Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 478 Have You Asked Me About Your Cooperation?

Chapter 478 Have You Asked Me About Your Cooperation?
Originally, many people saw the traffic jam ahead and thought that it would be opened after a while.

After all, the traffic police in China are still on duty even at night.

So none of them planned to get out of the car, and they planned to just stay in the car.

It's just that some people will honk the horn from time to time, thinking that the front can be cleared up quickly.

But soon they all ran out of the car, and some of them lost their running shoes.

Because in the two Toyota SUVs near the end, nearly ten big men with various weapons in their hands rushed out.

After they came to the Rolls-Royce, they smashed the car.

The passers-by in the car saw this scene, so they didn't know it was revenge.

Although it has nothing to do with them, it must be the first to run first.

The thugs with weapons didn't want to cause trouble, so they ignored these passers-by, which made it easy for them all to run away.

It's just that they were hitting each other, and this group of people soon realized that something was wrong.

Because Lao Ma and the others smashed it for a long time, but they didn't smash the glass to bring people out.

Moreover, a group of people rushed over from the side, and it seemed that the target was also this Rolls Royce.

"Brother Ma, the target of this group of people seems to be this Rolls-Royce." When Xiao Zhou saw the group of people rushing over, he didn't care about the passers-by who ran out.

And they came directly to the Rolls Royce from the side of the road.

Where I don't know yet, their goals are the same as theirs.

"You act like I don't know, they're all acting so obvious." At the beginning, Lao Ma thought that this group of people came to rescue Su Wei.

But seeing them, all of them were armed.

And their appearance is not at all the same as those of Su Wei's bodyguards.

That's why he knew that this group of people should also be looking for Su Wei.

"How many people has this Su Wei offended? There are so many people wanting his life, so what should we do now, Brother Ma?" Soft feet.

After all, although he is a mixed society, the times are different now.

Even if you are a social person, you don't fight every day.

He and Brother Ma have been younger for a few years, and they have never touched a weapon.

Most of the time, a few of them beat one or two people.

In the current situation of slashing against each other, it is considered very good for him not to pee his pants.

"What should I do? If you don't want money anymore, then you should leave quickly. If you still want money, then kill them for me." Xiao Wu and the others felt a little flustered when they saw this scene.

But for Lao Ma, this scene made him very excited.

Lao Ma looks down on the third master so much, and has been working under his hands.

It's because the third master is indeed a relatively good figure in their local area.

And the reason why he is so poor after so many years with the third master is because he likes to fight very much.

Although there is the third master, he escaped from prison, but it is indispensable to pay other people's medical expenses.

If it wasn't for this reason, he wouldn't have to borrow money after getting married.

"What are you talking about, Brother Ma, I must be asking for money." Xiao Wu heard that he could leave, but he would not give money.

Then how can he do it? After all, he really doesn't have any money on him.

The [-] that the third master gave was just a drop in the bucket for his family.

The hand holding the knife was already unstable, but now it has become stronger again.

"Since you want money, then you will kill them for me"

. . . . . .

"Brother Zhang, something is wrong with these people." Xiao Zeng looked at these people opposite him, he had never seen any of them.

As for those people under Old Qian's subordinates, he had dealt with them in the past few days.

Compared with the viciousness of these people, those people seem to be much more docile.

"This is not Lao Qian's man, where did the old Qian man go?" Xiao Zeng only met the people under Lao Qian's hands a few times.

But for Lao Zhang, he had dinner with the people at Lao Qian's place.

He has no impression of anyone here now.

Even if there are newcomers in this old money, it is impossible to replace them all.

"I just said that I haven't seen them, but they seem to be here to trouble Su Wei. Brother Zhang, why don't we cooperate with them?" Compared with Lao Ma, the people in Lao Zhang's hands are much worse.

Although there are more people on Lao Zhang's side, their side is compared with the opposite side.

They are like a pack of domestic dogs, opposite a pack of wolves living in the wild.

No matter how powerful a dog is, it cannot be a match for a wolf.

After Xiao Zeng saw this, he suggested that his boss cooperate with the other party.

"Cooperation? This is indeed possible.

Wait a minute, you are here to trouble Su Wei, right?" Seeing the other party's way of doing things, Lao Zhang can be said to be very rough.

Compared with the old money, this group of people are more unscrupulous.

Because the Rolls Royce in front of him has been smashed to pieces.

Lao Zhang saw how his subordinates cowered, and knew what they were thinking.

