Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 481 Threats and Intransigence

Chapter 481 Threats and Intransigence

The next day.

Kyoto, west side of the Forbidden City.

"Didn't I say yesterday that Su Wei should come to see me? I can't invite him?" Fan Haichao returned home at noon and woke up Fan Wenqi who was still sleeping.

Because he told his daughter yesterday that he wanted her to call her partner Su Wei over.

But he was in the office today and got a message.

Originally, he didn't plan to come back at noon, but because of this matter, he came back again.

"Dad, Su Wei has gone back to Shanghai. After all, he was cut down in the street yesterday, so he was a little scared." Fan Wenqi called Su Wei over yesterday, but he refused to come.

And when he was on the plane, she couldn't turn the plane around, after all, the plane belonged to Su Wei.

She originally planned to wait for Su Wei to wake up this afternoon, and she was talking to him.

Who knew she was still sleeping, so she was urged to get up by her father.

"A little scared? But I heard that his bodyguards sent those social elements to the hospital, and one of them was killed." Zheng Ziyang and Su Wei's incident this time, It was really a big mess.

The main reason why it attracted so much attention was because the Fan family also participated in it.

After all, the two would fight each other, and it was rumored that Fan Wenqi was jealous of each other.

Of course, Fan Haichao was more concerned about matters related to his family.

"Those bodyguards saw that their boss was in danger, so they inevitably acted a little harder. Anyway, these people are not good people. If they are beaten to death, they should be killed." For Fan Wenqi, those people should be killed if they are killed.

After all, these people were invited by that annoying Zheng Ziyang.

If she had been there at the time, she would have come out with a gun and shot them.

Now that they were beaten to death by Su Wei's bodyguards, it can only be said that they deserve it.

"I can let him go, but he must stop pursuing Zheng Ziyang." In Fan Haichao's eyes, the lives of these people are really worthless.

If they can use their lives to make Su Wei stop pursuing this matter, then he thinks it's worth it.

It's just that Su Wei's move today confuses him a bit.

"Don't pursue it anymore? Why, Zheng Ziyang hired a murderer to kill someone, so doesn't he have to pay a price?" Fan Wenqi was upset when she heard that Zheng Ziyang didn't have to pay any price.

Although she told Su Wei at the time that Zheng Ziyang's identity was different.

But when she really heard her father say that Su Wei must forgive Zheng Ziyang, she still couldn't help complaining.

"Su Wei is fine, and you don't know who Zheng Ziyang's grandfather is. If Zheng Ziyang is pursued at this time, it will affect the health of Mr. Zheng." Fan Haichao tolerated Zheng Ziyang so much, of course, he didn't treat him as a nephew. Or a son-in-law.

It's just because Zheng Ziyang's grandfather was the person who rode a horse across the snow mountain.

If it was because Zheng Ziyang was held accountable that the old man heard the news that something had happened, then he would not be able to bear the responsibility.

So now when the old man is still alive, he can only tolerate Zheng Ziyang's various behaviors.

"Because of his grandfather's existence, Zheng Ziyang is rampant in the capital. Dad, you don't know that you would allow this kind of person to chase me and let him have the idea of ​​marrying into our family." The most incomprehensible thing Fan Wenqi , it was her father who agreed with Zheng Ziyang to chase her.

He clearly knew how unbearable Zheng Ziyang was.

Since he was a teenager, he has been eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and smoking.

Because of his grandfather, he committed many unforgivable things, and in the end they were all turned into trivial ones.

If he hadn't been used to it from the beginning, he might have been shot.

"It's not like you don't know why I asked him to chase you, and it's impossible for me to let him marry into our family." Fan Haichao didn't expect that his daughter's sexual orientation would be crooked.

After knowing this, he thought of many ways.

In the end, he would agree to Zheng Ziyang's pursuit of Fan Wenqi, and he would also hold a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"But because of this incident, he hired a murderer to kill someone. Speaking of which, it's all your responsibility." Fan Wenqi was very sorry to Su Wei for Zheng Ziyang's hiring a murderer to kill Su Wei. .

Because if she didn't pull Su Wei as a shield, he wouldn't have this incident.

Now it's okay to be hacked, and I have to be forced to accept an apology.

She thought that Su Wei's heart must be full of humiliation.

But she is not capable enough, so she can only act like a baby to her father, thinking that it is best for his father to give Su Wei a step down.

Don't say how many years Zheng Ziyang is sentenced, at least put him in the police station for a few days.

