Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 471 Never let him go

Chapter 471 Never let him go

Magic City.

"Have you really thought about it? I'm afraid you'll regret it in the future." Seeing that Lin Ning had already arrived at the airport, she was still making the final persuasion.

Because her best friend Yang Yang plans to fly to Canada today.

She really couldn't figure out why she had to go so far away and insist on giving birth to Su Wei's child.

Since Su Wei doesn't even want to admit this child, why should she insist on it by herself.

For Lin Ning, if Yangyang didn't kill the child, it was because she was moving herself.

"I don't know if I will regret it, but if I want to kill him, I really can't bear it." Yangyang actually went to the hospital several times during this period.

But every time I walked to the door, my feet couldn't get in.

Because she watched the video of abortion on the Internet and found that it was really cruel to children.

So after thinking about it, she finally decided not to abort the child.

After all, although this child was an accident, he was innocent.

In order to avoid being discovered by her parents with a big belly, she chose to go to Canada to wait for delivery.

Because their family is in Canada, they bought a house very early.

"In this case, let's go, brother, you can go back." This time Yangyang went to Canada to wait for delivery, and Lin Ning, as a best friend, chose to go too.

After all, people who live abroad are not familiar with the place, although there are many Chinese in Canada.

But how could Lin Ning feel at ease when Yang Yang went there alone.

No matter how good the aunt was, she didn't believe it would be good to have her by her side.

"Yangyang, in fact, I have always liked you, but your heart was always on Yang Jiale at that time. Can you not leave and let me take care of your mother and child?" Lin Xinyang accompanied his sister and Yangyang to the airport this time, and saw that they really I'm leaving.

He mustered up his courage, and finally spoke out the words in his heart.

Because he likes sheep and sheep, it is not a day or two.

"Brother, do you know what you're talking about, you can't talk nonsense in the case of sheep and sheep?" Lin Ning originally wanted to say, but his parents would not agree.

But her best friend was by her side, so she could only change her tone.

Although she and Yangyang are best friends, she definitely doesn't want her brother to take over the offer.

Because it is impossible for Yangyang to abort now.

Her brother went to be someone's stepfather, isn't it purely mentally ill.

"I thought about it all night yesterday. I think if I don't say anything, I might not have a chance to say it." In fact, Lin Xinyang has been thinking about this matter for several days.

At first, he really couldn't accept it.

But after a few days of ideological struggle, he felt that he really liked Yang Yang.

If he doesn't say anything today, Yang Yang will really go to Canada.

Even if he saw his sister winking at him all the time, he still wanted to say these words.

"Brother Xinyang, I know a little about the situation in your family. Uncles and aunts will definitely not accept people like me." Yangyang and Lin Ning are best friends, and she has been to a few of their homes.

What Lin Ning's parents said to her was very ordinary.

Because of her hair, it is often dyed in various colors.

Although her hair has been dyed back now, she doesn't believe that such a traditional family would accept that her daughter-in-law is pregnant with someone else's child.

"It doesn't matter if they don't accept it, as long as I am firm, I think they will definitely agree." Lin Xinyang used to be quite obedient at home.

Which university to take, and the police job after graduation are determined by the family.

But now he decided to live for himself once.

"Brother Xinyang, don't talk about it. Ningning and I are best friends, so I have always treated you as a brother. Now the plane is coming soon. Lin Ning, we are going to board the plane. Goodbye, Brother Xinyang" Yang Yang saw Lin Xinyang also wanted to say that she had to make it clear.

Because she really didn't feel anything about Lin Xinyang.

She really couldn't imagine how she would be with him in the future.

So after she issued a good person card to Lin Xinyang, she took Lin Ning into the ticket gate.

"Call me when you get there, it turns out it's just my brother."

. . . . . .


"Why are you drinking again? No wonder you didn't answer my phone call." Xiang Ning Jie called Xu Meng several times today, and saw that no one answered her phone.

Fearing that something might happen to her, he hurried to her house.

When I opened the door and saw Xu Meng sitting in the living room drinking, although he was complaining, he was secretly relieved.

What she was most afraid of was opening the door and seeing Xu Meng lying in a pool of blood.

"So it's Ning Jie, you're here, come on, come and have a drink with me." Xu Meng watched TV while drinking beer.

She didn't know her best friend was here until she heard Xiang Ningjie's voice.

She rummaged through a pile of beer cans in front of her and found an undrinked bottle of beer, then opened it and handed it to Xiang Ning Jie.

"Still drinking, you've been drinking for almost half a month, haven't you had enough, huh, it stinks, Xiaomeng, your house is going to be turned into a garbage dump." Ever since the Xu Group closed down, Xu Meng has It started to be drunk and dreamy.

Xiang Ningjie, who accompanied Xu Meng, also drank for several days.

