Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 475 Is it you?What are you doing here?

Chapter 475 Is it you?What are you doing here?
mountain city.

"Second sister, this time you go to Shanghai, remember to be good." Li Jiawei is going to Shanghai tomorrow, and her mother told her to be good when she went to Shanghai while packing her things.

Because she has stayed in the mountain city all her life, she is quite afraid of the outside world.

I'm afraid that the second daughter will be bullied in Shanghai.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this is not the first time for me to go to Shanghai, and the eldest sister is also there." Li Jiawei's college entrance examination results have come out this time, with a score of 630.

Although the Zhendan of the first echelon can't get in, the other 985 and 211 are still no problem.

Now that the results have come out, she doesn't plan to stay in the mountain city any longer.

And her eldest sister just called and said that she was going to go directly to Shanghai, just to get acquainted with the environment in advance.

"It's different this time. After all, the eldest sister is busy with her career now, and she can't take you with her every day." She didn't worry about Li Jiawei going to Shanghai before, because Li Jiawen was at home every day.

But now that Li Jiawen is busy with the coffee company, how can he have so much time to take care of Li Jiawei.

So Li Jiawei was very worried when she went to Shanghai this time.

"Eldest sister is not free, so there is still a brother-in-law, it's okay." Li Jiahang didn't know what his mother had to worry about, after all, the devil has his awesome brother-in-law.

His brother-in-law is so good, who else can bully his sister in the devil's capital.

If he hadn't had the summer vacation this time, he would definitely be going.

This time, he could only wait until after the exam, and then go to Shanghai with his third sister.

"It's because your brother-in-law is here, so you have to be more obedient, do you know?" Now their family can move into the urban area and live in a villa.

And Li Jiawen was able to start a company with others because of Su Wei's support.

So although Li Jiawen's mother is Su Wei's mother-in-law, she is a little more afraid of Su Wei.

I'm afraid that Li Jiawei's going to Shanghai will make Su Wei dissatisfied.

If this was the case, she certainly felt that it would be better for Li Jiawei to be at home.

"Mother, if the second sister is not obedient, don't worry if there are obedient people." Li Jiaxin didn't know what her mother had to worry about.

After all, her second sister's temperament has always been gentle and gentle.

And her brother-in-law is so good, how could the second sister offend him.

"It's not that your mother is worried, she just doesn't want to part with it. After all, the second sister will go to Shanghai this time, and it may be Chinese New Year when she returns to the mountain city." Li Shuyi watched for a long time, knowing that the three sisters didn't understand what his wife meant.

After all, those of the older generation are not very good at expressing their feelings.

Li Jiawei went to Shanghai this time, and she will definitely not come back this summer vacation.

Because she has already been admitted to the university in Shanghai, she should wait until the registration, and then go to the school to report.

If his wife has been separated from his daughter for so long, he will definitely miss him very much.

The reason I've been moaning here is also because I think that I won't see my second daughter for more than half a year.

"So that's the thing, the second sister has to go to school and it's not convenient to come back, we can go to Shanghai to see her, now the high-speed rail and plane are so convenient." Li Jiaxin will definitely be going to Shanghai after the summer vacation.

After all, her brother-in-law had agreed with her to take her to Disneyland.

When school starts, she will show the students in the class.

She, an ignorant villager, is more knowledgeable than them.

"Your Majesty and the old man haven't been to the Magic City yet. This time, when the younger brother and sister Yao are on vacation, you come to the Magic City together. Then I can take you around." Except for Li Jiawen, no one else has been to the Magic City. other cities.

So of course Li Jiawei hoped that the empress and the old man could go to Shanghai to take a look.

It's a pity that her old man can't drive, and she hasn't got her driver's license yet.

Otherwise, driving a car, you can go around the country.

"Yeah, I forgot, our family is different"

. . . . . .


"Wait, I'm going to call Zheng Shao. It's already night, and I still haven't seen Su Wei." Lao Qian was at the gate of Ocean Lavie, and he didn't see Su Wei's car until the afternoon.

They also went to the community to check, but they didn't see Su Wei coming back.

This kind of aimless surveillance really drove him crazy.

So he planned to call Zheng Ziyang now regardless of Lao Zhang's obstruction.

"Let me call, but when I'm talking, don't steal the conversation." Old Zhang saw that Lao Qian wanted to make a call, but he didn't stop him.

Because he didn't let him make a phone call, he didn't want to alarm Zheng Ziyang.

But it is already night now, it seems that I can only call for help.

