Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 468 Virtual Patient

Chapter 468 Virtual Patient
When Su Wei woke up again, it was already past five in the afternoon.

Looking through the window, I found a few babysitters chasing and playing in the yard.

He didn't bother them, but sat on a chair on the balcony and watched them chase.

Su Wei has not experienced this kind of ordinary happiness for a long time since he became rich.

It was just that when one of the babysitters looked up and saw Su Wei sitting on the balcony of the master bedroom, she was startled.

Then the three little nannies quickly dispersed as birds and beasts.

This made Su Wei speechless, because he didn't plan to do anything.

Now that the little nanny stopped fighting, he planned to go out to have dinner with Wu Fei and the others.

"Xiao Zhang, I asked you to pick up the car at the Rolls-Royce store today. Have you picked up the car yet?" After Su Wei went downstairs, he saw Zhang Ruoyu watching TV.

When he came back this morning, Zhang Ruoyu was already awake.

So he told Zhang Ruoyu to go to the Rolls-Royce store and bring back the two Rolls-Royce Phantoms.

He didn't want to be in Kyoto in the future without his own car.

Although things like sports cars are really cool to drive by yourself.

But it is just a toy after all, it is impossible to drive it out every day.

"President Su, the car has been brought back. I put one at home, and then the company stopped one." Zhang Ruoyu got up this morning and was doing yoga in the yard.

Right here at the front door, the sound of a sports car entering the house.

At that time, she was still surprised that her boss got up so early.

It was only when I saw Su Wei that I realized that he hadn't slept yet.

And the first thing he did when he saw her was to ask her to bring back two Phantoms from the Rolls-Royce store.

Because there were no two Phantoms in the Rolls-Royce shop that Su Wei contacted.

Among them was a Phantom, which was dragged from another store in the afternoon.

After finishing the formalities for the two cars, she left one of the Pearl Silver Rolls Royces in the villa, and the other dark silk blue Rolls Royce in the Caihong Mansion.

Because Su Wei's Rolls Royce in Kyoto is black, so she specifically doesn't want black ones this time.

"There is no need to park at the company. Just buy two Maybachs and go there. You can park my other Rolls-Royce in my courtyard in Ya'er Hutong." Although Su Wei bought this Caihong mansion, he is sure Will not go often.

So parking two Mercedes-Benz Maybachs is completely enough.

And Ya'er Hutong, he will definitely use it in the later stage.

After all, this courtyard has already been in his hands, so it is impossible for him to leave it empty.

"The courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong? Didn't we not buy that house?" Zhang Ruoyu remembered clearly that Su Wei didn't buy the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong.

And if she really bought it, she would be by Su Wei's side, so it's impossible not to know.

So when she heard Su Wei say Ya'er Hutong, she thought he was wrong.

"You forgot. At that time, the Xu family took a deposit of [-] million yuan from me. Now that the Xu family has closed down, this courtyard house will naturally belong to me." The courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong was certainly not bought by Su Wei with [-] million yuan.

After all, this place is here, even if it is an auction, it is impossible to sell it for [-] million.

The courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong was specially given to Su Wei by Fan Wenqi.

"The Xu family went bankrupt? It's really unexpected. Do you want to find someone to start renovating the courtyard in Ya'er Hutong?" Zhang Ruoyu was still quite sad about the collapse of Xu's group.

Because she still remembered Xu Jinhui's defiant look when she first met him.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the Xu Group had already closed down.

"Okay, after we go to see the place tomorrow, you can find someone to start decorating. By the way, I plan to use this place as a restaurant in the future." The courtyard in Ya'er Hutong has already been cleaned up, just wait Then Su Wei came to receive it.

But for Su Wei's place, he has been very busy in the past few days.

If he has no plans tomorrow, he plans to go and have a look.

Anyway, he had already seen the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong once.

"Restaurant? President Su, didn't you say at the beginning that you want this place to be a house that can be passed down?" Zhang Ruoyu remembered that Su Wei was at the dinner table, but she told his father Su Xiaoming that this courtyard house should be passed on as the family's ancestral house.

Why is it really won now, and he wants to turn this courtyard into a restaurant.

"The environment here on the second ring road is so bad, and the villa I'm living in right now is pretty good. Opening a restaurant there will also make it easier for me to eat later." Su Wei originally had no objection to living in Ya'er Hutong. .

And because he has never lived in a courtyard house, this novelty is also full.

Just because of Xu Meng, he didn't plan to live in this courtyard.

So after consideration, he planned to make a high-end meal here.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, the main thing is to make it easier for yourself to eat.

