Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 477 Why are there still people rushing to kill Su Wei?

Chapter 477 Why are there still people rushing to kill Su Wei?
The next day.

"You guys go back to eat, I'll just leave here." This time Su Wei stayed in Huairou for three days, and it was really a three-day filming.

Although during these three days, he basically only shot close-up scenes.

But it's really not easy for a boss like him to stay here for three days.

Moreover, Su Wei's mobile phone was about to be smashed into pieces in the past three days.

Today, I filmed until [-]pm, and then I had a meal with everyone, so he planned to withdraw.

"Boss Su, you must come when the film is finished." Ge Xiang took the rest of the actors off for the past three days, and then left all the time for Su Wei.

Although he felt that those close-up shots might not be enough, he also knew that Su Wei really couldn't spare the time.

Now he doesn't want to think about anything else, but thinks that Su Wei will come to a wrap-up banquet when the time comes.

After all, Su Wei promised him that he would come over on the day of the start-up, but he didn't come.

"As long as I have time, I will definitely come." Su Wei is actually very free in normal times.

But his leisure is relatively fragmented.

If he only focuses on filming for three days and doesn't care about other things, then he can't do it.

Because he has a lot of women, they often send him messages.

There is also the matter of work. Although he doesn't care about it, the people under him will still report it.

So when the production team is finished, he really might not come over.

"Boss Su, shall we go back directly now?" Liu Qiang looked at Su Wei's sleepy eyes and knew that his boss was so tired that he wanted to doze off.

But he didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he just drove the car back to Ocean Lavie.

"Go to the hotel to pick up things first, and when I get home, I want to sleep well. I haven't slept well these few nights." Su Wei has slept in the hotel rented by the film crew for the past few nights.

These actresses in the crew at night are really enthusiastic.

Every night, they would come to Su Wei's room to review the script.

If there is nothing to do during the day, then Su Wei can still bear it.

But he still has to film in the daytime every day, and it's one scene after another, without stopping at all.

So now Su Wei doesn't want women at all at night, he just wants to go back to the villa and have a good night's sleep.

"It's your own fault for not sleeping well, why do I sleep so soundly?" Zhang Ruoyu's room is next to Su Wei.

Su Wei stayed in the crew hotel for three days, and she listened to the soprano for three full nights.

The reason why she is so energetic now is because she catches up on sleep every day during the day.

After all, Su Wei is going to be filming, she just needs to stay on the sidelines.

"If you are a pig, don't you sleep soundly?" Su Wei's words were indeed correct.

Because Zhang Ruoyu was born in 95, she is indeed a pig.

And these days when Su Wei was filming, Zhang Ruoyu basically moved a chair to sleep on the set.

"You, I won't tell you anymore"

. . . . . .


"This Xu family is really unreliable. It took so long to inquire about the news. If it is with us..." Xiao Wu and the others have been in the capital for a few days, and the reason why they haven't done anything is very simple.

That's the Xu family's side. They finally found Su Wei's location at noon today.

As soon as they knew the place, they came over immediately.

Finally, at the entrance of a very luxurious hotel, I saw Su Wei walking into the hotel.

"So what in our place, if people don't drive their cars on the street, you won't be able to find someone." Xiao Zhou, who drives the old horse, is not used to Xiao Wu.

Because his usual relationship with Xiao Wu is relatively ordinary.

He felt that Xiao Wu liked to brag too much, and he didn't like it very much.

In addition, they will come to Kyoto this time, all because of Xiao Wu.

"The Xu family's work efficiency is already good. After all, this is the capital, not any other small place." Now that the Xu family has no Xu Group, although they still have money.

But those people who flattered him before are now pitifully few.

Su Weiren didn't show up in the capital for the past few days, and the Xu family really searched for a lot of contacts to find him.

"Brother Ma, how on earth did this person who went up just now provoke the Xu family and let them pay so much money for his life?" Xiao Wu was also there when Lao Ma was talking to the Xu family this time.

Hearing that the Xu family was willing to pay 500 million to kill this Su Wei, he was really shocked.

Because killing someone in China, basically hundreds of thousands of people are willing to take action.

If the 500 million is announced, I don't know how many people will secretly start.

