Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 469 Let them hand in all their mobile phones

Chapter 469 Let them hand in all their mobile phones

When Su Wei walked out of the restaurant, he was still thinking about the virtual patient Sun Yi mentioned just now.

The pharmaceutical company he opened is indeed a beneficiary of this technology.

But there is still a problem with the current technology, that is, it has not been successfully developed.

And her purpose of coming to Su Wei is very simple, that is to solicit investment.

Su Wei didn't make a statement on the spot, but planned to talk about it later.

Because Sun Yi's laboratory is not in China, but in the United States.

And she is not in charge of specific affairs, she is just here to help her mentor attract investment.

After seeing Sun Yi leaving, he called Fan Wenqi.

"Hey, what's the matter, what do you want me for?" Fan Wenqi held a sisters party today, at this time Zhou Xiaoyu came over and told her that Su Wei called her.

In Su Wei's normal situation, it was impossible to call her.

So when Fan Wenqi answered the phone, he thought that Su Wei wanted her to sleep in the villa.

This time, she had already made up her mind that she would not go even if Su Wei was talking about the hype.

Even if she went there by herself, she would not take Zhou Xiaoyu with her.

"Do you know virtual patients?" Su Wei called Fan Wenqi just after chatting with Sun Yi.

As soon as he heard about the virtual patient technology, he knew that it was a cutting-edge technology that Huxing Medical needed very much.

But he didn't know much about this, so he called Fan Wenqi because he wanted her to ask the experts in Shanghai Star.

Let's see if this technology is worth investing in.

"Virtual patient? I know, how do you know about this thing?" Fan Wenqi really put a lot of energy into it after taking over Huxing Medical.

Now that virtual patients are the hottest cutting-edge technology, of course she is concerned.

It's just that she was wondering how Su Wei would know about this.

After all, his life should be full of money and women.

And the technology of virtual patients shouldn't have anything to do with him.

"What do you mean by that? Am I so ignorant in your heart?" Su Wei felt a little upset when he heard this.

Although he was indeed ignorant, Fan Wenqi couldn't stand it when he said it directly.

This meant that Fan Wenqi was not by his side, otherwise he would definitely make her skin swell up.

"Aren't you? Well, you haven't said how you came into contact with this thing." Seeing that Su Wei was a little angry, Fan Wenqi quickly changed the subject.

After all, she knew Su Wei well and knew that he wanted face.

If she keeps chasing this topic, she's afraid that Su Wei will really get angry.

Now she is actually quite afraid of Su Wei getting angry, although she doesn't know what she is afraid of.

"Someone asked me for investment, so I want to ask you, is this thing reliable? If it is reliable, I plan to give her money." Su Wei saw that Fan Wenqi did not continue to talk about this topic, so he used this topic to pass the time. Donkey downhill.

After all, he himself is indeed a bit ignorant, and Fan Wenqi is right about that.

The technology Sun Yi mentioned here, he is willing to participate in it.

Because virtual patients are a technology to replace real people in clinical trials, it can generate a virtual organ that behaves like a real organ through computer technology, and can replace real people in the initial drug and treatment evaluation.

If there is such a technology, then many experiments can be safely and boldly performed on virtual patients.

Although Su Wei is not a good person, he also knows that this technology can benefit all mankind.

"Many pharmaceutical companies are now researching this technology, but how could the other party find you? He is not a liar, and where is his laboratory?" Su Wei knew it was a good thing when he heard about this technology.

How could Fan Wenqi, the actual leader of Huxing Medical, not understand the meaning of this thing.

It can be said that whoever masters this thing masters the secret of wealth.

It's just that Fan Wenqi didn't understand which laboratory would find Su Wei.

After all, his usual image is that of a playboy who only knows how to spend money, and he doesn't match up with a medical tycoon at all.

So she naturally thought that the person who contacted Su Wei was a liar who was here to cheat money.

"I don't know why she came to me, but she shouldn't be a liar. By the way, their laboratory is in Boston, USA." Su Wei was inclined to think whether Sun Yi was a liar or not.

It's not because he thinks other people are good-looking, but because she said that Su Wei can find someone to go to the laboratory for field inspection, and she also told him about the laboratory.

It's just that the name of that laboratory is very long, and Su Wei didn't remember it himself.

The only thing he remembers is that the laboratory is in Boston, USA.

"The laboratory in Boston? Is it possible or true?" Fan Wenqi originally thought, if the laboratory was in China.

Then she didn't even have to think about it, she could directly judge that person was a liar.

But I heard Su Wei say that this laboratory is in Boston.

This made her murmur in her heart, thinking it couldn't be true.

It's just that she was puzzled why the other party came to Su Wei instead of her.