"This matter is indeed my responsibility. You call Su Wei back to the country, and then I will call Zheng Ziyang, and everyone will clarify the matter face to face." Fan Haichao wondered if he asked Zheng Ziyang to chase his daughter. wrong.

But seeing her daughter's reaction now, I feel that he may have hit the wrong target.

In this case, he wants to see Su Wei even more.

He wanted to see what kind of person he was.

It would actually let Zheng Ziyang destroy Su Wei by means of physical destruction.

"Tell him to go back to China? What do you mean? Isn't Su Wei in Shanghai now?" Fan Wenqi heard her father say that she asked Su Wei to go back to China.

Her first reaction was whether her father had made a mistake.

Although she now goes to bed earlier because of her pregnancy.

But she still remembered that the voyage that Su Wei applied for yesterday was only from Kyoto to Shanghai.

"He departed from Pudong Airport at seven o'clock this morning and flew to Los Angeles." Fan Haichao will be back at noon, that's why he knew the news.

After all, at this time point, Su Wei is going to Los Angeles, USA.

No one knows what he thinks, the best way is to find him and ask him.

Even if he refuses to tell the truth, at least he still has scruples when others are in the country.

"He went to Los Angeles? He is planning to fight Zheng Ziyang forever"

. . . . . .

"This time I will take you out of the country, we may stay abroad for a long time." Su Wei had already boarded his private jet at 7 o'clock yesterday morning.

After all, if it was later, he was afraid that it would not be so easy for him to go out.

After all, his opponent this time is not an ordinary businessman.

The opponent is so powerful, of course he can't be at the opponent's home court.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can be with you, there is no difference between foreign countries and domestic countries." This time Wang Xiaoyuan followed Su Wei to the United States, and she was under a lot of pressure in her heart.

After all, if she goes abroad this time, she doesn't know when she will be able to return to China.

But since Su Wei decided to take revenge, she, a woman, could only be obedient.

And there are actually advantages to coming abroad, that is, Su Wei doesn't have so many female resources here.

She didn't forget the miserable appearance of the three of them last time.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"I'm going to answer the phone, you wait for me.

Hey, who are you?" Su Wei's cell phone rang at this time, but the number was not displayed after checking.

And when this number called, he was very confused.

Because he remembered very clearly that his mobile phone refused to answer unfamiliar numbers.

It seems that the owner of this phone has really great energy.

"Hello, I'm Zheng Jianguo." Zheng Jianguo knew about his son yesterday, after the incident happened.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter at first.

Because in his opinion, the other party is just a businessman with a little money.

Don't say that your son didn't kill him, if he did, an apology would be enough.

"What do you want from me? Are you planning to apologize to me?" Su Wei became angry when he heard the other party's pretentious tone.

After all, he is just a second-generation trash, so why pretend to be in front of him.

If he is really capable, can he be like this?

His only son wanted to marry someone else's family.

"Apologize? You are thinking too much. I don't know what you are doing in Los Angeles this time, but I advise you, it is best not to have bad thoughts." Su Wei went to Los Angeles this time, which really touched the hearts of many people.

After all, if he stays in the country obediently, even if he does something, it won't make much noise.

But if he went abroad, it would be a ticking time bomb.

So after Zheng Jianguo heard the news, he called Su Wei immediately.

Anyone who is not stupid can hear the threat contained in this call.

"Your son hired a murderer to kill someone, but you actually told me not to have bad thoughts, you really treat yourself as someone else?" Su Wei didn't like the Zheng family at all.

It should be said that he looks down on everyone.

After all, he has seen the true gods outside, so how could he be frightened by these so-called scholar-bureaucrats.

If he was really afraid, then he must have stayed in the country obediently.

With Fan Wenqi's relationship, he will definitely not be hurt in the later stage.

"You don't have to listen, but this society is like this. Either you are right, or you have the final say." The essence of this society is that the strong occupy more resources.

This strong man has a strong body, a well-developed mind, infinite charm, and an amazing family background.

Compared with Su Wei, the Zheng family in Kyoto may not have as much money as Su Wei, but they have more social resources.

Su Wei fought against their family, and the only way was to be trampled into the soil.

"I know, so I don't plan to play with you in the country." Su Wei has been reborn for so long, how could he not know about the fact that the power was raised by Qian.

So as soon as this incident happened, he immediately ran abroad.

It's not that money is more powerful in foreign countries, but that when he comes to foreign countries, there are no so many restrictions.