"That man's name is Su Wei. I heard that he teamed up with others to take over the Xu family's tens of billions of property." After agreeing to cooperate with the Xu family, Lao Ma specially investigated Su Wei.

The reason why the Xu family will deal with Su Wei is because Su Wei swallowed the Xu family's Xu group.

At this time, Lao Ma realized why the third master was so powerful before.

It turned out that his backer back then was the Xu Group worth tens of billions.

"A property worth tens of billions? My dear, if you give me so much money, then I'm not going to get rich. Brother Ma, can we squeeze some money out of him?" With assets worth tens of billions, Xiao Wu completely can not understand.

Why are these people so rich? He is so poor. He earned fifty thousand this time, and he was almost stabbed by Ma Ge.

Now that he knew that Su Wei was so rich, he had other thoughts.

That is whether it is possible to squeeze some money out of Su Wei.

After all, 500 million is really invisible in front of tens of billions.

"It's not so easy to earn two shares of money, and this person is not an ordinary person. If we want to squeeze money from him, I'm afraid we will have our lives to take it, but we will not spend it." After knowing that Su Wei is so rich, the old horse said: He must have had other ideas.

After only weighing, he still gave up.

Because Su Wei is too dangerous.

After all, he was so angry that he killed all the Yang Group in Shanghai.

He's going to squeeze money out of Su Wei now, and it's not easy for him to spread the news.

Then what awaits them may be a death.

And he came here this time just to make a quick buck and then get married to his girlfriend, he didn't want to cause trouble.

"He's so dangerous, so after we kill him, wouldn't we be finished too?" Xiao Wu started to retreat when he heard that Su Wei was so dangerous.

In my heart, I was even cursing the third master and Lao Ma secretly, thinking that they were open to money.

Such an awesome character, they even wanted to get them.

"The Xu family's 500 million yuan has already been credited to my account. Do you think we can leave now, and after we kill him, we will go to the countryside to hide for a few months. Anyway, we are driving a set car. Who They can find us." When Lao Ma came to Kyoto this time, he was ready.

Although I didn't know it at first, it was to deal with such a powerful character.

But he did a lot of preparation.

The two cars that came this time were two licensed cars.

"No wonder Brother Ma, you drive these two cars to go out, Gao!" Xiao Zhou was a little panicked about this matter.

Hearing that he was driving a set car, he was relieved.

After all, this car is not in the records of the vehicle management office, and the real two cars are thousands of miles away.

It will be fun when the police check the car.

"Stop flattering Xiao Zhou, he's already down, hurry up and follow"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Old Zhang, Su Wei will be here soon, are you ready?" Zheng Ziyang had already found Su Wei the next morning.

At that time, he was also very scared, afraid that Su Wei would go back to the capital directly.

He didn't feel at ease until he knew he was filming in Huairou.

Today, someone who has been watching Su Wei called him, saying that Su Wei is going back to Kyoto after filming.

So he immediately called Lao Zhang and told them to get ready now.

"Young Master Zheng, don't worry, as long as he comes this time, we won't let him leave alive." Lao Zhang insisted on waiting for four days outside Ocean Lavie this time.

His anger towards Su Wei is almost at its peak now.

If it was said that he still couldn't bear Su Wei before.

So now for Su Wei, he only thinks why he is not dead yet.

"As long as you can kill him this time, I will definitely get you the license you want." This time, Lao Zhang and Lao Qian promised to kill Su Wei, but they put conditions on it.

That's Zheng Ziyang's here, to help them get their financial license.

If they have this thing, then their small loans will be legal.

Zheng Ziyang heard that they paid for it themselves, as long as he helped them introduce someone, so how could Zheng Ziyang be unwilling.

"How is Lao Zhang, is Su Wei coming?" Old Qian heard that Zheng Ziyang was calling, and when he hung up the phone, he hurriedly asked if Su Wei was coming back.

After all, what Zheng Ziyang is most concerned about now is whether Su Wei will die now.

He can take the initiative to call, it must be related to Su Wei.

"Young Master Zheng said that he is already on the way, we can start preparations." After Lao Zhang hung up the phone, he was very excited.

Because before Zheng Ziyang, he kept saying that he was thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, after a few days of delay, they finally agreed to help them obtain a financial license.

Although there is half of the old money in this license.

But he believed that through his own means, he would definitely be able to get that license plate.