But after all, she has her own business, so it is impossible to stay with her all the time.

After finishing her work today, she hurried to Xu Meng's house.

Originally, she thought that after this period of recuperation, Xu Meng's mental state should have recovered.

But she didn't expect that Xu Meng not only didn't get rid of alcohol, but became dependent on it.


"Hurry up and close the curtains, it's too harsh." Xu Meng spent most of her time in the living room.

The daily food and accommodation are also in the living room.

She hadn't opened the curtains of the balcony for a long time.

Now that she suddenly came into contact with the sun, her eyes were pierced and shed tears.

"Xiaomeng, why did you become like this? Wake up, please, cheer up." Seeing Xu Meng's current state, Xiang Ningjie felt really uncomfortable.

Because Xu Meng was the most concerned celebrity in their small group a month ago.

In just one month, she had degenerated from a socialite to an alcoholic.

I believe that she is walking on the road now, and no one would have thought that she would be the famous No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto.

"How do I cheer up? The Xu Group went bankrupt, and people in my family blamed all of this on me, saying that it was because of me that Su Wei didn't buy a courtyard house. Huh, huh, isn't it all Why should they blame me for the decision they made?" There is actually a reason for Xu Meng to give up on herself now.

Although the Xu Group was swallowed up, the blow to her was not enough to break her down.

Because before the company closed down, her family had already reaped many benefits.

It's just that those people are not grateful now, many people are scolding her behind her back.

And her father and uncle directly called her a broom star in front of her.

This made her feel very wronged, because it was not her who made the decision, but her father and the others.

And she didn't dare to answer the phone during this time, because many relatives would turn around and scold her.

"It's not your fault, it's Xu's group being targeted." Xiang Ning Jie came here this time because she had a new discovery.

This time the Xu Group was acquired because it was targeted early in the morning.

Seeing that her best friend was blaming herself, she hurriedly told her the news.

"Have been targeted by someone? Who has been targeted?" This time the Xu Group was acquired by someone, and she didn't know the inside story.

All they knew was that someone their family couldn't afford to mess with got the company at an extremely low price.

She also just thought that someone took advantage of her family's debts because of the outbreak.

But according to what Xiang Ning Jie meant, there was something inside that she didn't know.

"Do you know who the current owner of the courtyard house in your house is?" Originally, Xiang Ning Jie said that he didn't know the inside story of the collapse of the Xu Group.

But as the most expensive courtyard house on sale, the Ya’er Hutong courtyard house is very famous.

This time, the owner of the courtyard house has changed, and those who are well-informed have already received the news.

Xu Meng doesn't know, it's because her family is in ruins now, and she has sealed herself up.

"Who is it? Do I know this person?" Of course Xu Meng was concerned about the news about the courtyard house.

Because if her father hadn't regretted it at the time, selling this courtyard house would not have happened today.

So of course she was very concerned about who the new owner of the courtyard house was.

"You must know this person, he is Su Wei." Xiang Ning Jie heard her boyfriend say that the new owner of the courtyard is Su Weihou.

Thinking of what happened to Xu Meng's family recently, I felt that Su Wei must be the mastermind behind it.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that he just happened to participate in it.

And this courtyard house is still in his hands.

"What? Su Wei is the new owner of Ya'er Hutong Courtyard? How could it be him?" Xu Meng doubted anyone, but never Su Wei.

It was because she felt that Su Wei was not such a person.

With his wealth, Xu Group can be acquired by other means.

Moreover, although she didn't have much contact with him as a person, he didn't seem like the kind of person who would use such tricks.

"It's really him, because the person who annexed the Xu Group this time is led by Fan Wenqi from the Fan family in Kyoto. She and Su Wei are very close partners. The two of them worked together in Shanghai before. Annexed the Yang Group" After Xiang Ningjie suspected Su Wei this time, she went to check on Fan Wenqi.

It was found that there is indeed an intersection between the two of them.

And from the mouths of friends in Shanghai, I heard a lot of news about the two of them bringing down the Yang Group.

They can bring down the Yang Group, so it is not easy for them to bring down the Xu Group.

"You mean, Su Wei pretended to be the buyer on purpose, and then intentionally caused the transaction to fail, and then asked Fan Wenqi to annex the Xu Group, and finally the two of them shared the profits?" If according to Xiang Ningjie's statement , the last time Su Wei lost his temper was probably acted out.

No wonder she begged for mercy later on, Su Wei still didn't intend to forgive her at all.

It turned out that if she was forgiven, the plot would not be able to continue.

If this is the case, she will definitely come back with revenge.

After all, their family's tens of billions of assets were bought by someone for a few hundred million. How could she be reconciled to this.

She believed that after the people in her family knew about it, they would definitely take action.