After all, he was working with the Zheng family in China, and those rules only restricted him, not the other party.

"Your domestic industry adds up to tens of billions. Young people, don't be so impulsive." Zheng Jianguo became angry when he heard Su Wei say this.

After all, Su Wei is in the country, and there are tens of billions on the surface.

If he really chooses to die, then all his money will be lost.

Zheng Jianguo didn't believe that Su Wei would be willing to give up so much money.

"My life is only worth tens of billions, so you really underestimated me." Su Wei really took a big risk to join the Zheng family this time.

Because his domestic assets are tens of billions.

And he has more than 1000 billion in the bank.

If he insists on working with the Zheng family, these assets and deposits are likely to be gone.

But in Su Wei's eyes, none of these things are as important as his own life.

After saying these words, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hey Hey hey"

. . . . . .

"What's the matter, Dad? Call me here at this hour." Zheng Ziyang was sleeping soundly at home, but Wang Yu forcibly called him up.

Originally, he was planning to get angry, but Wang Yu said that his father was looking for him.

He could only look unconscious and ran to his father's office.

In fact, he already guessed why his father called him over.

After all, yesterday's incident was so big, but he also believed that his father would wipe his ass.

"Do you think you have a brain problem? Why do you have nothing to ask someone to chop up that Su Wei and talk?" Zheng Jianguo saw Zheng Ziyang's appearance, and his head started to hurt a little.

Because this son is exactly the same as when he was young.

Zheng Ziyang will become like this, he has to pay a lot of responsibility.

Because he himself is a person who is full of five poisons.

"That Su Wei is Fan Wenqi's concubine. If I don't kill him, how can I catch up with Fan Wenqi?" Zheng Ziyang didn't panic when he came here this time, because his father taught him to chase Fan Wenqi.

After all, in their family, except for his grandfather, everyone else was not doing well.

Zheng Ziyang didn't want to chase Fan Wenqi at first, after all, he didn't want to be a licking dog, and he was forced by his father to become a licking dog later.

"Is he Fan Wenqi's concubine? Really? How do you know?" The old man of the Zheng family is nearly 90 years old this year.

Zheng Jianguo is the youngest son of the old man, and he is also the most favored one.

The consequence of being favored is that he is ignorant.

Now seeing that the old man was about to survive the winter, he turned his attention to Fan Wenqi.

As long as Zheng Ziyang can catch up with Fan Wenqi, their family will at least be rich for decades.

"Fan Wenqi told me by herself, and she stayed at Su Wei's house overnight, do you think I should find someone to kill him?" Zheng Ziyang felt too sleepy, and found a marijuana cigarette from his father's office drawer. a mouthful.

After taking a few sips, he felt much more energetic.

There are many cigarettes in their family, and they were all brought over by his father from abroad.

"You are really stupid. No one can find me. In the end, I found two groups of people. It is not reliable, and I was sold by one of them. Now that Su Wei is not hacked to death, he will definitely find me. Your revenge." Seeing his son smoking marijuana, Zheng Jianguo quickly turned on the exhaust fan in the office.

Originally, it was impossible to install this thing in the office.

But he likes to smoke this, so he specially found someone to pretend it.

"This old Qian dared to betray me. I definitely won't let him go, but Su Wei and his fellow have gone back to Shanghai, how dare he seek revenge on me? Does he have the guts?" Zheng Ziyang said to Lao Qian, Definitely going to mess with him.

After all, it was because of him that Su Wei was able to escape.

Otherwise, Su Wei would have died under the wheels of the truck yesterday.

As for Su Wei's revenge, he was even less afraid.

After all, after Su Wei's incident, he ran back to Shanghai immediately, how could he have the guts to take revenge?
"He got on the plane to Los Angeles this morning, what do you think he's planning to do?" Zheng Jianguo saw his son whirling, and he also became addicted.

After taking two puffs, he was told that Su Wei had gone to Los Angeles.

"He, he is planning to take revenge on me. Dad, you must help me. You are only my son. How about I go to grandpa and ask him to help me?" Zheng Ziyang was still careless at first, after all, he felt Su Wei has lost his courage.

Now that he heard that Su Wei had gone to Los Angeles, he panicked all at once.

Because after yesterday's incident, he has been warned that it is impossible to attack Su Wei.

Su Wei still wants to go abroad when it is safe. Isn't that just making it clear that he is going to make trouble.

"Don't bother your grandpa about this matter, don't go out these days, you can go out after I get this matter settled"

(End of this chapter)

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