Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 470 Crisis Approaching

Chapter 470 Crisis Approaching
The next day.

"Miss Fan, Mr. Su is upstairs, you can't go in now." Miao Ke was recruited by Zhang Ruoyu to be a nanny a month ago.

Her original occupation was to work as a welcome guest in a hotel.

She came to work as a nanny because she heard her colleague said that she would resign and planned to be a nanny.

At that time, she thought that her colleague must be crazy, and she wanted to resign to become a nanny.

Then she inquired about it and found out that she was superficial, and the job of a nanny in a big city is super expensive.

Especially for those who are good-looking and educated, the salary is even more frightening.

After knowing these things, she made up her mind to resign, and then she really came to work as a nanny.

When she was cleaning the handrail at noon today, she saw Fan Wenqi coming, and it seemed that she was going to take the elevator upstairs.

She immediately blocked the elevator door, because she felt that Fan Wenqi could not be allowed to go upstairs. After seeing the above scene, she would definitely quarrel with Su Wei.

"Get out of the way, you should know the relationship between me and your boss." Fan Wenqi came to Yuanyang Lavie today because she wanted to go to the city with Su Wei.

It's just that when she was about to go to the elevator, there was a nanny who dared to stand in front of her.

If this was her nanny, she must have lost her temper directly.

After all, who made them so courageous that they even dared to stop her.

But this is Su Wei's family after all, so she restrained her temper.

"President Fan, it's really inconvenient to go upstairs right now, why don't I call President Su down for you?" Zhang Ruoyu really doesn't recommend Fan Wenqi to watch the scene upstairs.

If Fan Wenqi wanted to see Su Wei, she could call him down for her.

Because of the current relationship between Fan Wenqi and Su Wei, Zhang Ruoyu didn't know if she would be angry after seeing it.

"What kind of person you Boss Su are, you pretend I don't know?" Fan Wenqi already knew about the situation on the third floor when she came.

So she couldn't listen to what Zhang Ruoyu said.

After all, it wasn't the first day she and Su Wei met.

She already knew what kind of person he was.

"Miss Zhang, what should I do now? Miss Fan is going up." Seeing that Zhang Ruoyu didn't stop her, Miao Ke let Fan Wenqi go up.

She was in a hurry now, for fear that when the two of them quarreled, they would use her as a punching bag.

Working as a nanny in Ocean Lavie is her favorite job in the past few years.

After all, when Su Wei didn't come, there were only three of their nannies in this villa.

He lives in a big villa and earns a salary of tens of thousands a month.

If such a job is dismissed, where can I find such a job again?

"Just go up, you shouldn't have stopped her in the first place." Zhang Ruoyu didn't care a bit about not stopping Fan Wenqi.

After all, she just came here, and she didn't intend to stop Fan Wenqi.

She was just afraid that the little nanny and the others would make her go crazy if they kept blocking Fan Wenqi. After all, Fan Wenqi was not an ordinary person.

"Ah? But the scene above..." Miao Ke couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle when he thought of the scene upstairs.

Originally, when they first met Su Wei, they thought it would be great if they could be seen by the boss.

Later, when they saw Fan Wenqi living in the master bedroom, they realized that the boss had a girlfriend.

Who knew that in the early hours of yesterday and today, Su Wei actually brought a group of girls back.

This made their three views really shattered into pieces.

"The time you have been here is short, you will know if you wait for a long time"

. . . . . .


"It's disgusting, who opened the curtains, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'" Shumafan was sleeping soundly, and the sun shone on his eyes as a result.

She rolled over, intending to continue sleeping.

At this time, she felt something was wrong, not because she was not wearing clothes.

And she wore that dress yesterday, in fact, she was already mentally prepared to be slept by Su Wei.

But when she woke up, she realized that she was sleeping with Su Wei in her arms, and on the other side of Su Wei was a woman with her arms around him.

In this room, there are several women sleeping on the sofa.

That is to say, Su Wei slept with several women yesterday, and she was just one of them.

"Where are you not here, you were the most coquettish last night?" Liu Meng called a total of seven girlfriends last night, plus the original four, there are 11 people together.

Except for Su Wei, who didn't like the four girls, the other seven girls were all brought back.

Although Liu Meng and Shu Mafan are best friends, she has never seen her exercising.

It was only yesterday that I found out that Shu Mafan was so flamboyant when he was drunk.

This made her a little confused whether Shu Mafan was really drunk or fake drunk.

"Yeah, Xiaofan really didn't expect you to be able to shake your waist so much when you're drunk." Shu Mafan and her colleague saw Shu Mafan last night, so they knew what a fully charged shaking machine is.

