that I will take you to the airport this time? Do you think I'm joking?" Now that Su Wei said it, he's coming to take her to the airport.

Of course he meant what he said, and he must come over this morning.

And when he came here this time, he specially asked someone to drive his Lamborghini Urus over.

No way, he really has too few cars in Kyoto.

If he sent someone to the airport this time, he would definitely not be able to drive a Ferrari.

Su Wei called Rolls-Royce today and asked them to tow the car away.

By the way, let Rolls-Royce transfer two Phantoms to him first, as a means of travel in Kyoto.

It's just that even if it's a current car, you have to wait until Rolls-Royce goes to work to get the car.

At this point in the morning, it was only a little over eight o'clock in the morning, and the 4S shop hadn't opened yet.

"I actually thought you were just coaxing me yesterday. I didn't expect you to rush over. Judging by your appearance, you must have not slept all night." When Su Wei left yesterday, it was almost two o'clock.

Zhao Yayou didn't even need to guess, he knew that he must have been up all night.

While it made her feel distressed, it was also really touching.

"You saw it. You are so smart. I don't know how to hide it from you when I have a secret." Su Wei was busy at the police station until four o'clock yesterday, and then took Wu Fei and the others to the hotel.

The three of them played in the room until after six o'clock.

By the time he went out, Wu Fei and the others were already unable to wake up due to the thunderstorm.

But even though he didn't sleep all night, he didn't feel much at all.

Because he usually doesn't go to bed until three or four o'clock.

"Then just tell the truth in front of me. Since breakfast is here, why don't you have breakfast with me?"

. . . . . .

Wu Fei drove back to school, only to find that her classmates on the road were pointing at her car.

When she just drove this car back to school, her classmates at that time did the same.

But after more than a month, everyone knows that there are two Rolls-Royces in the school.

And after they get used to watching, they seldom point and point like this anymore.

Now the people on the road will be like this, Wu Fei knows in her heart that these people must know about the car being smashed yesterday.

"Feifei, when we come to school in the second half of the year, why don't we go outside?" After Zhang Xuewei got out of the car, she saw that the parking space of her Rolls Royce was empty.

Knowing that his Rolls Royce should have been dragged away by Su Wei for repairs.

When something like this happened this time, she didn't want to live in the school anymore.

So in the second half of the year, she plans to just live outside.

"Okay, then you can accompany me to see the rented house. My house is too far away from here." After this incident, Wu Fei also wanted to live outside.

Because of the unlucky car this time, in addition to Zhang Xuewei's Rolls Royce, there is also her Ferrari Portofino.

It's just that her house is on the west side of Kyoto.

And their school is on the Chaoyang side.

Anyway, she has money now, so she thought about renting a house near the school.

"What kind of house are you renting? You can live in my house when the time comes. Anyway, there are plenty of rooms, so Qiuhua will also come to live there." Zhang Xuewei heard Wu Fei say that she wanted to rent a house.

Then she definitely couldn't let her live outside, so she invited her to live in her home.

The house that Su Wei gave her is in the Oceanwide Family.

If it is far from her school, it only takes about ten minutes to drive there.

And there are five suites in her house.

She asked Wu Fei to live in her house, but there was actually another purpose.

That was to prevent Su Wei from seeing Wu Fei but not her when Su Wei came to the capital.

Wu Fei lived in her house, so it was impossible for her to abandon her.

"Can I live with your Fanhai family in the second half of the year? My dear, that's great." Li Qiuhua heard that when he went to school in the second half of the year, he could live at Zhang Xuewei's house.

She was sitting in the back seat of the car, almost jumping up with joy.

Because of Zhang Xuewei's Fanhai family's house, she lived with Zhang Xuewei and the others.

The space of that house is more than 400 square meters.

Any room inside can be as big as the dormitory they live in now.

"We will live outside for the second half of the year. Wouldn't it be nice to leave Sun Yanfang alone in the dormitory?" Wu Fei actually agreed to live outside by saying this.

