Chapter 479
"Ding Ding Ding"

"Su Wei, where are you now?" As soon as Su Wei was attacked today, Fan Wenqi got the news here.

She could get the news so quickly, of course his father told her.

After all, Su Wei and Fan Wenqi are partners, so of course her father will pay more attention to him.

And this incident is not a trivial matter, this is a vendetta on the street.

After Fan Wenqi got the news, she called Su Wei immediately.

"I'm on the plane now, what do you want from me?" Su Wei was not surprised that Fan Wenqi would call him.

After all, Fan Wenqi is considered a coward in Kyoto, so it would be strange if she didn't receive this news.

But even though her family is considered a local snake, Su Wei was quite shocked to be able to call him so quickly.

Because after this incident happened, he rushed to his plane immediately.

The location of the incident was less than 10 minutes away from the airport.

The reason why he ran back to Shanghai was because the capital was not his territory, and Zheng Ziyang was the boss here.

"I heard about your incident today. Are you going to take revenge on Zheng Ziyang?" Fan Wenqi called Su Wei because she was concerned about him and to see if he was injured.

The second is to let him not seek revenge on Zheng Ziyang, because now is not the time to touch Zheng Ziyang.

She thinks this way because Su Wei's character is to revenge and revenge.

"Isn't this obvious? He's going to kill me. Do I still want to keep him?" Su Wei was hired for a vendetta this time, so he must have revenge.

Because if he doesn't take revenge back, everyone will think he is weak and deceitful.

He didn't have any background, and he had no backer other than money.

If he is not a little tougher, then there will be more people targeting him.

Only when every threat is completely eradicated, then others will know that he is a difficult hedgehog.

"My father has already heard about what happened to you today. He asked you to come to my house. He wants to talk to you about something." Zhao Wenqi called Su Wei to come to the house, and she also wanted her father to persuade Su Wei.

And this time she has a different purpose, which is to let her father meet Su Wei.

Because she already knew the cause of this incident, it was because Zheng Ziyang wanted to marry into their family.

Fan Wenqi was afraid that this kind of thing would happen again next time, so she planned to disclose her pregnancy in front of her father today.

"If you want to persuade me to let it go, then there's no need, I can't let him go." After Su Wei heard what Fan Wenqi said, he just wanted to leave the capital as soon as possible.

Because he already knew the meaning of Fan Wenqi's words, and he wanted to force him to be his son-in-law.

He was so afraid of this matter that he would die, but now that Fan Wenqi said so, how dare he go to her house.

And if he went, Fan Wenqi's father would persuade him to let go of his hatred, and he would not have the guts to refuse in person.

In that case, he definitely couldn't go to Fan Wenqi's house.

"The problem is that his grandfather is not dead yet. If you take revenge on him now, his grandfather will definitely take you to be buried with him. It's not worth it for such a person." Fan Wenqi didn't want Su Wei to take revenge now because Zheng Ziyang's grandfather had not die.

If Zheng Ziyang is killed now, his grandfather will definitely take Su Wei to be buried with him.

And as long as he is still alive with this identity, no one in the whole country will not give him face.

This is also a very important reason why Zheng Ziyang is lawless, but he can still live well until now.

"Don't try to persuade me. Since Zheng Ziyang wants to kill me, then he and I will never die." For Su Wei, no matter who Zheng Ziyang's grandfather is, he must kill him.

Because if you want to kill him, you have to accept his revenge.

If his grandson finds someone to kill him because his grandfather is so good, he'll let it go.

Whether another person with a very good father came to kill him, he had to forget it, so there was no such thing.

And Su Wei is not only able to live in China, he can also go abroad.

Anyway, as long as there is money, everywhere is paradise in Su Wei's eyes.

"I'm not trying to persuade you to endure it. I just want to say that you may wait for a while. Anyway, his grandfather is dying, and I have found out who the other group of people who want to kill you are. You can first Take revenge on them." Fan Wenqi did not stop Su Wei from taking revenge, because Zheng Ziyang had nothing to do with her.

She just wanted Su Wei to postpone the time for revenge.

Because the doctor had issued a notice, Zheng Ziyang's grandfather would not survive this winter.

And compared to Zheng Ziyang's words, he could actually take revenge on the murderer behind the other group of people first.

"Another group of people? Do you know who it is?" Su Wei went to the airport after seeing Lao Liu controlling the field.