After Shu Mafan sat on it, it took him four songs before he collapsed.

Among the seven of them, she was the one who lasted the longest.

"Stop arguing, you all get out, I have something to do with Su Wei." When Fan Wenqi opened the door, even though she was already prepared, she was still taken aback.

Because there are seven women in this room.

Su Wei, this guy, could it be possible that he really thinks he is Wei Xiaobao?

And with multiple women, he is not afraid that he will die from overwork.

"Are you Su Ge's wife? Just tell us to go out, but I haven't heard that Su Ge has a wife, so why do you ask us to go out?" Most of the people who came this time and Su Wei are the first time Meet.

They would be willing to sleep with so many people with Su Wei because they knew he was the boss of a film and television company.

But they didn't know anything about Su Wei's other situation.

The others didn't know, but Liu Meng knew, so she spoke up.

"That's right, why should we go out?" Most of these women were in a panic.

Seeing Liu Meng getting angry, they also started to attack Fan Wenqi one by one.

"Just because my name is Fan Wenqi, is that enough? Do you need me to report to you?" Fan Wenqi was so angry that she was beaten to death by these people.

If it was outside, she would definitely grab them one by one and smash their mouths to pieces.

Think of her dignified Fan Wenqi, when has she ever suffered from such aggrievedness?

"clap clap"

"So majestic, so powerful, she really deserves to be the eldest daughter of the Fan family in Kyoto." Su Wei saw the women around him and heard Fan Wenqi's name.

He took his clothes and ran out directly.

Some people didn't even take their clothes, and ran into other rooms naked.

"Su Wei, you are really out of shape, you actually brought all these women home." Fan Wenqi felt a little happier when she saw these women running out in a panic.

She has no problem with Su Wei playing with women, but she is really disgusted with his behavior of bringing people back.

Because she felt that these women were very dirty, how could they take them home.

"Don't talk nonsense, these women are actors and hosts, and they are not dubious people. You haven't said why you came to me." Su Wei has stopped looking for paratroopers now. Because there are too many women around him who want to be slept by him.

But he was basically not very interested in what was delivered to his door.

People like Shu Mafan are the goddesses in the hearts of thousands of men on the outside, and only such people can be motivated.

"Put on your trousers, they look really nice, don't they?" Fan Wenqi felt a little better after hearing that these people were not paratroopers.

Throw Su Wei's pants to him and let him put them on.

Because just now when the girl next to Su Wei ran out, she took off the quilt, and Su Wei had no intention of covering it up.

"There are so many requests. It's not like you haven't read it. It's all right now. Why did you come here today to find me?" Su Wei took the trousers and was not in a hurry to put them on.

Instead, he went to the cabinet first, took a new pair of underwear and put them on.

After putting on his trousers, he sat next to Fan Wenqi and asked her why she was here.

"Didn't you agree with me to go to Ya'er Hutong to see the courtyard house today?" What Fan Wenqi said was an excuse.

Because she knew that after Su Wei brought a few girls home yesterday, he immediately came to Yuanyang Lavie at noon.

"Just this matter? Then just call me, it's not worth your while to make a special trip." Su Wei was speechless when he heard about this matter.

Regarding the courtyard house, he shouldn't have told her to go see it today.

He needs to know that yesterday will be so cool, he must arrange the time for the day after tomorrow.

There were two or three women yesterday, so he had a rough hand with them.

"I just happened to be here today on something, so I don't want to make a phone call."

. . . . . .

"Hey, old Zhang, that kid finally came out." After Lao Qian had dinner with Zheng Ziyang the day before yesterday, the two of them discussed the action plan yesterday.

Then this morning, I started to come over and keep an eye on it.

They waited outside the Yuanyang Lavie community from morning to afternoon, and they finally got them out.

"I see, don't shoot me so hard." Lao Zhang is not very willing to cooperate with Lao Qian.

Because in his eyes, Lao Qian is a person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

And when this kid patted him, he was a bit careless.

"This kid plays with real flowers. He brought so many girls home last night, so he can play with his physique." Lao Qian received news yesterday that Su Wei brought seven girls home.

That's why they waited outside the Yuanyang Lavie community this early in the morning.

Thinking of the photos I saw yesterday, those women are all top-notch.

This made Lao Qian, a pervert, really itch in his heart.

"Why, I'm envious, as long as you handle Zheng Shao's affairs well this time, we can play like this in the future." Old Zhang is not doing well here in the capital.

Like old money, it doesn't matter if they are all in Kyoto.

