Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 476 One after another

Chapter 476 One after another

"It's you? What are you doing here?" Su Wei originally wanted to give her a bottle of wine when someone came in.

But seeing that it was a woman, he directly put his arms around her neck.

After controlling her, he had time to see who it was, and only then did he find out that it was Shen Beibei.

"Boss Su, I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable, so I want to come and see you." Shen Beibei came here this evening, thinking that Su Wei must be drunk.

So she just opened the door herself and walked in.

It's just that after coming in, the painting style is very wrong.

Because in the room, all the lights are on.

And at this time, someone suddenly grabbed her neck, making her unable to move at all.

When she was let go, she realized that the person holding her neck was Su Wei.

And he was holding a bottle of wine in his hand.

It seemed that if she hadn't recognized her just now, she might have been rewarded with a bottle of wine.

"If you come to see me without knocking, where did you get the room card?" Su Wei was very surprised, where did Shen Beibei get the room card.

And looking at what she was wearing, it was not what she was wearing when I saw her at night.

What she is wearing now is a very tempting hip skirt.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get up when you're drunk, so I asked for it at the front desk." Shen Beibei had already prepared the room card before Su Wei moved in.

Seeing Su Wei drunk today, she felt that her chance had come.

Because she is working hard in the entertainment circle by herself now, she is really tired.

But she generally looks down on companies that want to poach her.

After all, if it doesn't matter if she joins those companies, she is likely to be swallowed up.

Her previous company offended someone because of her.

As a result, she was hidden by the company, otherwise how could she play the role of the low-cost third female now.

Now she is about to join Baihe Media, so she desperately wants to find a backer.

In Baihe Media, the biggest backer is Su Wei.

"Oh, so that's the case. Are you sure you just came to see me and feel uncomfortable? You don't have any other thoughts?" When Su Wei spoke, he leaned very close to Shen Beibei.

He had only heard before that the big name of the crew would be knocked on the door at night.

Su Wei didn't experience it because he didn't live here yesterday.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing after staying here for the first night.

If he had known this was the case, why would he have called Jiang Shan over here.

She can stay there, and call her over when he really can't find anyone.

"Boss Su, don't be like this, I'm not a casual person." Shen Beibei mustered up a lot of courage to come here today.

Because it was the first time in her life that she did this.

Originally, what she thought was that Su Wei was sleeping, and she could just get under the covers when the time came.

But when he came, he realized that Su Wei showed no sign of being drunk at all.

Now that Su Wei started to attack her, she panicked.

"Since you're not a casual person, you don't feel bad seeing me now, you can go back." Su Wei is most annoyed by this kind of person who pretends to be innocent.

After all, you have sneaked into my room, so why are you pretending.

Who doesn't know the purpose of your coming, just want to be slept by yourself.

"Huh?" Shen Beibei didn't expect Su Wei to refuse such a thing at all.

Originally, she was still thinking about pretending to be a chaste woman in front of Su Wei.

I didn't expect Su Wei to be so straightforward and let her go.

"Hurry up, I'm going to sleep." Su Wei is not at all used to girls who pretend to be pure.

After all, he has no shortage of women around him, and a top-quality girl is coming soon.

Although Shen Beibei is very good-looking, she is already over 25 years old.

And she has been in the entertainment circle for many years.

To Su Wei, she is the kind who can eat as much as she can, and it's a pity if she can't.

"Brother Su, I'm going to shoot the scene with you tomorrow, I want to discuss the script with you now." Shen Beibei came here on purpose today, and she definitely won't leave.

Knowing that the behavior of standing up and down just now has already annoyed Su Wei.

I can only change the subject and start chatting about the rival scene that will be filmed tomorrow.

Because tomorrow, her rivalry with Su Wei will be another passionate scene.

If we talk about Zhang Kexin's passionate scene, most of it is mainly about kissing.

In the passionate scene between Su Wei and Shen Beibei, the two had more physical contact.

"Originally, I wanted to correct the script, but I only came for the real thing." Although Su Wei's filming is of a playful nature.

But after what happened this afternoon, he has read the script several times.

Now that Shen Beibei said that she wanted to correct the script, she didn't know what she meant.