"Is Boston's medical treatment very strong? Is it not as good as Los Angeles and New York?" Su Wei didn't expect Fan Wenqi, after hearing about Boston.

Even Sun Yi's image of a liar was reversed in an instant.

It's just that Su Wei doesn't understand why Boston's medical care is better than New York and Los Angeles.

After all, New York is the largest city in the United States, and Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States.

"The medical technology in Los Angeles and New York is indeed very good, but it is still not comparable to Boston. Su Wei, if this laboratory is real, Shanghai Star must participate." If New York and Los Angeles score 90 points, Then Boston is the score of 100 in the class.

Boston's medical care is undisputedly number one in the United States, or in the world.

Especially three miles southwest of downtown Boston, that place is called the Longwood Medical Industry District.

It brings together the world's top hospitals and medical schools, as well as a large number of top medical laboratories.

If the other party is really a talent in this field, then Shanghai Star will definitely invest in it.

"Okay, then I know, you can find some experts in a while, and then we will go there together"

. . . . . .

"Teacher Sun, we are here." Zhang Xuewei and the others waited at the entrance of the restaurant for an hour, but they saw Sun Yi coming out.

She beckons for the first time, so that she can see them.

But Wu Fei's Rolls-Royce, she believed, was still very conspicuous, and the other party would definitely be able to see her easily.

"Why haven't you returned to school yet? You can't be waiting for me, but why didn't you go in and wait?" Sun Yi was planning to take a taxi back when she came out.

It was only when she heard someone calling her that she realized that Zhang Xuewei and the others hadn't left yet.

Just now Su Wei said that he would send her off, but she politely refused.

Because of the way Su Wei looked at her, she felt that Su Wei was very dangerous.

"Miss Sun, you obviously have something to do with Ah Wei today, so we don't want to disturb you, but you came with us, so we must be responsible for bringing you back." Wu Fei is waiting here for Sun Yi, although she is indeed going to send her off go back.

After all, Sun Yi lives in the single dormitory of the school.

But in fact, they are here for another reason, and that is to supervise Sun Yi.

Because Li Qiuhua, Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei said that Su Wei is likely to fall in love with Mr. Sun.

So before Sun Yi came out, they were really worried.

"Student Wu Fei, thank you very much today." Sun Yi was very grateful to Wu Fei today.

Because without Wu Fei, she would have no chance to get in touch with Su Wei.

It's just that she doesn't understand the relationship between Su Wei, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei.

Su Wei said he was Wu Fei's boyfriend, but he was too close to Zhang Xuewei.

"Ah Wei, he really agreed to let him go? How did you convince him?" Wu Fei thought that Su Wei agreed to let him go when she heard Teacher Sun thanking her.

Wu Fei, who was not worried about their relationship at first, became nervous now.

Because in her impression, Su Wei was not a good talker.

Now that he changed his mind, Teacher Sun could only use a beauty trick.

If so, she would really be angry.

"I didn't talk to him about what happened last night. I think it's good for the person who stepped on the car to go to jail. I'm looking for your boyfriend today because my mentor's project is short of money, so I'm here to attract investment." Sun Yi will know Su Wei, thus looking for him to invest.

In fact, it was because of Su Wei's yacht, which was reported everywhere in the news during this time.

Many media have picked up on Su Wei's family background. Of course, his being the major shareholder of Huxing Medical has also been exposed.

"Oh, so that's the case, then you talk about success?" Wu Fei knew that she had misunderstood when she heard that it was the investment.

She also felt extremely sorry for thinking of Teacher Sun as that kind of person in her heart.

"This kind of thing can never be discussed successfully, but I think he is very interested in this technology, because this technology is very suitable for his pharmaceutical company, I think the success is very sure." In fact, Sun Yi took this project and went to I found a lot of big bosses in China.

But those big bosses are either hard to meet.

Or their pharmaceutical company has already cooperated with other laboratories.

If she went to see Su Wei, Sun Yi would also go to the doctor in a hurry.

Fortunately, the result is not bad, Su Wei is very interested in this project.

"He still has a pharmaceutical company? I haven't heard him mention it, but we're here to congratulate Mr. Sun on his ability to negotiate a cooperation with Ah Wei." As Su Wei's girlfriend, Zhang Xuewei knew that he had a building for rent.

As for his other industries, she really didn't understand.

If it wasn't for what Teacher Sun said, she wouldn't even know that Su Wei still owns a pharmaceutical company.

"Thank you"

. . . . . .

"President Su, welcome. The box has been arranged." Since Xiaoqian received Su Wei once, his status in the store has risen sharply.

Now many big brothers come to open a card, and they call him directly.