Because if they didn't ask for help, they wouldn't even know where Su Wei was.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"What happened to Lao Zhang? Was the operation successful?" Zheng Ziyang was very excited when he received Lao Zhang's call.

Because now they are calling, it is likely that the plan has succeeded.

As long as Su Wei is dead, he can use Fan Wenqi's pregnancy to threaten her.

After all, if Su Wei was alive, and the fact that she was pregnant in her stomach broke out, she would get married at worst.

But if Su Wei died, her pregnancy would be a huge scandal.

"Young Master Zheng, it's like this. There's something wrong with us now." Hearing Zheng Ziyang's expectant voice, Lao Zhang almost didn't dare to tell him the truth.

But it's impossible not to tell the truth, because they have no news about Su Wei at all.

If Su Wei really returned to the magic capital, they might not see anyone else after waiting here for a month.

"Something went wrong? What went wrong? Could it be that someone was killed by the collision? Was Su Wei killed by the collision?" Zheng Ziyang knew about Lao Zhang's plan.

At that time, he felt that the success rate of this plan was very high.

If Su Wei can be killed this time, someone else will be buried with him.

"No, it's me and Lao Qian who lost our target, and now we don't know where Su Wei has gone." Lao Zhang didn't expect Zheng Ziyang to be so cold-blooded.

What he said really made him break out in a cold sweat in this hot June.

At this time, Lao Zhang didn't know if it was right for them to defect to Zheng Ziyang.

"What? You're not kidding me, are you? So grown-ups, you can lose me? Can I still count on you in this matter?" Zheng Ziyang never expected that they lost because of Su Weier called him.

He intends to replace them now, but he didn't say this in the end.

Because now one is replacing them, then they are likely to leak this matter.

The second is to find someone to kill them, and then kill Su Wei, but he has no such candidate.

"Young Master Zheng, we really can't blame us for this. The main reason is that Fan Wenqi has been following Su Wei. We didn't dare to get too close, so we lost him." Hearing what Lao Zhang said, Lao Qian felt as if he had snatched the phone away. .

Then put all the responsibility on Fan Wenqi.

Anyway, Zheng Ziyang didn't dare to ask Fan Wenqi about it.

"I'll give you one last chance. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone else." What Zheng Ziyang can do is to find out where Su Wei is through his own relationship.

After all, getting rid of Su Wei would benefit him the most.

"Thank you Zheng Shao, we will definitely succeed this time." Hearing Zheng Ziyang's words, Lao Qian knew that there would be news of Su Wei soon.

He hurriedly assured Zheng Ziyang that they would succeed this time.

"Then I'll wait"

. . . . . .

"Brother Ma, why did you bring so many people with such a small matter this time?" Xiao Wu originally thought that the matter should be small this time.

But Brother Ma actually drove two cars and brought eight people over.

They set off from them this morning, drove for more than ten hours, and finally arrived at the place.

Kyoto is Kyoto, and it really is not comparable to their small place, and the roadsides are much wider.

"Is such a big thing as murder considered a small thing?" Lao Ma told the third master this time that he only wanted to earn 100 million.

But there is a chance to earn 300 million, how could Lao Ma let it go.

It's just that he didn't want the third master to take a cut, but planned to chat directly with the people above.

Fortunately, he still has a brother, and he successfully connected with the other party through the relationship of the third master.

"Murder? Brother Ma, didn't you and the third master say that you only intend to mutilate each other?" Xiao Wu looked at the expression on the old horse, and he was flustered.

Because the old horse at this time is not at all the same as he was at the third master's place and as usual.

If he knew that the old horse wanted to kill someone, he would definitely not talk too much this time.

"Xiao Wu, you and the third master have gotten very close recently." Xiao Wu has been pulled over by the third master to play cards a few times recently.

The old horse had been watching it all the time, but he didn't say anything.

Today, he was just pretending to leave at the third master's place.

After all, he is so poor now, how could he let go of a way to make money.

It's just that Xiao Wu said so much at the time, letting him know that something was wrong with Xiao Wu.

"Brother Ma, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?" Xiao Wu sat next to Ma, knowing that he had been spotted.

But at this time, he can only pretend to be stupid, hoping that the old horse can be deceived.

"Don't think that you are talking about things with the third master behind my back. I don't know about it. This time, let's forget it. Next time, you know the consequences yourself." Although the old horse said forget it, it seems that this matter has turned over. article.

But as long as he has the chance, he will definitely kill Xiao Wu.

After all, he asked himself not to be mean to his brothers, otherwise he would not be so poor.