"That should be the case, otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence." Su Wei came to buy a courtyard house, and then failed to buy it because of one thing.

The consequence was that the debts outside the Xu Group could not be recovered, and in the end there was only a thunderstorm.

Then the person who came to buy it happened to be Su Wei's partner.

And Su Wei failed to buy the successful courtyard house, and now it has been transferred to his name.

Xiang Ningjie would rather believe that pigs can climb trees than that it has nothing to do with Su Wei.

"If that's the case, then I absolutely can't let him go"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, where are we going now?" Zhang Ruoyu watched Fan Wenqi's car leave, and wanted to ask her boss where she was going now.

Because she didn't know if there was any arrangement for Su Wei next.

If there is no arrangement, she will notify the babysitter to start cooking.

"We are going to leave downtown Kyoto later and go to the nearby area.

It's already this time, why haven't they arrived yet?" Su Wei looked at the time and found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He told them after one o'clock that he was going to go there today.

But looking around, they didn't see them coming at all.

With no other choice, Su Wei could only call Liu Meng.

"Brother Su, we are here" This time, the people Su Wei was waiting for were Liu Meng and Shu Mafan.

The place where Su Wei and they are going is the Huairou film and television base near Kyoto.

After receiving Su Wei's call, Liu Meng drove the car over immediately.

In fact, the car she just drove was parked not far from the courtyard.

"Why are you hiding here? I thought you hadn't arrived yet." When Su Wei went out today, he told Liu Meng that he was going to visit the film crew today.

Because of this movie, he is the number two male.

But the crew has already started filming for more than half a month, and he, the second male lead, hasn't joined the crew yet.

Not to mention joining the group, even the actors he has never seen before, except for the number one female Shu Mafan and the third female number Liu Meng.

"Brother Su, you and Miss Fan, you..." Liu Meng and Shu Mafan actually came to the courtyard a long time ago.

But the two of them didn't dare to approach here at all.

The two of them, as people who hang out in the capital, of course know the horror of the Fan family in the capital.

When Fan Wenqi called him out today, Shu Mafan's feet were soft.

The two of them really couldn't believe that Su Wei had an affair with Fan Wenqi.

"What are you guessing? She and I are just partners, you guys lead the way." Su Wei could tell the truth to Zheng Ziyang without any scruples.

But for the trembling Liu Meng and the others, he was very cautious.

Because he knew that Zheng Ziyang couldn't tell the story, and Liu Meng and the others probably drank too much and talked nonsense.

"Brother Su, I will send you the location, so you won't be afraid of losing us"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Old Zhang, how is your matter going?" After Zheng Ziyang woke up in the afternoon, the first thing he did was to call Lao Zhang.

Because he just had a nightmare, in which he didn't kill Su Wei, but he got revenge.

"It was a good time this afternoon, but Miss Fan was there at that time." If Fan Wenqi was not there at that time, they would have arranged for four large trucks.

Two trucks blocked the front, and two other trucks hit the front from the rear.

At that time, no matter how many cars are in the middle, they will definitely become discus.

"Fan Wenqi is here? Then you didn't do anything?" Zheng Ziyang was shocked when he heard Fan Wenqi was there.

Because if something happened to Fan Wenqi, his life-saving straw would be gone.

He wanted to kill Su Wei this time because he couldn't lose Fan Wenqi's life-saving straw.

What he committed this time, if not for his grandfather, he would have been caught and shot.

So at this point, he doesn't care at all.

Either Su Wei is dead or alive, or Su Wei is alive and he is slowly waiting to die.

"We didn't do anything at that time, we planned to wait until he came back to get him." Lao Zhang recognized Fan Wenqi's license plate number, but immediately withdrew everyone.

Because Fan Wenqi's car has a problem, it is very likely that all nearby vehicles will be detected.

Then to determine whether the car was damaged by man or just an accident.

"Yes, just wait until he is alone, and don't involve Fan Wenqi in it." Everything Zheng Ziyang is doing now is to survive.

He dared to deal with Su Wei because the relationship between Su Wei and Fan Wenqi had not been exposed.

Otherwise, even with his courage, he would not dare to dance on the tip of the knife.

"Understood, Young Master Zheng, this Su, what kind of enmity does he have with you?" Old Zhang didn't need Zheng Ziyang to explain, of course he knew that he couldn't touch Fan Wenqi.

After all, if Fan Wenqi is involved, even if Zheng Ziyang has a backer, it may be useless at that time.

So Lao Zhang was very curious at this time, how this Su Wei offended Zheng Ziyang.

Could it be that the recent rumor is true, that Zheng Ziyang is pursuing Fan Wenqi.

But now it seems that the two people are likely to be jealous.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't"

(End of this chapter)

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