"Okay, then I'll contact experts in this field and ask them to come up with a plan." A building like the Ya'er Hutong Courtyard certainly cannot invite ordinary designers.

What Zhang Ruoyu plans to invite is an authoritative figure in ancient architecture.

After all, the decoration fee of this courtyard house will definitely be a sky-high price by then.

If you ask ordinary designers to design, they don't have the ability.

"You can handle this matter as you see fit. If you don't have enough money, you can come to me. By the way, today is your driving or Lao Liu's driving." For this restaurant, Su Wei plans to find a top chef at that time.

And this house has two floors, let's see if it can be designed like a restaurant in a TV series.

If this restaurant opens, it will be like dropping an atomic bomb on the restaurant industry in Kyoto.

Because the location of this courtyard house is really top-notch.

"Let me drive the Phantom today. I'm used to driving the Phantom. Mr. Su, Cullinan is about to deliver the Rolls-Royce. I want you to come over and show your face." Zhang Ruoyu still drove the Phantom Carefully.

But after driving too much, I don't have any pressure on driving Mirage.

At this time, she remembered that the 4S shop on the Rolls-Royce side of Kyoto invited Su Wei to make a show when it was delivered to Cullinan.

Because Su Wei directly picked up three Cullinans in the capital this time, and he picked up ten sets by himself in the whole world.

"To mention a car worth several million dollars, you want me to go to the platform for it, don't go"

. . . . . .

"Ms. Sun, when I meet Wu Fei's boyfriend, what are you going to tell him?" Teacher Bao stood by the road and looked towards the parking lot.

Because she was planning to go to Su Wei this time.

And her purpose in the past was mainly because she was afraid that young people like Mr. Sun were inexperienced.

"Speak nice words to him, and then let him let him go for the school's sake." Sun Yi felt a little unhappy when she saw that Teacher Bao was also there.

Because she went there this time for serious business.

If Mrs. Bao also went, it would be hard to talk about her.

So where Teacher Bao couldn't see her, she frowned into a monogram.

"This is definitely not possible. If we say this, it will become us begging him. Where can we put the school's face?" Teacher Bao was a little dissatisfied when he heard Teacher Sun say this.

Because the other party is Wu Fei's boyfriend, if they say that, they will probably be looked down upon.

So what she meant was to be a little tougher, not to let the other party feel that they were begging him.

"But Wu Fei's boyfriend is too powerful. If we are too tough, I'm afraid we will offend him." Sun Yi really wanted to laugh when she heard Teacher Bao's words.

Because if the school really had a way, how could it be possible to negotiate with him.

Now it's not that there is no way to take the other party, so I can only be so humble.

"Then we can't be too weak." Teacher Bao didn't bring anyone back yesterday, so he went to report to the principal immediately this morning.

At that time, the principal was still a little unhappy that he didn't bring anyone back, and felt that all the dispatchers were putting on airs.

Then he called in person, and after hearing what the other party said, he realized that he had kicked the iron board.

In this case, he can only let Teacher Bao and Wu Fei's boyfriend sue for peace.

"Ms. Sun, Mr. Bao, you are here too." Zhang Xuewei came to the school gate in Wu Fei's Rolls Royce.

She saw a person she really didn't want to see was there, and that person was Teacher Bao whom she met yesterday.

For teachers like Teacher Bao, Zhang Xuewei doesn't like her at all.

"Yeah, this time I thought, with Teacher Sun alone, I might not be able to explain a lot of things clearly, so I plan to go with her." Teacher Bao only became a lecturer in his thirties this year.

And Sun Yi has been a lecturer in less than two years since she came to the school.

So Teacher Bao was actually a little worried about Sun Yi's words, so he chose to follow.

"But my car can only squeeze two people in the back, and we only have one seat in the car now. If Wei Wei's Rolls-Royce is not broken, it will be great, and we can take Teacher Bao with us." Wu Fei I also have a bad impression of Teacher Bao.

It happened that she, Yaoying, could only seat four people.

She just used this reason to keep Teacher Bao out.

And before she finished keeping people out, she still wanted to mock Teacher Bao a little.

"Mr. Sun, if that's the case, why don't I go? Can you go alone?" Teacher Bao thought that he could take a Rolls-Royce today.

Unexpectedly, this car has four seats, and there is only one seat in it.

Even though she knew it was crowded, she could still sit down.

But she knew that Wu Fei and the others did not welcome her.

After all, Zhang Xuewei's Rolls-Royce was mentioned in front of her. It would be really impolite for her to use it again.

"Ms. Bao, don't worry, I know what to do." Sun Yi never thought that what she had been worrying about for so long would be resolved so easily.