So today, after Su Wei told him that he was coming to the King of K Songs, he has been waiting in the parking lot.

After Su Wei's car arrived, he was the first one to open the door for Su Wei.

"Well, it's the biggest box." Su Wei came to KTV, so he must want the biggest box.

Even if there are only three or five people, the small box makes him uncomfortable.

And today Liu Meng arranged for girlfriends, he didn't believe that there would be very few of them.

"Mr. Su, come here, it must be the largest box." After these two months, Su Wei can be said to be very famous in the bar circle.

In the bars he likes to go to, many small Internet celebrities will also check in.

Because during this time, Su Wei was really popular on the Internet.

If the things he did were placed on a very old rich man, so many people would not pay attention to them.

It's really because of his age, really too young.

If he hadn't been in the capital, the name of the fourth young master of the new capital would definitely have fallen on him.

"Brother Su, you arrived before us." When Liu Meng drove her Mercedes-Benz E over, she happened to see Su Wei get off the car.

She hurriedly brought a few girlfriends to say hello to Su Wei.

"Brother Su, long time no see." Shu Mafan knew that Su Wei was rich when he started.

It wasn't until Su Wei's yacht appeared this time that she realized that his wealth was bottomless.

So this time Liu Meng asked her to meet Su Wei, and she agreed without even checking the time.

It's just that when she was going out, two girlfriends happened to be coming along, so she had no choice but to bring them along.

"Xiao Shu, it's been a long time. I found you look better today." When Shu Mafan came over today, he was wearing a sleeveless white dress.

Su Wei didn't know if she was well-off, but he could indeed see that she had a career path.

Compared with the last time we met, her dress today attracted her a little more.

"That's because the long clothes and trousers she wore last time didn't show her figure today, so Brother Su, you think she looks better." Liu Meng and Su Wei have done several exercises.

She really doesn't know much about what kind of person Su Wei is.

After all, what Shu Mafan is wearing today is a very seductive one.

"Damn it, Brother Su is not such a superficial person." Shu Mafan didn't know if Su Wei was superficial, but she knew the purpose of her visit today.

That is tonight, Su Wei must be taken down.

After all, the ultimate dream of these hostesses on their TV station is to marry a super rich man.

As for Su Wei, isn't that a proper super rich man?

"Xiao Shu, you go in with my assistant first, and Liu Meng and I have something to talk about outside." Su Wei asked Zhang Ruoyu to bring Shu Mafan in first, because he still had something to ask Liu Meng.

And there are a lot of things, Shu Mafan and the others are here, he can't let go.

"Okay, then you have to come in quickly." Shu Mafan saw that Su Wei asked his assistant to take them in first, but she didn't pester Su Wei.

Because she knew that it was impossible for Liu Meng to do anything to Su Wei.

"Liu Meng, where did your two little sisters come from? You don't seem to be familiar with them." Liu Meng and the others got into the same car just now, and a total of four girls got off.

It's okay for the two girls to be taciturn when they meet him, and it's like they don't know Liu Meng.

If so, he probably won't be able to take them down.

And the two of them look very good-looking.

"I really don't know them two well, because they are Shu Mafan's friends, and they both work in CCTV. Looks good, and you will know after drinking. They are also very flirtatious." The two women will follow this time I came because I wanted to drink.

It can be said that both of them are of the wine Mengzi type.

Liu Meng had dealt with them once before, and when they went to pick up Shu Mafan today, they knew they were coming to KTV, so they insisted on coming.

"They are Shu Mafan's friends? What about your best friend?" Su Wei remembered that Liu Meng said that she arranged for today's girl.

Now these two girls are Shu Mafan's friends, but Liu Meng hasn't seen any of the girls mentioned.

"There are four of us, you are not enough, brother Su, you are really greedy, don't worry, they are already on the way, and there are a few of them, you should have seen the TV series they made" This time Liu Meng called Girlfriends, those are all from the film and television industry.

As long as Su Wei watches TV often, he must have seen some people in it.

"Could it be some female celebrity? You already know people of this level?" Su Wei thought that she had hired a famous female celebrity this time after hearing Liu Meng's words.

This made him a little unbelievable, because if she had this ability, she wouldn't have to curry favor with him before.

"Stars are indeed stars, but they are small stars, but they are very open." Really big stars, of course Liu Meng also knows a few.

After all, he was in this industry anyway, and it was normal to have little sisters around him who were in their early years.

But today, no one knows what kind of wine situation it will develop into.

So if Liu Meng is here, of course she dare not ask them to come.

"Let it go, right? Then when they arrive, you ask them to hand in all their mobile phones."

(End of this chapter)

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