But he was afraid that Shen Beibei would make trouble again, so he made an agreement with her in advance that he would only come for the truth.

"Brother Su, a professional actor like me is very religious about acting. If I don't come for the real thing, I will think it's too fake." Seeing Su Wei answering the question, Shen Beibei knew that his anger just now had subsided.

At this time, Su Wei didn't need to take the initiative, she sat down on Su Wei's lap.

And she was sitting directly facing Su Wei.

So she has no defense against Su Wei now.

"Xiao Shen, you have a good awareness, and you will definitely become an old drama player in the future." Among the female stars in the entertainment industry who have no background, there is not a single one who has not climbed up by this method.

Although their status is indeed much higher than that of Bangzi.

But in the process of climbing, they have to climb at least dozens of beds to reach that height.

"Then I'll give you a good word, Brother Su."

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Brother Su, stop exercising, someone is knocking on the door outside." Shen Beibei began to look at Su Wei, who was not particularly strong.

Originally, she thought that the battle could be resolved within ten minutes at most.

Who knew that she didn't realize that something was wrong until she was thrown into bed by Su Wei.

Then she was on the bed, dragged by Su Wei and forced to exercise for more than an hour.

Now when she heard someone knocking on the door, it was almost as if she saw a life-saving straw.

"It doesn't matter if someone knocks on the door. As long as she doesn't smash the door down, I'll finish it today." Su Wei is now in the final stage of the movement, how could he care about people outside at this time.

Unless someone outside violently destroys the door, he will definitely not care.

"Ah, I'm too exercising.

Brother Su, who are the people outside? "Shen Beibei waited until Su Wei finished work, and then she lay on the bed panting heavily.

After resting for a while, I saw someone knocking on the door outside.

This made her very curious, who would be so persistent outside.

"How do I know, I guess it should be other actresses from the crew knocking on the door." Su Wei didn't know who it was, but he thought it should be other actresses from the crew.

Because in this crew, there are still many actresses who are good-looking but not outstanding.

Now that such a big boss as Su Wei is here, he doesn't believe that those people don't come to knock on the door.

"Ah, is it real or not? Then what should I do?" It was the first time for Shen Beibei to do such a thing, and she was still very afraid of being discovered.

Maybe in the future, she won't care about this kind of thing.

But now she is not so thick-skinned, and she still cares about other people's eyes.

"What are you afraid of? If it's really a member of the crew, then the purpose of her hugging is the same as yours. You can't bear it now. She just came to pick up your class, or you two can do it together later." Su Wei originally thought Shen Beibei is that kind of woman who has experienced many battles.

But when he really started exercising, he realized that her technique was very rusty.

He still needs him to teach her many sports movements.

"I hate it, Brother Su, I'm very traditional." Shen Beibei has always tutored one-on-one in her entire life.

She is very resistant to attending classes with many people.

But now that Su Wei is the big boss, it's not easy for her to object clearly.

It can only be thought that if someone comes down, she will hide under the quilt and forget it.

"Fuck, why did she come here so fast. I called the people outside, I just forgot, you can get dressed and go now." Su Wei put on a bath towel, and then came to the door of the room.

Through the cat's eye on the door, I found that the person outside turned out to be Jiang Shan.

He originally thought that Jiang Shan would take at least two hours to arrive.

Now that she's here, Shen Beibei can leave.

Anyway, Shen Beibei herself said that she has reached her limit.

"Su Wei open the door, you don't open the door for me again, huh?" Jiang Shan was going to sleep today, but Su Wei called her to Huairou.

When she got off the car, Liu Qiang told her that Su Wei was in room 903 on the top floor.

With the mood of going to death, Jiang Shan knocked on the door of 903.

As a result, there was no movement inside, so she could only keep knocking on the door.

"Excuse me, you blocked the door." Shen Beibei originally thought that she could spend the night in this room.

Unexpectedly, after a newcomer arrived, Su Wei let her go without hesitation.

Although Shen Beibei was a little bit reluctant, she obediently left.

Anyway, her goal today has been successfully completed.

"Ah, oh oh, I'm sorry." When the door opened, Jiang Shan found a woman inside.