"Yes, you also came here for the bounty?" Lao Ma watched the person on the opposite side stop not far away, and said Su Wei's name at the beginning.

He thought that the group of people on the opposite side had also been invited by the Xu family.

Thinking that the Xu family was super rich before, they were willing to spend so much money to kill Su Wei.

I just don't know the bounty of the group of people opposite.

"Bounty? What is that thing? I just checked, you don't have something for breaking windows, the glass of this Rolls-Royce is hard to break, and we brought this kind of tool for breaking windows, why don't we cooperate for a while?" How about killing Su Wei together?" Old Zhang saw that at this time, the old money hadn't come yet.

Knowing that he is a kid, he probably led someone away.

Leaving him alone now, it is impossible for him to leave.

It just so happens that the group of people opposite them are also here to kill Su Wei.

Rolls-Royce's car glass is easy to break, but it is not easy to tear it apart. Lao Ma and the others are stuck at this step.

"Yes, yes, but Su Wei will be killed by our people." At this time, Lao Ma heard the person on the other side say that they came to cooperate.

And they brought a hammer that could break windows.

Lao Ma and his group just now smashed the glass to pieces.

But for the time being, there is no way to catch the people inside.

Since this is the case, they can indeed cooperate.

But Su Wei inside must be killed by them.

After all, he had made an agreement with the Xu family this time, and Su Wei was going to die in their hands.

That's why they raised the price to 500 million for him.

"People from your side are here to kill him? Yes." Lao Zhang heard the people on the other side say that they are going to kill Su Wei.

Know that because they want to get the bounty, they must have the conditions.

Zheng Ziyang just wanted him to kill Su Wei, but he didn't say how to kill him.

So Lao Zhang is not interested in killing Su Wei.

Someone is willing to do it for him, but he can't ask for it.

After all, Su Wei is not a small person, who knows what the consequences will be if he is killed.

Although Zheng Ziyang said that they could be protected, he didn't fully believe it.

So in fact, he has already bought a plane ticket to Southeast Asia.

Because he didn't know when he would go, he bought all the air tickets during this period.

"Since this is the case, use your tools to break open the window." When the cooperation was just discussed, the old horse signaled the younger brothers to stop.

After all, Su Wei's car is stuck here now, and there is no way to drive it.

He was not in a hurry to continue doing it because he had already regarded Su Wei in the car as a turtle in his urn.

Sooner or later, it doesn't matter much to him.

"Xiao Zeng, go and break the window." Compared with Lao Ma, Lao Zhang is more urgent.

Because of the traffic jam in this place, it is likely to attract the traffic police.

Not to mention how many passers-by ran away when these people smashed the Rolls-Royce just now.

Although it was strange why there was no car coming from behind, he definitely didn't want to be chased by the police.

So he hurriedly confessed to Xiao Zeng, and went to smash the glass of Rolls-Royce with a broken window hammer.

As long as Su Wei is hacked to death, he will quickly lead his people to retreat.

"What's the situation? Who turned on the light up there?" When Lao Ma was chatting with his younger brother, a beam of light directly shone into his eyes.

During this period of time, he has been relying on street lights to see the road.

Now that he was illuminated by this beam of light, he was in tears.

Moreover, the light was so strong that his eyeballs felt a burning sensation.

"I'm going blind, who is this, turn off the light quickly" The light shining over is not personal.

Lao Ma's eyes were blinded, and Lao Zhang's eyes were the same.

But he is better than the old horse, that is, he does not face the light directly.

But now his back is facing the light, and he dare not face it directly, because it is really too bright.

"You two want to cooperate, have you asked me?" The person who turned on the light from above was of course Su Wei.

And what he was holding in his hand was not some awesome lighting equipment.

In fact, it was him and Liu Qiang, each holding a flashlight in his hand.

Of course, this is not an ordinary flashlight, this is a special flashlight that can reach 30 lumens.

Su Wei didn't expect that the effect of this flashlight was so good, it might have something to do with their ten flashlights being turned on at the same time.

When he tried it, although he felt that the flashlight was very bright, he never pointed it at people's eyes.

Unexpectedly, ten flashlights shone down together, and the downside was illuminated as if it was dawn.

"Ask you? Who do you think you are?" The old horse had a bad temper, and now he is even angrier when he hears this.

After all, who are you to meddle in his business.

When he got angry, even the emperor Lao Tzu would still hack him to death.

"You guys are here to hack me to death this time, why don't you know me?" Although Su Wei's flashlight was amazingly bright.