Because of Zhang Xuewei's Fanhai family, she also lived there.

In terms of the environment of the community, I think it is indeed very good.

And compared to renting a house, it is indeed more convenient for her to live with Zhang Xuewei.

It's just that there are four people in the dormitory, and three of them have gone to live in the Fanhai family. She is afraid that the remaining Sun Yanfang will be unhappy.

But if Sun Yanfang is also called to live in the Fanhai family, she is a little reluctant.

Because although the relationship with her, Sun Yanfang, has eased a bit, there is still little communication between the two of them.

"Fangfang is fine. She has already told me that she will move out in the second half of this year." Sun Yanfang was in the dormitory, and she had the best relationship with Zhang Xuewei.

But because of Su Wei's appearance later, Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua have the best relationship now.

She had a boyfriend at school this time, and she wanted to live outside for a long time.

It's just that she hasn't announced this matter in the dormitory, and only told Li Qiuhua to know about it.

"Wu Fei, you guys are back. The instructor came to you and told you to go to her office after you came back." Wu Fei and the others walked to the door of the dormitory, and were stopped before they entered.

The person who stopped them was Bai Lin who lived across from them and was also a classmate.

She was in the dormitory at this time because her stomach was uncomfortable, so she didn't go to the afternoon class.

Originally, she was going to get takeaway food, but when she opened the door, she saw Wu Fei and the others coming back.

She happened to remember this incident, so she told Wu Fei.

"The instructor is just called Feifei? Didn't you call us?" Zhang Xuewei heard Bai Lin say that the instructor called Wu Fei to the office.

She guessed that the reason the director called Wu Fei was to talk to her about what happened last night.

It's just that she didn't understand why she wasn't allowed to go with him if it was the incident yesterday.

"No, I remember she only called Wu Fei, so I'll go get takeaway first." After Bai Lin finished speaking, she went downstairs.

Because although she lived opposite Wu Fei and their dormitory, she was also a classmate.

But in fact, the relationship between the two parties is really ordinary.

Because when they were freshmen, many of them isolated Wu Fei because of Zhang Xuewei's incident.

Now that Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei have reconciled, their relationship with Wu Fei has become very embarrassing for those who isolated her before.

Today's move can be regarded as the first step to take the initiative to ease the relationship.

"Then maybe the director called me, he shouldn't be talking to me about what happened last night, I'll go and have a look first." Wu Fei heard that the director only called her, and she couldn't imagine what the director called her for.

She was at school recently and didn't do much.

Could it be that someone reported her again and drove a Rolls Royce to school?
After all, some public opinion had dragged her into the vortex before.

"Feifei, if the director forces you to be private, please remember to call us." Zhang Xuewei still can't figure out why the director called Wu Fei.

She was actually afraid of one thing, that is, the instructor planned to defeat them one by one.

If Wu Fei agrees to go private at that time, her position will be very awkward.

"Don't worry, I know"

. . . . . .

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Mr. Sun, I heard that you were looking for me." After Wu Fei took a sip of water in the dormitory, she came to the office building without stopping.

Then he found the director's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

She actually admires her mentor very much.

Because she remembered that Teacher Sun was a graduate student who had returned from studying abroad, she could be their counselor as soon as she came.

"Wu Fei, you're here, sit down quickly. I've asked you to come here this time because I actually want to trouble you with something." After Sun Yi came to school this morning, she was called to the office by the school leader.

Then she found out in the office that it turned out that the car of two students in her class was trampled by a graduate.

And these two cars are all luxury cars, one is a Ferrari and the other is a Rolls Royce.

At that time, she felt that if she stepped on the car and broke it, she would lose money.

Who knew that the school teacher told her that they wanted to keep the graduate.

Because the headmaster was newly transferred, if this happened after more than a month in office, it would be very bad for his reputation.