When he got on the plane, he didn't know if Lao Liu asked who was behind the other group of people.

Su Wei thought he had no enemies, and he didn't know who would want his life, so he was very curious about this person.

"It was the person Xu Jinguang was looking for. All of their family members have gone to New Zealand now. If you can take revenge on Zheng Ziyang slowly, I can help you in New Zealand." On Zheng Ziyang's side, of course Fan Wenqi hopes that Su Wei move slowly.

So without hesitation, she revealed that the Xu family was the mastermind behind another group of people.

And if Su Wei doesn't move Zheng Ziyang now, she can help Su Wei get revenge in New Zealand.

Although New Zealand is abroad, there is still a lot of help she can provide.

"What the hell does the Xu family have to do with me? Shouldn't he take revenge on you? How do you find someone to kill me?"

. . . . . .

It can be said that the news of Su Wei's attack spread quickly throughout the capital.

After all, the place where this incident happened is in the outskirts of Kyoto.

Videos of dozens of people beheading people with knives are even more widely circulated.

Whether it is Moments, Weibo or Douyin, it is posted everywhere now.

But it didn't take long for these videos to be forcibly removed from the shelves.

But those who should know about it already know all about it.

"Ziyang, today I see that there are rumors outside that you and Su Wei had some conflicts because of jealousy, is it true or not?" Fu Yusheng heard the news when Zheng Ziyang was young.

Seeing that Zheng Ziyang was still drinking with them in the KTV like a normal person.

Others may not dare to ask about this matter even if they want to.

But he and Zheng Ziyang are too familiar, so of course they should ask him directly.

"Don't you just want to ask, did I do the job of finding someone to hack Su Wei?" Zheng Ziyang didn't plan to go out for a drink after knowing that the matter failed today.

After all, Su Wei is not an unknown person, and he is also afraid of being retaliated by Su Wei.

But when he heard the news later, he felt that there should be nothing wrong, so he asked Fa Xiao and the others to come out for a drink.

"Isn't this curious, but we absolutely believe in you, Young Master Zheng. How could it be that our Young Master Zheng did this? Someone must have slandered you, maybe it was that Su Wei." It is impossible for all the people who came to drink today to be hot. They are all Zheng Ziyang's children.

After all, most of the children in the big courtyard are very busy, so how could they come out to drink every day.

Most of the people in the box now are actually sycophants.

They don't actually have any opinion on this matter.

It's just that Zheng Ziyang still dares to come out to drink now, maybe he didn't do it.

"The news outside is correct. I did find someone to do this." This time Su Wei didn't die, and Zheng Ziyang's denial was useless.

In that case, he simply admitted it.

Anyway, with his grandfather around, it is impossible for him to be taken away by the police.

And now that so many younger brothers are here, he can't weaken his momentum.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with what Zheng Shao did. That Su Wei is a bit outrageous. We've asked him a few times, and he won't hang us." Su Wei actually came to Kyoto, and many people came to him every time.

But he is ignorant of these people.

So now those people see Su Wei being cut, they basically applaud in their hearts.

After all, Su Wei's behavior was too pretentious.

"Young Master Zheng, then you are not afraid, are you afraid that he will retaliate against you?" One of the younger brothers felt that Zheng Ziyang was too high-profile now.

After all, Su Wei is not some unknown person. He was cut off today. If it were him, he would definitely come back with revenge.

So he was very curious, what kind of confidence did Zheng Ziyang have that made him so confident.

"If I was afraid, I would still come out to drink. I have already received news that Su Wei has gone back to the capital in a desperate way." The confidence in Zheng Ziyang's heart, of course, came from his grandfather.

But he would come out to drink today, because he already knew that Su Wei had left Kyoto by plane.

This made him feel that Su Wei must be afraid of his grandfather.

Otherwise, how could he run back to the capital with his tail between his legs.

Since Su Wei knew he was afraid, of course he didn't have to hide at home.

"Su Wei, he ran away? I didn't expect him to be so courageous, but yes, even if he knew that it was Zheng Shao who you were looking for, he would not dare to retaliate if he had ten guts." Among these boys, there are still many people who know Zheng Ziyang. home background.

They heard at the time that as long as Zheng Ziyang's grandfather survived.

They still don't believe that Zheng Ziyang can be lawless in the country.