And her appearance made her feel very familiar.

After she had gone for a long time, she was still there recalling who the other party was.

"Come in when you're here, what are you doing standing at the door, be a husband-wife stone?" Su Wei was dumbfounded when he saw Jiang Shan looking at Shen Beibei's back.

He waved his hand in front of her eyes, telling her to come in quickly after she recovered.

"Isn't this person Shen Beibei? Why is she in your room, and Su Wei, why don't you wear clothes?" Jiang Shan thought for a long time, and finally remembered who this woman was.

She has seen the movie that the other party acted in, and she was a vicious female second in the TV series.

At that time, she felt strange, she is so good-looking, why can't she be the number one female.

Seeing her in Su Wei's room now, I have a different understanding of the entertainment industry in my heart.

"It's strange, I'm in my room, why do I have to wear clothes?" Su Wei was now naked on the upper body, with a bath towel on the lower body.

He will not hide it at all, it is because he has no feelings for Jiang Shan.

Su Wei only regarded Jiang Shan as a good-looking female liar.

Since there is no emotion, why cover it up.

"You, you were with her just now, then why did you call me over? I'm going back." Jiang Shan didn't expect Su Wei to admit it so generously.

She came here today, and she had a little expectation.

Thinking about whether Su Wei would have such a little affection for her.

But now that he's confessing so frankly, she's completely given up.

There is a mentality that even if you go to prison, you can't take advantage of Su Wei.

"Why, she was just an accident, at most it's a pre-dinner snack, and you are the main meal I'm going to have tonight." Shen Beibei's appearance really has nothing to say.

Jiang Shan's appearance did not have any advantage in front of Shen Beibei.

But she has one thing that Shen Beibei doesn't have, and that is youthful vitality.

So she can only cook Su Wei's appetizers, not a formal dish.

"Su Wei, you are really shameless. You say this, so you are not afraid of Wu Fei and the others knowing?" Jiang Shan couldn't understand how someone like Su Wei could find Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei as girlfriends.

Especially Wu Fei, she is a person with very low desires.

It's just such a person, could she be moved by money, regardless of Su Wei's flirting outside?

"Then you lied to me for money, aren't you afraid that your family will know?" Su Wei found out that Jiang Shan should have a good image in her normal life.

Otherwise, because of this incident, Su Wei would not be pinching his nose and walking away now.

If it's the kind of person who is really bad, he definitely doesn't care about this kind of thing.

After all, the price is only 2000 yuan, and the police may not even want to file a case.

This matter is likely to become a civil lawsuit at that time.

It was impossible for Jiang Shan not to ask, but she was still so afraid.

That should be imprisonment itself, not as serious as social death.

"I lied to you for 2000 yuan, and who told you to be in that airborne group, even if you weren't lied to by me, you would be lied to by other people." Jiang Shan didn't feel that she was wrong until now.

Because of the people in the airborne group, she didn't think there was a good person.

It's just that she was unlucky and was caught by Su Wei in reality.

"I thought you would find a boyfriend during this period of time, but I didn't expect you to be single." Su Wei approached Jiang Shan and smelled it, and found that she still smelled like a virgin.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Shan would find a boyfriend within a few months.

After all, it would be a fool to let her give the first time to someone who took revenge on her.

So Su Wei thought the same way at first, and he was already prepared to not eat his head soup.

"Are you looking for someone to follow me?" Jiang Shan didn't know that Su Wei had such a sharp nose.

So when she heard what Su Wei said, her first reaction was that he asked someone to follow her.

Otherwise, how would he know that he didn't find a boyfriend.

"Who wants you to be so beautiful? I like you so that I will ask someone to follow you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't send someone to do that." The words Su Wei said were of course made up.

Because he found that Jiang Shan seemed very satisfied with him finding someone to follow her.

In this case, of course he must satisfy her.

"Really? Do you really like me?" Jiang Shan was pressed on the bed by Su Wei, ignoring his hands.

Holding his head, wanting to know if what he said was true or not.

Because she didn't want her first time, she didn't have it because of revenge.

"Of course it's true, how could I lie to you?"

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Su Wei, you bastard, did you call someone else?"

(End of this chapter)

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