But Wu Fei's boyfriend is too strong, so it's definitely not good for them to come hard.

So after discussing, they unanimously decided to ask Sun Yi to persuade him as a mentor, hoping that he would hold his hand high.

"Ms. Sun, about the car, I made it clear to Mr. Bao last night that we don't plan to go private anymore." The decision not to go private this time was made by Su Wei.

As Su Wei's girlfriend, of course she would not change it without authorization.

And the perpetrator at that time actually stepped on their car on purpose.

So if she could forgive him for this, then she would be so angry that she couldn't sleep at night.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here this time to talk about the car with you." Sun Yi knew the key to this matter, in fact, it was to get rid of Wu Fei's boyfriend.

So she didn't talk to Wu Fei directly, because she couldn't understand after talking.

In fact, she didn't want to take over this matter.

After all, debts are repaid, and murder is paid for.

That graduate trampled on Wu Fei and the others' car, so he must be held responsible.

It's just that she is under the eaves now, so she has to bow her head.

"Didn't you ask me to talk about the car? What's the matter?" Wu Fei heard from her instructor that she wasn't talking about the car with her.

Then she couldn't figure it out, what else could it be other than this.

After all, she was in school, and she had to be in every class except this morning.

"It's about your boyfriend"

. . . . . .

"What's the situation? Your instructor wants to find me?" After sending off Zhao Yayou, Su Wei returned to Yuanyang Lavie.

Because here it is closer to Kyoto Airport.

He fell into a drowsy sleep, and was woken up by Wu Fei's phone call.

Wu Fei heard on the phone that their counselor wanted to meet with him.

This made Su Wei wake up immediately, because he didn't understand what was going on.

"Well, I just came back to school today, and she came to me and said she wanted to meet you." She told the instructor that she wanted to meet Su Wei.

If Wu Fei is here, she must be reluctant.

Because she asked why she was looking for Su Wei, her instructor refused to tell her.

But her tone was very sincere, so she could only call Su Wei.

"Meet me, is he a man or a woman?" Su Wei passed the teacher Bao yesterday, but he actually had a bad impression of the teachers in Wu Fei's school.

Because the teachers in their school are a bit too bureaucratic.

He thought that if it was a man, he would refuse directly, because he was afraid that he could not help beating someone.

Anyway, after passing by the police station, they must know his strength.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to come to him, but continue to threaten Wu Fei and the others directly.

"Our guide is a girl. Why is she looking for you? Is it because she wants you not to pursue the person who caused the accident yesterday?" Why is the guide looking for Su Wei this time? All Wu Fei can think of is about the car accident last night thing.

Otherwise, what else would their director talk to Su Wei about.

"I don't know about that. I don't care if I see her or not. You have the final say on this matter. After all, she is your counselor." Su Wei didn't care whether he saw the counselor or not.

She was Wu Fei and the others' head teacher anyway, so he gave Wu Fei the right to choose.

"Let's meet, that's when we have dinner tonight, and I'll bring her here." Wu Fei thought for a while, and decided to let their mentor and Su Wei meet.

After all, their instructors treat the people in their class very well.

She arranged to meet at dinner this afternoon, thinking that if there was a dispute, they could persuade them.


. . . . . .

"Wu Fei, what does your boyfriend say, is he free today?" Sun Yi felt that she wanted to meet Wu Fei's boyfriend.

Then she would definitely not be able to ask her to call back, so she was asked to call in the office.

After they finished talking, she opened the door and came in.

"Teacher Bao, he said that everyone can meet me when I have dinner at night." Wu Fei plans to live outside in the second half of this year.

At that time, the counselor will be able to decide whether to call the parents or not.

So she asked the instructor to meet with Su Wei, mainly to prepare for the second half of the year.

"Then after school in the afternoon, I'll call you." Seeing Wu Fei nodding, Sun Yi set the time for the afternoon.

Knowing this time period, we should meet at dinner time.


(End of this chapter)

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