Chapter 480
Although Canada is a large country, most of it is not suitable for human habitation.

The climate in West Vancouver is the best among these cities in Canada.

It's around 20 degrees in summer, and around zero in winter.

Unlike other cities in Canada, it is below zero for most of the year.

"Yangyang, what's the matter, I see you are in a daze in the yard." Lin Ning and Yangyang have been here in Canada for a few days.

The house that Yangyang and his family bought was a villa in West Vancouver.

This house is quite large, with an indoor area of ​​4500 square feet and a garden of 12000 square feet.

After they came, they immediately found two Chinese live-in aunts.

After all, how could they, two rich second generations, take care of the housework by themselves.

"Something happened to Su Wei. I don't know if I should give him a call." Although Yang Yang came abroad, the news from China was still there.

It’s not what it used to be. The Internet has indeed made it much easier for modern people to communicate.

This time she knew that Su Wei was attacked, and she was very nervous.

I never knew if I should give him a call.

"You can fight if you want, after all, he is the father of the child in your womb." Lin Ning didn't know Yangyang, so there was no reason to hesitate.

After all, Su Wei is the father of the child in her womb. If she wants to call, there is no hesitation.

Even if you don't talk about this relationship, it's normal for friends to care about it.

"But I'm a little scared, so I don't dare to call him." There is actually a reason why Yangyang dared not make this call.

After all, she felt that these people who appeared suddenly this time were the Yang family's backers.

She is pregnant with Su Wei's child now, but she had a close relationship with Yang Jiale before.

Yangyang was afraid that Su Wei would take it out on her if he got angry.

"Don't dare to fight? Why? You don't think these people belong to the Yang family, do you?" Lin Ning, as Yangyang's best friend, could not know what her best friend thinks.

But she knew that these people could not be the Yang family's followers.

"Well, after all, Su Wei ruined the Yang family. Uncle Yang Ye arranged for it to be a follow-up. It is very possible." Yang Ye has been in the magic capital for decades.

This time it would be so easy to catch them all, she felt that there must be something tricky.

Now that Su Wei was attacked, she immediately suspected that the dead Yang Ye was behind the scenes.

"Don't think about it, it won't be their family, because Yang Jiayu has an illegitimate child outside, and they dare not report to Su Wei." Lin Ning knew that this matter had nothing to do with the Yang family, it was because she knew about the Yang family's illegitimate child. exist.

If the Yang family dared to report to Su Wei, the child of the Yang family would not want to live.

So she knew that it was definitely not the Yang family's doing.

"Really? The Yang family still has an heir? Since that's the case, then I can rest assured.

The phone over there has been busy all the time, and I don't know what's going on with Su Wei, is he injured?" Yangyang heard that the Yang family had an illegitimate child outside.

At this time, the last trace of her guilt towards Yang Jiale finally disappeared.

Quickly find out Su Wei's phone number and call him.

I just made several phone calls and found that there has been a call there.

At first I thought it was Su Wei who set it up, so I called with Lin Ning's mobile phone, only to find out that it was the same.

"In fact, I also paid attention to Su Wei, and I also asked my brother, I just saw that you wanted to call Su Wei by yourself, but I didn't tell you that Su Wei is fine, and the group of people who killed him have already They all went to the hospital, and his subordinates beat them pretty badly." Lin Ning contacted his brother as soon as he knew about Su Wei.

After all, her brother is a policeman, and his news is much better than hers.

Then he heard his brother say that Su Weidu had already returned to Shanghai by plane.

As for those who cut people, they were all sent to the hospital.

Among the dozens of people, several were directly beaten into critical illness.

"For such people, we should beat them severely. They dare to kill people in the street. It is not an exaggeration to shoot these people." Hearing that Lin Ning said that Su Wei was fine, Yang Yang felt relieved of his worries.

Hearing that these thugs were sent to the hospital, she didn't feel that it was serious at all.

For those who worked their lives for money, she wished they would be shot.

"Yangyang, tell me the truth, do you fall in love with Su Wei?" Seeing Yangyang's reaction, Lin Ning felt that she must have fallen in love with Su Wei.

After all, if you don't care about him, it's impossible to be like this.

She cared about Su Wei, a little too much.

It has gone beyond the boundaries of friends and reached the level of lovers.

"How could it be? If he wasn't my child's father, I would definitely not care about him." After hearing Lin Ning's words, Yangyang immediately denied it.

After all, it's impossible for her to fall in love with a scum like Su Wei.

He is selfish, domineering, and super perverted, and he doesn't know how many girlfriends he has behind his back.

In addition to being rich, he is not super handsome.

"That's good. If you fall in love with him, you will be in great pain." As Yangyang's best friend, Lin Ning doesn't want Yangyang to fall in love with Su Wei.

Because Su Wei, from the looks of it, knows that he is machismo.

And he is relatively cold-blooded.

He didn't care a bit about Yangyang saying that he wanted to kill the child.

So if Yang Yang fell in love with Su Wei, she would definitely cry secretly in the future.