Seeing that Teacher Bao didn't plan to go, she quickly got into Wu Fei's Rolls Royce.

I'm afraid that if I run too slowly, Teacher Bao will say that she will drive by herself.

"If that's the case, then be careful all the way." Teacher Bao saw that Sun Yi was already in the car, so she could only pin her hopes on her.

I hope she can finish this matter beautifully.

"Goodbye, Teacher Bao"

. . . . . .

Su Wei chose a Hunan restaurant for dinner this time.

Because Wu Fei is from southern Hunan, while Zhang Xuewei is from northern Hunan.

Because Xiaozhang is with him, he can eat some spicy food now.

So the restaurant he chose was of course his favorite taste.

"Ah Wei, there was a traffic jam outside just now, so I came late." Wu Fei opened the door and saw that Su Wei was already in the box.

She came here this time because there were too many cars on the road, so she was actually quite nervous about driving.

Fortunately, most of the cars on the road knew that it was a luxury car, and only a very few people would drive the car in front of her.

"I've only been here for a while. This is your counselor." Su Wei saw that among the four of them, only one was a stranger.

No need to guess, this person must be their counselor.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Wu Fei's counselor, my surname is Sun, and my name is Sun Yi." The reason why Sun Yi was so active when she came here this time was because she knew Su Wei.

It shouldn't be said that she knows Su Wei, it should be said that she knows Su Wei.

It's just her own words, it's the first time she's seen it.

"Ms. Sun is so young. If I met you outside, I might have thought you were a college student." At the beginning, Su Wei thought that Wu Fei and the others' counselor should be an old woman, just like Teacher Bao yesterday.

Unexpectedly, the Teacher Sun I met today was surprisingly young.

And her appearance is the kind that looks relatively immature, plus she is small, it should be less than 160cm.

If Su Wei hadn't known that she was Wu Fei's counselor, he would really have thought she was Wu Fei's classmate.

"Our Teacher Sun is not only good-looking, but also graduated from a prestigious school." Compared to Wu Fei, Zhang Xuewei and Sun Yi are more familiar.

Because Wu Fei's temperament is actually a bit cold.

For people she doesn't know very well, she feels a little repulsive.

So this is why Zhang Xuewei was able to isolate Wu Fei so smoothly.

"This is too much praise for me. When I went abroad to study, it was only because of my unsatisfactory results in the college entrance examination that I went abroad." When Sun Yi said this, she was completely humble.

Because the grades she said were not ideal, it was only because she was still a little short of Qingbei.

In other 985 colleges, she basically entered randomly.

And she went abroad at that time because she was admitted to one of the Ivy Leagues in the United States.

"Today I'm eating Hunan cuisine, and I don't know if Teacher Sun is used to eating it." Seeing that the counselor is a beautiful woman, Su Wei became more enthusiastic.

The main reason is that tall beauties play a lot, and he wants to try this kind of petite ones.

"Although I am not very good at spicy food, I often eat hot pot"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Sun, the meal is almost finished now, you should tell me what is the matter that you came to see me today?" After the meal was almost finished, Wu Fei and the others went back first.

Because they knew that this time Sun Yi came here on business with Su Wei.

It might be inconvenient for them to be here, so they left after eating.

"Boss Su, you should be able to see that I am here today because I was entrusted by the school to talk to you about what happened last night." Sun Yi left the private room to Su Wei and the others after seeing Wu Fei and the others. she.

In Sun Yi's heart, she was extremely grateful to Wu Fei and the others.

"Mr. Sun, are you planning to come to be a lobbyist and ask me to let that student go? If that's the case, then there's no need to talk, because this matter really can't be done." Su Wei, the perpetrator yesterday, planned to Give him a hard time.

It should have been less than three years, but this time he planned to make it more than five years.

And for such a person, he also planned to find someone to greet him when he arrived in prison.

"I came here today because of Xie Feng's affairs, but I don't want to intercede for him, because I think a person like him should be punished." Sun Yi's visit today was not because of Xie Feng's affairs.

Because she can't bear Xie Feng's kind of person who beats up with alcohol.

This time when she was arrested and taken to the police station, she wanted to applaud Wu Fei and the others.

As for the fact that she will take the initiative to come here this time, it is because she intends to come here to attract investment.

"Oh, why did Teacher Sun come to see me today?" Su Wei didn't expect that this Sun Yi didn't come to beg for mercy.

And in front of Su Wei, she actually felt that Xie Feng deserved it.

Then he really didn't know what she was here for.

"I don't know if Mr. Su knows about a cutting-edge technology called a virtual patient"

(End of this chapter)

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