"Thank you brother Ma, I won't dare to do it again next time"

. . . . . .

"Miss Zhang, Boss Su is drunk, let's stay here tonight. I have always reserved the best room for Boss Su." Su Wei was besieged by the crew when he was having dinner today. up.

Because everyone wanted to drink with his big boss, Su Wei drank too much.

What Liu Meng meant was that Su Wei just stayed in this hotel today.

The suites in this hotel are actually really okay.

"Well, well, I'll sleep here tonight, ah." The place where Su Wei slept yesterday was a 10-minute drive from this hotel.

Zhang Ruoyu thought that Su Wei was drunk, so let's sleep here all night.

It's just that at this time, someone pinched her buttocks.

"Miss Zhang, what's the matter with you? Let me help you together." Liu Meng walked in front, and suddenly heard Zhang Ruoyu yell.

I thought she couldn't support Su Wei anymore, so I hurried to help.

She wanted to help at the beginning, but was rejected by Zhang Ruoyu.

"No need, you just lead the way." Zhang Ruoyu was caught by Su Wei, who didn't know that Su Wei was just pretending.

Seeing that Liu Meng was coming to help, she directly chose to refuse.

After all, this hotel is full of people coming and going, and they are all from the film crew. Of course, Liu Meng and Su Wei should avoid suspicion.

"I'll insert the room card here, Miss Zhang, then I'll go down." Liu Meng knew that Zhang Ruoyu probably didn't like her very much.

So after bringing Su Wei and the others to the room, she went straight down.

"President Su, stop pretending, everyone has already left." Zhang Ruoyu threw Su Wei on the bed, then sat on the chair to pant.

Although Su Wei pretended to be drunk, it was very hard for her to resist him.

After all, she is a girl, not a girl.

"Fuck, what's going on with this group of people today, they're feeding me to death. Fortunately, I'm smart and know how to pretend to be drunk, otherwise I'll be in trouble today." Thinking of the scene tonight, Su Wei almost scared him to death.

Everyone was holding a glass of wine and ran over to toast him.

Especially the ones belonging to Baihe Media played a leading role.

And those actresses lined up to drink with him.

"Boss Su, since you are pretending, shall we go back to the hotel?" Su Wei was pretending, so Zhang Ruoyu was thinking about whether to go back to the hotel over there.

Because the change of clothes and toiletries are all placed there.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't dare to use this kind of things provided by the hotel, and neither could Su Wei.

"Although I'm pretending to be drunk, I did drink a lot in my stomach, so I'll just stay here for one night." Su Wei looked at the suite and thought it was pretty good.

Although he was not drunk, he was also dizzy.

Lying in bed, he didn't want to get up.

"In that case, I'll go back and get something."

. . . . . .

"Why are you calling me? I'm already going to sleep." Seeing that Su Wei had been here for a few days, Jiang Shan didn't even bother to call her.

I thought he had already forgotten himself, and he was at a time when he was feeling happy.

Then I saw Su Wei and called her.

"Did you forget what you promised me?" After taking a shower, Su Wei became a little more sober.

While flipping through WeChat, I suddenly saw Jiang Shan.

He remembered Jiang Shan's promise to him that day, and immediately called her.

"What, why don't I remember?" Jiang Shan was terrified when she remembered what happened last time.

After all, this kind of thing had never happened to her before.

She definitely didn't want to give Su Wei the first time, but wanted to find someone she liked.

But during this time, she has not found anyone she likes.

"You like to play dumb and I'll do whatever you want, but you have to come here today, anyway, I've sent the car there." When Su Wei called her, he had already notified Lao Liu to pick him up at Jiang Shan's school through WeChat.

He didn't vent his anger yesterday, so Jiang Shan must be here to help him today.

"Su Wei, why are you like this? You already have several girlfriends, so you can't let me go?" Jiang Shan had already seen the relationship between Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei.

She really didn't expect that Su Wei, who has two such good girlfriends, would even have her idea.

And most importantly, he didn't sleep with her because he liked her, but because he wanted to take revenge on her.

"I want to see you in my room in two hours, okay, I have something to do here, hang up." Su Wei hung up the phone in such a hurry because he heard movement at the door.

He got up to grab a bottle of wine, and went behind the door.

I plan to give him a bottle when he comes in.



"It's you? What are you doing here?"

 These two days are regarded as excessive chapters, and everyone who understands understands it.I wanted to take a break, but it would be addictive to stop updating, so I updated it
(End of this chapter)

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