"Don't worry, I won't"

. . . . . .

Magic City.

"Awei, you're back. Are you okay? Let me see if you're injured." Wang Xiaoyuan knew the news of Su Wei's attack tonight.

After all, she is Su Wei's only girlfriend on the bright side.

Her friends will forward everything about Su Wei to him.

It was the same thing about the attack this time, and it was also passed on to her by her friend.

Although she called Su Wei before, she heard him say that she was fine.

But before she saw herself, she must have doubts in her heart, wondering if it was Su Wei who reported the good news but not the bad news.

"What can happen to me? I have so many bodyguards. If something happens, then the bodyguards are all food." Su Wei saw Wang Xiaoyuan touching his body, and his heart was still warm.

But this time, it was really dangerous.

Because if it wasn't for that old money's betrayal, he might really capsize in the gutter.

After all, even a Rolls-Royce couldn't bear the pressure of a large truck.

"What's the situation this time? Who found those people?" Seeing that Su Wei was fine, Wang Xiaoyuan began to get in touch with the mastermind behind the scenes.

After all, if he didn't know who the other party was, Su Wei might encounter such a thing next time.

And it's impossible for a person to be so lucky and escape every time.

"One is because he wants to marry into Fan Wenqi's house, and he thinks I'm in the way, and the other is purely mentally ill. His company was bought by someone, and he thought it was me." Su Wei was attacked this time, and he really felt I am super wronged.

Because of Zheng Ziyang, Fan Wenqi would never give him a chance.

As for Zheng Ziyang, the Fan family only planned to use him to bend Fan Wenqi.

It is impossible for him to marry into Fan's family.

As for the Xu family, it was even more ridiculous. Instead of looking for Fan Wenqi, they came to him, an irrelevant person.

This is not a typical bullying and fearing the tough, I think he is easy to bully.

"Then did you call the police? What do you plan to do in the future?" Seeing that Su Wei knew who was behind the scenes, Wang Xiaoyuan immediately asked if she had called the police.

For her, calling the police is more effective.

It's just that she got one thing wrong, that is, many people are not subject to the law.

After all, the purpose of the law is to regulate the people, not to restrict those scholar-bureaucrats.

"What to do, of course I won't let them go easily, by the way, you pack up for me, the two of us will go to Los Angeles tomorrow." Regarding this matter, of course Su Wei will fight back fiercely.

If it's just others, they can't stay in the country.

Because if he stayed in the country, after he fought back, he would [-]% be taken to be buried with him.

In this case, Su Wei can only go abroad first.

"Ah? Going to Los Angeles tomorrow? Then what about our engagement?" Wang Xiaoyuan heard that Su Wei was going to fight back, and knew that Su Wei was going to make a big move this time.

She didn't object to Su Wei's counterattack, but felt that the engagement was a pity.

If possible, she would like to transfer the engagement to the United States, or get married directly.

"The engagement can only be delayed. We'll hold it when the matter is settled." Su Wei didn't want to get engaged in the first place, so this incident helped him.

But seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan went to pack her things without talking nonsense, he felt that after this matter was over, she still had to give her an engagement.

"Okay, then I'm going to pack my things now"

. . . . . .

money pond.

"What? You want me to go abroad?" It can be said that Su Wei was attacked, except for a few of his women in school, everyone else knew about it.

Although Chen Lu's circle is small, Jiang Xuan belongs to the rich second generation circle.

She knew about the relationship between Chen Lu and Su Wei, so she told Chen Lu immediately.

In the evening, Chen Lu managed to get through the phone call of Su Wei, who knew that the moment he opened his mouth, he asked her to go abroad.

"Yes, I have encountered some trouble this time. If you are in China, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you. If you don't want to go abroad, I won't force you." Su Wei has never stopped calling since he got on the plane today.

There will be so many calls because too many people are calling.

There are a dozen of his women in total.

And those who have slept with him, and those who want to be slept by him.

Plus friends, relatives and subordinates, so he is really busy with his mobile phone today.

"You go abroad, of course I will go abroad with you, I tell you, I will follow you." Chen Lu is helpless now, she must go abroad with Su Wei.

And because her house is in Qiantang, it is not easy for her to meet Su Wei.

Now that she has gone to the United States, she may be able to meet Su Wei more easily.

"You can't be my plane to go to America this time, but I will arrange another private plane for you, and I will compensate you when I get to Los Angeles." Su Wei's plane brought Wang Xiaoyuan this time, and it is really not easy to take Chen Lu .

After all, it's one thing for them to know each other exists, but it's a bit too much for them to meet.

This time Chen Lu was asked to fly to the United States by himself, and he knew that he had wronged the other party.

So he planned to wait until the United States, and then he would make good compensation to her.

"You are so kind to me, what does it matter if you can't take your plane once in a while, by the way, will you take Li Jiawen this time? How about I go with her?" Chen Lu was very concerned about not being able to take Su Wei's private plane this time. , I was very uncomfortable at the time.

After all, why is she also Su Wei's woman, so she can't take the same plane with Su Wei.