"This Su Wei has been in Huairou for so long, and I'm finally coming back. I'm getting impatient." Lao Qian and the others knew that Su Wei was filming in Huairou.

The people they sent told them that Su Wei had been filming on the set and had never come out.

With no other choice, they could only go in the original way.

That is to block the road with a car and drive him over to kill him.

"Who says no, you say he is a big boss, why did he think of becoming an actor?" Lao Zhang still doesn't understand why such a big boss Su Wei went to filming.

After all, the industry of actors was a low-level one in ancient times.

Of course, Su Wei was surprised to be filming in this capacity.

"Who knows, maybe he likes the feeling of being an actor, after all, isn't he very high-profile on the Internet?"

. . . . . .

"Brother Ma, what's the situation ahead? Why is there a traffic jam?" Xiao Zhou followed Su Wei's car and almost arrived in Kyoto.

As a result, not long after getting off the high speed, I found that the front was blocked.

But the only good news is that Su Wei's Rolls Royce was also blocked.

"I don't know, but for us in this situation, it is God's help." At the beginning, Xiao Ma planned to do it in a place with few people, or simply on a high speed.

But their car was too slow to get close to Rolls-Royce at high speed.

Now seeing that there are few people in the traffic jam, he feels that the opportunity has come.

Because Su Wei and the others are blocked now, the distance between them is more than ten meters.

If he went over to give Su Wei a few knives, wouldn't it be a success?

"Brother Ma, you don't know how to plan, just do it here." Xiao Wu was speechless when he heard Lao Ma's words.

Because although there are not many cars here because of the night, there are still a dozen or so cars.

It's too lawless for them to rush down and chop people like this.

"Is there a better place than here? Don't procrastinate, give it to me quickly. Whoever kills Su Wei will directly share 200 million." Others think this place is not good, but Lao Ma thinks it is super good.

Because the front of this place was blocked, it happened that Su Wei had no way to escape.

With so many of them rushing forward, Su Wei didn't have a dead end.

The old horse was afraid that the younger brothers would not do things well, so he directly offered a high reward.

That is, the person who hacked Su Wei will give 200 million directly.

"200 million? Then what are you talking about, kill him?" It's not clear whether Xiao Wu was incited, anyway, Xiao Zhou was incited.

Because if he has 200 million, he will have enough money to buy a house and a car.

Does he want money now, nothing but this life.

Now that he has the opportunity to change his fate, he must seize it.

. . .

"Brother Zhang, we have already blocked the road, why hasn't Brother Qian and his car appeared yet?" Xiao Zeng was Lao Zhang's subordinate, and he had heard him say that he was going to kill someone a few days ago.

As long as this person is killed, he will rise to prominence.

So Xiao Zeng also hoped that he could kill this person this time.

In this way, he can follow his elder brother and enjoy the food and drink.

"I don't know, he just said he went to the toilet, wait for me to call him." Five minutes before Su Wei appeared, Lao Qian said that he had a stomachache.

Then after farting a few times in the car, the whole person disappeared.

Now that the target appears, of course Lao Zhang wants Lao Qian to come back quickly.

"Brother Zhang, look quickly, what's the situation?" Xiao Zeng and the others are currently located on the retaining wall next to them.

Because only in this place can one see with one's own eyes how Su Wei died.

It's just that Xiao Zeng saw the following scene at this time and found that something was not quite right.

"Who are these people? Didn't Lao Qian plan to kill Su Wei with a car? Could it be that he changed his mind, but he didn't discuss it with me anyway. He didn't want to take credit for it." Old Zhang saw Rolls-Royce In the two cars behind Si, seven or eight people suddenly appeared.

And all of these people had weapons in their hands.

For example, watermelon knives, iron chains, steel pipes, etc., rushed towards Rolls-Royce.

Lao Zhang's first reaction at this time was that Lao Qian changed his plan and wanted to take credit.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do? We can't remain indifferent." Xiao Zeng saw the other party rushing to the Rolls-Royce and began to smash the car.

He wanted to pull out the people in the car and kill them.

He was afraid that Su Wei would be hacked to death by the opponent, and then the credit would be taken away by the opponent.

"Of course we can't let them succeed, let our brothers do it together"

(End of this chapter)

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