But there are two fatal shortcomings, that is, it is not durable, and it is easy to get hot.

In just a few minutes, the flashlight in his hand was already a little hot.

Just at this time, he turned off the light, intending to let these two people see his true colors.

"Su Wei? Why are you here? Who's in that car? Could it be that the old money betrayed me? Su Wei, don't go." If the old horse said, he might need a car to recognize Su Wei.

But for Lao Zhang, he firmly remembered Su Wei's appearance.

After feeling that there was no light shining, he turned his head to see who this person was.

Unexpectedly, when he saw the person coming, he was shocked.

Because this person is Su Wei, but he should be in the car at this time.

At this time, thinking that the old money didn't come, he guessed that the old money should have betrayed him.

"Ah, ah, Brother Ma, help!" At this moment, four big men jumped out of the Rolls-Royce.

Each of them held a metal baseball bat, and when people outside were not paying attention, they opened the door and hit everyone.

The younger brothers of the closest old horses were beaten to the point of bleeding.

They were in the car just now, but they were aggrieved.

Now that they have the opportunity to retaliate against them, how could they show mercy.

"Cao Nima dares to hit my brother, let's go together" Although the old horse didn't know why Su Wei was not in the car, he also knew that it must be an ambush.

At this time, he heard that his younger brother was knocked down, so he hurriedly took a knife to support him.

It's just that after fighting, he found that the opponent beat people very professionally, and he was not an opponent at all.

Fortunately, there are many of them, and there are only four of them.

"Old Liu, I'll leave it to you here, don't show mercy." Su Wei planned to resist when he saw these people below.

Call Liu Qiang over and let him deal with these people below.

This time he didn't just bring Liu Qiang and the others, all his bodyguards came this time.

It was only this time that Su Wei found out that he had almost 50 bodyguards.

"President Su, don't worry, we'll take care of it here."

. . . . . .

"Look, Mr. Su, there is an ambush here, I didn't lie to you, right?" This time Su Wei will know that there is a trap here, and will not go to the Rolls-Royce.

Of course, it was because someone had informed, and the informer was Lao Qian.

They will be here on this retaining wall, and it was Lao Qian who brought them here.

Originally, he planned to catch Lao Zhang directly here.

But I didn't expect another group of people to attract Lao Zhang.

"You really didn't lie to me about this, but didn't you say there was only one group of people, what happened to the other group of people?" On the first night of filming, Su Wei received a call from Lao Qian.

Of course he doesn't care about this kind of thing.

So he hurriedly asked Lao Liu to come here to see if there was such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Lao Liu told him that there were indeed a few dilapidated trucks parked on the side of the road here.

Now that he knew someone was setting a trap for him, he certainly wouldn't be defenseless.

In addition to asking Xiao Guo to pretend that he went to the Rolls-Royce tonight, he also asked Lao Liu to call all the bodyguards of the Shanghai Security Company over a few days in advance.

"I really don't know about this, because Zheng Ziyang contacted Lao Zhang and me at that time. As for these people, I really don't know them." Lao Qian really doesn't know the other group of people.

And they just watched here for so long, and they could tell that Lao Zhang didn't know them either.

So now that Su Wei asked him, he quickly explained that he really didn't know them.

After all, now that he is on Su Wei's side, he really doesn't want to be suspected by the other side of his secret tricks.

"I don't know? Then this group of people could be from Zheng Ziyang's side. They thought you were not effective enough, so they found another person." Su Wei really didn't expect that so many people wanted to kill him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, no matter how many people come, they still get food.

Because in an environment where guns cannot be used, Su Wei has these fifty bodyguards to protect him, so the safety is almost impenetrable.

After the car behind was blocked by him called Laoqian, these people had no place to run.

And the result was about the same as what Su Wei expected, half of the people on Su Wei's side, and the following people couldn't bear it.

"Probably not. After all, in Zheng Ziyang's current situation, except us who are ill-informed, who else would help him?" Lao Qian would help Su Wei because he was dissatisfied with Zheng Ziyang and felt that he was too cold-blooded.

He thought it was nothing to kill Su Wei, who was related to his interests.

But with such indifference to the lives of strangers, it can only be said that something is wrong with his class.

In addition, he knew from his friends that Zheng Ziyang's grandfather was dying.

Then it's not difficult to understand why he fell to Su Wei's side.

"Then it seems that we can only find out the truth by asking them later."

(End of this chapter)

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