But now seeing that such an awesome character as Su Wei was hacked by someone hired in the street, he didn't even dare to retaliate.

He could only run back to the magic city in despair. It seems that those people are right, Zheng Ziyang's grandfather is really awesome.

"Young Master Zheng, you are amazing." Except for Zheng Zidan's boy and those younger brothers in the box today, the rest are all the girls who have been called.

Many of them knew Zheng Ziyang for the first time today.

But among them, many of them knew Su Wei.

Now seeing that Su Wei was hacked by Zheng Ziyang, he could only run back to the capital in despair.

Only then did they realize that this is the super second generation.

"Hahaha, a foreigner has two dollars, so I really think I'm going to die." After the people in the box knew that Su Wei ran back to the capital, they all laughed at him wantonly.

After all, Su Wei didn't give them face so much before, so it's right to laugh at him now.

And now that Zheng Ziyang is here, they laugh at Su Wei, which can make Zheng Ziyang happy.

"Come, come, Young Master Zheng, we will not return today if we are not drunk"

. . . . . .

New Zealand. Wellington Airport.

"Dad, what's the matter with you, the pick-up guy is there, let's go there." After Xu Meng got out of the airport, she saw her father's expression was a little downcast, and she didn't know what happened to her father.

At this time, I saw New Zealand, and the person who picked them up had already arrived.

When they came here this time, the whole family came here, so there were several large SUVs.

"I used to come out and knew I could go back, so I didn't feel much, but this time I came out, thinking that I might not be able to go back in the future, and I felt a little uncomfortable." Xu Jinguang is a very traditional person, and he still likes to stay in China.

In the past, when I came out, it was only for tourism or business trips, and basically I only stayed abroad for a short time.

Thinking of living here for a long time in the future, he was in a bad mood at the thought.

"Brother, think about it better. After Su Wei dies, it may not be long before his incident may be forgotten. When the rumors die down, if you move around again, we may be able to go back." Xu Jin Hui, like his elder brother, thinks that the country is better.

Although the environment abroad is good, it is really too quiet.

Their hometown in China also has a big villa. If they really like the environment abroad, they can just stay in their hometown.

It's just that there is no way now, they can only stay here.

"I hope, look at the time, I don't know if the pony has succeeded in the matter, I am afraid that the person that the fourth brother found is unreliable, and he ran away after taking 500 million." Xu Jinguang gave the old horse the money in advance , just to make him work harder.

After all, Su Wei swallowed up their family, and killing him for 500 million is still a good deal.

The only thing he was afraid of was that this old horse knew they were going to go abroad and swallowed the money.

In that case, they would have spent 500 million in vain.

"Don't worry, it's definitely fine. The fourth brother is here, just see how he communicates with the other side." Although Xu Jinhui often felt that this little brother was unreliable.

But in these matters, he never disappoints.

It's just that the fourth child has been on the phone since he got off the plane, which gave him an ominous premonition.

"Brother had an accident, that Su Wei didn't die, but the one surnamed Ma and his younger brother were all arrested." After getting off the plane, the fourth child immediately called the old horse.

I just called for a long time and found that the other party didn't answer.

At that time, he thought that the other party had run away.

It wasn't until he called his friend that he realized that Lao Ma and his men had all been arrested.

And now, they are basically all living in the hospital.

No matter how specific the situation was, his friends couldn't find out.

"They were all arrested? What about Su Wei? Is he injured?" Xu Jinguang heard that the old horse was arrested and Su Wei was not dead. His first reaction was whether Su Wei was injured.

Of course he didn't care about Su Wei, whether he was injured or not.

And I want to know if Su Wei has a disability, even if he doesn't die, at least he will be seriously injured, so his money is not wasted.

"No, Su Wei has nothing to do with him, but he was frightened. After this incident, he returned to Shanghai immediately." Many people knew that Su Wei was not injured.

Because when he appeared at the airport, he was photographed by many people.

Although he took the private passage of the airport, there are also many people on the private passage of Kyoto Airport.

"Brother, Su Wei knows that we are looking for someone to kill him, will he come back with revenge?" Xu Jinhui didn't expect that what he was most worried about would actually happen.

But the advantage of Su Wei not dying is that they may be able to return to China later.

I just don't know how long it will take for Su Wei to dissipate.

"I'm afraid of him in China, but I'm not afraid of him in New Zealand"

(End of this chapter)

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