This time Zheng Ziyang took the initiative to extend an olive branch, and he was definitely going to take it.

"Where do you think this kid is? Young Master Zheng can only ask us to do it." Lao Qian looked like a big bastard, but in fact it was just a disguise.

The few times he slapped Lao Zhang just now, he actually did it deliberately.

If he was really a rough man, how could he be kicked out of his hometown and still be alive and well.

"Whoever he is, if it weren't for Zheng Shaobai who can't handle him, how could he find us, and how could we have such a chance to make a difference?" Lao Zhang is not a fool, Su Wei has the strength, that's for sure.

But if a second generation like Zheng Ziyang gave him a chance, he definitely couldn't let it go.

No matter who the opponent is, he is already planning to step on him to take the position anyway.

"That's right, I've already arranged the car and manpower, and I'll kill him all at once on the road, then I'll tell them to get ready first, and act when they arrive at the designated place." Old Qian has already prepared a few times today. The National Taiwan University truck intends to hit Su Wei to death on the way to downtown Kyoto.

Although Su Wei's current car is a Rolls-Royce, if a large truck hits it, the car is almost like a toy.

"Wait, the license plate of the Mercedes-Benz at the back looks familiar. Isn't this the license plate of the Fan family?" After the Rolls-Royce went out, a Mercedes-Benz Maybach followed.

Originally, Lao Zhang didn't pay attention, thinking that the car was not together.

But the Volvo xc90 behind the Rolls-Royce actively followed the Mercedes-Benz.

And at this time, he recognized the license plate as Fan Wenqi's.

"This kid knows someone from the Fan family, so shall we do it?" Old Qian didn't expect that the Mercedes-Benz behind the Rolls-Royce belonged to the Fan family.

Fortunately, Lao Zhang came, otherwise he would be finished this time.

"We must do it, but this car belongs to the Fan family, so we definitely can't do it now. If we do it now, we will be finished, and even Young Master Zheng can't keep us." Zheng Ziyang's Zheng family is a giant to them .

But for the Jingdu Fan family, it is just a family that is about to fall into ruin.

After Lao Zhang thought about it, he decided to do it.

Because this opportunity was missed, there will be no chance for him in the future.

"It's impossible for him to be with the Fan family all the time, we can only wait for him to come back before doing anything."

. . . . . .

"This courtyard house is really good, and the location doesn't matter. No wonder Xu Jinguang was reluctant to sell it." The courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong was acquired by Fan Wenqi for Su Wei.

But she had never been here before.

This time I accompanied Su Wei here, and after visiting, I think this place is really good.

The location is in the second ring road, and it is so close to the Forbidden City.

"You like it, then I will re-transfer the ownership of this courtyard house to you." Because of Xu Meng's relationship, Su Wei is really not very willing to take over this courtyard house.

Now seeing that Fan Wenqi likes it, he directly wants to give her this courtyard house.

Anyway, he had already given Fan Wenqi billions, which is not bad for this courtyard house.

"Forget it, this house is too big, it's a little inconvenient for me to live here, and don't you like it very much?" The area of ​​this courtyard house, excluding the garage, is more than 1 square meters.

Although Fan Wenqi thought it was a good place, she would definitely not want to live in such a big house.

"The vision back then cannot represent my current thoughts. Now I don't like this courtyard house that much." Su Wei actually liked this courtyard house quite a lot before.

But since his father was in his hometown, he planned to build a large version of the Humble Administrator's Garden.

This courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong is not so rare for him now.

"Don't like it anymore? Then what are you going to use this place for?" Fan Wenqi didn't expect that it was only a few short months.

Su Wei is no longer interested in this courtyard house.

At the same time, she was also full of curiosity about how Su Wei would arrange the courtyard.

"I plan to use this courtyard house to make it into a restaurant. It will be convenient to eat out in the future. What do you think?" Su Wei actually has a reason for planning to make this courtyard house into a restaurant.

One is because this courtyard house is only newly built, without any historical traces, and it doesn't feel bad to be a restaurant.

If the second is to build a restaurant, it will be convenient for him to eat by himself.

"Renovate into a restaurant? It's really possible. Why don't I take a share in your restaurant? I can find someone for the decoration and chef." Fan Wenqi knows it, but Su Wei and Xu Meng have always been unclear. .

Now I heard Su Wei say that he plans to turn this place into a restaurant.

She knew that this meant that Xu Meng had no weight in his heart at all.

Otherwise, how could he be willing to let the precious courtyard house of their house be subjected to smoke and fire.

"You've already said that, how can I refuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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