But she also knew that this was not the time to lose her temper.

"I won't bring her, after all, you are different from her." Su Wei didn't bring Li Jiawen because it was unnecessary.

He would bring Chen Lu with him because Chen Lu had his child in her belly.

If he stayed in the country, it might become his weakness.

"Then I don't know the place where I live in the United States this time, but it's all up to you." After listening for so long, Chen Lu finally heard the good news.

That is, in Su Wei's mind, she is different from Li Jiawen.

And she was able to go to the United States with Su Wei this time, but she, Li Jiawen, could only stay in China.

"I'm your man, you don't rely on me."

. . . . . .

Magic City, Zhang Ruoyu's home.

"Yuyu, why are you back? Is your boss okay?" Zhang Rensheng was watching TV when he heard the security door open.

Turning around, he saw that it was his daughter who had returned.

This made him very strange, after all, didn't the Internet say that something happened to Su Wei.

"It's okay, what can he do?" This time Zhang Ruoyu came home to pack his things.

After all, she will soon follow Su Wei to Los Angeles.

After going this time, I don’t know when I will come back again.

It's just that I didn't expect to know about my boss, and now even my family members know about it.

"But I read in the news that your boss Su was cut off?" Zhang's mother has always regarded Su Wei as her future son-in-law.

Knowing that Su Wei had an accident this time, she read gossip everywhere on the Internet.

Many gossips are saying that Su Wei was seriously injured by someone hacking.

There are some even more outrageous ones, directly saying that Su Wei was hacked to death.

"Those news are all nonsense. Mom, these are my clothes for this trip to Kyoto. Remember to put them in the washing machine for me tomorrow." Although Zhang Ruoyu is Su Wei's secretary, her attitude towards money is a bit similar now.

But she is a little different from Su Wei, that is, her clothes will be worn repeatedly.

Su Wei doesn't want many clothes directly, even if he still wants some clothes, but after wearing those clothes once, they are basically sealed in the closet and never appear again.

"These news are always spread indiscriminately. I just called you and couldn't get through. I was so worried." Zhang Rensheng and Zhang's mother knew that something happened to their daughter's boss. They must be very anxious.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu, as an assistant, must be by Su Wei's side.

If there is nothing wrong with Su Wei, then the possibility of her being safe is very low.

Just call her phone, always on the phone.

So when the two of them were in the living room just now, they were both worried.

It is planned that if there is no news tonight, they will take the first high-speed train to Kyoto.

"I'm a little busy today, I've been on the phone. Mom, where are my new clothes?" Zhang Ruoyu immediately went to find the clothes to take to Los Angeles after putting down her luggage.

She was on the plane today, but she answered as many calls as Su Wei.

After all, many people would call her after they couldn't get through to Su Wei.

And she has her own business, which is to contact Deer Airlines to apply for a route.

"I saw that you didn't wear those clothes, so I put them away for you. Are you going out again after you come back? Why are you packing up again?" Zhang's mother took all Zhang Ruoyu's unopened new clothes. out.

Since my daughter became Su Wei's assistant, her clothes have become more and more expensive.

So she put a lot of clothes in the guest room.

"President Su is going to Los Angeles this time, and the plane is tomorrow morning, so I will definitely go with him." As Su Wei's assistant, Zhang Ruoyu knew that as long as Su Wei didn't retaliate, nothing would happen.

But since he chose revenge, she planned to accompany him.

Not to mention going to the United States, she is willing to go with her even if she is going to Africa.

"Yuyu, tell me the truth, is your boss running away? Did he offend someone he can't afford to offend this time?" Zhang Rensheng saw his daughter packing up his things, so he didn't know that Su Wei had a strong background this time.

After all, Su Wei's strength, as a person in the system, he couldn't be more clear.

If the opponent was not too strong, how could he go abroad.

"The things here are very complicated, and I won't be able to explain it clearly for a while. Don't stop me from looking for clothes." The matter between Su Wei and Zheng Ziyang, and the matter with the Xu family.

It's not just a few words, you can tell them clearly.

All she wanted to do now was pack up her luggage and rush to Gubei No. [-].

When she settles down in the United States, she will explain the cause and effect of this incident to her parents clearly.

"Look at you, you are planning to follow Su Wei all the way to the dark, so let me ask you, are you really thinking about it?" Zhang's mother saw Zhang Ruoyu's current appearance, as if she had insisted on going back then. Marrying Zhang Rensheng is the same.

The words that were supposed to be blocked, could not be uttered at all.

It's just that she wants Zhang Ruoyu not to regret it, after all, this is the path she chose.

As parents, they can only respect her choice.

"Mom, I've made up my mind. I won't leave Su Wei." Zhang Ruoyu was used to being by Su Wei's side, and she felt that she couldn't do without him.

Maybe Su Wei has many shortcomings, and many people don't like him, but no one is perfect.

As long as she likes him, all these shortcomings are not shortcomings.

"If you can't come back to China, we will go to the United States to see you"

(End of this chapter)

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